

Near East Side Task Force & Roadmap

November 15, 2011

5 PM, Dayton’s Bluff Community Council offices, 798 7th St E.

1. Project updates (5 min)

▪ Dayton’s Bluff Graduate Volunteer Consultants project for marketing research

2. Metro Design Center - two preliminary design alternatives presentation and discussion (45 min)

Ignacio San Martin, Sarah Weeks, and Adrienne Bockheim, Metropolitan Design Center

3. Storefront aesthetics, public art, and public realm – discussion (30 min)

Toward the creation of a design aesthetic for E. 7th Street (e.g. Buildings and storefront appearances, including signage, use of colors/materials; Public art ideas/concepts; and Public realm design, including crosswalk designs/locations, etc.)

Carol Carey, Historic Saint Paul

Monte Hilleman, Saint Paul Port Authority, on how Beacon Bluff streetscape and lighting might relate to an E. 7th Street design aesthetic

4. Proposed outline for the Near East Side Area Roadmap – discussion (15 min)

Luis Pereira, St. Paul PED

5. Review initial market data for the area – ESRI’s Community Analyst tool and neighborhood retail metrics - discussion (20 min)

Luis Pereira, maps produced by Matt Wolff, St. Paul PED

How does this data begin to inform our strategy/roadmap? Or the Make it Happen initiative?

6. Housekeeping items (5 min)

▪ Metro Design Center – next steps on Hope to Mendota study options – final presentation in January or Feb.

▪ Next Task Force meeting date in January or February 2012:

▪ Near East Side Area Roadmap draft

▪ Near East Side zoning study review

▪ Metro Design Center presentation of finalized options for E. 7th St streetscape

Possible dates: Tues, January 24 or 31? Tues, February 7 or 21?

Project website:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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