
Chapter 21: Reproductive Systems Study Guide:Introduction: (Page 461)What is the purpose of the reproductive system?____________________________________________________________________________________________Sexual Reproduction: (Page 462)Producing Offspring:_____________ _____________ requires two parent organisms, a male and female, each of which contributes half of the nuclear chromosomes needed to form the first cell of an ______________ _____________._____________ _____________ requires only one parent who produces an offspring genetically identical to itself.An advantage of sexual reproduction id that a new mixture of genes in each offspring ____________ the variety of genetic characteristics in the population. This variety of characteristics makes it more likely that in the case of environmental changes such as _______________, ____________ ____________, or ____________ ____________ _____________, there will be at least some individuals likely to survive and carry on the reproductive line.The reproductive system of each parent produces the sex or reproductive cells called ___________________ needed to form the offspring.Gametes from a female are called _______________, and gametes from a male are called _____________. These fuse during the process of __________________________.The new offspring that results from the gametes is called a __________________.Each reproductive system also produces hormones that regulate development of _____________________ ___________ __________________ that promote successful reproduction._____________________ create structural and behavioral differences in the sexes that permit adults to recognize and form sexual attractions with the opposite sex.Reproductive _____________ and other regulatory mechanisms give us the urge to have sex, which is often reinforced with the pleasant ________________ that sexual activity can produce. This sex drive promotes sexual activity that promotes success in producing ____________________.Sexual _______________ and the ability to reproduce occur at _________________.The male reproductive system consists of organs whose functions are to __________________, _____________________, and ultimately introduce sperm into the female _____________________ __________, where nuclear chromosomes from each parent can unite to form a new ______________________.Male and Female Systems:In both men and women, the organs of the reproductive system are adapted for the specific sequence of functions that permit _______________ of sperm or ova and delivery of ______________ to the female reproductive tract and ovum, then successful ________________, normal development, and birth of a baby. Production of hormones that permit development of secondary sex characteristics, such as _______________ ______________ in women and ______________ growth in men, occurs as a result of normal reproductive system activity.The male organs function to ______________, ________________ and ultimately introduce sperm into the female reproductive tract.The female system is structured to produce ______________, receive the _______________, and permit _________________.In the female, the fertilized ovum is permitted to develop until ___________________.(STOP AND DO THE QUICK CHECKS HERE!)Quick Checks: (Page 462)What are gametes? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the ultimate function of the reproductive system?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Male Reproductive System: (Page 462)Structural Plan: Reproductive Tract:The male urethra has a dual function, to serve as a passageway for _____________ and _______________.The term ___________________ tract is sometimes used in place of reproductive tract to describe this dual urinary and reproductive function.Reproductive organs can be classified as ______________ or _______________.Essential Organs:The essential organs of reproduction in men and women are called ____________________.The gonads of men consist of a pair of main sex glands called the ___________________.The testes produce the male sex cells called the _________________________ (sperm).The testes produce the hormone __________________________.Accessory Organs:The accessory organs of reproduction in men consist of:A series of passageways or ducts that carry the __________ from the testes to the exterior.Additional sex glands that provide _______________ that protect and nurture sperm.The external reproductive organs are called the ______________________ _________________.(Table 21-2) (Page 463)List the male reproductive ESSENTIAL organs:___________________________________(Left) ______________________________(Right) _____________________________List the male reproductive ACCESSORY organs:___________________________________(2) ________________________________(2) ________________________________(2) ________________________________(1) ___________________________________________________________________(2) ________________________________(2) ________________________________(1) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Testes: (Page 463)Structure and Location:The paired ____________ are the gonads of men. They are in a pouchlike __________________ which is suspended outside of the body cavity below the penis.The testes and scrotum are located in this position to provide an environment about ________-_________ cooler than normal body temperature, this is important for the normal production and survival of ________________.The __________ is shaped like an egg that has been flattened slightly from side to side. Each testis is surrounded by a tough, whitish membrane called the ______________ _____________. (This membrane covers the testicle and has inward extensions that form partitions or ____________ that divide the testis into sections or ______________.Each lobule includes a narrow but long and coiled _____________________ ___________________. These structures form the bulk of the testicular tissue mass. Small endocrine cells lay just outside the tubules and are called ____________________ _______________ of the testes that secrete the male sex hormone ______________________.The _______________________ _______________________ is a long duct with a central lumen or passageway. ________________ develop in the walls of the tubule and are then released into the __________________ and begin their journey to the exterior of the body.Testes Functions:Sperm production is called _______________________.From puberty and on, the seminiferous tubules continuously form __________________ (sperm).Although the number of sperm produced each day _________________ with increasing age, most men continue to produce significant numbers throughout life. The testes prepare for sperm production before puberty by increasing the numbers of sperm precursor (stem) cells called ____________________. These cells are located near the outer edge of each seminiferous tubule, along the inside of the basement membrane. At puberty, ________________________ increase in number by the process of miotic cell division._______________ results in the division of a “_____________” cell into two “_________________” cells, each identical to the parent and each containing a complete copy of the genetic material represented in the normal number of 46 chromosomes. The ____________________ in both male and females, functions to secrete ____________________________________________________ (_______).Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to secrete the gonadotropins _________________________________ (______), and ________________________________________ (_____).A gonadotropin is a hormone that has a stimulating effect on the gonads, the ____________ and _______________.When a boy enters puberty, circulating levels of ____________ cause spermatogonia to undergo a series of cell division to produce sperm cells.When the ________________ undergoes mitosis and cell division occurs under the influence of FSH, it produces two identical _____________________ cells. One of these cells remains as a _______________ and can continue to divide and thereby ensure continued ______________ production for the life of the individual.The other daughter cell differentiates into a type of cell called a __________ _________________. These primary spermatocytes then undergo another type of cell division characterized by ________________, which ultimately results in sperm formation.In meiosis, ________________ cell divisions occur (not one as in mitosis) and four daughter cells (not two as in mitosis) are formed from a single primary ____________________. Daughter cells are called ______________.Four spermatids only have half the genetic material in its nucleus and half of the nuclear chromosomes (_____) instead of (46) of other body cells. These spermatids develop into _________________._____________________ are found at the outer surface of the tubule, __________ and _____________ spermatocytes lie deeper in the tubule wall, and ________________ but immotile sperm are about to enter the lumen of the tube and begin their journey through the reproductive ducts to the exterior of the body.(Sperm):_______________ are among the smallest and most unusual cells in the body because they have a _____________ and they move independently somewhat like a microscopic animal.All of the _____________________ that a baby will inherit from its father at fertilization are contained in the ________________________ _________________________ found in each sperm head. However, this genetic information from the father will unite with chromosomes contained in the mother’s ________________ only if successful fertilization occurs.The forceful ejection called ____________________, of fluid containing sperm into the female vagina during sexual intercourse is only one step in the long journey that these sex cells must make before they can meet and fertilize an ovum.(Page 466)Sperm are equipped with ___________________ for motility and _____________________ to penetrate the outer membrane of the ovum when contact occurs with it.The sperm ______________contains the nucleus with its genetic material from the father. The sperm head is covered by the _____________________. This is a cap-like structure containing enzymes that enable the sperm to break down the covering of the ovum and permit entry if contact occurs. The sperm has a _______________ and an elongated _________________. _________________________ in the midpiece release ATP to provide an energy source for the tail movements required to propel the sperm and allow them to swim for relatively long distances through the female reproductive ducts. The tail of a sperm is a ____________________________, a type of cell extension.CLINICAL APPLICATION: (Page 466)When a baby is born with undescended testicles, this is called _______________.(Production of Testosterone):The testis functions as an endocrine organ and secretes the male hormone ____________________. This function is carried out by ____________ ________________ that lie just outside of the seminiferous tubules of the testis.Hypothalamic secretion of __________ causes the anterior pituitary to secrete _____________, which stimulates the interstitial cells to secrete _________________.List the general functions of Testosterone: (Page 466-467)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Testosterone is the “________________ hormone” or the “_______________ hormone”.(STOP AND DO THE QUICK CHECKS HERE!)Quick Checks: (Page 467)What is the name of the male gonad?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What specific structure of the gonad is responsible for sperm production?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What hormone is produced in the male gonad?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reproductive Ducts: (Page 467)Overview:_________ are formed within the walls of the seminiferous tubules of the ___________. When they exit from these tubules within the testis, they enter and then pass, in sequence through the _____________, ______________ ________, ________________ _______________ and the ___________________ on their journey out of the body.Epididymis:Each _______________ consists of a single and very tightly coiled tube about _____ feet long. This is a comma shaped structure that lies along the top and behind the testes inside the ___________. Sperm ____________ and _____________ their ability to move or swim as they are temporarily stored in the epididymis.Specialized __________________ cells lining the epididymis secrete nutrients for the maturing sperm and also remove substantial amounts of excess ____________ ____________, thereby concentrating the sperm cells. Vas Deferens:The ________________ _________________ or ________________ _________________, is the tube that permits sperm to exit from the epididymis and pass from the scrotal sac upward into the _____________ _____________.Each vas deferens is a thick, smooth, very muscular, and movable tube that can easily be felt or “__________” through the thing skin of the scrotal wall. It passes through the inguinal canal into the abdominal cavity as part of the _________________ ______________, a connective tissue sheath that also encloses blood vessels and nerves. Ejaculatory Duct and Urethra:Once in the abdominal cavity, the vas deferens extend over the top and down the posterior surface of the bladder, where it joins the duct from the _________________ ___________________ to form the __________________ _________________.The ejaculatory duct passes through the substance of the prostate gland and permits sperm to empty into the __________________, which eventually passes through the penis and opens to the exterior at the external _________________ __________________.Accessory Glands:The term ______________, or _________________ __________________, is used to describe the mixture of sex cells, or sperm, produced by the testes and the secretions of the accessory, or supportive ______ _________.The accessory glands contribute more than _______% of the secretions to the gelatinous fluid part of the semen, include 2 ___________________ _________________, 1 ________________ ________________, and 2 ____________________ (__________________) glands.The seminiferous tubules of the testes contribute somewhat less than ____% of the seminal fluid volume.Usually _____-______mL (1 teaspoon) of semen is ejaculated at one time, and each mL normally contains about ________ million sperm.Semen is slightly ___________________ and thus protects the sperm from the acidic environment of the female reproductive tract.Seminal Vesicles:The paired ________________ ________________ are elongated exocrine glands that join the vas deferens at the ___________________ duct.Together, the seminal vesicles contribute about ______% of the seminal fluid volume. Their secretions are often slightly ____________, _____________, and rich in the sugar ________________.The fraction of the seminal fluid helps provide a source of energy for the highly motile _____________.Prostate Gland: (Page 468)The ______________ _______________ lies just below the bladder and is shaped like a doughnut. The ______________ passes through the center of the prostate before traversing the penis to end at the external ______________ ______________.The prostate secretes a thin, milk-colored fluid that constitutes about ____% of the total seminal fluid volume. This fraction of the ejaculate helps activate the sperm and maintain their ______________.Bulbourethral Glands:Each of the two ______________ _____________ resembles a pea in size and shape and are located just below the ________________ gland and empty their secretions into the penile portion of the ____________.Because the __________________ secretion is often released just before most of the rest of the semen is ejaculated, it is sometimes called the “______________________”.The mucus-like secretions of the bulbourethral glands serve several functions. They neutralize any residue of sperm damaging __________ ___________ in the urethra. They also lubricate the urethra to protect sperm from _____________ _____________ and add to the external lubrication of the penis needed for intercourse.The bulbourethral glands contribute less than _____% of the seminal fluid volume ejaculated from the _____________.CLINICAL APPLICATION:A noncancerous condition called __________________ _________________ _____________________ (___) is a common problem in older men. The condition is characterized by an enlargement or hypertrophy of the prostate gland.Surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gland is called a _________________._______________ ________________ also causes hypertrophy of the gland and restricted or obstructed urine flow caused by malignant tumor growth.Adult men often develop inflammation of the prostate called ______________.External Genitals: (Page 468-469)The __________ and ___________ constitute the external male reproductive genitals or genitalia. The __________ is the organ that, when made stiff or erect by the filling of its spongy or erectile tissue components with _________ during sexual arousal, can enter and deposit sperm in the vagina during ________________. The penis has three separate columns of erectile tissue that lie dorsally:(1) __________________________(2) __________________________At the distal end of the shaft of the penis is the enlarged glans penis or “_________”. The external urinary meatus is the opening of the urethra at the tip of the glans.The sensitive skin of the distal end of the penis is folded doubly to form a loose-fitting retractable collar around the glands called the __________________ or _________________.If the foreskin fits too tightly around the glans, a ___________________ or surgical removal of the foreskin shortly after birth, is usually performed to prevent irritation. Although recommended by some authorities for other medical reasons such as reduction in the spread of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (_____) and other sexually transmitted infections (______) later in life, most circumcisions are ________ and are performed at the discretion of the parents for ______________ or cultural reasons.The __________ is a skin-covered pouch suspended from the groin. Internally, it is divided into two compartments by a ____________. Each compartment contains:(1) ____________________(1) ____________________(1) ____________________(1) ____________________(STOP AND DO THE QUICK CHECKS HERE!)Quick Checks: (Page 469)Which duct leads from the epididymis? ____________________________________________________________Which organs produce the fluid in semen? _________________________________________________________What is the function of erectile tissues? ____________________________________________________________What is the glans penis? ________________________________________________________________________Female Reproductive System: (Page 469)Structural Plan:The structural plan of the reproductive system in both sexes is similar in that organs are characterized as _____________ or _______________.Essential Organs:The essential organs of reproduction in women are the ___________ that are paired with the ____________.The female sex cells called ______, are produced in the ovaries.The ovaries produce the hormones _______________ and ________________.Accessory Organs:The following organs of reproduction in women consist of the following structures:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________List the female reproductive ESSENTIAL organs:___________________________________(Left) ______________________________(Right) _____________________________List the female reproductive ACCESSORY organs:___________________________________(2) ________________________________(1) ________________________________(1) ___________________________________________________________________(2) ________________________________(2) ___________________________________________________________________(1) ________________________________Ovaries:Structure and location:The paired __________ are the gonads of women. They have a ___________, uneven surface; each weighs about 3 grams and they resemble large almonds in shape and size. They are attached to ________________ in the pelvic cavity on each side of the uterus.Embedded in a connective tissue matrix just below the outer layer of each ovary in a newborn baby girl are about 1 million _______________ _______________. Each follicle contains an ______________, which is an immature female sex cell. At puberty and under the stimulation of FSH, an anterior pituitary gland hormone, a small group of follicles develop into ______________ ______________ which are surrounded by a layer of cuboidal cells, sometimes called ______________ ______________.With continued development, the layers of follicular cells around the oocyte increase in number. They start secreting hormones and are now called __________________ ________________. A fluid filled cavity called an _________ appears, and the primary follicle becomes a ___________ ___________.During the reproductive lifetime of most women, only about ______ to _______ of the primary follicles fully develop into ___________ follicles. It is the mature follicle that releases an ovum for potential fertilization in a process called _______________. Follicles that do not fully ___________ degenerate and are reabsorbed into the ovarian tissue. The mature ovarian follicle is often called a _______________ ________________. After ovulation, the rupture follicle is transformed into a hormone-secreting glandular structure called ____________ ____________, and this means “yellow body”.Ovary Functions:Oogenesis:The production of female gametes, or sex cells, is called ______________._____________ is responsible for development of ova. During the developmental phases experienced by the female sex cell from its earliest stage to just after _______________, two meiotic divisions occur. As a result of meiosis in the female sex cell, the number of chromosomes is reduced equally in each daughter cell to half the number (____) found in other body cells (46).The amount of cytoplasm is divided unequally among the daughter oocytes, this result is formation of one large ovum and small daughter cells called _____ _____ that degenerate.The _______ is one of the body’s largest cells and is uniquely structured to provide nutrients for rapid development of the embryo until it implants and is supported by the uterus. At fertilization, the final phase of meiotic cell division in the ovum completes and the last polar body is ____________.Sex cells from both parents unite, fully reestablishing the normal number of chromosomes (_____) and resulting in the formation of a new cell called a __________.Production of Estrogen and Progesterone:The second major function of the ovary is secretion of sex hormones; __________________ and _________________.Hormone production in the ovary begins at ______________ with the cyclic development and maturation of the ovum. The granulosa cells around the oocyte in the growing and mature follicle secrete _________________.The corpus luteum, which develops after ovulation, chiefly secretes _________________ but also some ________________.________________ is the sex hormone that causes the development and maintenance of the female secondary sex characteristics and stimulates growth of epithelial cells lining the uterus. List the actions of estrogen below:1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ is produced by the corpus luteum, which is a glandular structure that develops from a follicle that has just released an ovum. If stimulated by the appropriate anterior pituitary hormone, the ______________ ____________________ produces progesterone for about _____ days after ovulation.__________________ stimulates _______________ and ________________ of the epithelial lining of the uterus and acts with estrogen to initiate the menstrual cycle in girls ending puberty.(STOP AND DO THE QUICK CHECKS HERE!)Quick Checks: (Page 472)What is the name of the female gonads? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Where are the female gonads located? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is oogenesis? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which hormones are produced by the female gonads? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reproductive Ducts: (Page 472)Overview:Both sets of ducts lead from each of the paired gonads, then join into a single passage that leads out of the body. Second, both male and female ducts carry ____________ away from the gonads.Humans are placental ____________, the female reproductive ducts also have central roles in receiving sperm from the male, ______________, and prenatal development.Uterine Tubes:The two ___________ ___________ also called fallopian tubes or ___________, serve as ducts for the ovaries, even though they are not attached to them. The outer end of each fallopian tube terminates in an expanded, funnel-shaped structure that has fringe-like projections called ___________ along its edge. This part of the tube curves over the top of each ovary and opens into the abdominal cavity. The inner end of each uterine tube opens into the cavity in the _____________. Each tube is about _____ inches long.After ovulation the discharged ovum briefly enters the ______________ _______________ and then enters the uterine tube assisted by the wavelike movement of the fimbriae and the beating of the _________ on their surface. After it is in the tube, the ovum begins its journey to the ___________. Some ova never find their way into the oviduct and remain in the abdominal cavity where they are ______________.The mucosal lining of the uterine tubes is directly continuous with the lining of the abdominal cavity on one end and with the lining of the _______________ and the ______________.Infections of the vagina such as _____________ may pass into the abdominal cavity, where they may become life-threatening.Uterus:The _________________ is a relatively small organ, only about the size of a pear. It is extremely strong.The uterus is almost all smooth muscle or _______________, with only a small cavity inside.During pregnancy, the uterus ________________ many times larger so that it becomes big enough to hold a _____________ and a considerable amount of __________________.The uterus is composed of two parts; an upper portion called the _______________ and a lower portion called the ________________.Just above the level where the tubes attach to the body of the uterus, it rounds out to form a bulging prominence called the _________________.Except during pregnancy, the uterus lies in the pelvic cavity just behind the _______________ _______________. By the end of pregnancy, it becomes large enough to extend up into the ________________ _______________. It then pushes the _______________ against the underside of the ___________________.The uterus functions in 3 processes:1. _________________________2. _________________________3. _________________________The corpus luteum stops secreting progesterone and decreases its secretion of _____________about ________ days after ovulation. About _____ days later, when the progesterone and estrogen concentrations in the blood are at their lowest, _______________ starts. Small pieces of the ___________, pull loose, leaving torn blood vessels underneath. __________ and bits of __________ trickle out of the uterus into the vagina and out of the body.Immediately after menstruation the endometrium starts to repair itself and it grows thick and becomes lavishly supplied with blood in preparation for ____________.If fertilization does not take place, the uterus again sheds the lining made ready for pregnancy that did not occur.Because these changes in the uterine lining continue to repeat themselves, they are referred to as the _____________ ________________.If ______________________ occurs, pregnancy begins and the endometrium remains intact.Menstruation first occurs at ________, often around the age of 11 or 12 years old. The cycle repeats every _____ days or 13 times in a year for some 30-40 year-olds before it ceases at ________________. (Around 50 YO).Vagina:The vagina is a distensible tube that is about _____ inches long and made mainly of smooth muscle and lined with mucous membrane. It lies in the pelvic cavity between the urinary bladder and the __________. As the part of the female reproductive tract that opens to the exterior, the vagina is the organ that ________ enter during their journey to meet an ovum, and it is also the organ from which a ________ emerges to meet its new world.CLINICAL APPLICATION: (Page 473)The term _________ _________ is used to describe a pregnancy resulting from the implantation of a fertilized ovum in any location other that the uterus.Most ectopic pregnancies involve implantation in the uterine tube and are therefore called _______ ________.CLINICAL APPLICATION: (Page 473)The word ________________ is the surgical removal of the uterus. If the total uterus including the cervix is removed, the term _____________ _____________ or ______________ is used. If the cervical portion of the uterus is left in place and only the body of the organ is removed, the term ________________ ________________ is appropriate.The term ____________________ is used to describe removal of the ovaries.Accessory Glands:Vestibular Glands: Two pairs of _____________ ______________ lie imbedded in tissue to the left and right of the vaginal outlet and release mucous fluid into the vestibule of the __________.One pair of these small glands are called the __________________ _________________ ____________________.One pair is called the ________________ _________________ ___________________.The GVG are also called ___________________ _________________.The LVG are sometimes called _________________ __________________ or the __________________ _______________.Mucous from the GVG and LVG may contribute to ________________ during sexual intercourse.The bacteria that causes _________________ are often hard to eliminate once they infect a vestibular gland.CLINICAL APPLICATION: (Page 474)___________________ _____________________ ____________________ (PID) is a common disorder that is characterized by ________ ________, fever and vaginal discharge. This occurs as either an acute or a chronic inflammatory condition that can be caused by several different types of _______________. Organisms that cause a number of STIs, especially ________________, continue as a common cause of PID.Breast Tissue:The ______________ lie over the pectoral muscles and are attached to them by ______________ ______________ _________________ or Cooper Ligaments. Breast size is determined more by the amount of _________ tissue around the glandular tissue than by the amount of glandular tissue itself.Each breast consists of ____ to _____ divisions or lobes that are arranged radically. Each lobe consists of several lobules, and each lobule consists of milk-secreting glandular cells. Milk secreting cells are arranged in grapelike clusters of small chambers called _______________.Small ______________ ______________ drain the alveoli and converge toward the nipple like spokes of a wheel. Each lactiferous duct widens into a _______________ _______________ just before reaching the nipple.The colored surface around the nipple is called the ________________. It contains many tiny bumps called ______________ ______________. Areolar glands secrete skin ________ that condition the skin while nursing.The areola has a network of smooth muscles that contract to cause the nipple to become ______________.Cancerous cells from breast tumors often spread to other areas of the body through the ________________ system.(STOP AND DO THE QUICK CHECKS HERE!)Quick Checks: (Page 475)1. What is another name for the uterine tubes?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What three major functions does the uterus perform?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What substance is conducted through lactiferous ducts?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. How are the ducts of the male and female reproductive tract similar and how do they differ?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________External Genitals:The external genitalia of women consist of several structures collectively called the ___________.List the external genitalia of women below.1. ___________________2. ___________________3. ___________________4. ___________________5. ___________________6. ___________________7. ___________________ 8. ___________________The ___________ ___________ is a skin-covered pad of fat tissue over they symphysis pubis. __________ ____________ appears here._______________ _____________ mean “large lips”._______________ _____________ mean “small lips.”The space between the labia minora is the ___________________.The glans or head of the ___________ is composed of erectile tissue that is similar to that found on the penis. It is located behind the anterior junction of the labia minora.Situated between the glans clitoris and the vaginal opening is the _______________ ________________.The vaginal orifice is bordered by a thin fold of mucous membrane called the __________.The ducts of the vestibular glands open on either side of the vaginal ____________, medial to the labia minora. The term _________________ is used to describe the area between the vaginal opening and the anus.The perineum is sometimes cut, a procedure called an ________________ to prevent tearing of tissue during childbirth.Menstrual Cycle:Overview:The ______________ _____________ consists of many changes in the uterus, ovaries, vagina and breast and in the anterior pituitary gland’s secretion of hormones. The first indication of changes comes with the first _______________ ______________.The first menses or menstrual flow is referred to as _________________.A typical menstrual cycle covers a period of about _______ days. Phases: (Page 476)Each cycle consists of ________ phases, the ______________, ________________ phase and the _______________ phase.The __________________ is the period of 4 or 5 days characterized by menstrual bleeding. The __________________ phase begins after the menstrual flow ends and lasts until ovulation. During this period the follicles mature, the uterine lining _________________, and estrogen secretion increases to its highest level.The ____________________ phase of the menstrual cycle begins at ovulation and lasts until the next menses begins. The uterine lining reaches its greatest ______________ and the ovary secretes its highest levels of progesterone.HEALTH AND WELL-BEING:Failure to have a menstrual cycle is called _________________.Ovulation:During the 30-40 years that a woman has periods, only ______ ovum matures each month.Some months, _____ ovum matures. Ovulation occurs _______ days before the next menses begins. In a 28-day cycle, this means that ovulation occurs around day ______.The time of ovulation has great practical importance because the possibly of ________________, the fusion of a sperm and egg can occur only during a short period of time during each menstrual cycle. Although a few “_________” sperm may remain viable for up to _____ days, most sperm retain their fertilizing power for 24-72 hours after being deposited into the female reproductive tract following ejaculation. The oocyte remains viable and capable of being fertilized for only about ____ to ____ hours after ovulation. A woman’s fertile period only lasts a few days each month, about _____ to _____ days before and no later than 24 hours after ovulation.Control of the Menstrual Cycle: (Page 476-478)The ________________ _______________ _______________ plays a critical role in regulating the cyclic changes that characterize the functions of the female reproductive system. Secretion of ___________ from the hypothalamus stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to secrete both _____ and ______. From day 1 to about day 7 of the menstrual cycle, GnRH selectively stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to secrete increasing amounts of ______. A high blood concentration of ______ stimulates several immature ovarian follicles to start growing and secreting estrogen._______ causes maturing of a follicle and its ovum, ovulation and luteinization. Ovulation cannot occur if the blood level of FSH stays _____, because a ______ concentration of this hormone is essential to stimulation of ovarian follicle growth and maturation. With a ______ level of FSH, no follicles start to grow and therefore none become ripe enough to ovulate.Ovulation is caused by the combines actions of ______ and ______. Birth control pills that contain _____________ substances suppress _______ secretion. This prevents ovulation.What causes menstruation? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Summary of the Reproductive Systems:The reproductive systems in both sexes revolve around the production of _______________ cells.(STOP AND DO THE QUICK CHECKS HERE!)Quick Checks: (Page 478)1. Which female structure is made of erectile tissue?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What is another term for menses?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Which hormone reaches a high peak just before ovulation?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SCIENCE APPLICATIONS:A ____________________ is a physician specializing in women’s health.FILL OUT TABLE 21-3 BELOW:Analogous Features of the Reproductive Systems:Features:Female:Male: ................

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