AP Psychology

AP Psychology


The History and Scope of Psychology

Psychology’s Roots

Psychology’s Big Issues

Psychology’s Perspectives

Key Themes and Terms

Psychology’s Major Themes/“Big” or “Grand” Issues

Nature vs. Nurture

Stability vs. Change

Rationality vs. Irrationality

Psychology’s Current Perspectives

Major Themes/“Grand Issues”

Nature vs. Nurture

Is behavior innate or learned?

Stability vs. Change

How stable is personality over time?

Rationality vs. Irrationality

How logical are our behaviors and thoughts?

“Schools” of Psychology

Perspectives about human nature

role of nature and nurture

Assumptions about the roots of behavior

Psychology’s Current Perspectives

Psychological Perspectives

Biopsychology/ Psychobiology

behavior is rooted in biology





(Behavior genetics)


-role of inherited traits developed by evolutionary adaptations


Behavior is acquired by modeling and imitation/impact of cultural values and norms.


Behavior is learned through conditioning.


Motivation is positive.

Psychological Perspectives


-Behavior is based on thinking/information processing.

Subfields of Psychology

Clinical psychology

Causes and treatment of mental disorders

Counseling psychology

Solving personal problems

Experimental psychology

Studies psych. processes (perception, learning and motivation)

Industrial psychology

Behavior in organizations and work

Biopsychology, psychobiology

Biological bases of behavior

Social psychology

Social interaction and cultural influences


Unit 1

1. To introduce psychology as a discipline and to trace its historical roots.

2. To identify psychology’s most important issues.

3. To describe the different perspectives from which psychologists examine behavior and mental processes as well as its most important subfields.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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