
Test ReviewBible 12 – 1st Quarter Worldview UnitWorldview3 IllustrationsPresupposition Conscious vs. Unconscious List the 6 Worldviews 2 Main Ways to Evaluate a Worldview (consistent and verifiable) ScripturesMatch the Reference with the Passage 2nd Timothy 4:132 Corinthians 10:5Colossians 2:8Romans 8:16Mark 10:30-31Overview Unit ChristianitySummative StatementMetanarrative of Christianity – Description of 10 aspectsCreationFallJesus-Centered ResponseMission of All DisciplesEternal Realm - Divine Aseity- Creation Ex Nihilo- Imago Dei- History of Sin- Definition of Sin- Sinful Nature of All Persons- Prevalence of Sin- Consequences of Sin- Gospel- Proto-Evangelium- Anticipatory Typology- Incarnation- Substitutionary Atonement- Justification- Resurrection- Ascension and Exaltation- Second Coming - Conversion- Sanctification- Essence of Church- Function of Church- Mission of Church- Fate of Believers- Fate of Unbelievers- New Heavens and New Earth General Revelation vs. Special RevelationIslamSummative StatementShariah LawJihadIslam = submissionUmmah (nation) = community of Islamic believersBirth of Mohammed – 570 ADBirthplace of Mohammed – MeccaKaabaHijra – Mohammed fled to Medina Shiite vs. Sunni – Biggest Disagreement on the Caliph (successor) Shirk 5 Pillars of Islam: Confession (“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet), prayer (5X a day facing Mecca), fasting (Ramadan), 2.5% giving, and Pilgrimage (to Mecca)Secular Humanism Summative Statement Saeculum - this Latin phrase means “span of time.”Atheism – Belief in no godMaterialism – Belief that only the material realm existsSources – Humanist Manifestos MarxismSummative StatementFacts about Karl MarxMarx (assisted by Engels) – Author of Communist Manifesto Five most communistic countriesEconomic DeterminismDialectical MaterialismProletariat MoralityCosmic Humanism (New Spirituality) Summative StatementPantheismTranscendentalism Law of AttractionSource = Inner Self Postmodernism Summative StatementBeliefs (be familiar with this section in notes)Deconstructionism ................

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