Chapter 4 Review GuideName: World History Hour: Ms. YeagerDirections: In addition to reading and studying your notes, please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Describe each of the following roles in the Japanese Feudal society: Emperor – Shogun – Daimyo – Samurai – Peasants – Why is it that both Japan and China had an era of isolationism? What broke the eras of isolationism? How did Japan’s location protect them from invasion? What was the original purpose of the Great Wall of China? Explain why it is that when food sources increased, so does population:Discuss how the status of women changed greatly during the Song Dynasty: What were some accomplishments of the Sui Dynasty? Explain how the Tang Dynasty worked to make the selection of government officials more equitable. What was put into place to make this happen? Explain how/why trade increased during the Tang Dynasty: What was the Mandate of Heaven? How did that apply to the Dynasties of China? What were the two most influential Postclassical developments/inventions in China? How are the words Islam and Muslim different? People who follow a ________________________________ religion worship one God. Who is believed to be Allah’s final prophet? What book is believed to be Allah’s final word? Why would Muslims study the Torah and the Bible in addition to their holy book? Explain the 5 Pillars of Islam as discussed in your text: What was the disagreement about between Sunni and Shiites when Muhammad died? A period of great cultural and artistic accomplishment describes what age? Write a summary about the Bantu language/culture and its influence in Africa: West African Empires made their wealth off of what two products and resources? What made Ghana a prosperous nation? Describe the fall of Ghana and discuss what lead to this nation’s fall: What about Mali’s location made it a successful nation? Who was Mansa Musa? What was he known for? Define the following terms: Devout – Pilgrimage – Entourage – Lavishly – Tactician – ................

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