
MONDAY(Black)Advisor: Silent Read AR Books; CNN Student News; Homework**8th Grade bus leaves at 1:45 for HS - practice for concert from 2-3 p.m. 8th graders go to AA after return from HS.8th Reading: Bell Ringer – (20 minutes) Reading Plus/ Lesson – Review Chapters 6-10 Quizzer; Introduce Chapters 14-16 (Pages 108-129) of The Giver & questions/vocabulary - read chapters together & class discussions/Shared Practice – Discussion of Chapters 14-16 as seat partners/Independent Practice – Reread Chapters 14-16 of The Giver and do Questions/Vocabulary (Due Wednesday); Reading Plus (Due Sunday)/Closure – (Last 5 minutes of class) Share one thing from the book that you have read so far that surprised you and why with your seat partner.Objectives – Analyze symbols in a work of fiction; Analyze elements of a story; Demonstrate understanding of a Utopian Society; Demonstrate understanding of vocabulary as it is used in the context of a bookTUESDAY(Orange)Advisor: Silent Read AR Books; CNN Student News; HomeworkBlock 1 - moves to Mrs. Temme’s Room due to SB Testing (using the iPads)7th Computer: Do Now – (5 minutes) “What suggestions would you give to another person starting his/her animated movie with PowerPoint?”/Lesson – Question of the Day: “What was originally Nintendo?” (Nintendo was a trading card company.) Review Animation Power Point Movie Project - everybody open your animated PowerPoint - you will be sharing your PowerPoint Movie with 2 other groups/individuals; Work on Animation Power Points/Shared Practice – Share journals, question of the day, and Animated Movies/Assignment (Independent Practice) – journal and question of the day; Animation Power Point Movie Project/Closure – (last 5 minutes of class) Write down 3 items that an animated power point needs to include.Objectives/Standards: Demonstrate the use of creating animation with Power Point using stop motion.WEDNESDAY(Black)Advisor: Silent Read AR Books; CNN Student News; Homework**8th Grade bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. to go to HS for Registration. They will return at 10:30 - have only Blocks 1, 2, & 3.8th Reading: Bell Ringer – (20 minutes) Reading Plus/ Lesson – Review Chapters 14-16 (Pages 108-129) of The Giver; Review Questions and Vocabulary for Chapters 14-16; Review for Quizzer for Chapters 11-16 as a Class/Shared Practice – Discussion of Chapters 14-16 as seat partners/Independent Practice – Study for Quizzer for Chapters 11-16 of The Giver (Due Friday); Reading Plus (Due Sunday)/Closure – (Last 5 minutes of class) What is one question that is coming up in regards to this book that you have?Objectives – Analyze symbols in a work of fiction; Analyze elements of a story; Demonstrate understanding of a Utopian Society; Demonstrate understanding of vocabulary as it is used in the context of a bookTHURSDAYAdvisor: Silent Read AR Books; CNN Student News; Homework8:20-9:20 7th & 8th Pops Concert rehearsal at HSBlock 1 - moves to Mrs. Temme’s Room due to SB Testing (using the iPads)7th Computer: Do Now – (5 minutes) “What is one thing you think you have in your movie that is different from everyone else’s?”/Lesson – Question of the Day: “What is the rain like on Jupiter and Saturn?” (It rains diamonds.) Review Animation Power Point Movie Project - today the teacher will look at each PowerPoint and give feedback; Work on Animation Power Points/Shared Practice – Share journals, question of the day, and Animated Movies/Assignment (Independent Practice) – journal and question of the day; Animation Power Point Movie Project/Closure – (last 5 minutes of class) What is one thing you will change up in your animated movie for the final cut?Objectives/Standards: Demonstrate the use of creating animation with Power Point using stop motion.FRIDAY*TAS Breakfast at 7:30 a.m.Advisor: Silent Read AR Books; CNN Student News; HomeworkLibrary Schedule: Block 1 - 9:00-9:30 Block 2 - 11:00-11:30 Block 3 - 12:30-1:008th Reading: Bell Ringer – None due to Library/ Lesson – Library; Introduction to Quizzer for Chapters 11-16 - students will take the Quizzer during class; Reading Plus (complete up for the week) - if finished, read a library book/Shared Practice – None today/Independent Practice – Chapters 11-16 Quizzer (Due Today); Reading Plus (Due Sunday)/Closure – (Last 5 minutes of class) What do you think will happen next in the book? Why?Objectives – Analyze symbols in a work of fiction; Analyze elements of a story; Demonstrate understanding of a Utopian Society; Demonstrate understanding of vocabulary as it is used in the context of a book


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