
4803775-72644000Clerical - Support Performance EvaluationThis evaluation is a: (Check one)Self Evaluation?Supervisor?Final Evaluation?Period of Evaluation: May 2020 – April 2021Employee Name:Click or tap here to enter text.Employee ID Number:Click or tap here to enter text.Position Title:Click or tap here to enter text.Department:Click or tap here to enter text.Below are the definitions for the performance criteria used to evaluate administrative/professional-level employees. Each criterion is briefly defined in broad terms, followed by definitions for five (5) performance levels: Unsatisfactory, Needs Improvement, Fully Competent, Superior and Outstanding. When evaluating performance, compare actual performance to the definitions that are provided and rank the performance level on the 5-point scale. A section for comments is provided at the end of each assessment category. Instructions: Please indicate the performance-level rating for each category by entering the numeric value in the box to the right of your selected rating. Only whole numbers between 1 and 5 are acceptable. To calculate the value for the "Total of Ratings" field, add all individual category scores together. To calculate the value for the "Overall Rating" field, divide the "Total of Ratings" figure by the number of individual categories. (The “Overall Rating” field allows for a decimal number.) If an employee's overall score is less than 3.0, the supervisor must initiate a performance improvement plan. Category Rating ScaleOutstanding (O)Rating: 5Outstanding performance of a level rarely achieved by others. Assignments and responsibilities are accomplished at the highest levels of performance.Superior (S)Rating: 4Consistently meets or exceeds job requirements with above average quality and quantity. Assignments and responsibilities are accomplished in a highly effective manner with only general guidance.Fully Competent (FC)Rating: 3Performance expected of the experienced employee. Performs all aspects of the job requirements. Assignments and responsibilities are accomplished effectively with a minimum amount of supervision and direction.Needs Improvement (NI)Rating: 2Occasionally meets job requirements but normally performs less than expected. Assignments and responsibilities meet or exceed the basic minimum performance but are not more than just satisfactory. Requires above normal supervision.Unsatisfactory (U)Rating: 1Does not meet job requirements. Performance well below standard and not acceptable. Requires continual close supervision and direction. Producing inadequate results that require immediate improvement.Performance CategoriesCommunications – Demonstrates oral and written communication skills that are consistent with the requirements of the position. Encourages open exchange of ideas and opinions with others. Is effective in communicating at all levels of the organization. Performance LevelsNeeds ImprovementFully CompetentOutstandingOften misunderstood. Insensitive to listener’s needs and level of knowledge. Tends to alienate others.Effectively communicates, both verbally and in writing, with others. Is open and receptive to others’ communications needs. Provides timely and appropriate municates in a clear and concise manner. Timely, minimizes surprises. Regularly practices two-way communications to ensure understanding. Demonstrates excellent writing skills.Performance RatingU (1) FORMTEXT ?NI (2) FORMTEXT ?FC (3) FORMTEXT ?S (4) FORMTEXT ?O (5) FORMTEXT ?Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.Cooperation, Teamwork, Interpersonal Relations – Willingly and effectively works with others. Encourages and supports co-workers. Collaborates with others to resolve conflicts and reach joint decisions. Sensitive to the needs of all constituents. Encourages an open exchange of ideas and opinions – is inclusive.Performance LevelsNeeds ImprovementFully CompetentOutstandingConsistently chooses to work without engaging others when needed. Frequently is involved in conflict with others.Recognized as a team player. Is open to others. Willingly helps out when needed. Rarely is in conflict with others.Initiates cooperation/team participation. Solicits others’ input and seeks ways to work with and help others. Always sensitive to others’ needs. Takes the lead in resolving conflicts.Performance RatingU (1) FORMTEXT ?NI (2) FORMTEXT ?FC (3) FORMTEXT ?S (4) FORMTEXT ?O (5) FORMTEXT ?Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.Customer Service – Is intentional about understanding and serving the needs of others, students and customers. Fosters cooperative relations with all constituents; inside and outside the department and the College.Performance LevelsNeeds ImprovementFully CompetentOutstandingImpatient and insensitive with others. Abrupt in dealing with questions. Deflects questions, referring them to others before understanding the need.Is quick to respond to customers, whether internal or external. Recognizes the importance of customer satisfaction to College goodwill.Anticipates customers’ needs and asks what else might be done to please the customer. Seeks to understand what customers “need” as well as what they “want”.Performance RatingU (1) FORMTEXT ?NI (2) FORMTEXT ?FC (3) FORMTEXT ?S (4) FORMTEXT ?O (5) FORMTEXT ?Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.Dependability – Demonstrates a consistent pattern of satisfactory attendance. Accepts and completes work responsibilities as expected.Performance LevelsNeeds ImprovementFully CompetentOutstandingAttendance record is unpredictable. Is frequently late or incomplete with assignments. Others frequently have to help out to complete work and meet deadlines.Meets standards for attendance. Work is generally on time and meets expectations. Can be counted on to be available when needed and to have assignments completed in excellent form. Puts forth extra effort to meet needs.Performance RatingU (1) FORMTEXT ?NI (2) FORMTEXT ?FC (3) FORMTEXT ?S (4) FORMTEXT ?O (5) FORMTEXT ?Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.Flexibility – Adapts to changing work demands and priorities in a positive and supportive manner. Learns and/or assumes new tasks. Accepts change and can integrate new knowledge and skills. Performance LevelsNeeds ImprovementFully CompetentOutstandingResists change. Tends to dwell on reasons not to change rather than considering how to adapt. Unwilling to change work hours to meet College needs.Maintains a healthy degree of caution regarding change; seeks some assurances before embracing new approaches. Actively supports decisions to change. Adapts well. Actively seeks ways to make change easier and/or participates in developing change. Looks for more efficient ways to perform work assignments.Performance RatingU (1) FORMTEXT ?NI (2) FORMTEXT ?FC (3) FORMTEXT ?S (4) FORMTEXT ?O (5) FORMTEXT ?Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.Initiative/Creativity – Self-motivated and works well with minimal direction. Looks for ways to improve methods/procedures. Willing to try new things. Recognizes when to seek input from others.Performance LevelsNeeds ImprovementFully CompetentOutstandingDoes only what is required/assigned; just enough to get by. Needs close supervision to stay productive and to follow pletes routine work without supervision and performs other related tasks as needed. Accepts change easily. Always willing to ask for additional direction or guidance rather than being idle.Needs very little direction, even on new tasks. Understands the broader perspective. Takes action to enhance personal contribution and improve methods.Performance RatingU (1) FORMTEXT ?NI (2) FORMTEXT ?FC (3) FORMTEXT ?S (4) FORMTEXT ?O (5) FORMTEXT ?Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.Job Knowledge – Possesses and utilizes knowledge of his/her field of specialty in the performance of assigned duties. Seeks out new information relevant to field of specialty. Possesses knowledge of College policies and procedures.Performance LevelsNeeds ImprovementFully CompetentOutstandingDemonstrates only cursory level of job knowledge. Content to operate within familiar knowledge base. Resists efforts to stay abreast with new trends or learn policies and procedures.Pursues avenues and participates in professional development. Applies new knowledge on the job.Attends appropriate training and/or professional development and engages in additional independent study to increase breadth and depth of knowledge-base. Brings new methods and procedure ideas to the department/campus from independent inquiry and/or research.Performance RatingU (1) FORMTEXT ?NI (2) FORMTEXT ?FC (3) FORMTEXT ?S (4) FORMTEXT ?O (5) FORMTEXT ?Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.Productivity/Quality – Completes work assignments and meets deadlines. Utilizes time and resources effectively. Eagerly applies efficiency-improving methods/procedures. Effectively handles multi-tasking situations.Performance LevelsNeeds ImprovementFully CompetentOutstandingDoes not exhibit a sense of urgency. Frequently fails to meet deadlines. Seems content with the status quo. Work quality does not meet expectations. Misuses resources.Stays focused on the work. Meets deadlines. Produces what is expected with quality. Is sensitive to working and utilizing resources efficiently.Handles a high level of demands and meets commitments with high quality work. Effectively utilizes time and resources.Performance RatingU (1) FORMTEXT ?NI (2) FORMTEXT ?FC (3) FORMTEXT ?S (4) FORMTEXT ?O (5) FORMTEXT ?Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.Quality of Work – Sets high work standards and consistently achieves satisfactory (or better) results relative to accuracy, neatness, timeliness, professionalism, thoroughness, and usefulness. Achieves acceptable volume of work in relationship to reasonable expectations, availability of resources, etc.Performance LevelsNeeds ImprovementFully CompetentOutstandingWork that is performed is often incomplete, poorly presented, and/or error-prone.The work that is produced is fully acceptable and meets expectations.The work that is produced consistently exceeds requirements. It is thorough and well-presented.Performance RatingU (1) FORMTEXT ?NI (2) FORMTEXT ?FC (3) FORMTEXT ?S (4) FORMTEXT ?O (5) FORMTEXT ?Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.Performance Against Established Objectives (refer to last review): Click or tap here to enter text.Employee’s Performance Strengths: Click or tap here to enter text.Employee’s Performance Needs: Click or tap here to enter text.Employee’s Comments Regarding Evaluation: Click or tap here to enter text.Manager’s/Supervisor’s Comments Regarding Evaluation: Click or tap here to enter text.Measurable Objectives (S.M.A.R.T.) for Next Period: Click or tap here to enter text.S.M.A.R.T ObjectivesExamples: Attend "Cost of Quality" program by August; Reduce absenteeism from 7 days to 2 days during the next year; Implement cost reduction measures to save $$$ during the fiscal year.~ Specific~ Measureable~ Achievable~ Related to others~ Time-BoundOverall Performance RatingDefinitions4.6 – 5.0Outstanding - Outstanding performance of a level rarely achieved by others. Assignments and responsibilities are accomplished at the highest levels of performance.4.0 - 4.5Superior - Consistently meets or exceeds job requirements with above average quality and quantity. Assignments and responsibilities are accomplished in a highly effective manner with only general guidance.3.0 – 3.9Fully Competent - Performance expected of the experienced employee. Performs all aspects of the job requirements. Assignments and responsibilities are accomplished effectively with a minimum amount of supervision and direction.2.0 – 2.9Needs Improvement - Occasionally meets job requirements but normally performs less than expected. Assignments and responsibilities meet or exceed the basic minimum performance but are not more than just satisfactory. Requires above normal supervision.< 1.9Unsatisfactory - Does not meet job requirements. Performance well below standard and not acceptable. Requires continual close supervision and direction. Producing inadequate results that require immediate improvement.Total of Ratings: FORMTEXT ?????Overall Rating: FORMTEXT ?????Signatures/Date:To the employee: Your signature below indicates that you have had the opportunity to discuss this evaluation with your supervisor. Your signature does not indicate that you agree with the evaluation. Employees are encouraged to voice their comments in the space provided. If additional space is needed, you may provide a separate document to your supervisor within fourteen (14) days of your evaluation. Your evaluation and any additional comments will be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources.________________________________________________Employee SignatureDate________________________________________________Supervisor SignatureDate________________________________________________Department Head SignatureDate________________________________________________Vice President SignatureDate ................

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