The Five Themes of Geography

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Global 9/Period: Five Themes Notes

The Five Themes of Geography

By the end of this video I will be able to:

• Identify how the Five Themes can be applied to real world situations.

What is Geography?


Theme 1: Location


Relative Location-

Absolute Location-

Lines of Latitude



Creates a Northern & a Southern hemisphere

Lines of Longitude


Prime Meridian-

Runs through Grenwich, England

Creates an Eastern & a Western hemisphere

Want an easy way to remember??


Theme 2: Place


Physical characteristics-

Human characteristics-

Theme 3: Interaction Between People and Their Environment

Wherever people live, they change their environment

What are some examples of people changing their environment?

What types of problems have human changes caused?

People Can Adapt


What are some examples of people adapting to their environment?

Theme 4: Movement

Movement of people, goods & ideas

Cultural Diffusion-



Early people traveled to find food

People immigrate to other countries to find better opportunities, escape war or poverty


Different areas of the world have different resources that other areas may not



Along with goods, ideas may also spread

Example: The Silk Road or the use of the TV and Internet

Led to increased interdependence


Theme 5: Region


Physical characteristics may include landforms, climate, etc.

Example: Rain Forests of Brazil, Adirondack Region

Cultural, political or economic characteristics may include religion, language, or types of economies and governments

The Muslim World, The Communist Bloc

A little trick…

Examples of How Geography Affects Humans


|Population Density |Japan is mostly mountainous. |Flat coastlines are very crowded. |

|Natural Barriers |China is surrounded by mtns, bodies of water, etc. |Isolation; Early people called themselves the |

| | |“Middle Kingdom”. |

|Economics/ Natural Resources |The Middle East has an abundance of oil. |Many ME countries are very wealthy; others have been|

| | |involved in wars. |

|Access to Water |Early people needed access to water for drinking and|Early civilizations developed on rivers (ex. Egypt, |

| |farming. |Mesopotamia). |


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