
Part A: Verb Forms, Subject-Verb Agreement, Passive and Active Voice, Pronoun Antecedent Agreement– 60 marks Part A: You may write in this booklet. You could also type these up on a separate sheet.Part B: You must type these sentences up on a separate sheet and include the required heading.EXERCISE 1 – Verb Forms (15 marks)In the space provided, write the correct verb form for the word in brackets in each of the sentences below.____________________1. Several of his friends (come) over yesterday.____________________2. Have you (see) the film before?____________________3. Our e-mail manual was (write) by Mrs. Edwards.____________________4. Have you (speak) with the supervisor yet?____________________5. All employees should have (go) to the lecture.Underline the verb errors you find and then write the correction in the space provided.____________________1. Because of technical advances, the world has shrank.____________________2. Maureen set a record when she swum the Channel.____________________ 3. Omar and Ross have went to the lecture today. _____________________4. His car was stole over the weekend._____________________5. Is that the dog that has bit two passersby? Circle the correct word in the bracket.Mr. Gibson told the dog to (lay, lie) down.Please (rise, raise) the windows to let in fresh air.We’ll never finish if Roland (sits, sets) there all day.Mark has (brang, brought) his bike to the shop.Every day at 2 p.m., Arnie (lies, lays) down to rest.EXERCISE 2 – Subject-Verb Agreement (10 marks)Circle the correct verb in the bracket in each of the sentences belowEveryone except Jan and two other workers (is, are) parking in the company lot.The copy machine in our department (need, needs) servicing.(Has, Have) the title page and reference page been completed yet?A description of the property, along with several other legal documents (was, were) filed with my lawyer.Here (is, are) the full list of names and addresses.Kerry, McClellan, and Horn, a legal firm in Halifax (specializes, specialize) in corporate law.Considerable time and money (was, were) spent on the final product.A task force of four men and five women (is, are) to be appointed.Abstracts and affidavits (is, are) the principal work in this office.Any one of the shareholders (has, have) the right to delegate his or her proxy.EXERCISE 3 – Active and Passive Voice (10 marks)In the space provide, write A if the sentence is active and P if it is passive. Then change the active sentences to passive and the passive to active._____1.The sandwich was eaten quickly by Derrick._____2. Gerry and Ed drive the car along the sandy beach._____3.The spotted cat hissed at the young girls._____4.The young girls read the book aloud._____5.The stepping stool was knocked over by the racing animals. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________EXERCISE 4 – Pronoun Antecedent Agreement (15 marks)Circle the correct word in the brackets to complete the following sentences. When a student completes the course (his, her or his or her) grade is recorded immediately.In addition to other family members, each winner was sent tickets for (his, her, its, his or her, their) personal use.The visiting scientist and our resident engineer both had (his, her, his or her, their) problems finding the lecture hall.Workers in the four plans asked that (his, her, his or her, their) working conditions be improved.A judge often feels that (he, she, he or she, they) should review the charges for the jury.Lisa, one of the clerks in the front office, asked that (their, her) vacation be changed.In that area of the school (you, students) aren’t allowed to assemble.Unless careful, an employee might not get all the retirement benefits to which (he is, she is, he or she is, they are) entitled.Mr. Tomkins and Mr. Regan were not eager to have (his, their) complaints discussed openly.The firm will use the funds to reduce (his or her, its, their) debt.Underline any errors and write the correction in the space provided. If the sentence is correct, write the letter C in the space. Our president told each member of their voting rights._______________Have you decided whom the winner is?_______________Their Fitness Committee held their meeting today._______________Neither the father nor his sons wanted their shares sold._______________Did someone say that their test copy was illegible?_______________EXERCISE 5 - PROOFREADING – (10 marks)Underline any errors and then write the correction in the space above the error for each of the sentences below. If the sentence is correct, write C beside the number.Fees for visits to a doctors office have rose steadily over the decade.Although some policys allow you to chose any doctor, the plan selected for us office workers offers less freedom.Berts dirt bike looks as if it has been drove through a mud puddle.The vice-president has swore that no one would work harder than him to meet the deadline.Although I told James dog to lay down, it jumped up and knocked me over.Sentence Writing– 25/50 marks For Graduate Students only: Write five simple 5 word sentences that include the following parts of speech: subject, verb, one adjective, one adverb, one object of a verb. You may also include noun markers as needed. Identify each part of speech (see example below). For Academic Students only: Write five creative 10 word sentences that include the necessary parts of speech for a sentence. Also include noun markers (if required), adjectives, adverbs and objects. After you finish each sentence, make a list below it and identify each the parts of speech represented by each of the 10 words you used. ................

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