

August 22nd, 2019

Membership Development Month


Dr. David Coupland

NRGH Transition Plan

New Member Induction Troy deJong


August 24th - 7-10 Community Breakfast

August 26th - Youth Exchange BBQ

August 29th - Chris Beaton

Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre

DUTY ROSTER – August 29th

Greeters : Devenish/Bergin Cash: Williams

Sgt-Arms: McFadden Invocation: Slowski

Introductions: Youssef Foundation: Williams

Rotary Minute: Stromar



|Joining in fellowship to support growth and development in |

|education and health for those less fortunate in our local and |

|international |

|Communities. |


Guests for breakfast were Dr. David Coupland & Dr Bill Ayach – NRGH, Kylee Power, pharmacist – Central Drugs, Dr. Margaret Mauren-Fazio and Nanaimo Downtown Club Rotary member Donna Hais.


August 24th marks the 28th wedding anniversary for Dale & Geri.


Don Cohn’s surgery is done. This means lots of TLC from Shirley and no golf for a few weeks.


Barry extended a warm Rotary welcome to everyone on a lovely sunny morning.

Barry knew – Sadly, August 22nd, 1955 marked the beginning of the conflict in Vietnam.

Recently, the Club was recognized for our Shelter Box contributions.


$ 115 contributed to the Rotary Foundation. Many thanks! David Elgie was the lucky holder of the draw.

Please note, all contributions will go the Annual Fund unless you direct Barry otherwise.



This morning we inducted Troy deJong. Troy is new to Nanaimo and works as a security advisor with Price’s Alarms. Troy has joined us at the 7-10 community breakfasts and he is looking forward to being part of our Lantzville Minetown Day booth.

Thank-you Troy, and welcome to Rotary.


This morning - very few tales, kudo’s, etc. Happy

$ from Dale. He and Geri had a great time on their trip home to Saskatchewan. Something in the Saskatchewan water – both he and Doug S. commented on their long lived healthy family members. Tomorrow, Tessa is off to England to help Mom on moving day. Joy reminded people about the Saturday Cobble Hill Fair. Harry is looking forward to his Friday-Sunday VIEX activities. Lucky ticket winner was Dave Elgie.

Not so lucky, the joker was ‘not’. Next week, the pot is $ 350.


September 7th - Lantzville Mine Town Day

September 11th - TEDx Speaker – Port Theatre

Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva

Contact person, Don Tamelin


Sheila took the opportunity to give us a primer on Rotary International (RI) organizational structure.

Internationally, there are 1.2 million Rotarians in 220 countries in 35,000+ clubs, grouped into 535 districts and further organized into 34 regional zones. The Rotary Club of Lantzville is Club #25,521 in District #5020 which is in Zone 27.

District governors are nominated by clubs. They serve a one year term; leading a team of assistant governors and district committees, who support and strengthen clubs, plan the district conference and other special events.

Rotary’s world headquarters is in Evanston, Illinois in a building called One Rotary Centre.

For a term of one year RI is led by a president and a board of directors. There are 34 directors, elected annually by the clubs at the RI convention for 2 year terms. The Board sets policies that aim to help clubs thrive.

The RI president-elect appoints the board of trustees for four year terms. The trustees manage the business of The Rotary Foundation.


• Be generous in your praise and support of others.

• See life positively. Every problem is an opportunity for those with eyes to see.

• Learn to think creatively. Solutions live in your imagination.

• Never hold a grudge. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.

• Value the magic in each other.

• Be grateful for your gifts, your country, and for those you love.

• There is no growth without pain. Birds always sing after the rain.

• Remember to look for the ‘Diamonds’ in every day.



Speaking on behalf of the Nanaimo Medical Staff Association (MSA), Dr. Coupland presented information about their vision in transitioning NRGH to provide more tertiary level care. A 5 year transition plan was developed by Island Health and local stakeholders in 2017. The why is all about population and demographics. The Central and North Island (CI) population is more than 422,000. The South Island population is 413,460. CI has the oldest population in Canada; patient needs are increasingly more complex with NRGH being the busiest ER on the Island. The identified priority needs are gastroenterology, cardiology, pediatric mental health services and cancer treatment. There is also an urgent need for a new Patient Care Tower. In recent years, healthcare services in CI have not kept pace with medical demand and population growth. “It’s Nanaimo’s turn!” is the message we, the community are being asked to support.

Dr. Coupland is a radiologist at NRGH. Adding to his presentation with cardiac care information was Dr. Ayach. Donna Hais, a very passionate community leader, gave her take on the urgency and significance of what needs to be done now.

Editor note – If you wish to receive speaker slides and the ask letter to the Premier, send me an email.


Our club has completed over 25 years of service to our local communities on Vancouver Island. Over that time we have built parks, playgrounds and other community facilities. We have contributed to the large public facilities that make life in our community better and we have embraced the larger community outside our national borders by taking on projects in Africa, Mexico and the Philippines.

However, I am most proud of the work which we have done on smaller projects for needy individuals. Our members have been quick to step forth when people needed a little help to overcome some of life’s hurdles. We have reached out to people in medical emergencies, listened to young readers, purchased running shoes for children in need and provided drivers for people unable to supply their own transportation.

Our club is a hands-on club which has planted flowers, cleaned gardens, painted fences and decorated child care space. We have cooked hamburgers, hot dogs and pancakes; made breakfast, hidden Easter eggs and gathered food for the needy.

Through all of these projects we have maintained a sense of fun and enjoyment. Our club has developed a camaraderie through these work projects that is always evident in our meetings.

Members of the Rotary Club of Lantzville are committed to providing service to our community, but to have fun while doing it.

Over the coming year we will continue to put “Service before self” as we work to make our community a better place. While doing so, we will reach out to others to form new partnerships and to attract new members. Perhaps you will be able to help us in some way with our work!

If you get a chance to join us for breakfast, please do so. We are always happy to have guests, whether members of other Rotary Clubs or interested individuals. In fact, be careful. When you see how much fun we have you might decide to join our club![pic][pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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