Interview Questions

Job Interview

This assignment allows students to practice their interview skills. It includes three components:

• Preparation for an Interview

• Carrying out of a Mock Interview

• Follow-up of the Mock Interview

Each component will be assessed and evaluated by the teacher.

Preparation for the Interview

In preparing for an interview you should consider the following:

• Collect information about the company

• Find out what you can about the position

• Prepare for the interview questions

• Prepare your references

• Prepare what you will take with you

• Prepare your schedule for arrival, parking, etc.

• Prepare what you are going to wear

• Practice your introduction

For this assignment you need to:

• Find a job that you want to apply for and provide the teacher with the information about the position and the company

• Practice your introduction

• Prepare for the interview questions (most of the questions in the interview will come from those the enclosed worksheet)

• Prepare a reference list

Carrying out the Interview

When being interviewed you should consider the following:

• Make a solid entrance / greet the person/people

• Listen carefully and answer carefully

• Keep focused on how you can add value to the company

• Ask questions (be an active participant in the interview)

• Make a solid finish (thank the person/people for interviewing you)

For this assignment you will need to:

• Consider how you begin and finish the interview

• How you answer each question

• Your attitude and confidence during the interview

Follow-up to the Interview

Many people may think that once they have been interviewed, they can now sit back and wait to hear from the employer. In fact, there are some things you should consider doing:

• Consider writing a quick thank you note (optional)

• Learn from the experience: reflect on what went well and what did not

For this assignment, you need to:

• Complete the post-interview reflection (no thank you notes please!)

Interview Questions

There are many different questions that may be asked during an interview. It is good for you to consider the type of general questions that may be asked, as well as the questions specific to the position that may be asked. Be prepared, but do not memorize your answers to questions. Here are a few general questions for you to consider. Fill in this worksheet in preparation for your mock interview.

1. Tell me about you!



2. What do you know about our company?



3. Why do you want to work for us?



4. What would you do for us? What can you do for us that someone else can't?




5. What do you consider to be your greatest strength? What do you consider to be your greatest weakness?




6. Why should we hire you?



7. What do you look for in a job?



8. Please give me your definition of a .... (the position for which you are being interviewed).




9. How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?




10. Is there anything else you would like to share with us or any questions you have for





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