
|(1) Evaluating Internet Resources: Most of what is posted on the Internet has never been subjected to the rigors of peer review |

|common with many traditional publications. Students must learn to evaluate the reliability of information of the websites they |

|visit. |

| |

|Select two websites that provide information about a topic related to your curriculum. Cite the URLs and names of both sites and |

|explain which is more reliable using evaluation criteria. |



The first screen capture is a review of The Great Gatsby from Time Magazine. Granted, all media comes with a bias, but Time is a very well respected editorial magazine with decades of history behind it. There are advertisers who pay to have their ads in the magazine and on their website as seen in the capture, so there are people who depend upon the legitimacy of their content. On the other hand, the second screen capture shows customer reviews of The Great Gatsby. Anyone can write in their opinions of the book. Names, places, and other information can be completely false, so there is no way of knowing who is writing the review. This would be an example of an unreliable source then, for there is no accountability for the reviews written.

|(2) Research with Electronic References: Since we live in the Information Age, it is particularly important that teachers are able |

|to access and evaluate information to prepare accurate, up-to-date lessons, and to teach their students the principles of |

|electronic research. In this activity you will examine a variety of electronic references in your quest to acquire information for |

|lessons or other professional activities. |

| |

|Identify two topics to research using electronic references (broadcast news, almanacs, quotations, etc.). Research the first topic |

|using at least one resource from each of five categories of electronic resources. Repeat the process with the second topic, using |

|references from five additional categories. Include the URL, name of the resource, key information acquired, and a screen capture |

|from each resource. (See examples of research ideas). |

|Identify the special features (e.g. hypertext linking of terms, Boolean search capabilities, archival search, knowledge tree, |

|downloadable movies, online audio transcripts, animations, translations, reference lists, printer-friendly output, multimedia |

|links, PDA or bookreader download, visible directory structure, etc.) of each of the reference tools you have used. |

|List criteria for determining the authenticity of information on a website. |

|Compare and contrast electronic references with their traditional paper counterparts. Discuss at least ten tasks or features that |

|are possible with electronic resources that are not possible with traditional paper resources. |

|Develop a lesson plan that incorporates electronic references. Your lesson plan should require students to use two or more |

|electronic references to address a specific curricular objective. |





This web site has unbelievable resources to teach Shakespeare in the classroom. One of the best ones is the ability to add to the web site. There is a link for 60 second Shakespearean performances done by schools from around the globe. Students can create their own performances and add them to the library.

2) Perry – Castaneda Map Collection



This map web site allowed me to research truly amazing historical maps. I can easily now show my students locals of Shakespearean plays from throughout history. Macbeth takes place in Scotland over 1000 years ago, so to have maps of that time and place is a great teaching aid.

3) Bartleby .com



What this website allows one to do is to cross reference names and characters throughout most of written English history. I can see when Shakespeare or Shakespearean characters are mentioned in important speeches, and I can use that to help make connections with my students. The screen capture above has the name Shakespeare in a speech about free trade and protection in literature in 1857. The other screen shot shows President Roosevelt discussing what he enjoys reading, and some Shakespearean titles came up.

4) Wikipedia


With Wikipedia, I can have actually add text to what I see. Because it is an unedited encyclopedia, I can have students add to what they see. With the BBC website, I could not change the information I was reading, I could only add to some fun links that people would have to be specifically looking for. On Wikipedia, I can add to the greater knowledge for everyone to see with minimal searching.

4) NPR – National Public Radio


With NPR, I can find search for Shakespeare, and when it’s found, I can listen to the program. Anything dealing with Shakespeare will be easy to listen to. This site also has podcasts for easy downloads so I can stay up to date with any topic I would like.

Edgar Allen POE!!!!!


1) Bibliomania


Bibliomania, while not as extensive as I would have liked, does have one nice part to it. A user can discuss with other people through threaded discussions. Since a select few number of individuals would come to this site for discussion, the ideas will probably be stronger and more interesting than at other more popular sites. The one above shows a conversation dealing with Poe’s influence on detective fiction today.

2) The U.S. Census Bureau



With this website, I am allowed to compare US information throughout the years. When teaching Poe, I can look at how America was and compare it to today. We can get a better feel for what his impact on his culture was. Also, there is a glossary index to help with terminology that many people may not understand. That is something I have not seen on the other websites.

3) Washington Post


Through the Washington Post, a local news source, I was able to do some more research on Edgar Allen Poe. He lived and died around Baltimore, so I knew there would be articles on him from a news source with some history. The Washington Post has a great archival section that goes back into the 1800’s – perfect for Poe research. The only problem is that those articles must be purchased to be read. However, if I needed or wanted some contemporary information about Poe, that would be a perfect place.



I can receive articles from today and relate them to Poe if I can. By typing in Poe’s name, I can came up with this article which could certainly be used in creating a modern Poe story. I can also watch free video that relates to the story, and I can email the story to whomever may be interested in it – my students perhaps.

5) The Library of Congress




This website is maybe the best one I have come across. The Library of Congress has a tremendous database of material that can be accessed very easily. I was very pleased to see a section for teachers, and I was able to find pictures of Edgar Allen Poe’s house with a simple search. Having his original manuscripts is also very interesting and easily accessible.

Now, using electronic resources can be quite easy, but one must figure out if the information is accurate and authentic. The best way to make sure you are getting strong and worthwhile information is to go to a reputable source. The sources listed above, for the most part, are extremely reliable based upon their name and their history. The Library of Congress carries a lot of weight behind it when I am searching for American artifacts. The British Library and the BBC do the same when I want Shakespearean information. If the name is unknown to you, but you want to use what you find, it is best to see if there is a name attached to the article or other data you see. If a person attaches his or her name, then chances are he or she is proud of what is up there, and the research is accurate. Also, if there is an editor of the information, then chances are the material has been checked for accuracy, so the overriding company does not lose any prestige.

While doing actual research in a library can be interesting because you can hold the actual artifacts in your hand, electronic research has completely changed our methodology. A few reasons why electronic references are stronger than their paper counterparts are because…

1) You can more easily compare and contrast multiple documents at once. Many websites actually have the task built into them.

2) They are easier to locate. All you need is a few keywords, and the artifact is brought to your computer instead of you spending time locating it in the microfiche section.

3) You do not have to check anything out of the library. The information is there for you at home.

4) Documents will not get lost, stolen, or damaged this way as well because we are looking at copies.

5) Everyone now has access to information world wide. I can see what is in the French national library with a few clicks.

6) People with disabilities can now access all the information they need. Computers can now read things and make images brighter and bigger than the original documents.

7) All types of information are accessible now – recordings and videos are easy to hear and see too.

8) Everything is becoming more and more streamlined through the electronic organization. While one library may not have an item you are looking for forcing you to drive to another one, all a library needs now is a few computers. The size of the database a library has can be tremendous, but it can be stored very easily.

9) It is easy to keep track of all records now. By copying websites and URLs, one can easily relocate what was found before. Following other people’s work is now much easier too because of this.

10) Creating documents from the research is now much simpler too. Creating your own website with the information you want on it in a personalized manner is something still very new. I can now share my information with whomever I want, and people can find my information if they want to. Everyone can now make themselves open for the rest of the world to come and find.

For Grade 11, the standard I enjoy hitting is…

3.2 Analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on life, using textual evidence to support the claim.

Creating lesson plan where students must use two of types of electronic references to hit this standard is right up my alley.

I will have the students read the section in The Great Gatsby where the killing of Myrtle Wilson by Daisy Buchanan occurs. Myrtle is run over by a car, and that is the fourth car accident in the story. There is a tremendous amount of evidence in this novel showing how F. Scott Fitzgerald believes the car to be an extremely powerful tool that can bring enjoyment but also great tragedy.

Their task will be to look at all the car accidents in the story and come to a conclusion about the reason why Fitzgerald penned them in. They will also have to research…

1) Car accident statistics of the 1920’s

2) Other notable figures of the time speaking about the rise of automobiles and what they had to say

3) A radio or video presentation of the rise of the automobiles that is found on the internet

4) Fitzgerald’s own views of automobiles through his own quotes

I will give them a week to do the research, and then the students will be put into groups of 2 or 3 students where they will create Power Point Presentations of their findings to the class. Of course, they must cite all of their sources.

|(3) Educational Research: Teachers should be familiar with research related to the teaching of their discipline. The Educational |

|Research Database (ERIC) provides access to abstracts from numerous educational publications, and is the best place to start when |

|conducting educational research. |

| |

|Find two or more abstracts of recent, relevant articles related to the use of technology in the teaching of your subject. Summarize|

|implications for the teaching of your subject. Cite the articles using APA format., and include the text of the abstracts. |

1) Title:

Updating the Research Paper


For more than 30 years, Staples High School (Westport, Connecticut) juniors have undertaken a major research paper. Their English teachers supervise this project-based unit and get feedback about the preparation students feel they have gotten in research and in writing. Students used to be taught to use notebooks, paper, pencil, and index cards for research and to transfer their material to a word processing program for the writing of the paper. The project is evergreen, but the research methods and materials have become outdated.

The author is stating that the methods for conducting and writing the formal research papers that we have all come to love have been outdated by technology, and it is about time that we update them. Spreadsheets, databases, using power points, and outlining with notes and annotations must be used to incorporate current methodology. This will also keep students interacting with their topic through modern ways. The computer and the internet are not excuses for lazy research any more. They are a means that must be exercised if quality research is to be done by today’s students.

Wiepold, Learner. (2004). Updating the Research Paper. Learning and Leading with Technology, v32 n4 p30-33 Dec-Jan 2004-2005.

2) Title:

Crossing Boundaries: Multimedia Technology and Pedagogical Innovation in a High School Class


Focuses on an innovative program in a Quebec high school that involves project-based teaching in networked classroom equipped with laptop computers. One English-as--a Second-Language language arts and two French content teachers' use of computer technology is discussed in relation to their conceptualizations of teaching and the way in which the pedagogical innovations featured in this program were supported by the broader social context. (Author/VWL)

Parks, Susan; Huot Diane; Hamers, Josiane; H.-Lemonnier, France. (2003). Language Learning &Technology. V7 n1 p28-45 Jan 2003.

|(4) Online Academic Journals: A growing number of academic journals are available online, some of which are free, and others of |

|which require a subscription. |

| |

|Find an electronic journal related to your subject and include a screen capture of a relevant article. Briefly summarize the |

|article. |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|This article is taken from |

| |

|This journal, called English Journal, is the connecting journal to the NCTE. One must have a subscription to see the articles, but |

|the website had this article for all to view. In this article, Alfie Kohn, suggests that rubrics are in fact pulling us away from |

|authentic grading. He believes that presenting rubrics to a faculty takes away subjectivity. If we all learn to give a ‘4’ to the |

|same thing, then the only thing the teachers have been taught is to leave their own ideas behind them. Also, if we give the |

|students the rubrics ahead of time, then their only goals will be to satisfy the rubric – again learning is secondary. Rubrics |

|can then take away creativity for the students. If they have everything spelled out for them, then what is the point of the |

|assignment? This article hits home. I tend to give many assignments with enough direction to get the students going, but I dislike|

|giving detailed directions. I like to see where the students will take their essays or their projects. |

| |

| |

|Administrators should be familiar with the legal code as it pertains to education. Research a legal case relevant to education in |

|secondary schools and include a screen capture from this case. Briefly summarize the case. *PTP-tip The PTP requires that |

|"Candidates for a Teaching Credential understand and honor legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy, health, and |

|safety of students, families, and other school professionals. They are aware of and act in accordance with ethical considerations |

|and they model ethical behaviors for students. Candidates understand and honor all laws relating to professional misconduct and |

|moral fitness." You may wish to cite relevant laws or cases as an aspect of an artifact for TPE 12. |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|A high school student was suspended in Kansas City for speaking Spanish in the halls during a bathroom break. A teacher overheard |

|him and sent him to the principal where he was suspended. The father fought back and asked for written documentation where it says |

|speaking another language besides English is illegal. Of course, no such document exists, and the student suspension was |

|overturned. The father is now suing the district for a rights violation. The group English First based in Virginia has some strong|

|feelings against the father. |

|It is unbelievable to think how a school could suspend someone for speaking Spanish. The high school I teach at is over 50% |

|Hispanic. We would have very few students if this case is upheld. Obviously, the educators in this Kansas City school are quite |

|ignorant to what is going on in the rest of the country. Spanish is strong language in America, for so many students in urban |

|centers, and it will spread from there. But, also, how can we tell students their language is not valid? How can I teach English |

|to Spanish Speaking students and expect to have any credibility with them if I tell them their language is illegal? We must use the|

|students’ abilities and build on them if their education is to be sound. |

|(5) Locating multimedia teaching resources: At many libraries, teachers can obtain cards which give them special privileges as |

|educators, including the ability to check our more resources and keep them longer. Teachers can check out books, CDs, DVDs and and |

|videos. |

| |

|Find a video related to the teaching of your course in the Los Angeles Public Library System (or other public library system), CSUN|

|main library, or the CSUN Teacher Curriculum Center. Describe the video resource and its call number, and if possible, find a |

|teacher study guide for the video by performing an Internet search. |

F. Scott Fitzgerald: Winter Dreams is a 2001 Video production detailing the life and times of this great author. This looks much better than the older versions of such information. The library web site also has a preview of the video.

The call number is VID 813 F553Fs-1


I unfortunately could not find a teacher guide for this video.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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