
Section 1: basic datADetails of the applicants A consortium consists of applicants and consortium partners. The term ‘applicants’ refers to those requesting funding in this call, i.e. the researchers in the consortium (principal and co-applicant(s)). Please note, contact details are not requested in the tables below and should be updated in the ISAAC system.Principal applicantName, title(s)male / femaleDate of PhDdd/mm/yyyyPositionEnd contractUniversity/InstituteDepartmentSectionCo-applicant (If there is more than one co-applicant, please copy and paste this section)Name, title(s)male / femaleDate of PhDdd/mm/yyyyPosition University/Institute DepartmentSectionTitle of the proposalPlease give a short and specific title for the research for which you are requesting funding. This should be the same as the title entered in the ISAAC system. Participating Infrastructure ManagersA minimum of three NGinfra partners should support the proposal. Please upload their letters of commitment separately to ISAAC as a PDF document. Details per consortium partner are requested in section 2.Please indicate which of the following infrastructures managers are supporting the proposal. Alliander Other (copy this box if several):… Port of Rotterdam Rijkswaterstaat ProRail Schiphol VitensSummary of the proposed research(word count:______)Please provide a 250-word summary, in English, of the proposed research including max. five keywords. This should be the same as the summary and key words of the full proposal entered into ISAAC.Public summary(EN word count:______ NL word count:______ )Please give a public summary of max. 50 words. If the grant application is successful, the public summary will be used in publicity for the grants awarded.English:Dutch:Discipline code(s)Please see for the list of NWO research fields.Main disciplineOther discipline(s)** If applicable. Please add extra lines if more space is required. Section 2: Description of the Consortium Consortium partnersThe persons and organisations named in questions 1 (applicants) and 3 (consortium partners) constitute the consortium. Please specify the involvement of the consortium partners in the proposed project in the table(s) below.Partner 1OrganisationContact Personmale / femaleJob TitleExpertiseRole within the projectPartner 2OrganisationContact Personmale / femaleJob TitleExpertiseRole within the projectPartner 3OrganisationContact Personmale / femaleJob TitleExpertiseRole within the projectQuality and previous experience of the applicant and the consortium(word count:____)Please describe the scientific applicants’ achievements (past performance): scientific performance, results of prior subsidies, the applicants’ backgrounds, demonstrated for example by previous assessments, types of recognition and grants, track record in co-operating with non-scientific partners, etc. (250 words max. per person/partner)List of key publicationsPlease provide the principal applicant’s and co-applicant’s relevant key publications. (25 max. in total)Quality and previous experience consortium(word count:______)Please describe the consortium partners’ (i.e. partners other than the main- and co-applicants) past performance: previous experience in cooperating with research partners and/or consortia, previous experience regarding innovation, etc. (250 words max. per person/partner)Management of the consortium(word count:____)Please provide a description of the consortium’s envisaged management structure. Include the roles and responsibilities of the partners and their involvement during the research period. (250 words max.)Section 3: Research proposalDescription of the proposed project(word count:______)Please provide an overall description of the research project. Make sure all assessment criteria mentioned in section 4.2 are met. (5000 words max. including footnotes, figures, tables and captions)Duration of the projectThe total duration of the project must be at least three years and not more than five years. Granted projects have to start within 6 months of granting.Envisaged start date:Envisaged end date:Timetable Please provide a Gantt Chart with deliverables over the grant period (also intermediate results should be listed).Literature referencessection 4: FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILSFor the financial budget use the provided Excel budget template (see finance page) and upload this as a separate document to your application in ISAAC.Justification for the requested budget(word count:______)Please provide a statement explaining the reasons for the budget table. (250 words max.)Other grant applicationsIf one of the applicants has submitted a similar proposal to another funding source, please provide the requested information in the table below. Please add a new table for each proposal.Title of proposal:Applicant(s):Funding agency / budget applied for:Date of submission / date of decision:Statements by the principal applicantYES/NOThe obligatory support letters have been added as separate PDF-documents to this application in ISAAC.YES/NOI have informed the host institution on this application and the institution has agreed to provide all necessary support if this project is funded.YES/NOI understand that personal information is shared by NWO with external experts for assessment purposes and with NGinfra. YES/NOI have completed this form truthfully.Name: Place: Date: The deadline for the submission of proposals is 27 May 2021, 14:00:00 CE(S)T.Please submit the application to NWO in electronic form (PDF format is required!) via the online application system ISAAC. The application must be submitted from the principal applicant’s account. For technical questions about the use of ISAAC please contact the ISAAC helpdesk on +31 (0)20 346 71 79 or isaac.helpdesk@nwo.nl ................

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