Topic II Earth Dimensions

Topic II Earth Dimensions Name _____________________

I. The Structure of Earth: The outer portion of Earth is generally classified into three major parts

1. __________________: The rock near Earth’s surface, which forms a continuous shell around Earth. Much of the lithosphere is covered by a layer of __________________ or loose rock.

a. Thickness- Varies from about _____ to _____ kilometers

b. Composition- ___________________ and ___________________ are the

two most common elements within the minerals that compose the lithosphere.

c. Density- Approximately ____________________.

2. _________________: The liquid layer of the Earth - consists of the oceans, lakes, rivers, and water in the ground

Approximately ____________ of Earth’s surface is covered by water.

a. Thickness- The oceans extend to an average depth of _____ to _____ km.

b. Composition-___________________ and ___________________

c. Density - ________________________

3. _________________: The shell of gas that surrounds the earth.

Divided into 4 distinct layers based on ______________________________:

1)___________________________, 2)_____________________________

3) __________________________, 4)_____________________________.

a. Thickness- The atmosphere extends several _____________ km into space.

b. Composition- Composed primarily of two gases: ______________________, and


c. Density- Extremely____________

II. The Shape of Earth

A. Models of Earth:

The Earth appears to be a perfect __________________ when observed from space or scaled down to a model, such as a classroom globe. Drawn to scale it appears as a ball.

B. Actual Shape of Earth

Earth Measurements:

Diameter (km) Circumference (km)

Polar _____________ ________________

Equatorial _____________ ________________

The actual shape of Earth is an ____________________________________,

slightly flattened at the _____________________, and bulging at the


C. Evidence of Earth’s Round Shape:

1) _________________ of Earth taken from outer space

2) Ships appear to _______________ off in the distance

3) _________________ positions of the __________ and ____________,

especially the North Star (Polaris), as we travel north or south over great

distances on Earth.

III. Locating Positions on Earth

1. Coordinate Systems: A system of lines forming a ______________ on the

earth’s surface; a pair of _______________ (latitude & longitude) is used to

locate positions on earth.


Find the following positions and label them on the map:

1) 30◦S, 100◦W

2) 60◦N, 120◦ E

3) 0◦, 140◦ E

4) 75◦ N, 40◦ W

Record the latitude of positions A – D

X) _________________ Z) ___________________

Y) _________________ D) ___________________

IV. Measuring Latitude

Latitude(______________________)-Angular distance in degrees

____________________ or ________________________ of the equator.


Polaris-Also called the _____________________________. Any location north of

the equator has a ______________________ ____________________ to the

________________ of Polaris above the horizon.

Location X: latitude = ______



Cool Joe’s latitude=______

43o North

V. Measuring Longitude

Longitude(_______________________)-Angular distance in degrees _____________________ or _______________________ of the prime meridian.

The Prime Meridian is a main reference line going through Greenwich, England.


Longitude can be determined by comparing your local clock time with the clock time along the Prime Meridian. This is because the direction and rate of rotation create 24 Time Zones.

Earth Rotates ____________ to _____________.

There are 24 time zones around the world because of Earth’s rate of rotation. The earth rotates ___________ in ________________________ at a rate of ______________

Time Zones-For every _____________of longitude traveled, time increases by _________ traveling ___________________, and ________________________by 1 hour traveling ______________________________.

West = Less (Prime Meridian) East = Increase

VI. Fields

Definition-A _______________ of ___________________ in which a similar

quantity can be measured at every point or location.

| 43 47 46 48 |

|47 |

| |

|50 |

|50 50 50 |

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|56 53 50 50 58 50 |

| |

|55 57 52 |

1. ____________________________-Lines that connect points of equal value on a field map


__________________ -lines that connect points of equal temperature

__________________ -lines that connect points of equal air pressure

__________________-lines that connect points of equal elevation

VII. Topographic Maps -(__________________ _________________)- shows the

shape of the Earth’s _____________________ using contour lines to indicate

___________________________ above sea level.

1. contour interval-the difference in elevation between two consecutive contour lines.


500 ft. 700 ft.

What is the contour interval of this map? ________________

2. stream flow direction-_______________________________________



What direction is the stream flowing? North


3. depression contours: they indicate a depression in the land.

How are depression contours drawn on a contour map?

___________________ ______________ are drawn on contour lines

and point toward the center of the depression.

The first depression contour line has the same value as the lowest ordinary

contour line next to it.

4. Values between lines:

What values exist between the 700 foot contour line and the 720 foot contour line?


Add one from the starting line and subtract

one from the finish line!

Place an “X” to indicate which side of the hill is steepest.

When contour lines are close together, the slope of the land is ______________

5. definition of gradient-______________________ _______________,

of the land.

Use your ESRTs to find the equation for Gradient

Gradient =

Mrs. Stein just climbed Mt Kilamanjaro. Pretty intense! She started her journey at

5,000 feet. The summit of Kilamanjaro is 19,000 feet. The trail was 10 miles long.

Calculate the gradient of her journey! Use ESA

Draw It!




The topographic map below shows a hill. Points X and Y represent locations on the hill’s surface. Elevations are shown in meters.


What is the gradient between points X and Y?





6. Profiles-

Definition: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


Base your answers to the question on the topographic map below. Points A, B, C, D, and X represent locations on the map. Elevations are measured in feet.


Which cross section best represents the profile along straight line AB?

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|[pic] |[pic] |






to horizon


What is the contour interval of this map? ________________




West East


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