Unified Budget........................13,138.08



Rose Hill Meals.............................50.00

Wesley Glen..................................70.00

Endowment Fund...........................50.00

Open Door.....................................85.00

Music Fund....................................50.00

Wynnton Neigh. Housing..............95.00

Capital Improvements...............2,220.00


Sunday School ..................................221

Early Morning Worship.....................89

The Link.............................................73

Morning Worship.............................216

Total Worship ..................................378


Usher-in-Chief: Ben Moon

Ushers: 8:30: CPT Harold Hill

George Cotton

10:55: CPT Bob Gilstrap

Wally Carlson, John Denny, John Richey, Milton Woodruff, Kermitt Cox, Eric Sears, Seth Harp, Mike Forlines, Gib Richardson, Bill Pope, Bruce Boretsky, Louie Willett

Greeters: 8:15: Max McGlamry, Jean McGlamry

Greeters: 9:30: Sarah Butler, Marcia Therrien, Linell Pringle

Greeters: 10:40: Sarah Butler, Bobbie Edmondson, Penny Lamb, Bennett Massey, Delores Darrah

Offering Trustees: Jean Adams,

Larry Coger

Altar Guild: Jeanine Cotton, Jackie Watkins

Visitor Visitation: Shirley Moon

UMW Flower Delivery: Morning Doves

UMW Mission Focus: Carrie Singleton

Men of Courage: Team 4: Jon Ezzell, Wallace Twiggs, Dave Stevenson, Paul Therrien

Acolytes: 8:30 Emma Mattocks

10:55 Avery Bolin, Scotty Allen

Kids Own Worship:

8:30 Gwen Sass

10:55 Gwen Sass

Janet or Doug Morris, Kipp Morris


|Sunday |

|Crib/Nursery : Shannan Gatewood |

|Nursery 2 and 3: Annie/Chris Register |

| |

|If you will need childcare for choir, please call |

|Shannan Gatewood at 706-718-9536 |

Our Guests

Tim, Kim, Ellie and Clara Martin, Rev. Pat Burns, Susan Cheney, Todd and Bethany Smith, Clifden and Laura Ayers, D.W. Harish, Chris Barbaro, Amy Bosco, David, Amy, Mary and Maggie Cook, Mark, Adria, Laura Kate, William and Sarah Holden, Todd, Rachel, Max and Lucy Sheppard, Marlene Mobley, James Crenshaw, Sean, Marie and Samuel Mack, Terra, Paxton, Peyton and Preston Wright


God's Love is Powerful!


Uth News

Hey Uth,

Praise God for the awesome trip last week to visit Passion City Church. Worship by Matt Redman and preaching by Louie Giglio was nothing short of incredible. Look for a few more Random Road Trips over the coming months. Our mission team leaves Saturday, so please pray for us as we work to bring the Gospel in word and deed to the poor of N.C. No Uth this week or Wednesdays in the Word next week. Look for updates on our Wynnton UMC Facebook page.


John 706-984-1193


July 3: Mark 12:1-27, 1 King 3, Hosea 6:1-7:2

July 4: Mark 12:28-44, 1 King 4-5, Hosea 7:3-16

July 5: Mark 13:1-13, 1 King 6, Hosea 8

July 6: Mark 13:14-37, 1 King 7,

Hosea 9:1-16

July 7: Mark 14:1-31, 1 King 8, Hosea 9:17-10:15

July 8: Mark 14:32-72, 1 King 9, Hosea 11:1-11

July 9: Mark 15:1-20, 1 King 10, Hosea 11:12-12:14


*given in honor of Ginny and John Connelly on their 50th Anniversary by Linda and Wallace Twiggs; Lynn and Wes Ezzell.

*given in honor of Elizabeth Pitts on her 98th birthday by Lynda and Bennett Massey; Cloie and Bobby Porch; Miriam and Charles Kent.

*given in honor of Sidney Lee Crenshaw by Grandaddy, Mimi and Uncle Nicholas.

*given in honor of Linda and Wallace Twiggs on their 50th Anniversary by Hilda and Bob DuVall; Susan and Tommy Hudson; Shirley and Ben Moon; Lynda and Bennett Massey; Cloie and Bobby Porch; Miriam and Charles Kent; Bill and Joan Colquitt.

*given in honor of Bob Gilstrap and Suzanne Supple by Saunders and John Richey.


*given in memory of Kay Moon by Jeanine and George Cotton; Becky and Larry Coger.

*given in memory of Jimmy Williams by Susan and Tommy Hudson; Jean and Jerry Adams.


To Milton and Betty Woodruff in the death of Betty's sister-in-law, Kay Moon, of Augusta, GA, on June 22.

Prayer Pager Ministry

Currently, we have members of Wynnton UMC who need your support through prayer. We have given out pagers to:

Dodie MacElhannon 706-683-1604

Lisa Torbert, 706-683-1602

Linda Bolen, 706-683-1605

Here is how you can help:

1. Pray for the individual. 2. Dial the phone number beside the name. 3. When prompted, dial 111#. 4. After a voice says "thank you," then, hang up.

The person will receive a prayer page within minutes. Questions, call Pastor Lauri, 706-888-0771, or Tom Hargrove, 706-315-8473.

Main Hall Update

A letter from the Trustees and Finance Committee went out to the congregation last week about plans to repair the main hall and rooms that suffered water damage. We will use the insurance money to cover the damaged areas. We will raise money to update the main hall all the way to the sanctuary doors. You are invited to contribute to the Capital Improvement Fund to help with the update project. Mark contributions for Capital Improvement Fund.


Peaches for Wesley Glen are being sold, $26.00 for 1/2 bushel, delivery on July 13 here at the church, with the profits going to Wesley Glen. Sign up in a Sunday School Class, sign-up sheet just outside the Sanctuary or call Shirley Moon (706) 321-0464 or Dodie MacElhannon (706) 324-1973.


Sidney Lee Crenshaw, daughter of James and Erica Crenshaw, was baptized on June 26, 2011, by the Rev. Steve Croft and Dr. Frank Parr in our Sanctuary. Sidney's grandparents are Eric and Kristi Doss.


Many thanks to Virginia Bonner and her committee for the beautiful table decorations at the Welcome Luncheon last Sunday. It made for a delightful event.

Staff-Parish Relations Committee


3 Marsh Bolin, Ann D'Armond, Kendall Dryman, Carol Gordon

4 Kathy Fields,

Jerry Mullinax

6 Doris Carr, Carolyn Holland, Don Stephens

7 Helen Burdell, Wes Hargrove, Diane Lubin, Elizabeth Pitts, Chris Register, Matt Toelle

8 Jordan Dean, Kerry Mess, Doris Rowe, Tim Sikora, D.B. Woolbright


The date for the next work day has been changed to July 23rd. Please call Suzanne Supple 706-325-1707 or Bob Gilstrap 706-329-1296 if you serve on this day.

Want to help when natural disasters strike?

Training at Wynnton is planned:

Friday, July 29th 5:30-9:30 p.m. & Saturday, July 30th 8:00-noon

Bring a sack supper on Friday (dessert provided)

Cost: $25 (talk with Pastor Lauri if money is an issue) which covers

Saturday breakfast, all training materials, t-shirt, etc.

Chainsaw Certification will take place Saturday, July 30th 1:00 with

a cost of $10.

To reserve a spot for either of these classes contact Pastor Lauri, 706-888-0771 or use the tear-off and put it in the offering plate.

-------------------tear off----------------





Our elementary children are continuing to learn about God's creation. Bring a friend and come join us!

June Bible Verse:

Praise our God! His deeds are wonderful, too marvelous to describe.

Psalm 150:2

Bible Story Time

July 7th and 21st in the

Children's Center

Call Ms. Gwen for details!

"Pandamania" VBS is getting close! PLEASE PRE-REGISTER your children for this awesome week! Fill out a form or register online at .

VBS/Safe Sanctuaries Annual Meeting

Sunday, July 10

(immediately after 10:55 service)

Our church policy requires anyone working with children to watch the 15- minute Safe Sanctuaries DVD each year.

All VBS Uth and adult crew leaders/station leaders must attend this important meeting. This is a great time for any others who work with our children/Uth to watch the DVD. We will provide lunch, watch the DVD, and go over VBS info for the week. If you cannot be at the meeting, please let Ms. Gwen know. VBS helpers must watch the DVD after VBS on Monday.



Speak to one of the Pastors

and attend

Discovering Church

Membership 101

Sunday, August 28 ________

The time for the class is from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Let us know if childcare is needed. Place form in offering plate or call the church office.

Name _________________________

Address ________________________

Phone _________________________

Email _________________________

Childcare Ages _________________


9:00 Fellowship Breakfast

9:30 Worship

Mission Possible:

"Lydia, Finding Your Purpose"

Acts 16:14-15

Proverbs 31:6-31

Rev. Lauri Hartley

Church Family Night Supper will

resume August 17th.

The Chancel Flowers are given today by Imogene Abell in loving memory of her husband William Abell for their anniversary.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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