
Ms. Pagan Classroom

5th Grade


Welcome to 5th grade Classical Education adventure!

What is a Classical Education Curriculum?

Beginning in the Fall of 2021, St. Mary’s Catholic School will begin to follow a Catholic Classical education curriculum. Our Catholic Classical education will strive to cultivate our students' love for the True, the Beautiful, and the Good - and to ultimately discover the Divine nature and order of all things.   Through wonder and awe, our students will be guided ever closer to Our Creator, and thus recognize the glory of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and our resulting salvation. 

When we say “Catholic Classical Education,” we mean an educational approach rooted in the medieval concept of the Trivium (Latin for “three ways”). Each element of the Trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) is viewed as subjects, stages of development, teaching methodologies, and tools for learning, A student who has mastered the tools will be able to think and learn for themselves and thus be able to master any subject they approach.

St. Mary’s Catholic Schools Classical Education model will be structured throughout the grade levels to reflect childhood development, each stage laying the foundation for the next stage. We will use the St. Jerome Model of Classical Education as our guide. 

[pic]Expectations: You know, parents, that you are the first and most important teachers in the life of your children. My role as a teacher is to be an instrument of God and be a part of your team! I will facilitate your child’s learning throughout the year.

My goals:

My first goal is that your children consider the values of the Gospel of Jesus as a path towards personal and spiritual growth. Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" (John 14, 6).

My second goal is to meet higher standards, as I want my students -your sons and daughters- to do as well. It is a blessing to be able to teach within the Catholic Faith and I feel honored to be part of the Saint Mary’s family!

[pic]Communications: My door is always open! Also, if you want to talk with me, please email me to schedule an appointment. I will always be available through email: apagan@stmarys- Due to preparations for the school day, mornings and dismissal are difficult times for me to meet with you. However, I am flexible if it is in an emergency. If an emergency, please contact the office of SMCS.

[pic]Respectful Words we will concentrate on: Words to Keep:

Yes/no ma’am, yes/no sir, please, and thank you. Saying “I’m sorry” and “Thank you” is always walking in the way of Jesus!

[pic]Behavior and “Class Ticket” System: As part of a balanced classroom there will be behavioral expectations. There are two main sections to my behavioral plan:

1) Behavior: If your child needs any kind of behavior reminders, they will quietly be given a warning as a reminder. They will be responsible to self-correct their behavior. If the behavior is not corrected, they will be given a silent lunch and a behavior think sheet that they are to fill out by themselves and turn in by the end of the day. I will notify you if your child fills out a “think sheet”.

2) “Classroom Economy/Ticket System”: For positive reinforcement, we will have a classroom ticket system. Your child will have the opportunity to earn ‘tickets’ throughout the day by doing good deeds, following instructions, etc. I will provide a classroom menu for the students to select various “fun” things to do.

They will have the option of saving, donating, or spending their class tickets. They will also have the choice to donate to our class community donation box. This will reinforce the charitable side of our education allowing them to collectively share with the class for a class movie with popcorn or ice cream. This system is not only fun, but also fits into our Texas Essential Knowledge and Skill requirements (TEKS).

[pic]Attendance: The SMCS attendance policy is located on the SMCS website. Your child is responsible for any missed assignments. If you need to make any special arrangements, just let me know. Please communicate with me as needed.

[pic]Homework: I believe that homework should be done in the classroom with my supervision and help. Students will have homework depending on the need to practice the concepts and procedures and to help their academic improvement.

When we have homework, it must be returned on time and according to the instructions established by me. Incomplete, poorly presented, or late work will not be evaluated with the highest grade. Points will be subtracted according to the overall mark of the work. In the event of emergency or other circumstances, please contact me for incomplete homework.

Student’s homework may vary, so please remind your child to be respectful and tactful to various learning needs.

[pic]Take Home Folders and Planners: Please check your child’s take-home folder daily. Our take home folder is a folder designed to communicate with you and to hand back graded papers. In addition, the planner will be used daily to record homework assignments and events. There may be things in the take home folder that your child will need to return. These will include graded papers, additional homework, and other important materials/communication concerning your child. It is very important your child remembers their folder daily. Please remind your child to bring his/her folder to school daily.

[pic]Grading: We will follow the grading scale as set forth in the SMCS handbook:

A 90%-100%

B 80%-89%

C 75%-79%

D 70%-74%

F 69% or below

** How to do class test corrections:

After the quizzes and exams, the students will be asked to check the wrong answers. I will be working with them through activities that reinforce the contents that they have not passed yet. These activities can be done in the classroom as well as at home. In this sense, I prefer to work personally with each student respecting their learning process.

[pic]Tests: There will be exams given in the core subjects (Math, English Language Arts (ELA), Social Studies, and Religion). Your child will have the opportunity to have class reviews and review sheets to study prior to most exams.

[pic] Mass and Special Activities: We will celebrate Mass every Thursday, Holy Day of Obligation, and other special days. Please be early if you are an Altar server, lector or have any other formal participation. BOYS: Please wear a tie with your uniform on Mass days. GIRLS: Mass uniforms please. Please refer to SMCS handbook.

Bits & Pieces:

1) Water bottles: Students may have a clear water bottle with a top that can be closed. Please no ice for condensation reasons. If the bottles become a distraction, the students will lose this privilege.

2) The students may bring a healthy snack to eat during morning, if they need for health reasons.

I am looking forward to a great 2021-2022 School Year!

Blessing and be open for learning!

Ms. Pagan

5th Grade Teacher



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