RICE SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICTANNUAL PLAN OF WORK2015 Rain simulator on various management conditions.CONTENTSINTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………………..2VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT ……………………………………………………………...…3PERSONNEL RESOURCES…………………..………………………………………………………4-5COOPERATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES ……………………………………………….……….6-7ANNUAL PRIORITIES……………………………………………………………………………….…8ANNUAL OBJECTIVES……………….. ……………………………………………………… ..… 9-23CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES ……………………………………………………………..…........ 24-25BUDGET ………………………………………………………………………………………… .....26-27All programs and assistance of the Rice Soil and Water Conservation District are available without regard to race, color, religion, age, marital status, handicap or national origin.INTRODUCTIONThe District Supervisors of the Rice Soil and Water Conservation District have prepared an Annual Plan of Work setting forth the problems and critical areas in Rice County requiring conservation planning and treatment. Goals to be obtained and methods of obtaining these goals are set forth in the following plan of work. The Annual Plan of Work is based on policies and objectives established in the Comprehensive Plan. Rice SWCD adopted the Rice County Water Plan as their Comprehensive Plan. Our overall priority is to provide the best service possible to the landowners, operators, and people of Rice County. Our services will be provided on controlling soil erosion and improving the water quality of Rice County’s lakes, streams, and wetlands. Educating the community on soil conservation and water quality is our most effective means of delivering conservation on the land.MISSION STATEMENTThe mission statement of the Rice County Soil and Water Conservation District is: “To assist land users in the management and conservation of our soil and water resources by means of educational, financial, and technical assistance.” In order to accomplish this mission the District has prepared an Annual Plan of Work to guide the activities of District personnel in accomplishing this task. VISION STATEMENT“To have clean water, pure air, and productive soil.” RICE SWCD STAFF12026901136650 From left: Ashley Gallagher, Steven Pahs, Travis Hirman, and Debbie Skarupa. NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE61722086995 From left, James Jirik, Colin Williams, Thomas Coffman, and Nicole Schaffer. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS266001510668000438848511811000779145116205 Robert Duban Richard Cook Richard Peterson338836017145181737017145 James Purfeerst Gary Wagenbach -1714541275 District I: Robert Duban, term expires Dec. 2016District II:Richard Cook, term expires Dec. 2016District III:Jim Purfeerst, term expires Dec. 2018 District IV:Gary Wagenbach, term expires Dec. 2016District V:Richard Peterson, term expires Dec. 2018COOPERATION WITH OTHER AGENCIESNATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE – The District will work closely with the NRCS. Most of the surveying and designing of conservation practices will be done at the field office level, with NRCS and SWCD personnel. Provisions of the current Farm Bill, including the Continuous Conservation Reserve Program and the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) will continue to place a greater workload on the District office. The District will seek contribution agreements with NRCS to provide technical assistance to landowners enrolled in EQIP contracts. FARM SERVICE AGENCY – The FSA County Committee and the District will cooperate on conservation provisions of the current Farm Bill and the impact on Rice County producers who participate in USDA programs. The Conservation Reserve Program and CCRP, administered by FSA, will continue to be an area where the District provides significant amounts of technical services to landowners. The district will provide technical assistance to cooperators with highly erodible land and wetlands to remain in compliance with Farm Bill Conservation provisions.BOARD OF WATER & SOIL RESOURCES –BWSR provides key funding for many programs at the SWCD. Among them, State Cost-share is one of the more visible programs. Some of the practices that qualify for high priority state cost share funds include: waterways, diversions, terraces, water and sediment control basins, grade stabilization structures, critical area seeding, and ag-waste management systems. The District will also cooperate with the RIM Reserve Coordinator to administer the RIM Reserve program. program. Clean Water Legacy funding is currently providing finances for a Nutrient Management Specialist through December 31, 2015. Finally, the District will be the LGU (Local Government Unit) for Rice County (excluding Lonsdale) concerning the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991. MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY–The district will assist MPCA staff on soil erosion and sediment control guidance when requested. There is no formal working agreement in place. We will also assist landowners with feedlot compliance on a case by case basis.DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES – The District will work with the local Forester James Wilson on the State PFM Program, tree plantings, Forest Stewardship Incentive Program, CRP, and RIM. We will assist the Area Wildlife Manager with selected wildlife projects and continue our support to the Regional Hydrologist with water permit applications, and the State Climatology Office with rain gauge reports. Rice SWCD will work with the DNR Conservation Officer on cases that impact wetlands and with the DNR Division of Waters measuring five (5) Observation Wells. The district will serve on the Rice County Forestry Committee.MN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - The District will be working with MDA on the Agriculture Best Management Practices Loan Program. The purpose of the low interest loan program is for practices that will mitigate or prevent non-point source pollution. Eligible practices include ag waste systems, erosion control practices such as waterways, terraces, conservation tillage equipment, sediment basins, and individual sewage treatment systems. MDA will be funding a half-time position starting in 2015.RICE COUNTY – The District works very closely with many Rice County departments and greatly appreciates the support they receive from the Rice County Commissioners. Without their support, District programs could not be carried out properly. Some of the items or departments the District assists Rice County with are:Highway Engineer with erosion problems along county ditches and county roads.Planning and Zoning by providing technical assistance to revise and implement the Local Water Management Plan.The Feedlot Officer by contacting feedlot owners individually and providing runoff solutions to meet the MPCA state rules, conducting Feedlot Evaluation Modeling upon request, doing Manure Management Plans for landowners to meet the Rice County Feedlot Ordinance.Act as the Local Government Unit (LGU) for the State Wetland Conservation Act and assist Planning and Zoning with on site reviews of parcels with any potential wetland impacts.Shore land Management IssuesThe following duties as defined in the Rice Co. Zoning Ordinance:Review all drainage plans for parking areas, except single family residentialReview all plans for alteration of any wetlandsApprove erosion and sediment control plans for forest conversion to non-forested use.Meet regularly with Planning and Zoning to review all new plat and development proposals for wetland and stormwater issues.Assist the County Auditor’s Office by performing wetland and marginal land review on any tax forfeited land parcels.Auditor/Treasurer office: Serve as Drainage Ditch Inspector for Rice County.CANNON RIVER WATERSHED PARTNERSHIP – The District will assist the Cannon River Watershed Partnership in watershed projects and initiatives in 2015.US FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE - The District could continue to work with the Fish & Wildlife Service under a continuing Cooperative Agreement to assist Rice County landowners in restoring wetlands. The District provides surveying and design assistance, along with landowner contacts. Rice SWCD also pays the contractors. No agreement is currently in place.RICE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE - Working closely with Karen Anderson, Extension Educator-Ag Production Systems, the District will continue working on Environmental Ag Education Days, the Tillage Transect Survey, and other projects as needed.GOODHUE, WABASHA, DODGE, STEELE, FREEBORN SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICTS- The Nutrient Management Specialist will work with these counties to provide education and technical assistance for the promotion of nutrient management on agricultural lands. ANNUAL PRIORITIESRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkHigh Priority Erosion and Sediment ProblemsRice County has several lakes and rivers which receive sediment from their respective watersheds. With about 55% of all land in row crops, soil erosion is a major concern in Rice County. Practices used to reduce soil erosion and sediment delivery to water bodies include water and sediment control basins, terraces, grassed waterways, grade stabilization structures, contour farming, conservation tillage, wetland restorations, and grassed buffer strips. Priority will be given to projects that have a potential to protect or improve water quality in lakes and streams.State Cost-Share Allocation and Implementation PolicyRice SWCD has a policy of using state cost-share for high priority erosion and sediment problems. The SWCD board annually sets the cost-share rate, which is currently 50% of the project cost. The board prioritizes all applications as funds requested usually exceed funds available, and favors projects which meet the criteria of high priority erosion and sediment problems.FLOOD RELIEF FUNDSIn June of 2012, parts of Rice County received intense rainfall, creating flooding and significant erosion and deposition of sediment. As a result, the MN Legislature passed a flood relief bill that included funds to address the damages, plus allowed for new practices that mitigate future flooding. Rice SWCD set a policy on these funds to provide 90% cost-share on all projects that are eligible. We still have a few projects to complete, and must spend the funds this year.ANNUAL OBJECTIVESRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 1To control sheet, rill and gully erosion on Rice County cropland to tolerable levels determined by the revised universal soil loss equation.Goal: 1Establish erosion control practices such as grass waterways, water and sediment control basins, terraces, and grade stabilization structures.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date Responsibility Assist landowners in signing up for the State Cost Share Program -complete needs determinations -survey & design conservation practices Ongoing throughout 2015Spring and Fall 2015A. GallagherS. PahsAssist landowners in signing up for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program. -Complete needs determinations on the properties of landowners signed up for the program. -Survey and design needed conservation practicesOngoing throughout 2015NRCS StaffSWCD StaffAssist landowners in signing up for the Continuous Conservation Reserve Program -develop conservation plans -complete status reviews of existing contracts -update records of status reviews and referralsOngoing throughout 2015Spring and Fall 2015Ongoing through 2015A. GallagherAssist landowners in signing up for the Ag Best Management Loan Program -Administer contracts -Survey and design projects Ongoing throughout 2015Spring and Fall 2015S. Pahs Objective: 1To control sheet, rill and gully erosion on Rice County cropland to tolerable levels determined by the revised universal soil loss equation.Goal: 2Promote the adoption of conservation tillage and no-till on all Rice County cropland.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityComplete tillage transect survey of the county to monitor conservation tillage use as time and money allow. May 2015S. PahsSWCD StaffTillage Committee meeting to discuss ways to increase the amount of conservation tillage in Rice County.June 2015S. PahsSWCD StaffPromote conservation tillage and no-till in newsletter articles, newspaper, and radio announcements. Follow recommendations of the Tillage Committee.July-October 2015A. GallagherSWCD StaffRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 1To control sheet, rill and gully erosion on Rice County cropland to tolerable levels determined by the revised universal soil loss equation.Goal: 3Inventory county ditch needs and implement conservation practices where landowners express interest in conservation programs.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityInspect County Drainage Ditches and identify conservation needs. Contact landowners to assist where possible.Ongoing throughout 2015S. PahsServe as the County Ditch Inspector and respond to all questions and requests for assistance. Provide oversight for repair work.Ongoing throughout 2015S. PahsObjective: 1To control sheet, rill and gully erosion on Rice County cropland to tolerable levels determined by the revised universal soil loss equation.Goal: 4Promote the use of cover crops as a way to improve soil health and reduce soil erosion.Action Items:Timetable/Completion DateResponsibilityAssist land users with recommendations on the appropriate use of cover crop mixes. Ongoing throughout 2015A. GallagherHold one to two events to demonstrate the use of cover crops.Summer 2015A. GallagherRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 2Preserve and improve the water quality of Rice County lakes and streams with the use of proper upland control measures.Goal: 1Increase Rice County’s wetlands by protecting existing wetlands and working with landowners to create or restore new wetlands.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityServe as the Local Government Unit responsible for the State Wetland Conservation Act -Investigate potential violations -Work with DNR conservation officer to issue cease and desist orders -Assist landowners in completing restoration plans, replacement plans, and banking plansOngoing throughout 2015S. Pahs until Resource Specialist position is filled.Assist landowners in implementing wetland restorations -Promote US Fish and Wildlife Service Easement Program -Survey and design wetland restorationsOngoing throughout 2015A. GallagherAssist landowners in signing up for the ReInvest in Minnesota (RIM) Reserve Program, RIM/WRP program, and Permanent Wetland Preserve Program. -prepare conservation easement and restoration plan -assist BWSR in survey and design -Easement status reviewsOngoing throughout 2015A. GallagherAssist landowners in signing up for the federal Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CCRP), and the Farmed Wetland Program (FWP).Ongoing throughout 2015A. GallagherRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 2Preserve and improve the water quality of Rice County lakes and streams with the use of proper upland control measures.Goal: 2 Assist Rice County landowners with coming into compliance with the MPCA 7020 Rules.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityAssist landowners in completing nutrient and manure management plans-create sensitive feature maps for landowners and crop consultants-write initial manure management plan for new feedlots -assist with spreader calibrationsOngoing throughout 2015T. HirmanAssist landowners in correcting the pollution problems on their feedlots. -assist landowners in signing up for state or federal cost-share programs -complete a feedlot evaluation (MinnFarm) for farmers that request assistance -assist Southeast Joint Powers Board engineer with survey of site -work closely with Rice County Feedlot Officer to evaluate feedlotsOngoing throughout 2015S. PahsT. HirmanPromote the Ag Best Management Loan Program, Environmental Quality Incentives Program and State Cost Share Programs Ongoing throughout 2015S. PahsAssist Rice County Feedlot Officer in completing the goals of the Targeted Feedlot Runoff Reduction Project.Ongoing throughout 2015S. PahsSWCD StaffRice Soil and Water Conservation District 2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 2Preserve and improve the water quality of Rice County lakes and streams with the use of proper upland control measures.Goal: 3Establish buffer strips along riparian areas including ditches, rivers, lakes, and wetlands.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityAssist landowners in signing up for the Continuous Conservation Reserve Program -write plans for riparian buffer strips, filter strips, field windbreaks, shelterbelts and living snow fencesOngoing throughout 2015A. GallagherSWCD StaffAssist landowners in signing up for other conservation programs like the state Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) Program. -write conservation plansOngoing throughout 2015A. GallagherProvide technical assistance for the Farmable Buffer Strip Program through the Clean Water Fund and the Scott County WMO.Ongoing throughout 2015A. GallagherSWCD StaffAdminister the Cooperative Weed Management Area grant to remove buckthorn in sensitive areas and allow native species to recover.Ongoing throughout 2015A. GallagherRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 2Preserve and improve the water quality of Rice County lakes and streams with the use of proper upland control measures.Goal: 4Assist Rice County and other special interest groups on watershed projects as identified by the County Comprehensive Water Plan.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityAssist Rice County in implementing the Comprehensive Water Plan -provide technical assistance to staff about soil and water conservation issues and practices -assist in the implementation of the DNR shore land management rules as they pertain to agriculture erosion and sediment control, fertilizer usage, and animal feedlots in shore land areasOngoing throughout 2015SWCD StaffAssist the Cannon River Watershed Partnership in promoting and implementing conservation in the watershed -Represent the district on the Board of Directors -Serve on the Joint Powers Board Technical Committee -Work collaboratively on projectsOngoing throughout 2015G. WagenbachSWCD BoardParticipate in the Basin Alliance for the Lower Mississippi in Minnesota (BALMM). Ongoing throughout 2015SWCD StaffSWCD BoardRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 3Promote soil and water conservation through an effective information and education program to Rice County residents.Goal: 1Use the different forms of media available in Rice County to promote soil and water conservation.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityContinue updating the SWCD Website to make it more user friendly and provide a location for anyone to learn about SWCD functions.Ongoing through 2015SWCD StaffUse KDHL radio to promote conservation programs -develop public service announcement about soil and water conservation and program signups -Present 2 radio programs per year on timely topics to Rice County residents. -SWCD will prepare news releases and work with local KDHL Farm Director Ongoing through 2015S. PahsSWCD StaffPrepare news articles for the Faribault Daily News and Northfield News. Also submit articles to Cannon River Watershed newsletter and Rice County newsletter.Ongoing throughout 2015D. SkarupaSWCD StaffPublish 2-3 newsletters per year to Rice County landowners to promote various conservation programs and ideas. Newsletters will be in electronic form, but can be made available in print upon request.Ongoing throughout 2015S. PahsSWCD StaffUpdate the SWCD’s email list of landowners to provide timely information about programs, tree sales, etc.Create a separate list of contractor emails to provide news and information to them in an efficient manner.OngoingD. SkarupaRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 3Promote soil and water conservation through an effective information and education program to Rice County residents.Goal: 2Educate Rice County residents by giving public presentations about soil and water conservation.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityPromote nutrient management Best Management Practices through use of media, workshops, and on-farm demonstrations.Ongoing throughout 2015T. HirmanSchedule one tour per year of soil and water conservation practices.June 2015S. PahsSWCD StaffHave a fair booth display at the county fair on various soil and water conservation subjects or programsJuly 2015A. GallagherD. SkarupaSWCD StaffPromote District Tree program and educate county residents on the importance of trees for windbreaks, wildlife plantings, etc. January 2015S. PahsSWCD StaffRecognize outstanding landowners for practicing soil and water conservation -Outstanding Conservationist Award -Wildlife Enhancement AwardDecember 2015As Directed by the SWCD BoardS. PahsSWCD StaffPresent conservation stewardship materials to area churchesApril 2015D. SkarupaRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 3Promote soil and water conservation through an effective information and education program to Rice County residents.Goal: 3Educate urban residents about the importance of soil and water conservation. Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityOffer for sale Rain garden and Butterfly Garden plant kits to reduce runoff, increase infiltration, and promote wildlife habitat.January through May 2015SWCD StaffPromote urban and “backyard conservation” concepts at events such as the Northfield Earth Day celebration.OngoingSWCD StaffRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 3Promote soil and water conservation through an effective information and education program to Rice County residents.Goal: 4Provide education on soil and water conservation to area schools.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityVisit 5th grade students throughout Rice County and give presentations on soil and water conservation.Winter monthsA. GallagherS. PahsPromote the Envirothon to area high schools. Assist with regional Envirothon.November-December 2015May 2015D. SkarupaSWCD StaffD. SkarupaSWCD StaffRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 4Provide district services to the public through the most efficient use of public funds.Goal: 1Develop an Annual Plan of Work which effectively directs district activities.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityHold a Strategic Planning Meeting at an off-site location to review the District objectives and goals.Between February and March 2015S. PahsSWCD StaffAllow opportunity for Rice County Commissioners, Cannon River Watershed Partnership, Rice Co. Extension, and other agencies to comment on Annual Plan.January 2015 S. PahsD. SkarupaDevelop preliminary district budget for 2016. June 2015August 2015S. PahsFurther discuss issues generated from the Strategic Planning Meeting at future board meetings.Ongoing through 2015S. PahsSWCD StaffRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 4Provide district services to the public through the most efficient use of public funds.Goal: 2Keep a detailed record of District activities and accomplishments.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityWrite 2015 Annual Report listing District activities and accomplishments.February 2015S. PahsSWCD StaffPersonnel Committee to complete annual employee reviews.December 2015S. PahsSWCD BoardReport all BWSR Grant Activities in the e-Link reporting system.Ongoing throughout 2015SWCD StaffTrack projects through a Workload Analysis document to be updated monthly.Ongoing throughout 2015NRCS StaffRice Soil and Water Conservation District2015 Annual Plan of WorkObjective: 4Provide district services to the public through the most efficient use of public funds.Goal: 3Provide necessary training for staff and supervisors to improve program delivery and office automation.Action Items: Timetable/Completion Date ResponsibilityUpdate employee training work plans and database.June 2015S. PahsSWCD StaffStaff and supervisors to attend training as needed and approved by the SWCD Board and District Manager.Ongoing throughout 2015SWCD StaffSWCD BoardRICE SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT2015 BudgetREVENUESINTERGOVERNMENTAL2015STATE?Conservation Delivery Grant $ 22,940 RIM General Services Grant $ 3,209 Cost-Share Grant $ 14,981 Clean Water Fund-Nutr. Mgmt. $ 27,000 BWSR Farmbill Assist. Grant $ 23,750 BWSR FY2012 Flood Relief Grant $ 190,000 MN Dept. of Ag. $ 27,000 ?FEDERAL? $ - ?COUNTY?WCA Grant $ 16,000 Rice County $ 193,907 Ditch Services-Rice County $ 14,000 ?DISTRICT?CHARGES FOR SERVICES?Fees for service-Nutrient Mgmt. Plans $ 5,000 Trees $ 25,150 Merchandise sales (Mats, plants, etc.) $ 4,500 JumpStart Tubes $ 800 No-till Drill Fees $ 5,000 WCA Fees for services $ 1,000 Employee Share Health Insur $ 6,995 CRWP Contract for Services $ - Scott Co. Contract for Services $ 1,000 ?MISC. REVENUE OR INTEREST?Interest $ 1,200 DNR Observation Wells $ 1,200 Misc. Revenue and Donations $ 4,500 ??Total Revenue?? $ 589,132 ??????????EXPENDITURES?PERSONNEL SERVICES?Supervisor Comp. $ 5,600 Salaries (5 full-time) $ 240,547 Medicare $ 3,488 FICA $ 14,914 PERA $ 18,041 Employee share Health Insurance $ 6,995 Health Insurance $ 35,232 ?OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES?Supervisor Expenses $ 5,200 Employee Training and Related Expenses $ 2,700 Office Maintenance $ 800 Professional Services (Audit, Misc.) $ 3,000 Fees, Dues and Subscriptions $ 5,600 Vehicle Maintenance $ 6,600 Education and Promotion (Signs, Newsletters, etc.) $ 1,500 No-till Maintenance Expense $ 750 Insurance District $ 6,132 Rent (office space) $ 14,121 Office Supplies $ 1,000 Web services $ 196 Field Supplies $ 531 Cell Phones $ 500 Phones-Land $ 600 Nutrient Mgmt. Spec. Expense $ 2,000 PROJECT EXPENSES?State Cost Share $ 11,985 BWSR FY 2012 Flood Relief Grant $ 180,000 WCA expense $ 4,000 ??DISTRICT?Tree Expenses $ 13,800 Mats/Plant Expenses $ 3,300 $ - ??TOTAL EXPENSE?? $ 589,132 ?NET PROFIT/LOSS RATIO $ - ................

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