Dear Families,

Supplies are running low! If you are able to send in pencils, post-it notes, markers, or highlighters it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Upcoming events!

Thursday, December 12th: Chorus Performance and Cookies with Santa 6:30

Friday, December 13th: FOCUS graduation for fifth grade at 2:30

Thursday, December 19th: Mug exchange and Holiday party. Early dismissal at 12:30

Friday, December 20th: Staff holiday play at 9:30. Early dismissal at 12:30 and end of 2nd 9-Weeks


Reading/Social Studies: Students are continuing with review of text structure an author uses to write (compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence, problem/solution and description). Ask students which text structure the author is using in the books they are reading. Students have also learned about prefixes this week and next week they will be focusing on suffixes and root words. Making flashcards and studying these at home is a great way to practice!


Math:Students are learning how to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. Please make sure they are practicing these skills at home by completing their homework packet given out every Friday. This unit can be found in the Go Math student edition and in the Common Core edition online at . I will be using this student edition and the Common core student edition throughout the year. If you have any questions about the math please write me a note, email me or call me.; 352-795-2211

Science: We are continuing with Life Sciences and are learning about plants and animals adaptations, habitats and life cycles. We will soon move on to learning about the human body. Please continue to encourage your child to learn their new vocabulary words and read multiple books on this topic. 5th graders take the science FCAT for the first time and it helps to refresh or learn all the basic science concepts well before this test.

|Spelling: test Friday, December 13, 2013 |Challenge Words: |

|address collar mirror recess committee collect Mississippi immediate command |test Friday, December 13, 2013 |

|appreciate announce possess Tennessee gallop opponent barricade broccoli |silhouette millionaire dilemma embarrassment compassionate |

|accomplish allowance zucchini | |

|Reading |Life Science Vocabulary-Chapter 1 |

| |behavior: The manner in which one behaves. The actions or reactions of a |

|Students should be able to identify the type of text structure being used in a story|person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli. |

|by looking at key words. These are written in their reading composition book to |communication: the way a living being “talks” to another living being. |

|help them remember. |habit: something you have learned by watching someone else. Different from an|

| |instinct. |

|I will send home a list of prefixes, suffixes and root words students will need to |instinct: a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is not learned. |

|know so they can practice at home. I will also put the list on our class website. |Something you know without learning it or thinking about it. A natural |

| |ability. Different from a habit. |

| |learning: knowledge or a skill gained from learning. |

| |adaptation: adjustment to environmental conditions such as one of the 5 senses|

| |intensifying OR a change in a part of the body to make it more fit for life in|

| |its environment. |

|Math Vocabulary: Unit 4 [pic] |Websites for Students |

| | |

| |Math, Science and Reading FCAT preparation |

| |User name: last name first name’s letter |

| |example: provostz |

| |Password: 09,first 4 of your last name, birthday month and day |

| |Example: 09prov0304 |

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| |Math textbook online |

| |Username: your child’s last name, first initial (kassayb) |

| |Password: 12345 |

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| |Learn about the world around you. |

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| |Free videos on interesting topics kids enjoy learning about. |

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| |I Spy online |

| | |

| | |

| |Free program used to teach astronomy. You can set the program for your |

| |location and look at the constellations. It's like having an observatory on |

| |your computer. |


Mrs. Bauer’s and Mrs. Kassay’s

Newsletter and Study Guide December 6, 2013


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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