Fifth Grade Informative/Explanatory Scoring Rubric

嚜澹ifth Grade Informative/Explanatory Scoring Rubric




? RIT 每 1

? W每2



? W 每 2a

? W 每 2c

? W 每 2e

? W每4




? RIT 每 1

? W 每 2b

? W每8

? W 每 9b




? L每1

? L每2

? W 每 2d


(Exceeds Grade Level)

? Responds skillfully to all parts of the prompt



? Responds to all parts of the prompt


(Nearly Meets)

? Responds to most parts of the prompt


(Does Not Meet)

? Responds to some or no parts of the prompt

? Demonstrates a strong understanding of


? Demonstrates an understanding of


? Demonstrates limited understanding of


? Demonstrates little to no understanding of


? Organizes ideas and information into

purposeful, coherent paragraphs that include

an elaborated introduction with clear thesis,

structured body, and insightful conclusion

? Organizes ideas and information into logical

introductory, body, and concluding


? Organizes ideas and information in an

attempted paragraph structure that includes

a sense of introduction, body and conclusion

? Groups related information into paragraphs

or sections, including formatting (e.g.,


? Grouping of ideas lacks cohesion (e.g., listlike, rambling, or repetitive)

? Does not organize ideas and information

coherently due to lack of paragraph structure

and/or a missing introduction, body, or


? Logically groups related information into

paragraphs or sections, including formatting

? Attempts to use some simplistic linking words

to connect ideas

? Does not group related information together

? Uses no linking words

? Uses varied transitions and syntax to link the

major sections of text, create cohesion, and

clarify relationship among complex ideas and


? Skillfully uses relevant and substantial text

support from the resources with accuracy

? Uses relevant and sufficient text support

from the resources with accuracy

? Uses mostly relevant text support but may

lack sufficient evidence and/or accurate use


Does not use relevant or sufficient text

support from the resources with accuracy

? Uses credible and varied sources

? Uses credible sources

? Uses mostly credible sources


Uses few to no credible sources

? Develops the topic with well-integrated facts,

definitions, concrete details, quotations, or

other information and examples

? Develops the topic with facts, definitions,

concrete details, quotations, or other

information and examples

? Develops the topic with limited facts,

definitions, concrete details, quotations, or

other information and examples


Does not support opinion with facts, details,

and/or reasons

? Uses purposeful and varied sentence


? Uses correct and varied sentence structures

? Uses some repetitive yet correct sentence


? Demonstrates creativity and flexibility when

using conventions (grammar, punctuation,

capitalization, and spelling) enhance


? Uses linking words and phrases appropriately

to connect ideas within and across categories

of information

? Demonstrates grade level appropriate

conventions; errors are minor and do not

interfere with the readability

? Utilizes precise language and domain-specific


? Demonstrates some grade level appropriate

conventions, but errors may interfere with

the readability

? Utilizes some precise language and/or

domain-specific vocabulary but minimally

and/or inaccurately

? Does not demonstrate sentence mastery

? Demonstrates limited understanding of grade

level conventions, and errors interfere with

the readability

? Does not utilize precise language or domainspecific vocabulary

? Utilizes precise and domain-specific

vocabulary accurately throughout student


*CCSS 每 Common Core State Standards alignment (※W§ = Writing strand; ※RIT§=Reading 每 Informational Text; ※L§= Language strand)

Adapted from the Elk Grove Unified School District.

Fifth Grade Informative/Explanatory Writing

CCR Anchor Standard 2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization,

and analysis of content.

SBAC Rubric Level 3 (Meets*)

Grade Level Standards

What to Look for in Student Writing (Adapted from Lucy Calkins)

The response provides adequate support/evidence for the

opinion and supporting idea(s) that includes the use of

sources, facts, and details. The response adequately

expresses ideas, employing a mix of precise with more

general language:

Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and

convey ideas and information clearly.

The writer#



Controlling or main idea of the topic is clear and the

focus is mostly maintained for the purpose, audience,

and task.

Adequate use of transitional strategies with some

variety to clarify the relationships between and

among ideas.


Adequate introduction and conclusion.


Adequate progression of ideas from beginning to end;

adequate connections between and among ideas.




Adequate evidence (facts and details) from sources is

integrated and relevant, yet may be general.

Adequate use of some elaborative techniques (may

include the use of personal experiences that support

the controlling/main idea).

Vocabulary is generally appropriate for the audience

and purpose.


Generally appropriate style is evident.


Adequate use of citations or attribution to source

material. (Noted in grade level scoring guide for 3-5)


Adequate use of correct sentence formation

punctuation grammar usage and spelling.**

Introduce a topic clearly provide a general

observation and focus and group related information

logically; include formatting (e.g., headings),

illustrations, and multimedia when useful to aiding


used different kinds of information (e.g., essays, stories, how

to sections, multimedia) to teach information.


Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete

details, quotations, or other information and

examples related to the topic.

used transitional words or phrases appropriate for the

purpose (e.g., Results: consequently, as a result, because of

this. Comparison: in contrast, by comparison. Opinion: the

most important reason, for example).


Link ideas within and across categories of information

using words, phrases, and clauses (e.g. in contrast,


restated the main points and possibly offered a final thought

or question for the reader to consider in the conclusion.


Use precise language and domain- specific vocabulary

to inform about or explain the topic.

grouped information in sections (paragraphs/ chapters) and

centered around the same topic and also may have used nonfiction text features (e.g., headings and subheadings).


Provide a concluding statement or section related to

the information or explanation presented.

included a variety of information (e.g., examples, details,

dates, quotes, etc.).


**See grade level convention standards in the

language section of the CCSS- (Language CCR AS 1)

used valid sources for information and cited source

when appropriate.


*Smarter Balanced Rubric 4-Point Informative: Score of three or ※Effective§

wrote an introduction that captured the reader*s interest and

helped him understand the subject, as well as introduced

subtopics if applicable.

distinguished between factual information and own thinking.

used content specific vocabulary and explained key terms.

used a consistent ※teaching§ tone.




? W 每 3a

? W每4




? W 每 3a

? W 每 3c

? W 每 3e

? W每4





? W 每 3b

? W 每 3d




? L每1

? L每2

Fifth Grade Narrative Scoring Rubric


(Exceeds Grade Level)

? Responds skillfully to all parts of the prompt



? Responds to all parts of the prompt


(Nearly Meets)

? Responds to most parts of the prompt


(Does Not Meet)

? Responds to some or no parts of the prompt

? Purposefully orients the reader by skillfully

establishing a vivid situation (real or

imagined) and introducing characters and/or

a narrator

? Orients the reader by establishing a situation

(real or imagined) and introducing characters

and/or a narrator

? Establishes a situation (real or imagined) and

attempts to introduce characters and/or a


? Fails to establish a situation (real or imagined)

and does not introduce characters and/or a

narrator in a relevant way

? Coherently organizes a clear event sequence

that unfolds naturally

? Organizes a clear event sequence that unfolds


? Organizes some sequencing but might

confuse the reader

? Does not sequence narrative in a logical order

? Skillfully connects a variety of transitional

words, phrases, and clauses to manage the

sequence of event.

? Uses a variety of transitional words, phrases,

and clauses to manage the sequence of


? Uses some transitional words, phrases or

clauses to manage the sequence of events.

? Provides a conclusion that clearly follows

from the narrated experience or events

? Provides a conclusion that follows from the

narrated experience or events

? Uses creative descriptions of actions,

thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences

and events

? Uses pacing and descriptions of actions,

thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences

and events

? Uses minimal or irrelevant descriptions of

actions, thoughts, or feelings to describe

experiences /events

? Uses little to no description of actions,

thoughts, or feelings to describe experiences


? Uses vivid dialogue to show the response of

characters to situations

? Uses dialogue to show the response of

characters to situations

? Uses dialogue to support plot

? Does not use dialogue to support plot

? Uses concrete words and sensory details to

make experiences and events come to life

? Uses concrete words and phrases, and

sensory details to convey experiences and

events precisely

? Attempts to use concrete words and sensory

details to describe experiences and events

? Fails to to use concrete words or sensory


? Uses purposeful and varied sentence


? Uses correct and varied sentence structures

? Uses some repetitive yet correct sentence


? Does not demonstrate sentence mastery

? Demonstrates creativity and flexibility when

using conventions (grammar, punctuation,

capitalization, and spelling) enhance meaning

? Utilizes precise and sophisticated word choice

? Demonstrates grade level appropriate

conventions; errors are minor and do not

obscure meaning

? Utilizes strong and grade-level appropriate

word choice

? Attempts a conclusion that may or may not

follow the narrated experience or events

? Demonstrates some grade level appropriate

conventions, but errors obscure meaning

? Utilizes vague or basic word choice

? Uses few or no transitional words, phrases, or

clauses to manage the sequence of events.

? Conclusion is not attempted or discernible

? Demonstrates limited understanding of grade

level appropriate conventions, and errors

interfere with the meaning

? Utilizes incorrect and/or simplistic word


*CCSS 每 Common Core State Standards alignment (※W§ = Writing strand; ※RIT§=Reading 每 Informational Text; ※L§= Language strand)

Adapted from the Elk Grove Unified School District.

Fifth Grade Narrative Writing

CCR Anchor Standard 3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

SBAC Rubric Level 3 (Meets*)

Grade Level Standards

What to Look for in Student Writing (Adapted from Lucy Calkins)

The organization of the narrative, real or imagined, is

adequately sustained, and the focus is adequate and generally


Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or

events using effective technique, descriptive details and clear

event sequences.

The writer#


An evident plot helps to create a sense of unity and

completeness, though there may be minor flaws and

some ideas may be loosely connected.



Adequately maintains a setting, develops




Adequate use of a variety of transitional strategies to

clarify the relationships between and among ideas.



Adequate sequence of events from beginning to end.


Adequate opening and closure for audience and




Experiences, characters, setting, and events are

adequately developed.



Connections to source materials may contribute to the




Adequate use of a variety of narrative techniques that

generally advance the story or illustrate the experience.


Adequate use of sensory, concrete, and figurative

language that generally advances the purpose.


Generally appropriate style is evident.


Adequate use of correct sentence formation, punctuation,

capitalization, grammar usage, and spelling**

*Smarter Balanced Rubric 4-Point Narrative: Score of three or ※Effective§

Orient the reader by establishing a situation and

introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an

event sequence that unfolds naturally.

wrote the important parts of an event or story and removed the

unimportant parts.

wrote it like a story even though it may have been a true account.

wrote a beginning which established characters and setting and

also gave clues to the main character*s conflict.

Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, description,

and pacing, to develop experiences and events or show

showed how much time elapsed through transitional words or

the responses of characters to situations.

phrases (e.g., suddenly, a short time later, after a while, etc.)

including flashback (e.g., earlier, in the past, she remembered),

Use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and

flash-forward (e.g., three hours later, tomorrow, the following

clauses to manage the sequence of events.

year) and events occurring at the same time (e.g., meanwhile,

concurrently etc.).

Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to

convey experiences and events precisely.

elaborated using actions, dialogue, thoughts, and feelings to

develop character, setting, and plot and to show why characters

did what they did.

Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated

experiences or events.

varied sentences to create pace and tone.

*See grade level convention standards in the language

used paragraphs to show different parts or times in the story or

section of the CCSS- (Language CCR AS 1)

to show when a new character is speaking.

wrote an ending that connected to the main part of the story and

gave the reader a sense of closure.

included precise detail and used figurative language to create a

picture in the reader*s mind.

Fifth Grade Opinion Scoring Rubric




? W 每 1a

? W每1b

? W-4



? W 每 1a

? W 每 1c

? W 每 1d

? W每4

Evidence /



? RIT 每 1

? W 每 1b

? W 每 9b




? L每1

? L每2


(Exceeds Grade Level)

? Responds skillfully to all parts of the


? States an opinion/argument/claim that

demonstrates an insightful understanding

of topic/text

? Organizes ideas and information into

purposeful, coherent paragraphs that

include an elaborated introduction with

clear thesis, structured body, and insightful




? Responds to all parts of the prompt


(Nearly Meets)

? Responds to most parts of the prompt

? States an opinion that demonstrates an

understanding of topic/text

? States an opinion that demonstrates limited

understanding of topic/text

? Does not state an opinion and/or

demonstrates little to no understanding of


? Organizes ideas and information into logical

introductory, body, and concluding


? Organizes ideas and information in an

attempted paragraph structure that

includes a sense of introduction, body and


? Does not organize ideas and information

coherently due to lack of paragraph

structure and/or a missing introduction,

body, or conclusion

? Uses some linking words, phrases, or

clauses to connect reasons to opinion but


? Uses no linking words, phrases, or clauses

? Uses linking words, phrases, and clauses

appropriately to connect reasons to opinion


(Does Not Meet)

? Responds to some or no parts of the


? Uses a variety of linking words, phrases,

and clauses skillfully to connect reasons to

opinion/argument/ claim

? Supports opinion skillfully with substantial

and relevant evidence

? Supports opinion with sufficient and

relevant evidence

? Supports opinion with minimal and/or irrelevant

facts, details, and/or reasons

? Does not support opinion with evidence

and/or evidence is irrelevant or inaccurate

? Provides insightful explanation/analysis of

how evidence supports opinion

? Provides clear explanation/ analysis of how

evidence supports opinion

? Provides some explanation/ analysis of how

evidence supports opinion

? Provides no or inaccurate

explanation/analysis of how evidence

supports opinion

? Uses purposeful and varied sentence


? Uses correct and varied sentence structures

? Uses some repetitive yet correct sentence


? Does not demonstrate sentence mastery

? Demonstrates creativity and flexibility

when using conventions (grammar,

punctuation, capitalization, and spelling) to

enhance meaning

? Demonstrates grade level appropriate

conventions; errors are minor and do not

obscure meaning

? Uses academic and domain-specific

vocabulary appropriate for the audience

and purpose

? Demonstrates some grade level

appropriate conventions, but errors

obscure meaning

? Demonstrates limited understanding of

grade level appropriate conventions, and

errors interfere with the meaning

? Uses no academic or domain-specific


? Uses limited academic and/or domain? Uses precise and sophisticated academic

specific vocabulary for the audience and

and domain-specific vocabulary appropriate


for the audience and purpose

*CCSS 每 Common Core State Standards alignment (※W§ = Writing strand; ※RIT§=Reading 每 Informational Text; ※L§= Language strand)

Adapted from the Elk Grove Unified School District.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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