Grade 5 percents math word problems

Grade 5


Word Problems

Name: ______________________________ Class: ________________

Question 1

There are 100 students in my school. 34 of them have blue eyes and the rest has brown eyes. What percentage of the students in my school has brown eyes?

There are ______ students in my school. _____ of them have blue eyes and the rest has brown eyes. What percentage of the students in my school has brown eyes?

Question 2

Lucky won 500$ in a lottery. She used 25% to buy candies and saved the rest. How much money did she save?

Lucky won _______$ in a lottery. She used _____% to buy candies and saved the rest. How much money did she save?

Question 3 I watched of a movie.

What percentage of the movie did I watch?

I watched ____ of a movie. What percentage of the movie did I watch?

Question 4 200 people ate ice-cream in a park. 45% of the people had chocolate ice-cream. How many people did not have chocolate ice-cream?

_____people ate ice-cream in a park. _____% of the people had chocolate ice-cream. How many people did not have chocolate ice-cream?

Question 5 The price of a car is 15,000$. John got a 20% discount. How much did John have to pay?

The price of a car is __________$. John got a ______% discount. How much did John have to pay?

Question 6 Mario sells 100 pizzas per day. 25% of the pizzas sold by Mario do not have a cheese topping. How many pizzas with cheese topping does Mario sell in 2 days?

Mario sells ____ pizzas per day. ________% of the pizzas sold by Mario do not have a cheese topping. How many pizzas with cheese topping does Mario sell in _____ days?

Q 1 : 66% Q 2 : 375 dollars Q 3 : 60%


Q 4 : 110 people Q 5 : 12,000 dollars Q 6 : 150 pizzas


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