Grades 3–5 Reading Language Arts - Texas Education Agency

Grades 3?5 Reading Language Arts

Constructed Response Scoring Guide Sample

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Grades 3?5 Reading Language Arts Constructed Response Scoring Guide

General Information

Beginning with the 2022?2023 school year, Reading/Language Arts assessments will include an extended-constructed response, or essay, at every grade level. They will also include short-constructed response questions. Students will be asked to write the essay in response to a reading selection and will write in one of two modes: informational or argumentative.

This State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR?) constructed response scoring guide provides student exemplars at all score points for one extended-constructed response prompt and two short-constructed response prompts from the STAAR reading/language arts grade 3 and grade 5 stand-alone field tests. The prompts are presented as they appeared on the field test, and responses were scored based on the rubrics included in this guide, which were developed with the input of Texas educators. Essays will be scored using a five-point rubric. Short-constructed responses in the reading domain will be scored using a two-point prompt-specific rubric. Short-constructed responses in the writing domain will be scored using a one-point rubric.

The five-point rubric for extended-constructed responses includes two main components-- organization and development of ideas and language conventions. A response earns a specific score point based on the ideas and language conventions of that particular response as measured against the rubric. The annotation that accompanies each response is specific to that response and was written to illustrate how the language of the rubric is applied to elements of the response to determine the score the response received. Extendedconstructed responses are scored by two different scorers, and the scores are summed to create a student's final score, so students may receive up to 10 points for their essay.

The responses in this guide are actual student responses submitted online during the testing window. To protect the privacy of individual students, all names and other references of a personal nature have been altered or removed. Otherwise, the responses appear as the students wrote them and have not been modified.

Texas Education Agency

Student Assessment Division



Grade 5 Reading Passage with Short Constructed Response and Extended Constructed Response

Texas Education Agency

Student Assessment Division



Grades 3?5 Reading Language Arts Constructed Response Scoring Guide

Steam and Sail


Many people recognize that the growth of the railroads in the 1800s helped make

the United States the country it is today. But railroads were only a piece of a larger

puzzle. The United States was built on water as well as on land. Two inventions, the

steamboat and the clipper ship, brought major changes to the country in the 1800s.

Full Steam Ahead


On August 17, 1807, inventor Robert Fulton revealed his latest creation. It was a

steamboat called the Clermont. The Clermont used a steam engine to drive paddle

wheels on the sides of the boat. Fulton's boat sailed up the Hudson River from

New York City to the state capital, Albany. The Clermont kept up a steady pace of

5 miles per hour against the flow of the river. The trip normally took most of a week.

The Clermont did it in a day and a half.


After Fulton's success, people across the country started using steamboats.

Steamboats were fast. They also had flat bottoms, which allowed them to travel in

shallow water. Their speed and special design meant they could carry goods quicker

and more cheaply than other boats. This led to trade over long distances using rivers.


The Mississippi River was particularly important for steamboats. The Mississippi and

the rivers that feed into it, like the Ohio River, helped steamboats travel deeper into the

interior of the country. As a result, trade along the rivers flourished. People built large

towns along the rivers where goods were loaded on and off of the steamboats. This

drew more people west, expanding where the U.S. population lived.

Texas Education Agency

Student Assessment Division



Grades 3?5 Reading Language Arts Constructed Response Scoring Guide

Tea Races and Gold Rushes


Across the ocean in Great Britain, demand for tea was at an all-time high. Whoever

had the fastest ship could make the most money by bringing their tea to market first.

Shipbuilders in Great Britain and the United States started making fast sailing ships.

The new ships had as many sails as possible. Some had more than thirty! They were

also longer and narrower than older ships. These ships were designed to travel "at a

good clip"1 over ocean waves instead of smacking into them. They were the first clipper



But why were people building new sailing ships when they could build steamships,

which were much larger versions of steamboats that could cross oceans? First, steam

power was still new. Early steam engines could fail or explode without warning. Second,

steamships needed fuel. That meant stopping many times during a long ocean voyage.

Fuel also took up space that could be used for cargo.


Third, sailing ships were still faster than steamships. Steamships could not keep up.

Early American clippers like the Rainbow, built in 1845, quickly set speed records

wherever they went. The first American clipper to bring tea to London made the trip a

month faster than older ships. Clippers were soon competing in "tea races" to get their

tea to London first.


Clippers also used that same speed in and around the United States. Gold was

discovered in California in 1848. Thousands of people traveled to San Francisco to seek

their fortunes. That was the Gold Rush. Many of those people traveled by sea, and the

fastest way to do that was by clipper. Getting there faster meant that you had a better

chance of finding gold before someone else did. Clippers also brought huge amounts of

supplies to the growing city.

1 To move "at a good clip" means to move at a fast pace.

Texas Education Agency

Student Assessment Division



Grades 3?5 Reading Language Arts Constructed Response Scoring Guide

The Next Big Things


As time went on, both clippers and steamboats started to fall out of use.

Steamboats were replaced by the expanding railroad. For clippers, the competition

came from steamships. Steamships had finally become fast and reliable. When the Suez

Canal opened in 1869, people no longer had to sail around Africa to reach China.

Eventually, new modes of transportation would be built. All of them would bring

changes to the United States.

Texas Education Agency

Student Assessment Division



Grades 3?5 Reading Language Arts Constructed Response Scoring Guide

Grade 5 Reading Short Constructed Response

Prompt: What is the central idea of the article? Support your answer with evidence from the article.

Item-Specific Rubric

Score: 2

A complete response will provide one of the following possible central ideas for "Steam and Sail."

? Steamboats and clipper ships altered life in the United States significantly. ? Improvements in transportation technology push a society forward. ? As one form of technology improves, it replaces an older form of technology. ? Steamboats and clipper ships changed how people traveled and transported goods.

A complete response will include at least one piece of supporting evidence from the text.

A complete response may include, but is not limited to, the following evidence cited or paraphrased from the text:

? Two inventions, the steamboat and the clipper ship, brought major changes to the country in the 1800s. (paragraph 1)

? Their speed and special design meant they could carry goods quicker and more cheaply than other boats. (paragraph 3)

? This led to trade over long distances using rivers. (paragraph 3) ? The Mississippi and the rivers that feed into it, like the Ohio River, helped

steamboats travel deeper into the interior of the country. (paragraph 4) ? This drew more people west, expanding where the U.S. population lived. (paragraph 4) ? Many of those people traveled by sea, and the fastest way to do that was by clipper.

(paragraph 8) ? Clippers also brought huge amounts of supplies to the growing city. (paragraph 8) ? As time went on, both clippers and steamboats started to fall out of use. (paragraph 9) ? For clippers, the competition came from steamships. (paragraph 9) ? Steamboats, meanwhile, were replaced by the expanding railroad. (paragraph 9)

Evidence is accurately used to support the response.

The response and the evidence to support it are based on the text.

Score: 1

A partial response may include one of the answers expected in the complete response. However, the evidence included does not support the answer stated, or no evidence is provided.

A partial response may cite or paraphrase relevant text evidence, but the student does not

include an accurate answer that provides a central idea of the article "Steam and Sail."

Texas Education Agency

Student Assessment Division



Grades 3?5 Reading Language Arts Constructed Response Scoring Guide Score: 0 The response is incorrect. The response is not based on the text. No response is provided.

Sample Student Responses

Score Point 0s

they were trying to get to china

Score Point 0

The writer states ("they were trying to get to china"). The response is incorrect because it is not based on the article and there is no central idea as a reference. The writer has not provided evidence from the article to support the answer.

on august the inventor revealed his last creation.

Score Point 0

The writer states ("on august the inventor revealed his last creation"). The response is incorrect because it is irrelevant text from the stimulus that does not present a central idea from the article. The writer has not provided evidence from the article to support the answer.

Score Point 1s

the central idea of the story is that the steamship and the clipper were very populur

ships in the 1800's but it it took a long time to get to there destansion so


created the train so that it would be faster to get to there destansion.

Score Point 1

The writer states the central idea is ("that the steamship and the clipper were very populur ships in the 1800's but it it took a long time to get to there destansion so someone created the train so that it would be faster to get to there destansion"). This is an acceptable answer because ("someone created the train so that it would be faster to get to there destansion") demonstrates how one form of technology improves and replaces older forms. However, the writer does not provide evidence from the article to support the claim.

To show what the bulk ways of transportation then and now.EX;As time went on, both clippers and steam boats started to fall out of use.Steam boats were replaced by the expanding railroad.

Texas Education Agency

Student Assessment Division




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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