WELCOME TO 5-red!!

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to 5th Grade at William B. Orenic Intermediate School. We are very excited about the start of the new school year, and will do our best to make this transitional time a smooth one for both you and your student.

To help connect school and home, we are requesting some information regarding you and your student. Open communication between school and home is the key to success. In return, we are supplying you with a means of contacting us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Attached you will also find Red Team’s homework and behavior policies. Please review these carefully with your student. These policies will be reviewed periodically in class to ensure each student has a successful year!

Contact Information:

WBO Phone: 815-577-6759

Mrs. Pinter – English Language Arts Ms. Curran – English Language Arts

Email: cpinter@ Email: kcurran@

Mrs. Johnson – Math Mrs. Ogle– Math

Email: sjohnson@ Email: aogle@

Ms. Farrell – Social Studies Ms. Governale – Science

Email: cfarrell@ Email: tgovernale@

Mrs. Swade – English Language Arts/Math

Email: mswade@

Thank you,

5-Red Team Teachers

Red Team Homework Policy

Grading Scale Quick Grades

A 90-100% √+ Excellent

B 80-89% √ Satisfactory

C 70-79% √- Needs Improvement

D 60-69% - Unacceptable

F 0-59%



• These are assessments that test what the students have learned at the end of a skill, lesson, or unit.


• These are assessments that determine the students' understanding of a concept as we progress through a skill, lesson, or unit.


Homework is necessary for reinforcement of skills taught in class. Parents are important in making this successful. It is helpful for your child to have a consistent place and time to complete homework. Homework should be checked by a parent/guardian for completion, and planners signed nightly. All homework is expected to be completed neatly and turned in on time. All teachers will have assignments posted on their websites via Google Calendar.

The following steps will be followed if home work is not completed on time:

• Students are held accountable for all homework in each of their classes.

• First day of a missed assignment: The first missing assignment is a warning and the student will be given a 24-hour grace period to turn it in. Per school policy, the student will receive a 10% grade reduction on the assignment.

• Second day of a missed assignment: Student may attend the Lunch Learning Lab to complete the assignment.

• Students will continue to attend the Lunch Learning Lab until the assignment is completed.

• Parents will be contacted via e-mail or phone if homework completion becomes a concern.

• Work that is sloppy and/or difficult to read will be returned, and work is expected to be fixed.

• Incentives will be awarded to students who consistently turn in homework on time.

Parent Information

• Check your child’s assignments and sign planners nightly.

• Midterm grade notifications are made available through Skyward Parent Access halfway through each trimester. Please check the on-line grade book frequently.

• Please call or email the appropriate content area teacher if you have any questions regarding your child’s performance.

• Student work will be returned via Wednesday Folders each week (with some exceptions). It is your child's responsibility to show you the work and return the folder on Thursday. Please sign it every week so that we know you have had a chance to see the work.

• If a student receives a low grade (D or F) on a quiz or test, the student must obtain a parent/guardian signature, and return it to school with the Wednesday Folder.

Red Team Behavior Policy

School Expectations

o Be Respectful

o Be Responsible

o Be Peaceful

Classroom Expectations

o Be on time.

o Be prepared.

o Listen and follow directions.

o Raise hand to participate.

o Do not interfere with the learning of other students.

o Always do your best.


o A Discipline Step System is implemented in each classroom.

▪ Warning: One-on-one conference with student

▪ Step one: One-on-one conference with student, parent contact via e-mail, and warning referral

▪ Step two: One-on-one conference with student, parent contact via phone, detention referral

o For serious behavior problems, the step system will be bypassed and a referral will be written immediately.

o “Orenic Bucks” will be rewarded periodically to students who display Respectful, Responsible, and/or Peaceful behaviors.

*Please refer to the WBO Classroom Discipline Plan for further details.

Student Information Sheet

*By returning this form you are agreeing to the above listed incentive guidelines

*Please complete and return to school by Friday, August 19th.

Student Name ____________________________________________________________________

Locker # ______________________________ Locker Combination _________________________

*In the event your child is absent this will be used to obtain any necessary materials that may need to be sent home.

Mother’s Name _________________________Father’s Name _____________________________

Address _______________________________Address ___________________________________

Subdivision ____________________________ Subdivision_________________________________

Phone # _______________________________Phone # ___________________________________

Cell # _________________________________Cell # ____________________________________

Work # ________________________________Work # ___________________________________

E-mail _________________________________E-mail ___________________________________

Does your child have access to the internet at home? ______________________________________

What is the best time of day to contact you? _____________________________________________

Can you be contacted at work? _______________________________________________________

Do you prefer to be contacted via phone or e-mail? _______________________________________

Please provide any additional information about your child.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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