
Mrs. Grizzle 5th Grade

1st Quarter Science and Social Studies Objectives

|Date |Subject |Topic |Standards |

|Aug. 3- Aug. 14 |Social Studies |Citizenship |SS5CG1. The student will explain how a citizen’s rights are protected under the U.S. Constitution. |

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| | | |SS5CG2 The student will explain the process by which amendments to the U.S. Constitution are made. |

|Aug. 17-Aug. 21 |Science |Living Science |S5L1 Students will classify organisms into groups and relate how they determined the groups with how and why |

| | | |scientists use classification. |

|Aug. 24-Aug. 28 |Science |Living Science |S5L2 Students will recognize that offspring can resemble parents in inherited traits and learned behaviors. |

|Aug. 31-Sept. 4 |Science |Living Science |S5L3 Students will diagram and label parts of various cells (plant, animal, single-celled, multi-celled). |

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| | | |S5L4 Students will relate how microorganisms benefit or harm larger organisms. |

|Sept. 8-Sept. 11 |Social Studies |Civil War |SS5H1 The student will explain the causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War. |

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| | | |SS5H2 The student will analyze the effects of Reconstruction on American life. |

|Sept. 14- Sept. 30 |Social Studies |Civil War |The above Civil War Standards will be reinforced during these two weeks. |

|Oct. 7th |Social Studies |Civil War Museum |This is the tentative date for the Civil War Museum. As time approaches more information will be provided. |

Mrs. Grizzle 5th Grade

2nd Quarter Science and Social Studies Objectives

|Date |Subject |Topic |Standards |

|Oct. 13- Oct. 23 |Science |Earth Science |S5E1 Students will identify surface features of the Earth caused by constructive and destructive processes. |

|Oct. 26- Nov. 13 |Social Studies |Changing Nation |SS5H3 The student will describe how life changed in America at the turn of the century. |

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| | | |SS5CG3 The student will explain how amendments to the U. S. Constitution have maintained a representative |

| | | |democracy. |

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| | | |SS5G2 The student will explain the reasons for the spatial patterns of economic activities. |

|Nov. 16- Nov. 20 |Social Studies |WWI, |SS5H4 The student will describe U.S. involvement in World War I and post-World War I America. |

| | |Jazz Age, | |

|Nov. 30- Dec. 4 |Social Studies |Great Depression |SS5H5 The student will explain how the Great Depression and New Deal affected the lives of millions of |

| | | |Americans. |

|Dec. 7- Dec. 11 |Social Studies |Amendments |SS5G2 The student will explain the reasons for the spatial patterns of economic activities. |

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| | | |SS5CG3 The student will explain how amendments to the U. S. Constitution have maintained a representative |

| | | |democracy. |

Mrs. Grizzle 5th Grade

3rd Quarter Science and Social Studies Objectives

|Date |Subject |Topic |Standards |

|Jan. 1- Jan. 22 |Science |Physical Science |S5P1 Students will verify that an object is the sum of its parts. |

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| | | |S5P2 Students will explain the difference between a physical change and a chemical change. |

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| | | |S5P3 Students will investigate the electricity, magnetism and their relationship. |

|Jan. 25- Feb. 12 |Social Studies |WWII |SS5H6 The student will explain the reasons for America’s involvement in World War II. |

|Feb. 22- Feb. 26 |Social Studies |Cold War |SS5H7 The student will discuss the origins and consequences of the Cold War. |

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|Mar. 1- Mar. 5 |Social Studies |Civil Rights |SS5H8 The student will describe the importance of key people, events, and developments between 1950-1975. |

|Mar. 8- Mar. 18 |Social Studies |Review |These dates are reserved for reviewing concepts taught is science and social studies thus far. It also serves |

| |& | |as a catch-up time in the event of schedule conflicts. |

| |Science | | |

Mrs. Grizzle 5th Grade

4th Quarter Science and Social Studies Objectives

|Date |Subject |Topic |Standards |

|Mar. 22-26 |Social Studies |World Events |SS5H9 The student will trace important developments in America since 1975. |

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| | | |SS5G2 The student will explain the reasons for the spatial patterns of economic activities. |

|Mar. 29- April 2 |Science |Science Review |Science review for CRCT will take place this week. |

|Apr. 12- Apr. 16 |Social Studies |Social Studies Review |Social Studies review for CRCT will take place this week. |

|Second Half of 4th Quarter | | |The schedule for the rest of the year will be tentative. CRCT test results will dictate the instruction for the|

| | | |remainder of the year. |


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