Program Outcome #6: Incoporate ethical and legal ...

Program Outcome #6: Incorporate ethical and legal principles in health care practiceDiane MorrisWASHBURN UNIVERSITYProgram Outcome #6: Incorporate ethical and legal principles in health care practiceThe sixth program outcome has several projects that were completed which are suitable for the satisfaction of incorporating ethical and legal principles in health care practice. Some of these have been mentioned previously in other program outcomes, so those will be discussed briefly. The first four of the six projects listed in the portfolio under this program outcome were all completed in the spring semester of 2011 in Healthcare Policy, Finance, & Organization. The first of these relates to a paper and power point project which reviewed The Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education (LACE). The second listed project was a power point presentation discussing the impact of health care reform on hospital systems, including: the benefits and risks to hospitals, patients, and providers, as well as social, legal, economic and ethical considerations. Yet another assignment from this course was a brief write-up on the topic of Failure to Rescue (FTR) and its legal and ethical implications for advanced practice nursing. The FTR is most simply the ability to identify differences in the quality of healthcare providers by examining the outcomes of patients at risk for poor outcomes – those whose clinical courses are derailed by complications. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have begun tracking hospitals FTR rates and will now require hospitals to report quality measures in order to receive full reimbursements. This particular assignment was beneficial in bringing this topic to light, as well as meeting requirements for the fulfillment of this program outcome. The last task listed from the Healthcare Policy course was an environmental assessment on the topic of litigation reform. Briefly this assignment discusses concerns about liability risks, since defensive medical practices ultimately increase healthcare costs and may subject patients to unnecessary tests and procedures. It also discusses the Affordable Care Act and its possible future implications on malpractice and litigation reform. The paper from Advanced Nursing Practice Ethics, previously discussed in the fifth program outcome titled The Unheard Voice of the Child: Treating Jehovah’s Witness Children in the Emergency Department falls perfectly into this program outcome’s description. Again, it discusses the legal and ethical issues surrounding parental refusal of potentially life-saving human blood products for Jehovah’s Witness children in emergent situations.The final assignment listed under this program outcome is a reflection paper examining ethical and legal aspects of health care and the role of the advanced practice nurse (APN). Together, these many projects certainly fulfill the project outcome of incorporating ethical and legal principles in health care practice. ................

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