a a(a)

b be (bay)

c c (say)

ch che (chay)

d de (day)

e e (a)

f efe (efay)

g ge (hay)

h hache (a-chay)

i e

j jota (hota)

k ka

l elle (el-lay)

ll elle (a-yeah) y sound

m eme (em-ay)

n ene (en-ay)

ñ eñe (en-yeah)

o o

p pe (pay)

q ku

r ere (air-ay)

rr erre (air-ray) roll r

s ese (es-ay)

t te (tay)

u u (ooh)

v ve (bay)

w doble ve (doblay-bay)

x equis (eckis)

y i griega (e-griayga)

z zeta (say-tah)


Alphabet Facts

f& There are only 5 vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u) in Spanish.

f& Spanish and English use the same letters to write with. However, the same letter may represent a different sound in Spanish than it does in English.

f& It is very♦ There are only 5 vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u) in Spanish.

♦ Spanish and English use the same letters to write with. However, the same letter may represent a different sound in Spanish than it does in English.

♦ It is very easy to write in Spanish. Once you have learned which sound corresponds to each letter you can easily write correctly in Spanish.

♦ Just open any dictionary and you will find that 50% of the words are very similar.

♦ Words that start with ñ or x, or contain k or w are often loan words from other languages.

♦ No words begin with a written rr, but an r at the beginning of a word is pronounced with the rr sound.

♦ According to the Real Academia Española ch and ll are considered separate letters, but since 1994 are not alphabetized differently. The Academia also doesn’t consider rr to be an individual letter.

Accent facts

♦ Accents are an important part of the spelling of a word.

♦ Sometimes accents show the difference between two words that are spelled the same (si = if & sí = yes), and sometimes they show pronunciation.

♦ There are rules for when to use accents for pronunciation:

* If a word ends in a, e, i, o, u, n, or s, the stress

naturally falls on the second to last syllable.

* If a word ends in anything else (d, z, r, or l usually) the stress naturally falls on the last syllable.

* If the pronunciation of a word breaks one of those rules an accent shows where the stress should be.


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