
Being an informed citizen is hard work. It requires effort and desire. As citizens of the United States, it is our responsibility to be educated and informed to keep our country strong.

Use this web quest to help you achieve your responsibilities as a U.S. citizen.

The highlighted words or terms serve as links to a website. Please use all of the carefully selected sites to help you gain insight and understanding.

NOTE: There are many games, songs, and video clips in this web quest - be considerate of others near you as you adjust volume. Try not to not disturb your neighbors.

Before you begin, take a look at the original Constitution by clicking on this link.


1. Complete the notes (all 44 questions) for this web quest. (60 points)

2. Answer the questions at the end of the web quest. (40 points)


The Constitution is based on fundamental principles or ideas. Start your journey by understanding the meanings of each principle.  




1. Popular Sovereignty is:

2. Limited Government is:

3. Separation of Powers is:

4. Judicial Review is:

5. Federalism is:

6. Checks and Balances is:


7. Make a prediction: What is the purpose of the Preamble?

Read the PREAMBLE: Preamble

8. Was your prediction accurate? Why or why not?

9. What phrase do you think is the most important? Why?

Listen to the Preamble Song


Take a look at these two websites Three Branches Game and Three Branches Presentation  about the U.S. Constitution and the THREE BRANCHES of Government.

You may want to come back to these is frequently to help you answer many of the following questions!! 

10. The three branches of government are:

11. Each branch has certain powers. List at least three powers for each branch.

The Articles

Learn about the Articles of the Constitution below: 


12. ARTICLE I sets up the _________________________ Branch.

Check out this web site to learn about the process of CONGRESS' most important job!

House of Representatives #1 and House of Representatives #2

13. The term of a Representative is______________________ years.

14. Our Representative for Cabarrus County (District 8) is: _______________________

15. There are ____________ total Representatives in the United States.

16. The number of Representatives is decided by _______________________________.

17. The current number of Representatives in North Carolina is ______.

Try your hand at being a Representative before moving on! Don't register or log in!


18. The term of a Senator is ____________________ years.

19. Our CURRENT (today) North Carolina Senators are:

20. Each State has ___________________ Senators.

21. There are __________ total Senators in the United States.

22. ARTICLE II sets up the _______________________ Branch.


23. What are the requirements for a person to run for President?

24. Who is the current President ___________________________?

25. The term of the President is __________________ years.

26. How many terms can a President serve? ______________

27. What are the next three Positions in line if the President cannot serve out his/her term?

The Electoral College elects the President. Read this information about the Electoral College

28. List the 15 Departments in the President's Cabinet

29. Article III sets up the ___________________________ Branch.


30. The Judicial Power of the United States is given to one ___________________ Court

and ________________ (lower) courts that Congress has established.

31. __________________________ appoints Supreme Court Justices, but

___________________________ must approve all choices.

32. A Supreme Court Justice serves for _____________.

33. There are _______ Justices.

Try your hand in a Supreme Court Case game! Don't register or log in! Select one case and finish your argument!

Use this game to "check" your knowledge of checks and balances: Checks and Balances game


THE BILL OF RIGHTS is the first _________________________ to the U.S. Constitution.

34. Amendment 1. Congress cannot make any laws that establish _______________, or stop people from practicing their _____________________, limit freedom of ____________, freedom of the ____________, limit the right of people to ________________ in groups, or to tell the government about problems in our country (___________________)

35. Amendment 2. A ____________ is needed to defend the country, so people are allowed to ___________________________.

36. Amendment 3. People do not have to __________________________ either during war or peace (except by special law).

37. Amendment 4. The police cannot ___________ you or your home, or take away what you own, unless there is a good and legal reason. Only a judge can issue a _________________ saying that the police have a good reason to ________________ you or take away what you own. (_____________________)

38. Amendment 5. You cannot be ________________ for a crime unless the police have _________________. You cannot be put on trial for the same crime _____________________ - No Double _______________.

39. Amendment 6. You have a right to a speedy______________ by ______________. You have a right to a __________________ to help you in court.

40. Amendment 7. You have the right to a ______trial where the sum of money is more than $____________.

41. Amendment 8. Too much ________ shall not be required and there shall be no ____________ or ______________ punishments.

42. Amendment 9. People have ___________ that may not be listed in the U.S. ____________________________.

43. Amendment 10. Any ______________ not given to the United States in the _____________________ are reserved to the ________________ or the people.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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