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Ratios, Rates, and Conversions Directions: Solve each problem. Use your answer to navigate through the maze. Show your work. 1250950322580090 minutes0090 minutes278272157810211 ton = 2,000 pounds001 ton = 2,000 pounds27362152387780120 minutes00120 minutes5100737152971536 miles/hour0036 miles/hour118735540821312 : 3002 : 33637128320867412 inches=1 foot0012 inches=1 foot3136901925320Find the unit rate.5 pounds cost $1010 pounds cost $500Find the unit rate.5 pounds cost $1010 pounds cost $531584901848647A rate having 1as a denominatoris known as:00A rate having 1as a denominatoris known as:17437101924917Convert 1.5 hoursin minutes.00Convert 1.5 hoursin minutes.4925695231140Find the unit rate.216 miles in 6 hours00Find the unit rate.216 miles in 6 hours178435299076Convert 10 minutesin seconds.00Convert 10 minutesin seconds.33680405378450The ratio 11 : 33 simplified is:00The ratio 11 : 33 simplified is:18897603611245In 7 days, thenumber of hours is:00In 7 days, thenumber of hours is:431423049142946 quarts =1 gallon006 quarts =1 gallon49243883638512Convert 12 feet to yard.00Convert 12 feet to yard.4775203235960$2/pounds00$2/pounds12211052389505$ 0.5/pounds00$ 0.5/pounds51993803229610$ 0.5/pounds00$ 0.5/pounds43599103215640$0.2/pounds00$0.2/pounds49265181857224Find the unit rate.10 pounds cost $500Find the unit rate.10 pounds cost $5363712849214681 : 3001 : 333858203665220Choose the correct conversion factor.00Choose the correct conversion factor.43035472382520Unit Rate00Unit Rate43052971542565Average Rate00Average Rate112105058015222 mile=6,280 feet002 mile=6,280 feet18707105383530Choose the correct conversion factor.00Choose the correct conversion factor.47815515290803,600 seconds003,600 seconds124643649467312 : 8002 : 855273449487643 : 2003 : 23138993659050The ratio 16 : 24 simplified is:00The ratio 16 : 24 simplified is:20397623235960600 minutes00600 minutes2087245153543052.8 quarts0052.8 quarts126178315605710.528 quarts000.528 quarts446913068453033 yards0033 yards277947615308403.3 yards003.3 yards3425190244475Convert 10 feet to yards.00Convert 10 feet to yards.27362156699255.28 quarts005.28 quarts1791335291465Convert 5 liters to quarts.00Convert 5 liters to quarts.1221474670190600 seconds00600 seconds366268015354300.33 yards000.33 yards28256633197198Unit Price00Unit Price28043594100830840084432634040806432 feet = 1 yard002 feet = 1 yard2793877490179714400144436689558000901 : 11001 : 1120949314933628168001683136905378450Convert 1 mile to feet00Convert 1 mile to feet517932549487644 yards004 yards ................

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