
166 |F |7/31/09 |1 |Reason For Reissue |1.3 |This publication is being re-issued primarily to update installation requirements, add a section on conduit entrance requirements, include Qwest National Network (NNS) standards, and make numerous other minor changes. |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |165 |F |7/31/09 |2 |Reliability |2.1 |Added text to the first paragraph to reflect that different groups in Qwest LNS and NNS responsible for installation and acceptance |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |164 |F |7/31/09 |3 |Environmental Checklist |3.3 |Clarified that temperatures should be maintained with added equipment loads, and established absolute max temperatures |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |163 |F |7/31/09 |3 |Space Checklist |3.3 |Clarifictation to suggest larger plywood backboard for equipment and its height |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |162 |F |7/31/09 |3 |Power Checklist |3.4 |Clarified the Checklist by incorporating a question to determine whether non-UPS backed AC feeds could be protected by TVSS |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |161 |F |7/31/09 |3 |Entrance Conduit |3.5 |Added a new section on considerations for using existing conduit or innerduct for entrance cable |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |160 |F |7/31/09 |4 |Temperature Guidelines |Table 4-1 |Added an exception for NNS on the upper allowable temperature |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |159 |F |7/31/09 |4 |Floor Loading |4.4 |Clarified for raised floor applications that loading can’t exceed the floor rating beneath the raised floor |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |158 |F |7/31/09 |4 |Fire Stopping |4.7 |Clarified that customer is responsible for firestopping unused conduits |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |157 |F |7/31/09 |4 |Fire Stopping |4.7 |Clarified that the customer is generally responsible for cabling to themselves once past the demarc, although they can hire Qwest |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |156 |F |7/31/09 |4 |Fire Stopping |4.7 |Added information on using customer-preferred firestopping materials on new holes, and on using like materials when resealing holes |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |155 |F |7/31/09 |5 |Qwest Plants |5.1 |Added text to include Qwest provided UPS systems |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |154 |F |7/31/09 |5 |Qwest Plants |5.1 |Added text regarding the use of Li-based batteries as an option in certain situations |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |153 |F |7/31/09 |5 |Qwest Plants |5.1 |Clarification to allow multiple DC plants in a Premises at the discretion of the engineer, with caveats as to the potential problems it entails |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |152 |F |7/31/09 |5 |Qwest Plants |5.1 |Corrected List 2 sizing of rectifiers by moving them to List 1 to maintain consistency with all other Qwest DC plant sizing documents |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |151 |F |7/31/09 |5 |AC Power |5.2 |Added required waiver for non-locking AC plugs and added 15 Amp as possibility |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |150 |F |7/31/09 |5 |AC Power |5.2 |Clarified that dual AC feeds required for relay-rack installations |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |149 |F |7/31/09 |5 |Shared Power |5.3 |Clarified the use of 4-hr reserves, even when backed by an engine |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |148 |F |7/31/09 |5 |Shared Power |5.3 |Added information on where the Customer can look for rectifier routines |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |147 |F |7/31/09 |5 |Shared Power |5.3 |Clarified the times that battery reserve can be reduced due to a customer engine |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |146 |F |7/31/09 |5 |No Backup |5.4 |Clarified that ethernet qualifies as a service that doesn’t need backup if there is only one customer being served from the installation |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |145 |F |7/31/09 |6 |Ground Sources |6.2 |Clarified that neutrals should not be used as ground source except at the HSP where the connection to the ACEG is made (still best to connect to the ACEG) |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |144 |F |7/31/09 |6 |Ground Sources |6.2 |Correction made to remove the suggestion for two ground sources |Level 1 |Correction |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |143 |F |7/31/09 |6 |Ground Bar |6.3 |Correction made to remove the use of the DC plant return buss as an allowable ground bar |Level 1 |Correction |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |142 |F |7/31/09 |6 |Ground Collection Bar |6.3 |Clarified allow ground bars under raised floors in certain circumstances

|Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |141 |F |7/31/09 |6 |Ground Collection Bar |6.3 |Clarified the distance for Other Telecommunications Equipment Providers Bays and Cabinets to be located within 7 feet of Qwest equipment bays or cabinets should be bonded to the bar to avoid potential differences and resulting shock hazard to personnel |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |140 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Facility Access |7.1.1 |Added wording for access permissions for service suppliers to include NNS site processes |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |139 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Fire Protection |7.1.5 |Clarified who needs to be contacted in discovery of a fire |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |138 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Fire Protection |7.1.5 |Clarified the process to require fire department call first in case of fire |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |137 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Maintenance Window |7.1.7 |Added the hours to meet NNS maintenance window guidelines (tighter than LNS), and noted that these hours vary by site type |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |136 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Maintenance Window |7.1.7 |Clarified that breaker turn on/off or fuse insertion/removal is not maintenance window work in LNS (and for misc fuse panels in NNS), and changed the tabel on hours for understandability |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |135 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Installation Vendor Flow Chart |7.1.9 |Correction made to remove this section and flowchart because the flowchart related to internal processes found in other documents, and is unecessary for the customer or this document |Level 1 |Correction |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |134 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Floor Anchors |7.2.11 |Correction made to replace the specific instructions for specific Hilti floor anchors and Lucent raised floor anchoring instructions and replacing with generic comments to follow manufacturer instructions, since we may be using other anchors |Level 1 |Correction |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |133 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Floor Anchors |7.2.11 |Clarified that cables under raised floors don’t have to be plenum rated in “IT” space, with it’s accompanying restrictions |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |132 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Cable Running |7.3 |Clarification to allow cables to be run between adjacent bays in non-standard ways |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |131 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Securing and Supporting |7.3.3 |Correction made to remove verbiage around distributing frames since they are very rare in Premises environments, and if necessary info. can be found in 77350 |Level 1 |Correction |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |130 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Fiber Cable |7.3.6 |Added information advising to disallow fiber loops in the rack in NNS |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |129 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Cable Repair |7.3.7 |Clarification added to specifically allow heat shrink tubing for some cable repairs |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |128 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Cable Splices |7.3.8 |Clarification added to document the exemption for grounding taps from insulation and allowed power splices on cable racks, in accordance with actual practice |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |127 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Crimp Connectors |7.5.2 |Clarified the need for electrical tape on H-taps unless the covers are clear |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |126 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Labeling |7.6 |Clarified the labeling requirements to be able to follow customer standards for labeling if they so require/desire, and made frame base/upright labels suggestions |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |125 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Labeling |7.6 |Clarified the location of labeling requirements in Tech Pubs and was thus able to remove some of the text and Table 7-4 |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |124 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Labeling |7.6 |Clarified subsection 7.6.1 by moving it into the main section of 7.6.Removed 7.6.2 (as well as its associated figure for distribution frame labeling) and other text that is not normally relevant to a Customer Premises |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |123 |F |7/31/09 |7 |DC Power Connections |7.7.1 |Clarified the wording on the type of antioxidants that may be used to specify what was already used, but avoid unwanted materials |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |122 |F |7/31/09 |7 |DC Power Connections |7.7.1 |Clarified preferred usage of irreversible compression crimp connections |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |121 |F |7/31/09 |7 |AC Installation |7.7.2 |Added power work safety guideline reference for NNS |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |120 |F |7/31/09 |7 |AC Installation |7.7.2 |Clarified that only electicians can work hot AC |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |119 |F |7/31/09 |7 |AC Installation |7.7.2 |Clarified use of green wire |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |118 |F |7/31/09 |7 |AC Installation |7.7.2 |Clarified that extension cords need to be GFCI-protected |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |117 |F |7/31/09 |7 |AC Installation |7.7.2 |Clarified the usage of power strips vs. plug adapters |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |116 |F |7/31/09 |7 |AC Installation |7.7.2 |Corrected documentation by removing text to allow set-screw conduit fittings, PVC conduit, and armored cable in order to be more flexible in a Premises environment |Level 1 |Correction |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |115 |F |7/31/09 |7 |AC Installation |7.7.2 |Added information suggesting far-end labeling of AC circuits |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |114 |F |7/31/09 |7 |DC Conductors |7.7.3 |Clarified that certain types of MC cable allowed for plenum use |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |113 |F |7/31/09 |7 |DC Conductors |7.7.3 |Clarified that unfused cable may be run on the same cable rack/tray with other cables, as long as an attempt is made to segregate it |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |112 |F |7/31/09 |7 |DC Conductors |7.7.3 |Clarified documentation by specifically noting that power cable racks are not needed |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |111 |F |7/31/09 |7 |DC Conductors |7.7.3 |Clarified paragraph on joined metals that it applied only to conductors |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |110 |F |7/31/09 |7 |DC Conductors |7.7.3 |Clarified information by removing paragraph on approved metals for miscellaneous parts to allow more freedom in a Premises environment |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |109 |F |7/31/09 |7 |DC Distribution |7.7.4 |Clarified documentation on Taps by noting exception on staggering for reducing splices |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |108 |F |7/31/09 |7 |DC Distribution |7.7.4 |Clarified documentation by removing items unnecessary for Premises, such as fuse record books |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |107 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Additional Battery Information |7.7.6 |Clarified information by removing most of the section (because flooded batteries are so rare in these sites) and referred them to Tech Pubs 77350 and 77385 |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |106 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Additional Battery Information |7.7.6 |Clarified that Li-based batteries don’t need ventilation |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |105 |F |7/31/09 |7 |DC Grounds |7.8.1 |Clarified an exemption for busbars from ground flow requirements |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |104 |F |7/31/09 |7 |DC Grounds |7.8.1 |Clarified information by removing text that was already covered in 7.7.1 |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |103 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Installation Forms |7.10.1 |Added several forms (primarily for NNS) and removed those not normally used in Premises environments |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |102 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Job Packet & Log |7.10.2 |Added thetext to be inclusive of both LNS and NNS practices |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |101 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Job Completion |7.10.3 |Added the text to be inclusive of both LNS and NNS practices |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |100 |F |7/31/09 |7 |JIM |7.10.4 |Added the text to be inclusive of both LNS and NNS practices |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |99 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Salvage |7.10.6 |Clarified the approved salvage locations and instructions |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |98 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Installation Forms Flow Chart |7.10.7 |For clarification purposes, this section and the flow chart were removed because the flowchart related to internal processes found in other documents and is unecessary for the customer or this document |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |97 |F |7/31/09 |7 |MOP |7.11 |Combined most of the subsections into the main section and added text for NNS so it is inclusive of both LNS and NNS practices |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |96 |F |7/31/09 |7 |MOP Flow Chart |7.11.8 |For clarification purposes, this section and the flow chart were removed because the information is found in other documents and is unecessary for the customer or this document |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |95 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Outages |7.12 |Converted section 7.11.7 to section 7.12 and added text for NNS so it is inclusive of both LNS and NNS practices |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |94 |F |7/31/09 |7 |Installation Forms |7.12 |For clarification purposes, section 7.12 was emoved because the forms are found in other documents and are unecessary for the customer or this document |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |93 |F |7/31/09 |8 |Alarming |8 |Added DSL Ops Center for SNMP type alarms |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |92 |F |7/31/09 |8 |NNS Alarming |8 |Added information in the section to include NNS contacts and references, including a new Table 8-3 for NNS Premises alarms |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |91 |F |7/31/09 |8 |Power SNMP Traps |Table 8-2 |Added a new table for valid SNMP Traps for power and environmental alarms in Customer Premises |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |90 |F |7/31/09 |10 |Marketing Checklists |10.1 |Clarified the “drop dead” items in these checklists and those of Chapter 3 |Level 1 |Clarification |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |89 |F |7/31/09 |10 |Marketing Equipment Location Checklist |Table 10-1 |Added verbiage around the potential need for larger plywood backboards and how high to place them as a maximum |Level 2 |Process not previously documented |NETW.TECH.07.10.09.F.06573.TP_77368_IssF_Specs_Guide | |88 |E |3/1/06 |11 |Acronyms |11.1 |Additional acronyms provided. |Level 0 |Additional info. | | |87 |E |3/1/06 |8 |TL1 CondTypes |Fig. 8-1 |Added condition types for transport equipment from a forthcoming issue of GR-833. |Level 1 |Additional information | | |86 |E |3/1/06 |5 |Shared Power |5.3 |Additional language was added for equipment (mainly add/drop muxes) that may be a pass-through point, rather than an end-point. |Level 1 |Clarification | | |85 |E |3/1/06 |4 |Earthquake Zones |4.5 |Additional language was added associated with requirements for written waivers (except in heavy earthquake zones) for the use of customer owned racks and clarified the dangers of using customer racks without checking equipment and rack widths. |Level 1 |Clarification | | |84 |E |3/1/06 |4 |Ventilation |4.2 |Changed to make the IEEE/ASHARE Standard 200 the primary reference for ventilation and showed how to convert Hydrogen production to air exchange cfm to meet maximum buildup required by code. |Level 1 |Additional information | | |83 |D |9/1/05 |11 |Document Ordering |11.5 |Added words for readability |Level 0 |Word Changes | | |82 |D |9/1/05 |11 |References |11.4 |Added references |Level 1 |Additional info. | | |81 |D |9/1/05 |11 |References |11.3 |Updated document references to the latest issue |Level 0 |Word Changes | | |80 |D |9/1/05 |11 |References |11.2 |Updated document references to the latest issue |Level 0 |Word Changes | | |79 |D |9/1/05 |9 |Contract |9 |Softened language on cost differences between Customer-provided and Qwest-provided backup power |Level 1 |Additional information | | |78 |D |9/1/05 |7 |Equipment Mounting |7.2.9 |Changed the section title to be inclusive of wall mount equipment, and suggested a limitation on wall mount installation heights |Level 1 |Additional information | | |77 |D |9/1/05 |5 |No Backup |5.4 |Softened requirement for written waivers to use Customer Power |Level 1 |Additional info. | | |76 |D |9/1/05 |5 |Shared Power |5.3 |Softened requirement for written waivers to use Customer Power |Level 1 |Additional info. | | |75 |D |9/1/05 |5 |AC Power from Customer |5.2 |Reworded exception for wall mount instalations to not need twist-lock or screw down plugs |Level 0 |Clarification | | |74 |D |9/1/05 |5 |Qwest DC Plants |5.1 |Added clarification that use of EPO switches with shunt-trippable battery disconnect breakers requires a written waiver absolving Qwest of liability for EPO related outages |Level 1 |Clarification and Additional Information | | |73 |D |9/1/05 |4 |Fire Stopping |4.7 |Clarified the rules on fire stopping of cabling Qwest may install beyond the demarcation point |Level 1 |Clarification | | |72 |D |9/1/05 |4 |Earthquake Zones |4.5 |Added information about the potential to place Customer equipment in Qwest relay racks |Level 1 |Additional information | | |71 |D |9/1/05 |Notice |Notice |Notice |Clarified what types of Customer Premises Sites and Equipment are covered |Level 1 |Clarification | | |70 |C |12/1/03 |11 |Trademarks |11.6 |Added section to the Table of Contents |Level 0 |Improve readability | | |69 |C |12/1/03 |11 |Ordering Info |11.5 |Added several standards organizations' contact information |Level 1 |Additional info. | | |68 |C |12/1/03 |11 |Other Documents |11.4 |Added an ANSI T1 document that contains information on ventilation, and an EIA/TIA document on fiber standards, and updated ANSI and UL issues |Level 1 |Additional information | | |67 |C |12/1/03 |11 |Telcordia Documents |11.3 |Added NEBS and alarm message document references that were missing |Level 1 |Additional information | | |66 |C |12/1/03 |11 |References |11.2 11.3

11.4 |Updated all document references to the latest issue and added a few references |Level 1 |Word Changes and Additional information | | |65 |C |12/1/03 |11 |Acronyms |11.1 |Added missing acronym definitions |Level 1 |Clarification | | |64 |C |12/1/03 |10 |Marketing Power Checklist |Table 10-2 |Added information about not running grounding source leads in metallic conduit, and strengthened information on ground source lead sizes and bars |Level 1 |Additional information | | |63 |C |12/1/03 |9 |Contract |9.1 |Added negotiation items of power sharing, frame sharing, and need for dispute resolution in the contract |Level 1 |Additional information | | |62 |C |12/1/03 |8 |Alarming |Table 8-1 |Updated table to identify Qwest standards vs. Telcordia GR-833 standards |Level 1 |Clarification | | |61 |C |12/1/03 |8 |Alarming | |Allowed for non-alarming if customer agreeable, and non 7x24 access for non-alarmed sites |Level 1 |Additional information | | |60 |C |12/1/03 |8 |Alarming | |Updated the contact information for NMA database contacts |Level 1 |Clarification | | |59 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Installation Forms |7.12 |Updated Forms to latest issue |Level 1 |Clarification | | |58 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Service Interruptions |7.11.7 |Added the PNAR process |Level 1 |Additional information | | |57 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Returning Installation Material |7.10.6 |Updated contacts for the Salvage yards |Level 1 |Clarification | | |56 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Service Interruption Report |7.10.5 |Updated contacts for a service interruption |Level 1 |Correction | | |55 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Job Completion |7.10.3 |Updated form references and fax to information |Level 1 |Correction | | |54 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Job Packet and Job Log |7.10.2 |Updated form references |Level 1 |Clarification | | |53 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Common Installation Forms |7.10.1 |Added new forms to the list |Level 1 |Additional information | | |52 |C |12/1/03 |7 |DC Power Connections |7.7.1 |Clarification on proper connection under screw heads and with p-wire, and clarified that flanges are required on fork connectors |Level 0 |Additional information | | |51 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Designation Conventions |7.6.1 |Added heat deflectors to list of equipment not needing a shelf number |Level 1 |Additional information | | |50 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Equipment Designations |7.6 |Removed requirement for fiber optic rack and trough designation stenciling, and added requirements to label frames with the site CLLI and GEO, and INE shelves with their equipment CLLIs |Level 1 |Additional information | | |49 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Wire Wraps |7.5.5 |Removed figures due to poor quality and referred them to the same Figures in Pub 77350. This necessitated renumbering other figures and references. |Level 0 |Clarification | | |48 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Crimp Connections |7.5.2 |Revised maximum wire size for crimp connections and clarified tools and connectors to be used for solid wire. |Level 1 |Additional information | | |47 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Connecting |7.5 |Clarified that fork connectors for power most be flanged (tabs on the ends) |Level 1 |Clarification | | |46 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Wiring |7.4 |Clarification of when cable running tags must be removed |Level 0 |Clarification | | |45 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Securing Cables |7.3.10 |Added fiber to the types of cables with securing rules in Table 7.3; and removed all figures in this section (7-2 - 7-4), providing more detail and clarification in Section 7.3.9. This renumbered all other figures/references. |Level 1 |Additional information, and Clarification | | |44 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Cable Ties |7.3.9 |Updated to cover the items previously covered in Figures 7-2 through 7-4, and allowed for cable ties on relay racks |Level 1 |Improve readability

and Additional information | | |43 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Fiber Optic Cable |7.3.6 |Added requirements for fiber trough, updated fiber cable bending radius rules, and added testing and loss requirements for fiber splices and jumpers |Level 1 |Additional information | | |42 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Cable Pile-up |7.3.4 |Removed 1” clearance requirement due to small number of Premise cables |Level 1 |Clarification | | |41 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Securing and Supporting |7.3.3 |Added additional requirements for supporting and protecting cable at the point it leaves the rack, and for where to run individual alarm wires |Level 1 |Additional information | | |40 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Floor Anchor Installation |7.2.11 |Updated reference to Tech Pub 77350 for raised floors, and added statement about following manufacturer installation instructions |Level 1 |Clarification | | |39 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Mounting Shelves |7.2.9 |Changed position numbering scheme, and added information requiring frame base to be wider than protruding shelves and cabling |Level 1 |Additional information | | |38 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Framework Parts |7.2.8 |Tightened the requirement for gaps between frames, and simplified the end-guard requirement (not required in Customer Premises installations) |Level 1 |Additional information | | |37 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Frames |7.2.7 |Clarified meaning on hole spacing requirements by replacing “and” with “or” |Level 0 |Clarification | | |36 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Earthquake Bracing |7.2.4 |Rearranged several paragraphs to clarify the meaning |Level 1 |Clarification | | |35 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Cable Racks |7.2.3 |Clarified the proper usage and spacing of cable horns |Level 1 |Clarification | | |34 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Bolts/Nuts & Threaded Rods |7.2.2 |Clarified statement on protrusion of bolts beyond nut end, and removed reference to spliced threaded rod, since its rarely applicable in Premises situations |Level 1 |Clarification | | |33 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Auxiliary

Framing |7.2.1 |Added information on proper use of cantilevered bars, and standard support spacing (also clarified this spacing in 7.2.3) |Level 1 |Additional information | | |32 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Assembly and Ironwork |7.2 |Rearranged sentence on where to find information on installation and use of batten boards |Level 0 |Clarification | | |31 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Letters of Deviation |7.1.8 |Clarified who writes them and where to get the forms and process |Level 1 |Clarification | | |30 |C |12/1/03 |7 |ESD |7.1.4 |Clarified daily testing of wrist straps requirement |Level 1 |Clarification | | |29 |C |12/1/03 |7 |Facility Upkeep |7.1.2 |Added information on proper process and procedures for filling anchor holes when equipment is removed, and removed duplicate paragraph |Level 1 |Additional information | | |28 |C |12/1/03 |7 |General Installation Requirements |7.1 |Added statement that installers are also required to comply with Qwest AMC Standard Configurations |Level 1 |Clarification | | |27 |C |12/1/03 |6 |Isolated Grounding |6.4 |Added additional information on PBX grounding |Level 1 |Additional information | | |26 |C |12/1/03 |6 |Ground Collection Bar |6.3 |Allowed single-hole lugs in certain applications |Level 1 |Clarification | | |25 |C |12/1/03 |6 |Ground Sources |6.2 |Added information about not running grounding source leads in metal conduit, and the preferred placement of the customer ground bar |Level 1 |Additional information | | |24 |C |12/1/03 |6 |General Grounding |6.1 |Added information on maximum distances of given cable sizes to achieve desirable impedance limits in the grounding system |Level 1 |Additional information | | |23 |C |12/1/03 |5 |No Backup |5.4 |Added other examples of secondary line service, or DSL as services which can be legally provided without backup power |Level 1 |Additional information | | |22 |C |12/1/03 |5 |Shared Power |5.3 |Added conditions mainly prohibiting the use of Qwest power plants and power connections to other telecommunications providers |Level 1 |Additional information | | |21 |C |12/1/03 |5 |Shared Power |5.3 |Clarified reference in second paragraph and expanded on battery backup minimums |Level 1 |Clarifications | | |20 |C |12/1/03 |5 |Customer Power |5.3 |Changed Title of Section to "Shared Power Supplies" to allow for the addition of conditions around the use of Qwest-provided power plants and strips |Level 1 |Additional information | | |19 |C |12/1/03 |5 |Power Reqmts. for Qwest DC plants |5.1 |Added information on possible need for battery disconnects to conform to NEC Code |Level 1 |Additional information | | |18 |C |12/1/03 |4 |Fire Systems |4.6 |Genericized the cabinet type | |Synonyms | | |17 |C |12/1/03 |4 |Earthquake Zones |4.5 |Clarified NEBS qualifications for Customer Premises equipment, and that the UBC is being replaced slowly (by local adoption) by the IBC |Level 1 |Clarification | | |16 |C |12/1/03 |4 |Seismic Requirements |4.5 |Prohibited (with allowance for a customer waiver) sharing of equipment frames, and updated an ANSI Earthquake Standard reference |Level 1 |Additional info. and Synonym | | |15 |C |12/1/03 |4 |Floor Loading |Fig 4-1 |Genericized the cabinet type |Level 0 |Synonyms | | |14 |C |12/1/03 |4 |Floor Loading |4.4 |Added additional floor loading information on concrete floors, and Qwest Engineer responsibilities for bay/cabinet weight support capabilities |Level 1 |Additional info. | | |13 |C |12/1/03 |4 |Ventilation |4.2 |Added formulae for calculating ventilation openings and fan sizes | |Additional info. | | |12 |C |12/1/03 |4 |Ventilation |4.2 |Changed hydrogen evolution formula to SI units, and clarified maximum gassing conditions and rates |Level 1 |Clarification and Additional info. | | |11 |C |12/1/03 |4 |Ventilation |4.2 |Added information on the mitigation of the buildup of gas when ventilation fails, and information on treatment of the LEL and LFL |Level 1 |Additional information | | |10 |C |12/1/03 |4 |Temperature and Ventilation |4.1

4.2 |Allowed the use of Lithium batteries for higher temperature and unventilated spaces, and Ni-Cad batteries for higher temperature environments |Level 1 |Technical alternative | | |9 |C |12/1/03 |4 |Environmental Requirements |Table 4-1 |Added information about maintaining temperature regardless of equipment heat dissipation, which information the Qwest engineer will provide when asked |Level 1 |Additional information | | |8 |C |12/1/03 |3 |Grounding Pre-Site Checklist |Table 3-3 |Added information about not running grounding source leads in metallic conduit, and preferred ground source wire size |Level 1 |Additional information | | |7 |C |12/1/03 |3 |Space Pre-Site Checklist |Table 3-1 |Added a requirement for minimum thickness of floors for anchors, or require owner to provide anchoring information |Level 1 |Additional information | | |6 |C |12/1/03 |3 |Clearances |3.2 |Clarified exceptions for cooling and back aisle equipment, as well as lengthened end aisles to meet OSHA requirements |Level 1 |Clarification and Additional info | | |5 |C |12/1/03 |3 |Clearances |Fig 3-1 |Fixed mistake in distance |Level 0 |Typographical | | |4 |C |12/1/03 |2 |Safety and Reliability |2.1 |Clarified NEBS levels |Level 1 |Clarification | | |3 |C |12/1/03 |2 |Safety and Reliability |2.1 |Upgraded UL 1950 reference to new standard 60950 and stated that compliance auditing will be not only to this document, but to other as well |Level 0 |Synonym and Clarification | | |2 |C |12/1/03 |1 |Reason for Reissue |1.3 |Summarized the changes to the document |Level 1 |Clarification | | |1 |C |12/1/03 |1 |General |1.1 |Removed redundant sentence at the end of the paragraph |Level 0 |Remove unnecessary material | | |


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