
Inquiry into Disciplinarity: The College of Education at UTEPAna ValadezRWS 1301: Rhetoric and Writing Studies / ENG 1311November 22, 2014Table of ContentsIntroduction……………………………………………………..……………………..……………...page 1Object of StudyPosition and Investment with Object of StudyLiterature Review/Background……………………………………..………………………………...page 1Data MethodsData CollectionData CodingResults/Discussion………………………………..…………………………………………...........page 2-4Conclusion………………………………………..………………………………………...…………page 4Appendices………………………………………..……………………………………...………...…page 5Appendix A…………………………………………..………………...…………………………… page 6Interviews A. – Interview Questions Assignment SheetInterviews B. – Interview Questions FinalInterviews C. – Interview with Heather KendrickInterviews D. – Permission for Research from Heather KendrickInterviews E. – Interview with Rocio RoblesInterviews F. – Permission for Research from Rocio RoblesAppendix B…………………………………………………………………………………………....page 7Survey A. – Survey Question Grid Assignment SheetSurvey B. – Survey Questions FinalSurvey C. – Actual Survey Survey D. – Results for SurveySurvey E. – Charts of ResultsAppendix C…………………….................………………………………………………………….page 8Document A. – Document Analysis Assignment SheetDocument B. – Document Analysis (The COE at UTEP Catalog)Appendix D……………………………………….…………………………..………………………page 9Site Observation A. – Pre-Planning Assignment SheetSite Observation B. – Site Observation (Education Building at UTEP)Inquiry into Disciplinarity: The College of Education at UTEPIntroduction Object of StudyThe College of Education at UTEP employs 64 full-time members, and serves 2,000 undergraduates from different colleges, like Liberal Arts, Education, and Science. Over 3,600 graduate students enroll in the College of Education at UTEP every year. It is located on 500 W. University Ave, El Paso TX 79902. They prepare effective teachers, counselors, diagnosticians and school administrators, but each of them first had to complete some tasks in order to be a successful student in its discourse community. What are some things to keep in mind to improve as a student in the College of Education at UTEP?Position and Investment with Object of Study I need to conduct this research so that I can enter the discipline of my major with a greater understanding of how to become a member or insider into its culture. This will help me to be more successful as a student. I do not have knowledge about the disciplinarily of my major that I need to have. As a current novice, I want and need to know about the disciplinarity of the College of Education at UTEP (COE at UTEP) that would be interesting or beneficial so that I can more easily become an insider in its discourse community and culture and thus be a more successful student. I used ethnographic research strategies for this inquiry because I can test all the data collected through a variety of methods and then produce a detailed description of the inquiry. Literature Review/Background During this research I had some categories in mind I could use to base my secondary questions on values, ethos, and logos. My research questions were “What clubs/organizations could the novice join to receive information about the customs/habits about the College of Education at UTEP?”, “Whom does the novice speak to review teaching/learning skills?”, “What are some ideal character traits that the novice needs to know to function well in the College of Education at UTEP?”, and “What behavior must the novice implement in order to acquire the right disciplinarity?” This research questions were appropriate for my inquiry because they help me find the cultural knowledge, everyday practices/behavior and artifacts that members share and use to interpret their experiences as a part of the discourse community. Procedure/MethodologyData MethodsMy research methods include interviewing, surveying, site observation, and document analyses. 1Interviews, the purpose of them is to explore different views of different professors and see how they see the College of Education at UTEP. Surveys obtain information from students who are in the College of Education at UTEP and help me with my research by giving me their opinions. By reading different documents and analyzing them I am able to see information that is already out there written by professors in the college level. As for the site observations, by going to classes in the College of Education at UTEP building I can see how students and professors interact with each other.Data CollectionInterviews: I have conducted an interview with a high school Spanish teacher from Franklin High School, Heather Kendrick. I chose to interview Heather Kendrick because she is one of the teachers who inspired me to pick my major as an EC Bilingual Generalist teacher. I interviewed her on October 10, 2014 in her classroom and the interview lasted about 9 minutes. I asked her a few questions about what she thought about the College of Education (COE) and how she acted as a student. (Appendix A, Interviews C.) Another interview I conducted was with a junior in the College of Education at UTEP, Rocio Robles. I interviewed her on November 17, 2014. I chose to interview her because she has experience in the College of Education and her answers would be helpful to the novice. (Appendix A, Interviews E.)Survey: I printed out about 20 surveys and distributed to students who were walking out of the Education building, also some students who are majoring Education in my STAT 1380 class. (Appendix B, Survey C.)Documents: The COE at UTEP Catalog, the main purpose of this document is to inform the reader about the College of Education at UTEP. Provides excellent research context in areas vital to the larger educational community – diverse perspective, language learning, bilingualism, many different models of practice and curriculum for second language learning, international curricular issues, and immigrant education (The COE at UTEP). This document gave me some background knowledge about the College of Education at UTEP, and also helped me complete this research. (Appendix C, Document B.)Site Observations: I conducted my site observation at the Education building at UTEP in the Creating a Culture of Inquiry section. My observations lasted about 45 minutes in total. Students were very quiet and working in groups to complete assignment. (Appendix D, Site Observation B.)Data CodingThere were many different kinds of ways I coded my data. Data coding is a way of organizing and sorting data into smaller units. The one I used the most is writing down all the information onto note cards and setting them on to their rightful research question. This way of data coding helped me view all the data I collected easier and I was able to connect each information with others. 2Results/DiscussionAs I was doing my interviews for my data collection, I came across some good answers. According to Heather Kendrick, a Spanish teacher from Franklin High School agrees that being in many different clubs and organizations does help and motivate to become a more successful student. (Appendix A, Interviews C.) Also junior in the College of Education at UTEP, Rocio Robles agrees by saying, "yes it will help you because you are more involved in school and have responsibilities." (Appendix A, Interviews E.) Both Kendrick and Robles would advise to the novice to volunteer and try to get experience of some kind with Education. A challenge that the novice might face when in the College of Education at UTEP is time management. If not managing time wisely, such as when are clubs/organizations meetings, when are assignments due, you may find it to be very overwhelming. If you do keep track of time, you will be more a successful student and be responsible. If the novice is having trouble and is not quite sure if this is the right major interested in, there are many different kinds of people whom you could go to receive a roper opinion. Kendrick said that it could be a great idea to talk to a teacher that works in the area you are interested in or a counselor. Robles would recommend speaking to an advisor here at UTEP, such as an Education advisor or a general advisor. The student must implement a certain behavior in order to acquire the right disciplinarity, and that is to be able to learn how to manage time wisely. As a student, Kendrick says that it was "hard to manage" and Robles did lots of hand-on activities with classmates. These are my answers from my data collection, interviews. (Appendix A.)Now onto surveys. My objectives for the survey were the students of UTEP in the college of Education. The students correspond to my secondary research questions and I saw whether joining different clubs and organizations is effective and more.Surveys were useful; they provided me an overview of beliefs by students who are in the College of Education at UTEP. I asked a variety of questions (Appendix B, Survey C.) and they responded with their personal opinion. Sixty percent of the students I surveyed "agreed" that joining different clubs and organizations does help their motivation to become a more successful student in the College of Education at UTEP. (Appendix B, Survey D.) Another sixty percent of them "agreed" that interacting and discussing with peers in the department is a major source of motivation as well as support. (Appendix B, Survey D.) I asked "Once I acquired more in the College of Education at UTEP, I understood how to manage my time well." and forty percent of students in the College of Education at UTEP I surveyed also agreed. (Appendix B, Survey D.) With the results, I made two charts (Appendix B, Survey E.) and you can view that students tend to agree more than disagree with most questions in my survey. Being involve does help the novice and will keep them motivated to want to learn more and accept new challenges. (Appendix B.)To back up the point of views of the students I surveyed I decided to do some document analyses from the UTEP websites. By doing different document analyses I am able to see the point of views of staff members of the College of Education at UTEP.Another research method I used, Document Analysis. By doing Document Analysis it allows me to theorize about the different ways that writing functions. (Appendix C, Document A.) The COE at UTEP Catalog informs the reader about its program and provides excellent research context in areas vital to the larger educational community - diverse perspective, language 3learning, bilingualism, many different models of practice and curriculum for second language learning, international curricular issues, and immigrant Education. (Appendix C, Document B.) If the novice has any doubts or questions about your major in the College of Education at UTEP you can always talk to the director of your college (COE at UTEP) the student will learn to meet the critical challenges of Education in the 21st century and be more responsible. As for behavior, those who want to study in the College of Education at UTEP have certain Admission Requirements and plan of study. Once being able to complete these tasks the student will be a more successful student in its discourse community. You can speak to the director of the College of Education at UTEP to receive a more professional opinion if this is the correct major for you. Yes, you will meet new challenges such as Admission Requirements but by paying attention during the lectures, joining different clubs and organizations, implement the right behavior, be responsible, you will become successful. After completing my document analysis I was able to also see that it answered most of my research questions. (Appendix C.)To prove the outcome of my Document Analysis I decided to continue my research methods, by doing Site Observations.By going to classes in the College of Education at UTEP building I can see how the students and professors interact with each other. The purpose of this research method is to gather data about the people’s behavior, like how they relate to the physical space in their environment. My first Site Observation was conducted in the College of Education building at UTEP, in the Creating a Culture of Inquiry section. While doing my observations many students walked in and out, I also overheard some students who were sitting in a round table with their laptop out on Microsoft Word speaking about a project that is due the following week. (Appendix D, Site Observation B.) They seemed to be very concentrated and not getting distracted by what was going on around them. Some ideal character traits, they are determined to finish this project, also they are very responsible, and they had all necessary tools to complete the assignments such as, laptops, books, paper and pen. (Appendix D.)Overall they are students that seemed to have implemented the behavior to acquire the right disciplinarity in its discourse community, The College of Education at UTEP. ConclusionIn conclusion, the College of Education at UTEP (COE at UTEP) strengthens the role in linking the U.S. and Mexico in building collaborative relationships. Joining many different clubs/organizations does help and motivate you to become a better student; it not necessarily has to be an Education club/organization, many kind help. By joining in some you are able to learn and manage your time better and quicker. Some require having a certain GPA average which can also help maintain good grades throughout the semester. If ever having any doubts about your major, there is many professors, counselors and advisors you can always speak to, they will provide will a variety of advice. The College of Education at UTEP does indeed require many admission requirements, which is very important to be responsible and be willing to accept challenges throughout this academic career as a student in its discourse community. 4Appendices5Appendix AInterviews A. Heuristic for Formulating Effective Interview QuestionsYour Name: Write your primary research question here.Write your interview questions below. Then, check the secondary research question(s) for which you believe the interview question will provide data.Interview Questions:Write a secondary question hereWrite a secondary question hereWrite a secondary question hereWrite a secondary question here1. B.Heuristic for Formulating Effective Interview QuestionsYour Name: Ana ValadezHow does a novice submit to and engage the disciplinarily of the College of Education at UTEP to become an insider in its discourse community and culture and thus become more successful student?Interview Question:What clubs/organizations could one join to receive more information about the customs/values about the College of Education at UTEP? To whom could one speak to review teaching/learning skills?What are some ideal character traits that one needs to know to function well in the College of Education at UTEP?What behavior must one implement in order to acquire the right disciplinarity?1. In your own opinion, what is the right disciplinarity in the College of Education at UTEP?X2. What are some credential expectations for conduct in the College of Education at UTEP?XX3. What advice would you give to the novice so he/she could acquire and become successful in this career?XX4. As a professor and with your knowledge, what exactly is a Bilingual Education Generalist?X5. Is there specific required courses that one must take for this study? Or are all Education majors the same?X6. Joining different clubs/organizations will help motivate one in this study? If so, why?X7. Does UTEP offer any scholarships for this major?X8. What are some challenges that one will face while studying in the College of Education at UTEP?XXX9. If one is not quite sure if this is the right major, whom would recommend to go to receive a proper opinion and advice?XXX10. How does the College of Education at UTEP strengthen the role in the U.S. and Mexico? X11. Is it different from one who teaches Bilingual to one who teaches dual classes?X12. What led you to choose this profession?XX13. What was your behavior when you were a student?XInterviews C. Interview with Heather Kendrick - EPISD FHS Spanish Teacher - 10/10/20141. What are some credential expectations for conduct in the College of Education? “That they have been in a classroom, that they know how to teach, including the philosophy, how to handle the discipline, and how to use different activities so that they are well prepared for the future.”2. What advice would you give the novice so he/she could acquire and become successful in this career? “I would say to volunteer as much as possible in the classroom. I mean, to go to a high school or elementary class and get in the classroom and watch, and be around teachers.”- How would you describe success in this career? “To be successful enjoy your classes, and be creative, learn how to teach new things.”3. As a student in the College of Education, with your knowledge, what exactly is a Bilingual Education Generalist?“Bilingual education is to help students whose first language isn’t English.”4. Joining different clubs/organizations will help motivate one in this study? If so, why? “I think it is important to feel like you’re part of the group, so yes. Being in different clubs will help. Now only Education wise but I think it’s good to know people who are different than you.”5. What are some challenges that one will face while studying in the College of Education?“Time management and trying to get enough experience before you actually get a job. I feel like that’s one of the hardest things to do before you become a teacher is to get enough experience.”- What do you believe the qualities of an ideal student are?“Are responsible for time and work, able to ask questions and to learn from your mistakes.” 6. If one isn't quite sure if this is the right major, whom would you recommend to go to receive a proper opinion and advice? “Maybe a teacher, not necessarily a professor but someone who actually works in a high school, middle school or elementary school. Also maybe even a counselor to help you with other options.”7. How does the College of Education strengthen the role in the U.S. and Mexico? “By preparing the next generation for the future.”- Do you believe there are a lot of jobs in this study? “Yes there are a lot but not available jobs.”8. Is it different from one who teaches Bilingual to one who teaches Dual classes?“Yes there is a difference between Dual and Bilingual. I think Bilingual is to teach English to those who don’t know and Dual is where you have both languages being taught so that the Spanish speakers will write English and English speakers will learn Spanish.”9. What led you to choose this profession? “No, I didn’t always wanted to be a teacher but I wanted to make a difference. I also like the schedule.”10. What is your behavior as a student? “In my first semester I did struggle. It was hard to you know, manage everything, get everything turned in and get good grades.”- What do you enjoy the most about the College of Education at UTEP?“My students, that’s my favorite part.” Interview with Kendrick, HeatherSpanish teacher at Franklin High School10/10/2014Interviews D. Interviews E. Interview with Rocio Robles - Junior in the College of Education at UTEP - 11/17/20141. What are some credential expectations for conduct in the College of Education? “Expectations is to be prepared with exams and requirement.”2. What advice would you give the novice so he/she could acquire and become successful in this career? “Try to get experience of some kind with Education.”3. As a student in the College of Education, with your knowledge, what exactly is a Bilingual Education Generalist?“Teaching children or incorporating the Spanish language in a classroom setting.”4. Joining different clubs/organizations will help motivate one in this study? If so, why? “Yes it is because you are more involved in school and have certain responsibilities.”5. What are some challenges that one will face while studying in the College of Education?“Late classes, not enough space to register.”6. If one isn't quite sure if this is the right major, whom would you recommend to go to receive a proper opinion and advice? The Education advisors or the general advisors.”7. How does the College of Education strengthen the role in the U.S. and Mexico? “The Bilingual Education program.”8. Is it different from one who teaches Bilingual to one who teaches Dual classes?“Yes it’s different.”9. What led you to choose this profession? “Children experience, worked at daycare for four years and teacher at Region 19 for five years.”10. What is your behavior as a student? “Hands-on classes with class mates.”Interview with Robles, RocioJunior in the College of Education at UTEP11/17/2014Interviews F. Appendix BSurvey A.Survey Question GridSurvey Question Grid Your Name: Survey Objectives: (In the right column below, indicate the appropriate objective[s] that each survey question addresses.)Survey QuestionObjective #(s) B.Survey Question GridSurvey Question Grid College of Education Survey Your Name: Ana ValadezSurvey Objectives: 1. Clubs/Organizations2. Teaching/Learning Skills 3. Character Traits4. BehaviorSurvey QuestionObjective #(s)What is your academic classification?N/AHow would you rate your experience in your first class in the College of Education at UTEP?N/AI am in a club/organization.Clubs/OrganizationsJoining different clubs/organizations help motivate me in this study.Clubs/OrganizationsThe interactions and discussions with my peers in the department were a major source of motivation and support.Teaching/Learning StylesFaculty were outstanding teachers and I received academic advice. Teaching/Learning StylesOnce I acquired more in the College of Education, I understood how to manage my time well.Character Traits-Character TraitsI wish would have implemented more to become a better successful student in the College of Education at UTEP. Behavior If starting over, I would enroll the same major/program again.Behavior Survey C.College of Education SurveyBy Ana Valadez Please circle your answer.What is your classification?Freshman Sophomore Junior SeniorHow would you rate your experience in your first class in the College of Education at UTEP?Excellent Good Fair PoorI am in a club/organization.Yes NoIf so, name below.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Joining different clubs/organizations help motivate me in this study.Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeThe interactions and discussions with my peers in the department are a major source of motivation and support.Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeFaculty are outstanding teachers and I receive academic advice.Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeOnce I acquired more in the College of Education at UTEP, I understood how to manage my time well.Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeI wish I had implemented more to become a better successful student in the College of Education at UTEP.Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeIf starting over, I would enroll in the same major/program again.Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeSurvey D. Results for Survey1.What is your classification?Freshman60%Sophomore10%Junior30%Senior0%2.How would you rate your experience in your first class in the College of Education?Excellent40%Good40%Fair20%Poor0%3.I am in a club/organization.Yes20%No80%----4.Joining different clubs/organizations help motivate me in the study.Strongly Agree20%Agree60%Disagree20%Strongly Disagree0%5.The interactions and discussions with my peers in the department are a major source of motivation and support.Strongly Agree40%Agree60%Disagree0%Strongly Disagree0%6.Faculty is outstanding teachers and I receive academic advice.Strongly Agree20%Agree40%Disagree40%Strongly Disagree0%7.Once I acquired more in the College o Education at UTEP, I understood how o manage my time well.Strongly Agree20%Agree80%Disagree0%Strongly Disagree0%8.I wish I had implemented more to become a better successful student in the College of Education at UTEP.Strongly Agree40%Agree60%Disagree0%Strongly Disagree0%9.If starting over, I would enroll in the same major/program again.Strongly Agree40%Agree20%Disagree40%Strongly Disagree0%Survey E. Chart 1Chart 2Appendix CDocument A. Document Analysis102870018542000Your Name: Document Name: 1308735-635001. Purpose Analysis: For what purpose or purposes do you think the document was written? Be sure to indicate the context and the primary audience for which this document was written, as well as whom (primary and possible secondary audiences) the document is likely to affect.Evaluation: Describe your opinion of how well (or not) the writer has done with making their purpose(s) clear and understandable. Describe how the writer has or has not adequately considered their primary audience, as well as possible secondary audiences (including a potential judge/jury).2. Writing roles (all writing communicates)Analysis:Which of the following roles do you think the writer intended for this document? Teaching Selling (sometimes, a writer needs to sell an idea, even) Advocating Judging Researching (or reporting research) Other (specify) Evaluation: Explain how the intended roles support the purpose of the document. Do you believe the writer ought to have included more roles? 3. Types of arguments Analysis:What type(s) of argument (e.g., fact, quality, and policy) is being attempted? Give a few examples of how this type of argument is made. What is the overall argument of the document? What claims does it make?Does it provide sufficient reasons/evidence (either explicit or implicit) to support its claims? Evaluation:Did the writer make an effective argument, that is, did they make all the types of argument needed, did they have a coherent overall argument, did they make claims, and did they support the claims with sufficient reasons/evidence? Do you believe the intended audiences would find the argument(s) compelling and effective?84. Structure/OrganizationAnalysis:How is the information structured/organized? Parts to wholeTime segmentsCriteriaGrouping (topics, steps, etc.)Evaluation:Is the information structured/organized effectively?5. FunctionAnalysis:What does the writer want the reader to do, as a result of having read the document?Do somethingLearn somethingChoose an alternativeArchive the document (put it away for future reference)6. Document DesignAnalysis:Has the writer considered, through their design of the document, the disposition in which the reader might read the document? (For example, will the document be delivered via a child’s back-back and thus possibly be crumpled and stained? Will the reader be stressed when they receive the document and need to be able to scan it to determine if they must read it immediately or if they can read it at a later time? Will the reader need to reference the document multiple times to identify specific pieces of information? Etc.)Evaluation:Is the document design appropriate for the intended audience, purpose, writing roles, and types of argument, structure/organization, and function?Document B.Document AnalysisYour Name: ___Ana Valadez_______________________________________Document Name: ___The COE of UTEP Catalog___________________________________1. PurposeAnalysis:The main purpose of this document is to inform the reader about the College of Education at UTEP. Provides excellent research context in areas vital to the larger educational community – diverse perspective, language learning, bilingualism, many different models of practice and curriculum for second language learning, international curricular issues, and immigrant education (The COE at UTEP).Evaluation:In my opinion, the writer of this document does not give enough information about the College of Education. The reader will receive somewhat information and will have to gather more information by going personally to the Education building or doing more research. In this document it tells you what are some steps within each degree, such as, Bachelor’s, M.A, etc.2. Writing Roles (all writing communicates)Analysis: a) To inform about the College of Education at UTEP.b) To expand interdisciplinary research to meet the compelling need for research linking teaching.c) Learning to meet the critical challenges of education in the 21st century.d) To strengthen the role of the College of Education in linking the U.S. and Mexico in building collaborative relationships to enhance current educational theory and practice.e) To strengthen home-school partnerships for students’ biliteracy development in the U.S. - MexicoEvaluation:The writer of this document is informing those who want to study in the College of Education have certain Admission Requirements, Plan of Study and the focus on Educational Administration and Higher Educational Leadership. 3. Types of argumentsAnalysis:a) Curriculum/resumeb) Letters of recommendationsc) All post-baccalaureate are required to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50Evaluation:The writer did not have enough effective and coherent overall arguments. They did make claims, “There is a myth that we prepare only elementary school teachers. We prepare teachers at elementary, middle school, high school, college, university faculty, researchers and more.” (The COE at UTEP). The reader would not find the arguments compelling and effective because they did not have sufficient reasons/evidence. In other words, it only says resumes and letter of recommendations, etc. are needed but it does not give more in detail reason as to why. 4. Structure/OrganizationAnalysis:Grouping (topics, steps, etc.)Evaluation:The information is structured and organized effectively; the document has titles of topics and a brief description about it, which helps the reader take the necessary steps towards becoming a counselor, diagnostician, principal, superintendent, or entering a specialized education field.5. FunctionAnalysis:The writer of this document wants to be able to inform the reader to know the admission requirements, goals and steps in the College of Education at UTEP.6. Document Design Analysis:This document is quite long but gives enough information and ideas of what the College of Education at UTEP is like. The reader will need to reference the document multiple times to identify specific pieces of information, because it is long and somewhat difficult to understand.Evaluation:This document design is appropriate for the intended audience. It gave enough information to cover its purpose and function about the College of Education at UTEP.Appendix DSite Observation A.Site Observation Pre-Planning AssignmentSite Observation Pre-PlanBefore conducting your site observations, you first need to address the following considerations:What are your objectives for the observation or what do you want to learn? - My objectives for the site observations are going to be how the students and professors interact with each other, whether they are working in groups or not? Also I will be open to whatever is happening.How do your objectives correspond to your secondary research questions?- he objectives, the students, correspond to my secondary research questions, they will show me what behavior I must implement in order to become a more successful student in the College of Education. The will also show some ideal character traits that I may need to know to function well in this study. Also some students may talk to one another about different clubs and organizations available at UTEP that I may be interested in joining. What are your targeted sites and why have you chosen them?- My targeted sites are the students, I have chosen them because they are in the study I am interested in and will be easy or me as a student to communicate with them to gather more information I need to know about the College of Education at UTEP.What populations inhabit your targeted sites?- Attending professors' classes who teach in the College of Education at UTEP is where my targeted sites will be. Is there a clear connection between your objectives and your choice of sites and populations?- There is definitely a clear connection between my objectives and choice of sites and populations. My site observations will be happening in the classes that the College of Education at UTEP provides; this way I can receive proper information in the discourse community of Education at UTEP.When do you plan to conduct the site observations?- I plan on conducting site observations within a week from the interview I have with professors. That way it's easier for me to get ready, to get to know the professor more and start developing a relationship with professors as well. Once I have done so, I may come back to them for advice I needed to or even letters o recommendations.What is your plan for recording your observations? (We recommend the two column method.) - My plan for recording my observations will be quite different than others. I like to be able to note all observations first then connect them towards the end. That way it is easier for me to understand and can make reflections of the site observation quicker. From what physical position within the site will you make your observations?- Within the site I will make observations; in an auditorium, I might sit in the front far left or right, in this way I can hear the professor clear and can look at what students are doing, In a classroom, I will sit behind the class and observe how students interact with one another as well. What permissions do you need to conduct the site observations?- Once finished with the interview, I will use the time to ask if I can do some site observations in his/he class. I will be sure to bring Permission or Research Form or them to sign if it is alright to do so.9Site Observation B. Site Observation #_1_DateBegin TimeEnd Time# People at Site(demographic info.)Place11/05/201411:05 a.m.11:42 a.m.17Education Building(Creating a Culture of Inquiry)There are students sitting down in a round table with their laptops and books out.Necessary tools to complete assignment/projectI can overhear them speaking about a project they are doing. Communicating with each other of different ways they can complete assignment/project.Nearby there is Bilingual Education CenterBilingual Education Center is very colorful.Decorative.Posters that are hanging up are “eye-catchy”.There is a huge poster (Venn Diagram) something that in EC – 6 would be seeing a lot.Plenty of space to sit and do homework. ................

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