Accessing Textbooks Reminder

Workpack June 8th – 12th

Please see email for any additional resources and activities.


❏ Go to your folensonline account or textbook

❏ On the Homepage, search for Abair Liom 6th Class. Under the picture for Abair Liom 6th Class, click on the Resources

❏ Click theme and choose Ócaidí spesialta.

This week we are moving onto the last Chapter 20 pg 144 – An Bhliainiris

Reading – Pages 144/145 Cómhrá

Lth. 144 … An Bhliainiris … Séan & Síofra

a. An Bhliainiris = the yearbook

b. A rogha ábhair = favourite subject

c. Post lá éigin = future job

d. Cóitseálaí spóirt = sport coach

e. Na cuimhní is fearr atá aige ar laethanta na bunscoile = the best memories of primary school

f. Ar turas go dtí an t-ionad eachtraíochta = the tour to the adventure centre

g. An rás trí chos = three legged race

h. Bhíomar ag cleachtadh ar feadh míosa roimh ré = We were practising for a month beforehand

i. Tréidhlia = vet

j. Thit mé tóin thar ceann = head over heels

Lth. 145 … An Bhliainiris … Magda & Daithí

f. Eolaíocht = science

g. Altra = nurse

h. Ag déanamh cairdis = making friends

i. Nach againn a bhí an lá = wasn’t it our day! 11

j. An lá a thaispeáin mé do na buachaillí go bhfuil mé go hiontach ag imirt sacair = the day I showed the boys I’m great at playing soccer.

k. Ealaín = art

l. Ba mhaith liom an lató a bhuachan! = I would like to win the lotto

m. A leithéid de lá! = What a day!

n. Nuair a rinne mé iarracht éalú ón scoil … níos mó ná uair amháin = when I tried to escape from school … more than once!



Try your best at the questions 1-9 page 145

Éist agus Scríobh


Lth 147 (D) Éist agus Scríobh … Listen to the excerpts online. Look at the pictures and identify who is saying what.

Frasaí Nua

Conas a mhothaíonn tú? How do you feel?

Lth 146 (C) … Líon na Bearnaí

a. Mothúcháin mheasctha = mixed feelings

b. Tá mé réidh = I’m ready

c. Caithfidh mé = I will spend

d. Ní bheidh aithne agam ar aon duine = I won’t know anyone

e. Aireoidh mé uaim mo chairde = I will miss my friends


Each day try to do some mental maths

• Try out , we use it in class a lot!

• Play a maths game

Mental Maths


In IXL, I want you to focus on the following sections, in particular, the sections marked with a star beside them.

From the 6th Class Section


Busy at Maths

Monday pg 183 Tuesday pg 184 Wednesday pg 185

Thursday pg 186 Friday - IXL Revision

Choose a topic of your choice on IXL




❏ Go to your folensonline or textbook

❏ On the Homepage, search for Starlight 6

6th. Under the picture for Starlight 6th Class, click on the Resources

❏ Under ‘Unit’ - choose Unit 15 ‘Utilising Waste Ground”

Oral Language:

❏ Open ‘Poster 15 Utilizing Waste Ground

Click on the Lets Talk Section

❏ Discuss these questions:

● Why might adults have a negative view of skate parks? Is this fair? Why?

● What evidence might adults have to support this opinion?

● What do you think are young people’s attitudes to skate parks?

● Can young people change adult’s opinions of skateparks do you think? If yes, how?


❏ At the top right hand corner of the folens website click on the green box saying ‘Combined Reader’. This will bring you to an ebook version of the class Starlight Book.

❏ At the bottom type in Page 176 to bring you to the text ‘Why we Need a Park for Young People. Read Pages 176 - 178. Discuss what you’ve read. Talk about the most interesting parts of the text you’ve read.

Then try the Comprehension questions on page 179, A and B.




Grammar and IXL

In IXL this week I want you to focus on the following sections, particularly the ones with a star beside them.

Some of you have mastered sections of this already and have achieved 100 correct answers on some sections, if you have, try some of the harder sections. Work at your own pace,


It’s your turn to be a teacher here! Check the work for avoidable errors.

It is important to proof read our work once finished, as all of us make small, avoidable errors as we write.



Persuasive Writing


This week we will write a persuasive letter.

We have already planned it from the previous weeks.

You have chosen your topic and made 3-5 points.

Now we will put it in the form of a letter.

Remember to include the formatting of a letter – addresses (you could make them up, or use ones you know)

Greeting, Introduction, reasons, conclusion, signature.

See the extra attachment on this weeks email to help you out.

Did you just list features or did you join them with benefits?

Have you used any technical language?

Can you change any of your points to sound more formal?

Could any of your points be introduced with a rhetorical question?

Could you quote an expert to back up your points?


Window on the World

Chapter 16 – How does a Submarine go under water?

You can find the Book online too

Read through the text on pages 103-104, orally, can you answer the questions, without checking back through the text. Try the experiment if you have the equipment.

How does it work?





Music (Listening)


SPHE: Transitioning to Secondary School

Continue to work through your Mind The Gap Booklet

Fill out the Feelings about Secondary School page attached to the email.

Check out this really helpful booklet too


Last week saw the first astronauts sent into orbit by the US since 2011.

Check out this great website all about the launch and the astronauts involved.

• Do you agree with that it is just as important for a spacecraft to ‘look amazing’ as it is to be safe and reliable? Write a persuasive text that answers this question.

• The name of the SpaceX crew capsule was announced on launch day as Endeavour. What do you think would have been a great name for the capsule? Choose a name and write a paragraph explaining why your name should have been used.

Did you know that the Hubble Space Telescope is 25 years old?

Checkout the magazine attached to the email to read all about it and answer the questions at the end to test your knowledge.



History Window on the World 6 – Chapter 14

• Dinner party activity page 104 and page 105.

• I would like you to document who you would invite to dinner and what questions you would ask them at least.




Here are some phrases that will help you in understanding the facfiles remember you can also use a dictionary online.

If you make a mistake, read the explanation carefully and it will help you to figure out the next step.

Remember, mistakes are great, we learn from them, don’t worry about your overall score on IXL.

Go to the online resources and have a listen to the scéal to help with pronunciation and comprehension.

Additional Gaeilge Activities

• Keep trying out some informal phrases each day.

• Try another online game from snas ar scéal

• Try this verb game

• Cúla4 ar Scoil continues on Monday @ 10am on TG4.

• If you haven’t tried it out yet…download Duolingo and keep up the practise

• Keep an eye on our Twitter account and emails for some extra ideas too

Additional Maths Activities

• See Monday’s email for some additional chance activities

• Check out some maths games

• Keep an eye on our Twitter account and emails for some extra ideas too

As we are now in the last month we will begin to wind down the amount of book work over the next few weeks, By the end of next week we will have completed most of our core subject books, so try to put in one last push to complete as much as possible.

Everyone should have all their textbooks to work from this week so my mail will be a bit shorter. You can always use the online versions if you find this easier too.

We will have another Zoom call on Thursday morning again @11.00

I will email out the log on details later in the week.

Watch the following video

Try out one of the experiments on page 105 you should have all you need at home.

Busy at Maths

We have covered all the chapters now in our Busy at Maths, so we will spend the next few weeks revising some of the topics.


❏ Go to the CJ fallons online resources using the link (as per instructions above)

❏ Choose 6th Class Busy at Maths

❏ Enter Page 183 at the top to bring you to ‘A Quick Look Back 9’

Now that we all have our Mental Maths book, we will do a Unit each week. We will skip forward to Week 36 this week.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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