Date 1/11/16? PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's HeadlinesHEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH?TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY to form judicial committee to 'inspect Israel's violations' at Temple Mount Ariel calls for annexation of West Bank's Area C Netanyahu: Lawlessness Must Be Addressed for Investment in Arab Community to Move Forward Israel's first stealth fighter jet enters advanced production stage in Texas Anti-Semitism in London: 'Hitler is on the way' - Three men attack three ultra-Orthodox Jews in Tottenham, London, and fleeEgypt's first parliament in 3 years convenesAmerica's embarrassing sectarian strife over sectarian strife in the Middle EastSaudi Arabia cements support against Iran at Arab League summitArab League against Iran: Emergency meeting held to discuss Tehran's threat to security Madaya: Death toll climbs to 28 as hundreds starve in war-torn Syrian townMadaya: Syrian regime supporters share food photos to taunt starving civilians trapped in townTurkish forces kill 32 Kurdish militants in bloody weekend as conflict escalates Isis 'ran sophisticated immigration operation' on Turkey-Syria border Europe concerned as scale of alleged migrant attacks on women grows Migrant Invasion Will Reach over 10 Million Warns German MinisterParis police station attacker lived in German refugee shelter: policeShooter of Philadelphia policeman described as quiet, devout MuslimPassengers tie up, hold down unruly passenger on diverted Detroit flightPutin says he wants global cooperation against terrorism: BildNorth Korea's Kim boosts propaganda in praise of nuke testGas prices could drop toward $1 a gallonAsian stocks open lower, extending global sell-offIntervention by Beijing Is Worsening China's Market WoesCar Insurers Find Tracking Devices Are a Tough Sell 5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Lata, Solomon Islands5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Ndoi Island, Fiji5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Illapel, Chile5.0 magnitude earthquake hits the Pacific-Antarctic RidgeColima volcano in Mexico erupts to 21,000ftCopahue volcano in Argentina erupts to 12,000ftSheveluch volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 12,000ftSinabung volcano in Indonesia erupts to 12,000ftTenggar Caldera volcano in Indonesia erupts to 12,000ftScientists record massive explosion at Hawaiian volcanoGiant sinkhole from old mine threatens to swallow NJ homeU.S. Research Farms growing human organs inside pigs and sheepUtah fears thousands infected in hepatitis C outbreak after exposure to hospital nurseIn State of Union, Obama to leave empty seat to honor gun victims, underscore gun control effortIf Elected President, Ted Cruz Will Honor Aborted Babies at SOTU with 'Empty Chair'Florida mother killed child in 'ritualistic sacrifice,' sheriff saysMayor denounces rape of woman by five men in New York playgroundGay actor takes role of gay character in controversial show "No Pants Subway Ride" returns to a city near youPROPHECY UPDATE NEWSLETTERSTAY INFORMED, GET EQUIPPED, BE ENCOURAGEDPre-Millennium - Pre-Tribulation - PrePARED*If you missed an issue or did not receive your daily copy - All Newsletters are archived at:?? TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...?Featured Article: Watching and Waiting??Hezbollah commanders say Russia directly arming them with long-range missiles??Behind the lines: Tehran vs RiyadhBuckle Your Seat Belts! 2016 Is Poised to Be a Year to Remember!!!!??Trending Toward Tribulation??One World Religion: Pope Francis Says All Major Religions Are Meeting God In Different Ways?Daily Jot: Above the law, is Clinton above the vote??Daily Devotion: Our Number One Goal??Watching and Waiting - Pete Garcia - ?"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21 NKJV?Have you ever been talking to someone about bible prophecy, and how the signs we are seeing today are all pointing to Christ's soon return and they mockingly correct you by saying 'my great grandmother thought Christ would return in her day and He still hasn't come'??I know I've heard that used on me a number of times as an attempt to discredit my concern for the lateness of the hour in which we find ourselves in.? More often than not, it's from well-meaning Christians who perhaps don't know any better due to their denominational upbringing.? But from others, the condescending nature of their rebuttal seems as if there is a hidden resentment against the very idea that Christ would have the audacity to return. ?There are three instances in the New Testament that the Apostles themselves called the times in which they lived either the 'last times', or the 'last hour'.? Even Paul expected Christ in His day when he concluded on a number of occasions by using the wording "we" and "us" as being included in the group that could see Christ return.? We know that the Apostles (Paul, John, and Peter in particular), didn't write what they wrote arbitrarily, but rather, by inspiration from God the Holy Spirit...so it's not there by mistake.?It was their deeply held belief in the imminent return of Christ for the Church, which could happen at any moment.? Since then, it has been some 2,000 years since Christ's departed planet earth, and if they thought they were in the Last Days, how much closer are we? ??"Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8?The departure from expectancy was not missed by Christ.? He foresaw the way the world would become even before He laid the foundations of the earth.? He knew all that would transpire between Adam and Eve's fall from grace to the conditions the world would be in prior to His Second Coming.? He even knows what will happen 100 billion years into even our future.?Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega (Rev. 1:8), and although He has not returned as of yet, He will.? He is God and cannot lie, therefore, when He said I will come again and receive you to Myself (John 14:3), we must take Him at His word.? That day will be the trigger to usher in the final stage of human history, in which the wrath of God is poured out on a Christ-rejecting earth.? As P.T. Forsyth once stated;?"The non-intervention of God bears very heavy interest, and He is greatly to be feared when He does nothing. He moves in long orbits, out of sight and sound. But He always arrives. Nothing can arrest the judgment of the Cross, nothing shake the judgment-seat of Christ" (in The Justification of God).?Assessment?And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Inasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold-the great God has made known to the king what will come to pass after this. The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure." Daniel 2:44-45?As the Holy Spirit moves over the face of the earth, explosions of revival breakout in former demonic strongholds along the way.? This is the case today in places like Nigeria, Iran, and China where millions have turned to Christ.? In response, Satan dials up the persecution to quell the outbreak of Christianity. This has been the case over and over for the past two thousand years. ?It is primarily here in the West, where Christianity has long been incubated, that Satan has been most effective.? He has been conducting a long war of doctrinal attacks aimed at corrupting the foundations of the Christian faith with things like; skepticism, eastern mysticism, replacement theology, human secularism, and Darwinian evolution.? And while these have been very effective in knocking down formerly Christian strongholds within governments, educational institutions, media, and even the public arena of ideas...what Satan has found most effective within Christianity is simply getting man's focus off our eternality and back onto the here and now.?Satan's tool of choice in distracting man with the here and now has been to relentlessly attack true, biblical eschatology by offering a human solution to the idea of "the Kingdom".? Instead of a 'blessed hope', we were told we have a 'sacred duty' to build Christ's Kingdom in the here and now, which sounds impressive but is misleading in its end state and is ultimately aimed at helping Satan building his. ?Simply look at how Amillennialism drives men to try and establish a Kingdom here on earth.? If Amillennialism were true wouldn't the "Kingdom" have already been built?? I mean, we have had the "Vicar of Christ" (i.e...the Pope) since the 6th century AD.? We've had crusades.? We've had the Protestant Reformation.? We've had the Puritans who settled in their new American homeland.? We've had the 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings.? We've had the Restoration movement.? We've had the Social Gospel movement. ?We've had in more recent times; the Toronto Blessings, Lakeland Revival, Third Wave, Latter Rain, New Apostolic Reformation, and Kansas City Prophets.? We've had a renewed push for ecumenism between Mormons and Evangelicals.? Between Roman Catholicism and Evangelicals.? We've had Purpose Driven, Seeker Friendly, social-gospel, name it-claim it, emergent church, Promise-Keepers, and everything in between.?All of these groups and movements were supposed to be earth shattering, kingdom-building, and man-centered efforts to transform the world we live in into some type of Christian utopia.? These groups also share similar eschatologies which are either of the Amillennial or Post-Millennial purview, redefining the Kingdom on man's terms.?If we were to judge the fruits of Amillennialism we would have to contend with Preterism, which is a byproduct of Amillennial teachings.? What Preterism introduces is skepticism onto Scripture.? Preterism seeks to dismiss any possibility of Christ's physical return to earth to establish His Kingdom by either spiritualizing it, (as does Amillennialism) or by redefining everything within Revelation to fit their narrative.?If we were to judge the fruits of Post-Millennialism we would largely from the aforementioned list above, which seeks to force change on a culture by assuming control of the Seven Mountains (or some variation thereof), in order to make society conform through their Christian influence. ?While the intentions might have been in the right place, and some may have been saved in the process, none of these programs and movements ever built anything except perhaps more confusion within the body of Christ.? (See 1 John 5:19, Luke 4:4-6, or 2 Cor. 4:4)?Skeptical theologians and scholars love to state that Eschatology is simply a second rate issue that has no bearing on our salvation.? That is true in as much as how it affects Christians.? However, it (false eschatologies) can be highly destructive toward the saving faith of those who are not yet Christians.?? Simply look at the damage that date setters such as William Miller and Harold Camping have put on Christianity as a whole and have turned away unknown numbers of potential converts. ?What they also don't tell you is, holding to or promoting false eschatological beliefs, side-tracks that unwitting believer into following a path which ultimately ends in failure, spiritual emptiness, and ultimately disillusionment with the faith as a whole.?False eschatological views also breed a tendency towards militancy, skepticism, and anti-Semitism by confusing the Church with Israel (or vice versa).? And if your end-times view has you going through the Tribulation, your focus now is not on waiting on Christ, but on stocking up, gearing up, and hunkering down waiting for all hell to break loose.?Needless to say, Satan has been busy.?So that is how we have arrived here in the final moments of human history, with Israel back in her land (as prophesied in Scripture), wars and rumors of war, earthquakes, pandemics, starvation, advancing technology, world government, and the overall convergence of signs, all while the church is asleep at the wheel. ?Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.? Revelation 3:3?Be of Good Cheer?For those of us who study Bible prophecy regularly from a Pre-Tribulation viewpoint, might feel discouraged at times because we are always talking about it and Christ said that He would come at a time when we 'think not'.? We (I) tend to neglect the reality that we (as a community of believers) make up a tiny percentage of the total number of Christians who are actively watching and waiting for the Lord to return.?When you compare us as community to humanity as a whole, our numbers are even significantly smaller and probably microscopic in comparison.? While those who are waiting on the Rapture is not a prerequisite for salvation, it is indicative of the 'state of the church' when Christ returns.?For those who are frantically working to build up some kind of kingdom here on earth, often accuse us of being lazy, head in the clouds, starry-eyed doom and gloomers, who are too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good, prophecy nuts.? Here is the will of God...that we believe on the One whom God has sent.? (John 6:29)?As believers, we are instructed to share the gospel, to work quietly in whatever field God has put us in, to be workman who needeth not be ashamed and ready to give a defense of the hope that is in us, to love one another, to mature in the faith, and to watch and be ready for when our Lord returns.? For those who ignore Christ's imminent return because they are so focused on trying to build their kingdom in the here and now, I would gently remind them... ??Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. 1 John 2:15-17Hezbollah commanders say Russia directly arming them with long-range missiles - part of their ongoing cooperation, Russia has supplied Hezbollah with weapons in exchange for intel and assistance in target selection, commanders tell Daily Beast.?Lebanon's Hezbollah is surreptitiously being armed by Russia, the Daily Beast reported Sunday, with no conditions being placed on the acceptable use of the traded arms. ?According to two Hezbollah field commanders who spoke to the online publication, Russia and Hezbollah's direct interdependence and coordination is increasing by day.?While the United States and the European Union have proceeded to support Israel's recognition of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization serving Iranian interests, Russia has refrained. A statement issued by its Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov in November said that Russia "maintains contacts and relations with them [Hezbollah] because we do not consider them a terrorist organization."?As part of the ongoing cooperation between the two, Russia has supplied Hezbollah with long-range tactical missiles, laser guided rockets, and anti-tank weapons, its commanders said.?"We are strategic allies in the Middle East right now," said Commander Bakr - speaking to the Daily Beast under an alias so as not to overstep a ban to speak to media.?Bakr said that Russia's support of Hezbollah has been increasing since 2012, taking a sharp turn with the launch of Russia's air campaigns in Syria in September 2015. He said Russia relies on Hezbollah operatives for intelligence and assistance in target selection for its air strikes, strengthening the interdependence between the two.?With Hezbollah forces on the ground and Russian jets in the air, Hezbollah has made advances that would be impossible sans support.?"The intervention of the Russians made it much easier," Bakr said of his organization's fight in Syria. "Without their air force we can't advance and they couldn't give us air support without our information from the ground," he said. ?He also told the Daily Beast that Special Forces of the Russian army were operating on the ground in Syria's Latakia district.?Russian and Hezbollah officials did not comment on the Daily Beast's report.?Assir (also an alias), a Hezbollah recruiter and Special Forces commander, told the Daily Beast that the Russians rely on Hezbollah, rather than Syrian military forces, to guard its arm depots in Syria - giving them extensive access to its contents.?Russia is not placing restrictions on how these weapons may be used, Assir said, giving rise to the possibility that advanced Russian weapons be used against Israel by Hezbollah.?"When it comes to Israel, Hezbollah doesn't take directions from anyone," Assir told the Daily Beast. ?Both Hezbollah commanders maintained that, despite free access to the arsenals, Hezbollah would not rely on Russian weapons in a confrontation with Israel. The Iranian arms in their possession will make do.?? Behind the lines: Tehran vs Riyadh - Jonathan Spyer - confrontation reflects key Mideast trend lines.?The decision by Saudi Arabia to sever diplomatic relations with Iran following the burning of the Saudi Embassy in Tehran is an escalation in an enmity of long standing between these two countries. The dynamics underlying it cast light on a number of key trend lines in the Middle East.?The first, apparent for a half decade now, is the ongoing decline of confidence on the part of Saudi Arabia and to a lesser extent other Gulf countries in the power of their traditional patron - the United States of America. The new Saudi proactiveness, first apparent in the intervention by "Peninsula Shield" Gulf forces in Bahrain in 2011 to quell a nascent Shi'a rebellion there, derives from the strong sense that Washington no longer sees Riyadh's interests as in line with its own.?The abandonment by the US of long-standing ally Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in 2011 confirmed for the Saudis the sense that the current US administration is operating in the Middle East according to a set of perceptions quite alien to its own, and quite likely to end in disaster.?The concluding of the deal on Iran's nuclear program on July 14 set the seal on this Saudi perception.?The US, in Saudi eyes, is seeking a rapprochement with a dangerous and expansionist Iran. This desire for rapprochement is based, in Riyadh's view, on a quite mistaken US perception that Iran is available for transformation into a reasonable regional actor, in return for the satisfying of some of its ambitions.?With the US unavailable, since it is unwilling to act to restrain Iranian ambitions, Riyadh has sought to do so itself. The Saudi intervention against the Iran-supported Houthis in Yemen and the Saudi assistance to Syrian rebels fighting the Iranian client - the Assad regime - in Syria are indications of this approach.?As to Iraq, Riyadh is deeply concerned at growing Iranian influence, but US backing for the Shi'a-dominated Baghdad government and low Saudi influence among the Sunni population mean that the Saudis have no strong client.?Similarly, Saudi support for the military coup in Egypt in July 2013, contrary to the US position, reflected Riyadh's concerns regarding the proliferation of the Muslim Brotherhood across the region (a threat that has since declined in prominence).?So the current breakdown in relations is the latest episode in an ongoing region-wide confrontation between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which derives from Riyadh's sense that the choice facing it was to organize proactively against Tehran or watch it come to dominate the Middle East.?This sense derives in the first instance from the vacuum left by American desire to withdraw from active involvement in the region.?Saudi Arabia is not alone in its perceptions. Bahrain, which is most concerned about the Iranian threat because of its majority Shi'a population, has also severed diplomatic relations with Tehran. Kuwait has withdrawn its ambassador. The United Arab Emirates, Tehran's main Gulf trading partner, has downgraded its relations, replacing its ambassador with an embassy official in charge. Qatar may well follow suit. Further afield, Sudan, too, has severed diplomatic relations in "solidarity" with Riyadh.?The second related element underlying the Saudi- Iranian confrontation is the growth to prominence of sectarian markers as organizing factors in regional politics.?Sectarian differences are not new. What is new is the collapse and effective eclipse of three regional states formerly ruled harshly by military regimes - Syria, Iraq and Yemen. In all three states, political-military organizations seeking to represent particular sectarian or ethnic elements among the disparate populations of these spaces are the main factors making war over the ruins of the states.?In all three states, Iran and Saudi Arabia are supporting opposing sides, and in all three areas, the support runs along sectarian lines - Saudi support for the Sunni Arab insurgency in Syria, Iranian support for the Alawi-dominated Assad regime, and so on. So Saudi-Iranian state rivalry has collided with and been intensified by a much larger process. This is the reshaping of large swathes of the region along sectarian lines and the awakening of long-suppressed or eclipsed identities.?But for Saudi Arabia, the growth of popular Islamist and jihadi movements among Sunni Arab populations is a matter for concern as well as manipulation.?Organizations such as Islamic State, al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood challenge the legitimacy of the Saudi state. States such as Qatar and Turkey are competitors for the leadership of the Sunnis.?In seeking to make of itself the champion of a perceived Sunni defense against Iran-led Shi'a encroachment, Riyadh is also glancing over its shoulder at its own population and Sunni Arab populations elsewhere. It needs to demonstrate its own strength also, so as not to be credibly depicted as an unfit defender of Sunni interests by these movements or by rival Sunni states.?It is notable that Saudi King Salman has proved more willing to align with Sunni Islamist forces than was his predecessor, King Abdullah, who regarded them as enemies. This fact has underlain, for example, Saudi proxies' involvement in the Jaish al-Fatah rebel coalition in Syria, alongside al-Qaida and other Salafi jihadi forces.?So the Saudi decision to execute Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, which triggered the current crisis, and the subsequent breaking of diplomatic relations with Iran are not only a simple product of Sunni-Shi'a rivalries. They are also informed by intra-Sunni concerns.?Lastly, the partial but notable rallying of Gulf states (and Sudan) behind the Saudis is testimony to the lopsidedness of the sectarian battle and the Iran-Saudi contest in the region. Iran possesses abilities in the fields of asymmetric warfare and subversion far beyond those of Riyadh. It is in the process of seeking to make an alliance with a powerful global player looking to wield influence in the Middle East (Moscow).?But Tehran also has a built-in structural weakness. As its activities in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and among the Palestinians show, Iran is not able to build lasting and deep alliances with forces outside of the Shi'a and associated minorities. And the Shi'a are a minority in the region, too few in numbers to form a basis for regional hegemony. The majority Sunni Arab world remains suspicious and cautious regarding Tehran's designs on it.?The result of this is that Iranian interference in each case until now has led not to Iranian victory and the reconstitution of the area as an Iranian ally. Rather, Iranian interference leads to ongoing instability and conflict, with the Iranian client neither defeated nor fully victorious. Iran creates chaos. But it has not begun to rebuild a new order out of this chaos.?So welcome to the Middle East circa 2016 - state collapse, political Islam as the dominant language, an ambitious Iran at the head of a Shi'a/minorities alliance, and Saudi Arabia seeking to mobilize Sunni resistance to Iranian plans, in competition with sundry other Sunni actors. All taking place against a backdrop of American absence and Russian attempts to build a presence.?The Saudi decision this week to sever diplomatic relations with Tehran represents an escalation within this grave reality rather than a radical departure.Buckle Your Seat Belts! 2016 Is Poised to Be a Year to Remember!!!! - A.V. Rauf - are just 10 days into the new year and already the following has occurred:?The first few days of the year 2016 saw a major crisis between the Sunni Muslim kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Shi'ite Muslim power Iran. It is being reported that officials met at an emergency Arab League session to discuss escalating tensions in the region. This occurred days after the Saudi kingdom's execution of a dissident Shiite cleric.*In addition to a major uptick in earth quakes over the last few years, scientists are now preparing for extreme volcanic activity, which could further complicate matters on this planet.*As North Korea just launched a successful Nuclear test, the United States has responded that this highly provocative act poses a grave threat to international peace and security and blatantly violates multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions.*Television programs titled "Lucifer," & "Angel From Hell," & "Damien" let alone several other apocalyptic themed programs as well as standard viewing which openly recognized the occult and immorality are poised to be viewed by millions.*An agreement signed last year making the Vatican's de facto recognition of a Palestinian state in 2012 official has now officially come into effect.This means the Vatican has openly endorsed full support for the two-state solution of the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ?Zechariah 12:1-3-The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.?Biblically speaking, the entire seven year tribulation period which unfolds at the very end of time involves the salvation of the very nation of Israel as she finally receives her Messiah. Very shortly, Israel will be pressured even more by the international community and the Vatican to divide Israel. Prophetic events began to unravel beginning in 1948 and in 1967, with the birth of the nation of Israel and the recognition of the city of Jerusalem. Now things are really speeding up.?Joel 3:1-2-For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.?Once again, it bears mentioning that God deal with the nation of Israel exclusively and in greater detail after the Rapture of the Church. I will not argue the timing of the Rapture ("Pre-", "Mid-", or "Post") in this post but I will say for a surety that it is clearly evident that the Church Age is about to come to an end.?Does this mean we hide and wait for the Rapture? No. If anything, it means we need to be focused on sharing the goodness of the Gospel and prayerfully seeking opportunities to win the lost now more then ever.? ?Romans 13:11-14--And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.?We may witness huge wars and conflicts this year. This may be the year of the fulfillment of the War of Gog & Magog as prophesied in Ezekiel 38-39. This may be the year Damascus is actually destroyed as spoken of in Isaiah 17. This may finally be the year of the UFO Disclosure.?As far as the body of Christ is concerned, this may sound a bit strong but here it is nonetheless:?Luke 7:21-28-Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.? ?We are uncertain regarding who will be saved and who will not in 2016 although our prayers and witnessing have a role in determining that. We also don't know which churches will stay on the righteous path and which ones won't.??Many churches may grow weak and fall while many may grow strong and stand securely in these days. We also don't know which churches will turn around completely in repentance before the rapture. (Although I advise you to read Revelation Chapter 1-3 for further insight!)?I am of the conviction that as the world continues to unravel and a great shaking ensues many may come to our Lord in repentance and surrender and obtain the free gift of salvation. After all, the Age of Grace has not ended....yet.?The truth of the matter is that the devil has deceived the world and Israel and is now after the Church. People have been put to sleep spiritually and as a result have grown complacent and satisfied to useless Sunday entertainment as too many ears have been itched.? ?2 Timothy 4:1-4--I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.? And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.?So how does one respond to all of this? What is a Christian to do????We must understand that despite all this, God is still seated on the throne and oversees everything. As I mentioned the Church age is still in motion howbeit we are rapidly coming to its end. Just as the truth is always opposed, the truth is ultimately upheld. The Lord is raising up leaders to preach and teach His Word. What role will you play in the grand scheme of things? ?The key to the Christian life revolves around consistently moving forward, getting to know our Lord deeply, personally and intimately. This wonderful knowledge comes only by revelation and it comes by surrendering every aspect of our lives to Him.? ?As a result, it produces in you safety, security, stability, hope, strength, purpose, meaning, endurance, steadfastness, victory, courage, restraint and self control.??Find a good church. Get grounded in the Word of God. Trust in Him completely. Seek Him now more then ever. Fellowship with likeminded believers. Pray for one another. Things are about to get very interesting.??Magog Rising - Preview Trailer?NOW SHIPPING!!!More than 2,500 years ago, God gave?the prophet Ezekiel an astonishing prophecy to give to the world, one that would be fulfilled in "the latter days." Many Bible scholars feel that the prophesied events, found in Ezekiel 38 and 39, could be fulfilled in the near future, and that we might already be witnessing the stage being set and the actors being moved into place, in light of current events happening in the Middle East, right now.?In Ezekiel 38, Russia, Iran, and an alliance of Muslim nations invade Israel due to a "hook placed in the mouth of Russia" to bring Russia down to invade Israel. That hook could very well be the natural-gas fields discovered off the coast of Israel or the more recent finding of massive oil deposits in the Golan Heights.?With Russian and Iranian military forces now cooperating? and engaging in combat in Syria, just miles north of the border of Israel, people are asking if these events are setting the stage for the fulfillment of what Bible scholars call the "War of Gog & Magog" that is supposed to take place in the End of Days??Join us in this exciting new DVD as we examine Ezekiel 38 & 39 and the infamous war of Gog & Magog, and compare it to today's headlines and current events in the Middle East.??TO ORDER THIS NEW DVD - CLICK HERE?The Burden of Damascus and The Psalm 83 War - PreviewNow Shipping!The Fate of Damascus and the Psalm 83 War?About the time of the end the biblical prophet Ezekiel tells of a future invasion of Israel by a vast coalition of nations, known as the battle of Gog and Magog, we find this in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. As we read the headlines in the newspapers of today, and witness the conflicts in the Middle East, it's not hard to imagine that this invasion prophesied over 2600 years ago, could be fulfilled in the immediate future.? Ezekiel 36-37 predicts a gathering of the Jews to the nation of Israel, which will be followed by this massive invasion.? For 19 centuries, the Jewish people were scattered throughout the world, and until May 14, 1948, there was no nation of Israel to invade.? With the nation of Israel now a reality, the stage seems set for the war that will usher in the tribulation and the rise of the Antichrist; a war that will end with the destruction of Israel's enemies by God Himself, and lead to the signing of a peace treaty with the Antichrist.?As you read Ezekiel 38 and 39, it isn't just the creation of the nation of Israel that makes this prophecy seem likely to be fulfilled in the near future.? The nations that God tells us will form this coalition against Israel seem more likely now than perhaps ever before to form just such an alliance." The leaders of this coalition will be Russia and Iran, and currently both of these nations are right on Israel's doorstep, under the pretense of battling ISIS in Syria. I believe that there are a couple of unfulfilled prophecies that will lead-up to this massive invasion of Israel, and as we read today's headlines, we find that the fulfillment of these two prophesied events,?could happen very soon! ?The Fate of Damascus and the Psalm 83 WarTo Order this Video on DVD Click Here!Trending Toward Tribulation - By Daymond Duck -? 2015 ended with a flurry of articles that clearly show that world events are moving in the direction of the Tribulation period.?For example, on Dec. 18, 2015, it was reported that there is a digital knowledge divide in the world because most of the households in the Middle East don't have access to the Internet. And to overcome this digital knowledge divide, the UN agreed to build the infrastructure for the whole world to have access to the Internet by 2030. ?This desire to increase the knowledge of multitudes in the Middle East is a reminder of something that God said, "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" (Dan. 12:4).?This expansion of the Internet will also enable people to see the abomination of desolation stand in the holy place at the middle of the Tribulation period (Matt. 24:15; Rev. 12:6). And it will enable people to see the Antichrist kill the Two Witnesses, see their bodies lying in the street of Jerusalem, see them raised from the dead and see them ascend up into heaven (Rev. 11:7-12).?On Dec. 24, 2015, it was reported that more than 25 prominent rabbis from Israel and abroad have issued a statement calling for a renewed look at Jesus, Christians and the New Testament faith. These outstanding Orthodox rabbis said they are not ashamed to exalt the name of Jesus and to welcome the carpenter from Nazareth back into the Jewish fold.?It is important to understand all Israel will get saved (Rom. 11:26), but before that happens the Jews will rebuild the Temple and resume the animal sacrifices. They won't get saved as a nation until all of them accept Jesus as their Messiah at the end of the Tribulation period (Zech. 12:10-12). ?However, 144,000 Jewish servants (12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel) will be saved and sealed at the beginning of the Tribulation period (Rev. 7:1-8). They will be the firstfruits unto God and Jesus during the Tribulation period (Rev. 14:4).They will lead multitudes to Jesus (Rev. 7:9-17). And this new Jewish attitude toward Jesus could be preparing the hearts of Spirit filled Jews who will evangelize the world after the Rapture.?On Dec. 25, 2015, Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, warned in his Christmas sermon that an apocalypse is taking place and Christians are facing elimination in the Middle East. He said ISIS hates anyone who thinks differently from them; ISIS will not tolerate an opposing point of view; and ISIS has killed thousands and uprooted many communities. ?World Net Daily employed Clout Research to conduct a national opinion poll of registered voters in the U.S. It is somewhat disturbing to hear that Clout found that 45 percent of Democrats, 36 percent of Independents and 20 percent of Republicans think Christians are a greater threat to the U.S. than Muslims. ??America's voters are clearly turning away from the truth (II Tim. 4:3-4).Concerning the signs of His coming, Jesus said, "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake" (Matt. 24:9). ?Our Lord was speaking primarily about the Jews, but His teaching has implications for Christians. The hatred and persecution of Jews and Christians are signs of the approaching Tribulation period.?On Dec. 31, 2015, the armies of Russia, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Israel ended the year on their highest level of war alert. It is prophesied that all of these nations will be involved in wars as the Tribulation period nears (Ezek. 38-39; Isa. 17).?Finally, as a new year begins, it is being reported that Pres. Obama said the idea of a lame duck presidency is nonsense. He said he plans to be very active in 2016 starting with a strong move on gun control. ?Gun control laws haven't worked in France, Chicago, San Bernardino or anywhere else and they won't work in the U.S. They are a scam to disarm America before the globalists try to establish their New World Order (world government).? ?Gun control laws disarm honest citizens, but they don't prevent gangs, criminals and terrorists from getting guns on the black market. They don't prevent radicalized Muslims from buying, storing and distributing guns at mosques. Guns are non-violent, but gangs and radicalized Muslims kill people.?Many believe that Pres. Obama (a committed globalist) is trying to take control of the local police and that he may try to stay in office illegally after his present term ends. This writer doesn't know what Pres. Obama's gun control laws will do or if he will try to stay in office (he is a chronic liar. But all of us are probably less than 12 months away from an answer.? ?Many signs seem to indicate that the world is trending toward the Tribulation period and only a few are aware of how close it is to becoming a fundamentally changed global police state. Billions will perish. Praise God! Jesus will come for His Church first.?Prophecy Plus MinistriesDaymond & Rachel Duck?daymond.duck@ ?One World Religion: Pope Francis Says All Major Religions Are 'Meeting God In Different Ways' - By Michael Snyder - new video has just been released in which Pope Francis very clearly expresses his belief that all of the major religions are different paths to the same God. He says that while people from various global faiths may be "seeking God or meeting God in different ways" that it is important to keep in mind that "we are all children of God". This is the most recent example that shows that the Pope has completely abandoned any notion that a relationship with God is available only through Jesus Christ. As he has done throughout his papacy, he continues to lay the groundwork for the coming one world religion, and yet hardly anyone seems upset by this.?When I first heard of this new video, I was so stunned that I thought that it might be a joke. But the truth is that this video is very real. The following comes from an article that was put out by Catholic News Agency...?The Pope's first-ever video message on his monthly prayer intentions was released Tuesday, highlighting the importance of interreligious dialogue and the beliefs different faith traditions hold in common, such as the figure of God and love.?"Many think differently, feel differently, seeking God or meeting God in different ways. In this crowd, in this range of religions, there is only one certainty that we have for all: we are all children of God," Pope Francis said in his message, released Jan. 6, the feast of the Epiphany.?But it isn't just Pope Francis speaking in this video. In fact, one section of the video features leaders from various global religions expressing faith in their respective deities. The following comes from an article about this new video that was posted on Christian News Network...?The video then features clips of those from different world religions declaring belief in their various deities.?"I have confidence in Buddha," a female lama announces.?"I believe in God," a rabbi affirms.?"I believe in Jesus Christ," a priest states.?"I believe in Allah," an Islamic leader declares.?Are you shocked yet??The Pope closes the video with an appeal for people from every religion to talk with one another and to work with one another. Here is more from Catholic News Agency...?Later on, after the Pope affirms that all, regardless of their religious profession, are children of God, the faith leaders state their common belief in love.?Pope Francis closes the video by expressing his hope that viewers "will spread my prayer request this month: that sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce fruits of peace and justice. I have confidence in your prayers."?If you have not seen this video yet, it is definitely worth a few minutes of your time. You can watch it right here...?WATCH: ?Of course this is not the first time that Pope Francis has done something like this. Very early in his papacy, he authorized "Islamic prayers and readings from the Quran" at the Vatican for the first time ever. And as I documented in a previous article entitled "In New York, Pope Francis Embraced Chrislam And Laid A Foundation For A One World Religion", during his visit to St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan he made it very clear that he believes that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. The following is how he began his address...?I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I would have wished my greeting to be warmer. My sentiments of closeness, my sentiments of closeness in the face of tragedy. The tragedy that they suffered in Mecca.?In this moment, I give assurances of my prayers. I unite myself with you all. A prayer to almighty god, all merciful.?In Islam, one of Allah's primary titles is "the all-merciful one". If you doubt this, just do a Google search. And this certainly was not the first time that Pope Francis has used such language. For example, check out the following excerpt from remarks that he made during his very first ecumenical meeting as Pope...?I then greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Muslims, who worship the one God, living and merciful, and call upon Him in prayer, and all of you. I really appreciate your presence: in it I see a tangible sign of the will to grow in mutual esteem and cooperation for the common good of humanity.?The Catholic Church is aware of the importance of promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions - I wish to repeat this: promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions - it also attests the valuable work that the Pontifical Council for interreligious dialogue performs.?Are you starting to get the picture??Pope Francis believes that all religions are different paths to the same God, and he is working hard to lay a foundation for the coming one world religion.?After watching this most recent video, I don't know how anyone can possibly deny that.?However, there are some religious people that Pope Francis does not like. Just recently, he referred to Christian fundamentalism as "a sickness", and he made it clear that there was no room for it in Catholicism.?So precisely what is "fundamentalism"??Google defines it as "a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture."?Does this mean that Pope Francis is against any Christian that believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible??That does appear to be what he is saying, and without a doubt those would be the Christians that would be against the kind of one world religion that he appears to be promoting.?Nearly 2000 years ago, the Apostle John warned us that a one world religion was coming, and now we can see that it is coming to fruition.?So what will the end result of all of this be?Daily Jot: Above the law, is Clinton above the vote? - Bill Wilson - ?Heavy sigh. It seems no matter how many issues of illegality arise, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton refuses to acknowledge wrongdoing and the news media, for the most part, will not hold her accountable. Some chinks in her armor, however, have been exposed and some media are starting to wise up. 's Keith Koffler may be one of them. He wrote, "The latest batch of Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department early Friday contain what may be the smoking gun that forces the Justice Department to charge the former secretary of state with a crime, according to former federal prosecutor Joseph diGenova." Still many are skeptical that Clinton will be prosecuted.?DiGenova is not one of them. He continued, "This is gigantic. She caused to be removed a classified marking and then had it transmitted in an unencrypted manner. That is a felony. The removal of the classified marking is a federal crime. It is the same thing to order someone to do it as if she had done it herself." He concluded, "This makes it impossible for the bureau not to recommend charges. This makes it impossible not to go forward, and it certainly ties the hand of the attorney general." It appears in an exchange of emails on June 17, 2011 that Clinton illegally instructed a senior State Department advisor to change the marking on classified information so that it was no longer flagged classified. ?Associated Press reports that the State Department is stonewalling regarding questions about whether the document was sent classified or unclassified. AP also asks, "And was Clinton wrong to instruct a senior aide to send it through nonsecure means, even if that request wasn't fulfilled? The department says it isn't making a judgment. Even the subject matter hasn't been revealed. The only indication in the email exchange of what the document might have been about was redacted in Friday's release of some 3,000 pages from Clinton's tenure as America's top diplomat." Clinton's legal problem is just one aspect of this issue. The ethical problem of having an unsecured email server in her house for government business is at the root of this, and it is mainly being ignored.?Despite Clinton's handling of the Benghazi terrorist massacre, the emails relating to national security on her private server, her turning a blind eye to her husband's demeaning and abusive treatment of women, and a host of other documented issues, there are Democrats, women and even Christians who intend to support her candidacy. A person of a certain political persuasion, or of a certain gender, does not a leader make. Exodus 18:21 informs us on leader selection: "Moreover you shall provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness." By these standards, Clinton is unfit to serve. She has been above the law most of her life. Is she also above the vote?Daily Devotion: Our Number One Goal - Greg Laurie - ?"Talk no more so very proudly; let no arrogance come from your mouth, for the Lord is the God of knowledge; and by Him actions are weighed." -1 Samuel 2:3?I was born in the generation known as the Baby Boomers. Our children are now called the Millennials, also dubbed the Me Generation. My generation thought the problem with the world was low self-esteem. Therefore, a lot of emphasis was given to, and a lot of money was spent on, the self-esteem movement. (This was never the problem, by the way, because it never has been a problem for us to learn to love ourselves. The problem is that we love ourselves enough already.)?As a result, a sense of entitlement-the idea that you don't have to work hard and that everything should be given to you because you're so wonderful-is now a big problem in our country. If you don't believe me, then just watch some auditions for American Idol. People with no ability whatsoever are completely oblivious to it. And when a judge has the audacity to tell them that singing is probably not what they should do with their lives, they get upset.?Consider these statistics from a Time magazine article in 2013: "The National Institutes of Health found that for people in their 20s, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is three times as high than the generation that's 65 or older. . . . Millennials received so many participation trophies growing up that 40 percent of them think they should be promoted every two years-regardless of performance."?Not long ago, a group of 18 to 25 year-olds were asked what their goals were in life. The number one goal cited was to get rich. The second most-mentioned goal was to be famous. These are people who have their priorities out of order.?Our number one goal should be to know God . . . and then to find His plan and purpose for our lives.FROM THE HEART??IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY,?TRULY,?THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT??Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks!??If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now!What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake?"Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!""Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack.2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others.3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update.I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! 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Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13Prophecy Update is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt -?non-profit?organization, and all your donations are tax deductible.??If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to:DONATE NOW?Or Visit our website: write us at:?Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516???We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! 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