
Name: ____________________________ Period: ______________

Date: _____________________________ Ms. Capalbo/Final Exam Review

What Did We Learn This Year?

6th Grade Social Studies Final Exam Review

Note: This final is NOT cumulative! It mostly consists of material covered in Quarter 4 (Islam, The Middle Ages, and the Renaissance). However, there are some general questions from earlier units and exercises that involve reading maps, charts, graphs, etc. This packet will assist you in reviewing the Big Ideas!

Skill Review: Geography!

Geography is the study of the physical earth and the Earth’s environment and how it shapes people’s lives and how the Earth is in turn shaped by people’s activities.

Review pages: H11-H18 (Beginning of your textbook) for help with map skills!

Remember this: (It is also in your book on pages R30-R31, in the back of the book, if you need it!)


Please define the following terms:

1. Peninsula: ____________________________________________________________________________

2. Isthmus: _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Island: _______________________________________________________________________________

4. River valley: _________________________________________________________________________

5. Plateau: _____________________________________________________________________________

6. Why do civilizations settle around rivers? ________________________________________________


7. Describe the elements of culture (what is considered as part of a group’s culture?) _____________

8. Define Monotheism: ____________________________________________________________ AND

Define Polytheism: ___________________________________________________________________

9. A person who studies fossils and artifacts from the past is known as a _______________________.

10. Define fossil: ___________________________________________________________________ AND

Define artifact: ______________________________________________________________________

Unit 2: The Old Stone Age--The BIG Ideas!

• The earliest people lived in Africa. They traveled in small groups to hunt animals and gather plants for food. They also gathered plants for use as medicine and they used fire. They had simple stone tools, which is why this period became known as the Old Stone Age.

• About 12,000 years ago, ice covered most of the Northern Hemisphere. During this time, people made more complex tools from stones and animal bones.

• At the end of the last Ice Age, about 10,000 years ago, people in various parts of the world began to farm. They improved plants for crops, tamed animals for milk and meat and the first towns were developed.

Unit 3: The Fertile Crescent--The BIG Ideas!

• The rich soil between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers produced plentiful crops. The people organized themselves into civilizations that built dams and irrigation canals.

• The cities of the Fertile Crescent developed a complex civilization. Eventually, one city, Sumer controlled the entire region.

• Some cities of the Fertile Crescent formed empires. The people of the Babylonian empire developed a system of laws. The people of the Assyrian empire conquered large territories.

• The western part of the Fertile Crescent was the birth place of Judaism, the first Monotheistic religion. The Jewish people have kept their heritage alive to this day.

Unit 3: The Fertile Crescent (continued…)


11. The “land between the two rivers” was known as ________________________________________

12. Judaism was the first monotheistic religion. The teachings of Judaism are written in the Torah. Briefly describe these teachings using pages 72-76.





Unit 4: The Nile River Valley--The BIG Ideas!

• The gift of the Nile River makes civilization possible in Egypt.

• King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt, the two kingdoms of Egypt to make Egypt the most powerful civilization of the time period (3000 to 1000 BC)

• Ancient Egyptian culture had several impacts on the present day. Egyptian cultural advancements included but were not limited to the creation of an irrigation system, calendar, complex burial rituals, hieroglyphics, and a dynamic group of Gods and Goddesses.

• Two kingdoms to the south of Egypt, Nubia and Kush grew powerful from trade with other regions of Africa. They adopted many aspects of Egyptian culture and in time, their kings came to rule Egypt, which eventually led to Egypt’s decline.

13. Define Monarchy: ___________________________________________________________

Define Empire: ______________________________________________________________

Unit 5: Ancient Greece--The BIG Ideas!

• The physical geography of Greece, which was mountainous peninsulas with rocky soil, was not suitable for growing crops and led to the development of small city-states

• Greek civilization began to grow and thrive when the people in these lands began to read the works of a Greek epic poet Homer.

• After a powerful army of Persians threatened Greece in the Persian Wars, Athens defeated the invaders. This victory began the most prosperous period of Greek culture, known as the Golden Age of Athens.

• King Philip of Macedon conquered the Greek city-states in the Peloponnesian wars. After his death, his son, Alexander built an Empire and spread Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean.

14. Athens created a system of government where the people had a say. What was this system called? Please describe this system and explain its impact on modern government (Use pages 193 and 199-201)

Name of this system of government: ________________________________________________________






Unit 6: Ancient Rome--The BIG Ideas!

• Italy is shaped like a boot. It is a peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean Sea. Some areas of Italy are suitable for farming in the river valleys of the Po and Tiber River.

• At first, the city of Rome was ruled by the rich. In time, a three-branch system of government, the Roman Republic developed. This system influenced the United States government!

• The Romans soon came to rule most of the land around the Mediterranean Sea. To keep order, Julius Caesar made himself ruler of the empire. After his death, his grand-nephew Augustus became the first official Emperor.

• To help Rome better defend itself, the Roman Empire was split into the Eastern and Western halves. The western empire was conquered by Germanic tribes from the North, but the Empire continues to grow and thrive in the East.

• A man named Jesus began to preach in one of Rome’s Eastern provinces. His teachings became known as the religion of Rome, which became the official religion of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire, which now became known as the Byzantine Empire.


17. Describe the Roman Republic. Who were the two classes of people? What were the three branches of this system of government? How did this system influence the modern United States government?




18. What was the collection of Roman laws known as? Describe this system (use pages 224-225)



19. How did Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire? (Use pages 240-251 to help you)



20. Describe life in the Byzantine Empire. What religion took hold in this area? What was the capital? What language did people speak? (Use pages 247-251 to help you)




21. What was the Justinian Code? How does this compare to other Ancient law codes? (Use page 251)



Unit 7: The Foundations of Islam--The BIG Ideas!

• In the Arabian city of Mecca, a new religion and way of life is born. Followers of this new religion, Islam, worship the prophet Mohammed and spread the teachings of Islam throughout the region

• Within 100 years, Islam spread throughout the Middle East and to parts of North Africa and Asia

22. Who was Mohammad? What did he teach? What are his followers called?



23. What are the 5 pillars of Islam? Where are these beliefs written?




24. What was written in the Quran? Why is this text important to Muslims?



Unit 8: The Middle Ages and the Renaissance--The BIG Ideas!

• Europe is a small, rich continent that has fertile land for farming and waterways for shipping

• While small kingdoms struggled for power, new people from the North, Eastern Europe, and Asia continued to invade Europe making the Middle Ages a violent and dangerous period. In time, the invasions ended and Medieval Europe became more peaceful and a unique culture began to emerge.

• After the Black Plague killed 1/3 of the European population, Europeans began to rediscover the art and ideas of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds during the Renaissance period.

• Martin Luther posted a notice on the door of a German church questioning the policies and procedures of the Catholic Church to begin the Reformation, which eventually split Christianity into two sects: Catholics and Protestants.

25. What was the social class system of the Middle Ages? What was this system called? What rights and privileges did each individual have? (Use pages 344-345 to help you)

26. What were the accomplishments of Charlemagne? (Use pages 341-343 to help you)



27. What was the Magna Carta? How did it compare to other written systems of law in the Ancient World? How did it influence modern systems of government? (Use page 346 to help you)



28. How did the Church impact and influence life in the Middle Ages? (Use page 351 to help you)




29. What were the Crusades? Where was the Holy Land? Why did Pope Urban II want to recapture this area in the name of the Christians? Where did most Christians live? (Use pages 352-353)



30. What was the Black Plague? How did it spread? Why was it deadly? How many people died as a result of it? (Use pages354-355 to help you)



31. After the Black Plague, what was the Renaissance and why did it begin in Italy? How did the Renaissance spread throughout Europe? What contributions of the Renaissance period impact the world today? (Use pages 356-363 to help you)



32. What was the Reformation? What did Martin Luther do to begin the Reformation? What was the impact of the Reformation on the Church? What new sect of Christianity formed as a result of the Reformation Period? (Use pages 366-371 to help you)



General Vocabulary Review… (Please do on a separate sheet of paper)

1. Manor

2. Vassal

3. Fief

4. Keep

5. Siege

6. Guild

7. Clergy

8. Chivalry

9. Knight

10. Serf

11. Feudalism

12. Estate

13. Cathedral

14. Crusade

15. Plague

16. Renaissance

17. Humanism

18. Reformation


We have learned and explored all of this! You know all of this information, you just have to dig it out of your brain and dust it off to use!

Also, review the handouts in your portfolio and notes in your notebook in addition to your textbook!

Good Luck! (


Please locate and underline:

• Tigris River

• Euphrates River

• Sumer

• Babylon

• Assyria

Please shade:

• Mesopotamia

• The Fertile Crescent

Use the maps on pages 55, 67, and 69 to help you!

15. Map of Ancient Greece

Please locate and shade:

• The Aegean Sea

• The Mediterranean Sea

• The Ionian Sea

Please use the maps on pages 191, 196, and 197

16. Please locate and circle:

• The Attica Peninsula

• The Peloponnesus Peninsula

• Athens

• Sparta

• Crete

• Rhodes

Please locate and shade:

• The Black Sea

• The Mediterranean Sea

• The Po River

• The Tiber River

Please locate and circle:

• Rome

• Carthage

• Byzantium

• Jerusalem







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