6th Grade

Central Christian Academy

6th Grade Elementary School Curriculum


Each year is an exciting adventure that the Lord gives us to share together as teachers, parents, and students. Our goal for your children and ourselves is for us to mature and grow spiritually together. Isn’t it true that as we mature spiritually we are more receptive to academics?

Sixth grade at CCA is a transitional year. We support our students as they get ready to make the change from elementary school to middle school. In sixth grade we begin each day in homeroom. The students then move from class to class for each subject. God has blessed our 6th grade team with unity of heart and mind. This allows us to truly work as a team so we can best serve your child and provide an excellent academic program. We hook together some units and projects across the curriculum so students can more deeply study certain topics from different perspectives. Mrs. Walters teaches Reading and Language Arts. Mrs. Truby teaches History and Science. Mrs. Powell teaches Math and Bible.

6th Grade Courses

Math Physical Education

Reading Vocal Music

Language Arts Library

Spelling Technology

History Study Hall

Science Honors Choir (optional)

Bible Band (optional) Art


We use a multisensory approach to mathematics instruction and continue the use of manipulatives, concrete items, and PowerPoint presentations on projector to enhance comprehension. Math is taught for mastery. This means your child will be allowed to correct errors for reduced credit on practice pages and homework. Corrections are the responsibility of the parent and child. Corrected papers are due the next day. The corrected grade will be entered as soon as possible. Students will apply the math skills they have learned to do projects related to everyday life. Math journals are kept to encourage problem solving and mathematical thinking. There are two math classes. One class uses the HSP Math 6 textbook. Depending on the students performance there are two possible placements: 7th grade math or pre-algebra next year. The other class of pre-algebra uses the Holt Pre-Algebra textbook which prepares them for Algebra in 7th grade.

Special Math Classes: Semple Math classes are available for an extra fee for those who qualify.


“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom,

the man who gains understanding.”

Proverbs 3:13

We seek the wisdom of God so that we may enjoy the blessings of a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. We have a challenging Bible study book entitled WISE UP! Wisdom in Proverbs. The study is specifically geared to kids in this age group to help them apply the word of God to the issues they deal with in their own lives. Some of the subjects we will study include character, wisdom, submission/obedience, home life, freedom and responsibility, friendship, how attitudes affect actions, and loving all people. Each student will be responsible for helping teach, apply, and role model one “Fruit of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22-23), developing servant leadership skills and godly character. Students have a daily quiet time in Proverbs (starting in September) and in the New Testament (starting in January). After the New Year we will do a survey of the New Testament.

Along with studying the word of God it is a critical spiritual discipline to hide God’s word in our heart. Two Bible verses are assigned each week. After learning 10-12 verses the students are tested on the passage. We will work on verses during class time but students are also expected to practice verses at home.


In order to develop reading skills, higher order thinking skills and a life-long love of reading the curriculum includes novel units, literature circles and book talks. We also have a literature series by MOSDOS to further our novel studies as well as include units on poetry and folklore. The novel units are done by the whole class and include Among the Hidden, Hatchet and The Cay. Literature circles form when 4-5 students select the same book from a variety of options. Each person has his own copy of the book. The selection is based on the interest and will encourage thoughtful discussions with other students who share that interest. Finally, the book talks will include missionary biographies, African-American biographies, and classical literature. Investigation and application of biblical principles and truth are part of every unit to enhance moral development and a Christian worldview.

Our philosophy is to include writing across the curriculum and to utilize our computer technology in research and writing. As part of the reading class there will be focused instruction in the writing process. Each quarter we will have varied writing projects. A variety of writing assignments such as fairy tales, poems, a research paper, thought journals, and a student-created book are planned. Each author will be nurtured to further develop their writing skills utilizing the seven traits.

Accelerated Reader: 10 A.R. points are required each quarter as part of the Reading grade. A.R. will also be used as an incentive device to encourage students’ love of reading. Students who meet their A.R. goals will receive a reward. They are encouraged to read classical literature and selections above their grade level. If a book is not on our A.R. list please speak with Mrs. Walters or Mrs. Burdick as we may be able to order the test.

Language Arts

In order to develop writing skills, students receive instruction in grammar and the writing process utilizing the six traits. We use the Shurley Language series to develop knowledge and proper use of English grammar. Students also practice grammar skills through “Daily Editing.”

Special Reading and Language Arts Classes: Excel and Explore Language Arts classes are available for an extra fee for who qualify.

Spelling and Vocabulary

Most of the spelling words come from Red Hot Root Words. The list for the next week will be published in the Friday newsletter so students who like to begin studying over the weekend may do so. When we are currently reading a novel, students are assigned vocabulary words and are responsible for bringing a “concrete item” to exemplify the meaning of the word for which they are assigned. Spelling tests will be on Fridays unless otherwise noted in the 6th grade newsletter.


We are excited to use the excellent A Beka Book History series and will be studying the New World: History and Geography in Christian Perspective. We will be focusing on the Western Hemisphere. Included in the units of study will be the West Indies, South America, Central America, and North America. When we study Latin America we conclude the unit with a Fiesta over the lunch hour and we invite our parents to see all that we have accomplished. Students will delve into a study of the Civil War with the creation of a colorful timeline. The settling of the Western Hemisphere and early American History will also be covered. Technology is used extensively in history class for research, instruction, and student projects. We are blessed to have access to in order to utilize teacher-previewed video clips to enhance student understanding and trigger class discussion.


The Bible and biblical principles are integrated into every subject of study at CCA but the importance of understanding God as Creator is clearly evident in science. We use an excellent science textbook and activity manual published by the Bob Jones University Press. We also have researched and will utilize some great interactive web sites to engage the students’ attention and allow further investigation of areas which interest them beyond the textbook. Students perform experiments, activities, and projects to better understand scientific concepts. Students are taught how to use the scientific method to investigate the world in which they live. Some of the projects include: building a plant or animal cell model; a Periodic Table scavenger hunt; building a roller coaster; and an investigation of genetic traits.

Special Subjects

Physical education, vocal music, technology, library, and art classes are taught by specialists in those fields. These classes are rotated into the students’ class schedules

The end of the day is reserved for band, honors choir, and study hall. Band is available for an extra fee and students perform at both the CCA programs and at the ACSI competitions. Students may audition to be part of the middle school honors choir. Study hall is a quiet work period where students can complete homework, work on a cooperative learning project, receive extra help in a specific subject, or read A.R. books. Every Friday we have chapel with 4th, 5th, and 6th grade.


We participate in the ACSI regional Spelling Bee, Speech Meet, Creative Writing, Math Olympics, as well as Choir and Band Competitions. Fourth through eighth graders also compete to try out for the National Geography Bee sponsored by the National Geographic Society.


Students may sign up to play on the CCA intramural teams in volleyball, soccer, and basketball. Teams are comprised of 5th and 6th graders and the practices and games usually occur after school or on Saturdays. Depending on the middle school’s numbers, the 6th graders are often asked to play with the middle school teams in boys soccer and girls basketball

Service Opportunities

In addition to our daily Bible class we want to live out our faith in everyday situations and through special events as we develop an authentic Christian faith. Some of our service opportunities include: raise funds for needy children; donations to Operation Christmas Child; visit with and sing to the elderly at nursing homes; support a missionary serving abroad; and write letters to servicemen.

Field Trips

Students don’t want to miss sixth grade at CCA. We have many special activities we are blessed to do throughout the year. Early in the school year we bond together in the Lord Jesus Christ by going on a two-day retreat at Rock Springs, a camp just outside Junction City, with our fifth grade classes. Other field trips we take include: watch a play at Wichita Arts Theater; tour Rolling Hills Wildlife Refuge in Salina, Kansas; visit the Smoky Hills Museum; and we wind up the school year with a fun-filled end-of-year party which includes recognition of special achievements and spiritual gifts.

Central Christian Academy

7th Grade Middle School Curriculum




Bible 7

Students will examine The Introduction to Christian Worldview Studies, and will learn how to develop a Christian worldview in the disciplines of theology, philosophy, biology and history.  Students will learn to recognize and confront secular worldviews, and be able to give biblical answers to the secularism that permeates our culture.  Students will accomplish this through selected reading assignments, personal Bible study, critical thinking and writing assignments, and lecture/discussion.  This class is designed to develop the students’ critical thinking skills and to increase their understanding of God’s role in the world in which they live, and their role as well.

Text:  Understanding the Times, David A. Noebel  (Summit Ministries)

History 7

Students will study the history of the world from Creation to Reformation. All events and empires studied prior to Christ’s coming are presented in the light of God’s plan for redemption for the world. Students will develop an understanding of why God allows and even orchestrates the rise and fall of great Kingdoms. Students will also appreciate the role individuals play in world history, and how their beliefs shape what they do.

Text: History of the World in Christian Perspective, A Beka

Language Arts / literature

Literature 7

The 7th grade literature class will consist of reading literature appropriate for the grade level. An analysis of this literature in regards to vocabulary, comprehension, and many literary elements will be stressed. Students will participate in independent reading assessments and projects. Writing assignments and vocabulary/spelling tests will also be incorporated into the curriculum.

Text: Vocabulary, Level A, Bob Jones University Press; Literature, Jade Edition by Mosdos Press


The 7th grade language arts class will consist of purposeful work in the grammar text book- Elements of Language, First Course by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Along with the grammar and usage exercises, major writing projects will be assigned.

Language Arts Explore Explore Language Arts is offered to students who struggle in the area of Language Arts, reading, writing, or spelling.  Alphabetic Phonics and Multi-sensory Reading and Spelling are structured systems to teach reading, spelling, writing, comprehension and oral to written expression with an emphasis on the alphabet and phonics.  Through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning, we meet the needs of many different learners.  Students must meet the Explore criteria, prior to enrolling.   This is an extra fee program.


All seventh grade students must enroll in one of the following math options.  Math classes meet daily.

Math 7

This math course is designed to reinforce basic operational skills.  Fractions, decimals, percents, geometry, properties of algebra, and graphing are included in this class.  Problem solving skills are emphasized.  Topics presented are meant to prepare students for pre-algebra.

TEXT: Mathematics Course 2 (Holt McDougal)


Requires a prerequisite for 7th grade students:  

Pre-algebra emphasizes basic operations of real numbers, statistics, number theory, problem solving, algebraic expressions, properties of algebra, uses of variables and formulas, and graphing on the coordinate plane.  Topics presented are meant to prepare students for algebra.

Students who pass pre-algebra with a letter grade of “A” or “B” will be recommended for placement in algebra for the next school year.  Students who receive a letter grade of “C” or below will be encouraged to enroll in pre-algebra for the next school year if they are returning to CCA.  For students enrolling elsewhere, class placement decisions are made by the receiving school.

TEXT: Pre-Algebra (Holt McDougal)


Requires a prerequisite for 7th grade students: 

Algebra is an introductory algebra course that prepares students for advanced studies in mathematics in high school.  Order of operations, solving equations with one variable, graphing linear and exponential equations on the coordinate plane, recognizing the properties of a line, working exponential and radical expressions, factor polynomials, and solving equations with two variables are including in this course.

This is an above-level math course. 

Students who pass algebra with a letter grade of “A” or “B” will be recommended for placement in advanced algebra/geometry for the next school year.  Students who receive a letter grade of “C” or below will be encouraged to enroll in algebra for the next school year if they are returning to CCA.  For students enrolling elsewhere, class placement decisions are made by the receiving school.

TEXT: Algebra 1 (Holt McDougal)

Math Explore Explore Math is offered to students who struggle with math concepts, computations or have a diagnosed learning difference in the area of Math.  Through Semple Math, Hands-On-Equations and other hands-on strategies the students are able to gain a greater understanding of mathematical concepts.   Students must meet the Explore criteria, prior to enrolling.   This is an extra fee program.

Science 7

Students will study God’s creation through an examination of the life sciences.  Lab activities, projects, reading for information, and power point led discussions will help students understand the natural world.  The main categories covered are the foundations of life science, heredity and the origin of life, the human body, concepts in microbiology and plant biology, concepts in the animal kingdom, and the nature of the environment.

TEXT:  Life Science (Bob Jones University Press)

                         Physical Science (Bob Jones University Press)

                         Space and Earth Science (Bob Jones University Press)





The students will be introduced to and practice the necessary skills for art production. The students will gain knowledge of a variety of art periods, styles, artists and well-known works of art. The curriculum has been designed to build upon previous art experiences at Central Christian Academy. The skills and concepts taught in art may also be used to create effective visual presentations in other classes.


      “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,who is in you, whom you 

have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  

Therefore, honor God with your body.” (I Corinthians 6:19-20)

·      Lifetime Temple maintenance is the responsibility of each of us as Christians. This class will provide a lifestyle approach to give the student the cognitive and behavioral skills needed to adopt a healthy lifestyle based on God’s Word and their own personal needs that will promote lifetime health, fitness and wellness.  The student will also be given the tools needed to make informed, positive choices, and healthy decisions when it comes to nutrition and exercise.

·        Our focus will be on living selfless in a “selfie” world and how that applies to our faith, and caring for our physical bodies in regards to exercise and eating.  Honoring God in all we do.

·        Students will be active in this class while having fun.

Physical Education

Required clothing: P.E. uniform and a different pair of tennis shoes from their school tennis shoes for physical activity.

The students will learn physical fitness skills by participating in a variety of physical activities and sports. The importance of proper stretching and maintaining an appropriate level of fitness will be stressed.


CCA students have the opportunity to gain exposure to Spanish culture, beginning vocabulary, and basic grammar during the Spanish focus rotation. This introduction to Spanish will allow students to build background knowledge that will assist them in making a transition to high school foreign language classes. Additionally, students will explore a biblical worldview of other cultures through a culminating project.



Computer Applications

Students will be using Microsoft Office for the Mac, iWork, and iLife software.  They will complete activities/projects using newly learned skills and reinforce previous learning from lower level computer classes. Online activities may include creative writing on a blog website, researching, podcasts and project work.


Typing courses are provided with an online typing program that tracks progress and can be accessed from home or school.  Typing is also reinforced through projects and assignments.



This is an enrollment class that meets after school on Wednesdays. The cost of the class is 75.00 and helps cover scripts, sets, lighting and sound.  There is a large play in the spring.  Students will learn some very basic dramatic and stage skills; including, character development, blocking, movement, stage make up, costuming and a few technical aspects of theatre as well. Rehearsals will be during class time, but closer to the production there will be additional rehearsals, including a couple on weekends and extra after school rehearsals. These rehearsals will be scheduled around the other activities of the school. 

Honor’s Choir (Central Singers)

This is a performance choir that meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays as an elective class from 3:00pm-3:45pm.  Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades may enroll. There is no fee for enrolling in Honors Choir.  Students will learn repertoire of various styles in 2 and 3 parts. Students will learn to sing in a large ensemble applying proper vocal pedagogy and musical elements of rhythm, pitch, harmony, expression, dynamics, and part blending. Students receive a grade for this class based upon attendance, participation effort, and performances. Honors Choir performs annually at the Fall Banquet, Christmas Concert, ACSI Music Festival in April, Grandparents’ Day and the Spring Concert in May.  The Choir also does a few “run-outs” during the year where students perform their selections locally for various groups in our community.

 Instrumental Music— 7th & 8th Grade Combined Band

Prerequisite: Completion of 5th and 6th grade Band (4 semesters total) or by approval of the Director.  This is a performance group.  Attendance at all performances is mandatory.  This group will perform at school programs, music contest, and other appropriate events as needed.  The goal of the Central Christian Band is to gain a greater appreciation for music through the acquiring of musical knowledge, growth as an individual and group, and learning essential performance skills.  This class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Students must enroll for both semesters.


The String Music Program teaches students basic theory, history, and practice of violin, viola, cello, or string bass, emphasizing classic music literature. The goal of the program is to provide the students with the skills necessary to play their chosen instrument, and to teach them additional skills that can be useful for later in life such as self-discipline and the ability to collaborate in a meaningful way with others. This program is available for students in grades 3rd-8th.


This class is full year classes that meet two days a week on Monday and Wednesday.  The students will learn basic photography skills and basic layout skills for yearbook pages as well as for the newspaper. They will be trained to use a web-based program CCA employs for our year book and our newspaper production.  

Skills Cooking Class

This is a great way to engage your teenagers. Kids love to cook, what they love even more is the attention they receive from the important adults in their lives.  Cooking class is an extension of that and gives you the opportunity on a silver platter to engage your child at home!  Ask them what they cooked, how they liked it and would they like it to prepare dinner using the same recipe?  Cooking class simply shows the student that they can do it…and enjoy food they thought they would not eat.  Open the world of your child!

Teacher Aides

This is a selective program to benefit both students and teachers.  Participation in this program is a privilege. Aides will be given regular duties, which may include helping students with special needs, creating bulletin boards, running errands, sorting materials, preparing learning materials, and general office duties.  Selection in the aide program requires the approval of the teacher involved, parents, and assistant headmaster.  Aides will work in one of the following areas: office, library, or primary classroom. Students will be involved as school aides two days a week and may enroll for one or more nine-weeks.

Video Production

Video Production class is an elective class that meets two days a week for nine weeks. Students will learn how to edit film footage with the Pinnacle software program. Students plan a film, shoot the footage, and edit the film to be presented in the Lion’s Pride Film Festival.

Extra-curricular Activities

Students may participate in extra-curricular activities if academically eligible. Those activities are as follows:

Boys: Soccer, Cross Country, Basketball, Track, Club Football

Girls: Volleyball, Cross Country, Cheerleading, Basketball, Soccer, Track



Explore is a program that assists students who have a diagnosed learning difference or are struggling in reading, language, spelling and/or math. Our systematic and hands-on methods help students to grasp and retain the information needed, to have a strong foundation for learning. We partner with the parents and teachers to develop a plan, so that the students can demonstrate what they know and continue to learn. Students must meet the Explore criteria, prior to enrolling. This is an extra fee program.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Kindergarten NA NA 84 83 88

First Grade 78 81 89 85 79

Second Grade 82 72 71 80 76

Third Grade 82 83 77 80 82

Fourth Grade 82 83 84 84 79

Fifth Grade 81 79 82 79 82

Sixth Grade 91 77 82 78 79

Seventh Grade 77 75 75 80 75

Eighth Grade 78 79 79 75 81

Numeric Average 81 79 80 80 80

pr (Percentile Rank): The pr provides a comparison of test performance with a national standardization group (175,000 students) who were selected to represent a true demographic profile of all students across the United States. On average, CCA students performed nationally at the 79th percentile rank during the 2010-11 school year (higher than 78% of the students who took this test during the spring of 2007, nation-wide).

All data based on scores from the SAT 10 (last “normed” in 2002), the most recent version of the SAT. Kindergarten testing was added during the 2007-08 school year.

*2012 Standardized testing was changed from ACSI SAT tests to ACSI Terra Nova 3 testing.

Central Christian Academy

8th Grade Middle School Curriculum




Bible 8

Students will examine the Christian worldview in the disciplines of ethics, psychology, sociology, law, politics, and economics.  Students will learn to recognize and confront secular worldviews, and be able to give biblical answers to the secularism that permeates our culture.  Students will accomplish this through selected reading assignments, personal Bible study, critical thinking and writing assignments, and lecture/discussion.  This class is designed to develop the students’ critical thinking skills and to increase their understanding of God’s role in the world in which they live, and their role as well.

Text:  Understanding the Times, David A. Noebel (Summit Ministries)

History 8

Students will study the history of America from the pre-Columbian period to current day. All events will be presented in the light of God’s plan for America to be a godly redemptive nation. Students will see God’s hand in American history from its Biblical foundations to its alliance with Israel. Students will develop an appreciation for their country as they experience the trials it went through and the great men who led it.

Text: The American Republic for Christian Schools, Bob Jones

Language Arts / literature

Literature 8

The 8th grade literature class will consist of reading literature appropriate for the grade level.  An analysis of this literature in regards to vocabulary, comprehension, and literary elements will be stressed.  Students will participate in independent reading assessments and projects.  Writing assignments and vocabulary/spelling tests will also be incorporated into the curriculum.

Text: Vocabulary, Level A, Bob Jones University Press; Literature, Jade Edition by Mosdos Press; various novels



The 8th grade language arts class will consist of purposeful work in the grammar text book- Grammar and Composition II, A Beka Publishing. Along with grammar and usage exercises, major writing projects will be assigned which cover a variety of writing genres.



Language Arts Explore EXPLORE Language Arts is offered to students who struggle in the area of Language Arts, reading, writing, or spelling.  Alphabetic Phonics and Multi-sensory Reading and Spelling are structured systems to teach reading, spelling, writing, comprehension and oral to written expression with an emphasis on the alphabet and phonics. Through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning, we meet the needs of many different learners. Students must meet the Explore criteria, prior to enrolling. This is an extra fee program.


All eighth grade students must enroll in one of the following math options. Math classes meet daily.


Pre-algebra emphasizes basic operations of real numbers, statistics, number theory, problem solving, algebraic expressions, properties of algebra, uses of variables and formulas, and graphing on the coordinate plane.  Topics presented are meant to prepare students for algebra.

TEXT: Pre-Algebra (Holt McDougal)


Requires a Prerequisite for 8th grade students: 

Algebra is an introductory algebra course that prepares students for advanced studies in mathematics in high school.  Order of operations, solving equations with one variable, graphing linear and exponential equations on the coordinate plane, recognizing the properties of a line, working exponential and radical expressions, factor polynomials, and solving equations with two variables are including in this course.

This is an above-level math course. 

TEXT: Algebra 1 (Holt McDougal)


Advanced Algebra/Geometry

Requires a Prerequisite for 8th grade students:

Advanced Algebra/Geometry is an in-depth study of Algebra. We will focus on the most challenging concepts and procedures to help ensure a strong foundation. Students will also be introduced to basic Geometry concepts to help create a seamless transition into High School Geometry.

This is an above-level math course.

TEXT: Algebra 1 (Pearson)

Geometry (Holt McDougal)

Math Explore EXPLORE Math is offered to students who struggle with math concepts, computations or have a diagnosed learning difference in the area of Math.  Through Semple Math, Hands-On-Equations and other hands-on strategies the students are able to gain a greater understanding of mathematical concepts.   Students must meet the Explore criteria, prior to enrolling. This is an extra fee program.

Science 8

Students will explore God’s creation through an examination of the sciences.  Astronomy, meteorology, geology, physical, and life science will be covered.  Lab activities, projects, reading for information, and power point led discussions will enhance the students’ learning.

TEXT:  Space and Earth Science (Bob Jones University Press)

                        Physical Science (Bob Jones University Press)

Life science (Bob Jones University Press)




The students will be introduced to and practice the necessary skills for art production. The students will gain knowledge of a variety of art periods, styles, artists and well-known works of art. The curriculum has been designed to build upon previous art experiences at Central Christian Academy. The skills and concepts taught in art may also be used to create effective visual presentations in other classes.


“Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body.” (I Corinthians 6:19-20)

Temple Maintenance - It is the responsibility of each of us as Christians. The goal of this class is to provide the students a lifestyle approach to exercise and nutrition. Giving the students the cognitive and behavioral skills needed to adopt a healthy lifestyle based on God’s Word and their own personal needs. I want to teach my students to Be Intentional in their Faith, their Fitness and the Fuel they put into their bodies, so that they will be able to Honor God in all they do.

Physical Education

Required clothing: P.E. uniform and a different pair of tennis shoes from their school tennis shoes for physical activity.

The students will learn physical fitness skills by participating in a variety of physical activities and sports. The importance of proper stretching and maintaining an appropriate level of fitness will be stressed.


CCA students have the opportunity to gain exposure to Spanish culture, beginning vocabulary, and basic grammar during the Spanish focus rotation. This introduction to Spanish will allow students to build background knowledge that will assist them in making a transition to high school foreign language classes. Additionally, students will explore a biblical worldview of other cultures through a culminating project.


Computer Applications

Students will be using Microsoft Office for the Mac, iWork, and iLife software.  They will complete activities/projects using newly learned skills and reinforce previous learning from lower level computer classes. Online activities may include creative writing on a blog website, researching, podcasts and project work.


Typing courses are provided with an online typing program that tracks progress and can be accessed from home or school.  Typing is also reinforced through projects and assignments.



This is an enrollment class that meets after school on Wednesdays. The cost of the class is 75.00 and helps cover scripts, sets, lighting and sound. There is a large play in the spring. Students will learn some very basic dramatic and stage skills; including, character development, blocking, movement, stage make up, costuming and a few technical aspects of theatre as well. Rehearsals will be during class time, but closer to the production there will be additional rehearsals, including a couple on weekends and extra after school rehearsals. These rehearsals will be scheduled around the other activities of the school. 

Honor’s Choir (Central Singers)

This is a performance choir that meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays as an elective class from 3:00pm-3:45pm. Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades may enroll. Students will learn repertoire of various styles in 2 and 3 parts. Students will learn to sing in a large ensemble applying proper vocal pedagogy and musical elements of rhythm, pitch, harmony, expression, dynamics, and part blending. Students receive a grade for this class based upon attendance, participation effort, and performances. Honors Choir performs annually at the Fall Banquet, Christmas Concert, Bluestem Music Festival in April, and the Spring Concert in May. The Choir also does a few “run-outs” during the year where students perform their selections locally for various groups in our community.

Instrumental Music— 7th & 8th Grade combined Band Prerequisite:  Completion of 5th and 6th grade Band (4 semesters total) or by approval of the Director.  This is a performance group.  Attendance at all performances is mandatory. This group will perform at school programs, music contest, and other appropriate events as needed.  The goal of the Central Christian Band is to gain a greater appreciation for music through the acquiring of musical knowledge, growth as an individual and group, and learning essential performance skills.  This class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Students must enroll for both semesters.

Missions and ministry

Missions and Ministry- When it comes to following Jesus our intelligence often exceeds our obedience. Missions and ministry is a class designed for 8th grade students who are ready to put feet to their faith. The first aspect of the class is a study on the character of God and how to continue growing in their faith. They will not just learn about God, they learn and practice living life in His presence.

Out of the vibrant active inner life of the surrendered student flows a heart for others and a desire to help others know the God they have grown to love. This is the other aspect of the class- serving others and ministering to needs. Students will gain an introductory level understanding of missions from a Biblical, historical, and practical perspective. Then they will put it all to work. Students will:

Gain an understanding of the needs in our community.

Have several opportunities to serve in Wichita.

Dream and design their own outreach project.

Go on an inner city mission trip over spring break to serve an urban community.

Homework load is medium to light and much of class time is spent in discussion and activity. This class is designed to stretch and grow the believer. It is a lot of fun but not for the faint of heart. Space is limited. Sign-ups include an application as well as a commitment to raise all the funds necessary for the trip.



The String Music Program teaches students basic theory, history, and practice of violin, viola, cello, or string bass, emphasizing classic music literature. The goal of the program is to provide the students with the skills necessary to play their chosen instrument, and to teach them additional skills that can be useful for later in life such as self-discipline and the ability to collaborate in a meaningful way with others. This program is available for students in grades 3rd-8th.


This class is full year classes that meet two days a week on Monday and Wednesday.  The students will learn basic photography skills and basic layout skills for yearbook pages as well as for the newspaper. They will be trained to use a web-based program CCA employs for our year book and our newspaper production.  


Skills Cooking Class

This is a great way to engage your teenagers. Kids love to cook, what they love even more is the attention they receive from the important adults in their lives.  Cooking class is an extension of that and gives you the opportunity on a silver platter to engage your child at home!  Ask them what they cooked, how they liked it and would they like it to prepare dinner using the same recipe?  Cooking class simply shows the student that they can do it…and enjoy food they thought they would not eat.  Open the world of your child!

Teacher Aides

This is a selective program to benefit both students and teachers.  Participation in this program is a privilege.  Aides will be given regular duties, which may include helping students with special needs, creating bulletin boards, running errands, sorting materials, preparing learning materials, and general office duties.  Selection in the aide program requires the approval of the teacher involved, parents, and assistant headmaster.  Aides will work in one of the following areas:  office, library, or primary classroom.  Students will be involved as school aides two days a week and may enroll for one or more nine-weeks.

Video Production

Video Production class is an elective class that meets two days a week for nine weeks. Students will learn how to edit film footage with the Pinnacle software program. Students plan a film, shoot the footage, and edit the film to be presented in the Lion’s Pride Film Festival.

Extra-curricular Activities

Students may participate in extra-curricular activities if academically eligible. Those activities are as follows:

Boys: Soccer, Cross Country, Basketball, Track, Club Football

Girls: Volleyball, Cross Country, Cheerleading, Basketball, Soccer, Track



Explore is a program that assists students who have a diagnosed learning difference or are struggling in reading, language, spelling and/or math. Our systematic and hands-on methods help students to grasp and retain the information needed, to have a strong foundation for learning.  We partner with the parents and teachers to develop a plan, so that the students can demonstrate what they know and continue to learn. Students must meet the Explore criteria, prior to enrolling. This is an extra fee program.

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|2006 |2007 |2008 |2009 |2010 |2011 |*2012 | | | | | | |Kindergarten | NA | NA |84 |83 |88 |84 |86 | | | | | | |First Grade |78 |81 |89 |85 |79 |86 |80 | | | | | | |Second Grade |82 |72 |71 |80 |76 |71 |80 | | | | | | |Third Grade |82 |83 |77 |80 |82 |84 |72 | | | | | | |Fourth Grade |82 |83 |84 |84 |79 |84 |73 | | | | | | |Fifth Grade |81 |79 |82 |79 |82 |76 |79 | | | | | | |Sixth Grade |91 |77 |82 |78 |79 |78 |71 | | | | | | |Seventh Grade |77 |75 |75 |80 |75 |74 |76 | | | | | | |Eighth Grade |78 |79 |79 |75 |81 |76 |82 | | | | | | |Numeric Average |81 |79 |80 |80 |80 |79 |78 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


pr (Percentile Rank): The pr provides a comparison of test performance with a national standardization group (175,000 students) who were selected to represent a true demographic profile of all students across the United States. On average, CCA students performed nationally at the 79th percentile rank during the 2010-11 school year (higher than 78% of the students who took this test during the spring of 2007, nation-wide).

All data based on scores from the SAT 10 (last “normed” in 2002), the most recent version of the SAT. Kindergarten testing was added during the 2007-08 school year.

*2012 Standardized testing was changed from ACSI SAT tests to ACSI Terra Nova 3 testing.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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