
Bridgeprep Academy South


|6th Grade Mathematics Course Syllabus |[pic] |

|2019-2020 | |

Course Overview

Middle School Math Solutions Course 1 focuses on building upon the math principles students have learned previously as we explore the next level of mathematical concepts and problem solving. Throughout the year there will be an emphasis on the mastery and usage of appropriate math vocabulary. We will cover operations with fractions and integers, both positive and negative. We work extensively with equations, inequalities, ratios/rates, proportions, and percents. We will apply the use of formulas to geometric figures as we explore area, volume, and surface area. We will work with graphing, displaying/analyzing data, and probability. We will also be exploring financial literacy. Throughout we will focus on developing creative and independent problem solving skills.

Course Periods: 3, 5, 7 and 8

Course Location: Room 204

Instructor: Mr. Lamadrid e-mail: hlamadrid@

Required Text and Other Learning Resources:

Carnegie Learning Middle School Math Solutions Course 1

Math Nation

Required materials


Large Folder or Binder

Graded Ruled Notebook


Pens and Pencils

Course Content:

First, students will learn to connect the ideas of ratio and rate to multiplication and division. If they can view ratios and rates as originating from and extending pairs of rows or columns the connection with multiplication and division allows students to expand on their skills.

Second, the students will complete their understanding of the division of fractions and of the system of rational numbers, including negative numbers. They will understand the order and absolute value of rational numbers and the location of points on the four quadrants of the coordinate plane.

Third, the students will learn to write and understand expressions and equations. The students will become able to write equations and expressions that describe a given situation. They understand that the solutions of an equation are the variables that make the equation true. The students learn to solve simple one-step equations and can create tables to describe the relationships between values.

Fourth, the students will begin to develop an understanding of statistics. They will understand that data distribution may not have a definite center and that different methods of measurement can provide different values. The students will learn how to use and calculate the mean and median of a group of numbers. They learn how the measurement of variability helps to describe a set of data.

Florida Standards for Mathematical Practices

1) Make sense of problems, and persevere in solving them.

2) Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

3) Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

4) Model with mathematics.

5) Use appropriate tools strategically.

6) Attend to precision.

7) Look for and make use of structure.

8) Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Grades calculation:

Classwork: 25%

Tests/Projects: 30%

Quizzes/Labs: 20%

Participation: 15%

Home learning: 10%

Late work will not be accepted for full credit. All work must be completed by the due date in order to receive full credit. If student is “excused” absent on the due date; work is due the day they get back. If they are absent the day of assignment is given, they have the same number of days to complete the assignment that they were absent.

Assignments missed by “unexcused absences”, or due dates missed as a result of “unexcused absences”, will receive a penalty depending on the extent of the lateness.

Homework will be based in completing 30 minutes per day Mathia activities assigned online in Carnegie Learning website, for total of 150 minutes and 20 problems solved a week.

Classroom participation grades will be judged by the teacher and will be determined on the following factors: behavior, attendance, attitude, note taking, and volunteering to answer questions and completing assignments on time. The participation points will be used to decide a final grade if you are on the boundary between two letter grades.

Quizzes will be given periodically throughout the topics in order to help students continuously review the content. Quizzes will provide useful information about learning progress.

The end of the topic will be marked by a district test that will be a combination of multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, and true or false type of questions.

6th Grade Mathematics is characterized by problem solving so you will be expected to show proficiency in such an important skill. As long as students show all your work and thinking process, they will receive a fair credit.

Classroom Rules:

1. If students is going to be absent, it is your responsibility to see the teacher for a makeup assignment. Please do this at the end of the class period.

2. Class time is for working, not playing and wasting time.

3. Do not talk while the teacher or someone else is talking. Please raise your hand if you have a question and I will call on you as soon as I am at the stopping point.

4. While attendance is taken, get your materials ready to take notes, and answer the question in the opening routine.

5. Be on time. You are considered tardy if you enter the doorway after the bell rings.

6. Follow all instructions in classroom.

7. Cheating on any test or assignment will result in a zero score.

8. Cell phones MUST be placed in a numbered pocket chart during class time. If your parents need you in case of emergency, they should call the office.

9. Do not leave the room without first obtaining permission. You MUST have a hall pass. Leaving the room without permission, unless in an emergency situation, will result in a referral.

10. When working in groups, students in a group are NOT allowed to walk to other stations or talk to members of other groups, unless instructed by the teacher. Students who do not follow directions will receive a zero for the assignment.

11. Follow all safety rules and procedures at all times.

12. No eating or drinking is allowed in class, with the exception of bottled water.

13. No writing on school desks, books, or other destruction of school property will be tolerated.

14. Verbal or physical abuse of anyone in the classroom will not be tolerated.

15. Be prepared! You are expected to bring a pencil or pen, book, and notebook and other materials with you to class each day.

16. Use pencil, blue or black ink. Illegible work will not be accepted.

17. All students are expected to complete all assignments on time.

18. Show effort and a desire to learn and it will be rewarded.

Teacher Responsibilities:

1. Trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise.

2. Respect you and work with you to solve problems.

3. Promptly correct and offer feedback on your work.

4. Work hardly with you to meet learning goals.

5. Offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.



I have read, understand, and will abide by the student expectations and the classroom safety contract. I have read the course syllabus and confirm my commitment to this class.

Student name: _________________________________________ (printed)

Student signature: ___________________________________________________

Date: _________________

Parent signature: ___________________________________

Date: _________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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