Mr. Leinonen

6th Grade Gifted Science

Room 614


Discovery Education

Username: Student ID Number

Password: Birthdate (mmddyyyy)


Username: Student ID Number

Password: Birthdate (mmddyyyy)


1. Two Composition Notebooks (one for first semester and another for second semester)

2. 1.5 inch Binder

3. 3 Ring Tab Dividers

4. Ear buds to use with science laptops

5. Pencils

6. Color pencils

7. Highlighter

MATERIALS (Optional)

1. Disinfectant wipes

2. Kleenex

3. Paper Towel

4. Dawn Dish Soap (Cleaning enzymes in Dawn work best with science glassware)

5. Construction Paper

Two (2) signed SUSD Science Safety Contracts are required for students to participate in science labs.


There are many ways to earn grades in science. All assignments, projects, quizzes, assessments, labs, and science notebooks are given a point value that will become part of an overall percentage of your quarter grade. Grades are posted online and will be updated regularly through Synergy. Final grades will be rounded ONLY if there are no missing for the entire quarter. Homework will be given on a consistent basis (Monday - Thursday) and will be graded on the quality of completion. Assignments will be considered late if you do not have them completed at the beginning of class.

Determining Grades

• Academic – Reflects student learning and progress over time

Homework and Coursework – 30%

Assessments – 70%

• Conduct – Based on student behaviors and efforts

Late Work

Students are expected to complete all required work and will be given opportunities and support to do so. Students may submit late work for credit within five (5) school days of the assigned due date with a penalty of 10%. Assignments not completed/submitted within this time frame will be indicated as not submitted (NS) and will be calculated as a zero.

Retakes or Redos

Students will be allowed to retake tests, quizzes, and projects. In order to retake a test or quiz, students will be required to turn in a relearn assignment that shows evidence of learning the concepts that were originally missed.

Extra Credit

Opportunities will be available throughout the school year.


Students are expected to do their personal best while consistently demonstrate CR2 in the science classroom

CR 2 = Caring, Respect, and Responsibility


I will not tolerate any form of cheating in this class. This includes but is not limited to, copying homework or class work, test, or copying and pasting from the internet (plagiarism). There will be many times in which you will participate in group work in class. This does not mean that you directly copy from team members’ assignments. Students need to write, phrase, and organize their thoughts individually. If any student is caught cheating, both will receive a “0” on the assignment/test and communication home. If it occurs a second time – the student will receive a “0”, communication home and, referral. Remember to do the little things each day to prepare you and come to office hours if you are having trouble.


1. Enter the science classroom quietly and ready to learn. Please do not enter without the teacher being present in the classroom! You should be in your seat and ready to go with all materials out (including your science notebook and a sharpened pencil) when the tardy bell rings.

2. Agendas must be filled out each day with their current homework assignments which are posted for the entire week on the front whiteboard.

3. All students will exit the classroom through the EXIT door. Students will not be dismissed by the bell but by the teacher to ensure everyone’s safety in making sure all lab materials has been properly put away.y

4. Cell Phones and all other electronic devices are not to be used in the classroom during school hours unless otherwise instructed by the teacher or administration in a designated area. Cell phones must be put away and turned off during class.

5. Science notebooks and one science folder will be kept in the classroom. These materials can only leave the classroom when instructed by the teacher. We will clean out our science folders at the end of each quarter. Do not throw anything away. All science papers will be kept and stored in your science folder for future reference and use.

6. Lab materials will be picked up and returned to the back counter top by your designated team member. It is the responsibility of every group members to make sure their responsibilities are completed. No one will be dismissed from class until all lab materials are accounted for and cleaned up has been completed.

7. Absences – Students have as many days as they were out to make up work that is missed. All work for planned absences will be made up upon your return. It is the students’ responsibility to find out what they had missed and what assignments they need to make up from their lab partner.

8. Tardies – Each quarter you will be given a warning for 3 unexcused tardies. On the 4th you will receive an office referral.

9. SUSD Dress Code Policy and Student Code of Conduct will be enforced.

10. DCMS Student IDs must be visibly seen on a lanyard at all times on campus.

11. Backpacks - Must be stored under the lab tables for safety purposes.

Student’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Period: _____________

Student Signature: _______________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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