
Kanoon Magnet Week 14 lessons LInkBcA82fw/edit?usp=sharingRemote Distance Learning - Created to be completed during WEEK # 14Last WEEK----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aprendizaje - SEMANA # 14Ultima semanaDear Students and Parents:Good morning,I hope you had a great weekend. We are definitely excited to see the summer begin. I pray you stay stay and healthy. Attached are your lessons for the last week of school. Some of you may get a call about attending summer school remotely. There is still no person to person lessons. Everyone except those students who are not returning to Kanoon may keep their devices. Please take good care of them since we will need them when you return. I will keep sending you emails over the summer to share updates and to share with you news about the Kanoon Family. Please keep in tough with us via email and keep us posted on your health and safety.We love you and miss you a great summer. By the way, teachers will be hosting a parade on June 18th after 11:00- look for us by your home, we will be passing by beeping our horns and congratulating the 8th graders who will graduate that morning. Estimados estudiantes y Padres:Espero que hayas tenido un gran fin de semana. Definitivamente estamos emocionados de ver el comienzo del verano. Ruego que te quedes sano con su familia. Se adjuntan sus lecciones para la última semana de la escuela. Algunos de ustedes pueden recibir una llamada sobre tener que asistir a la escuela de verano de forma remota. Todavía no hay lecciones de persona a persona. Todos excepto aquellos estudiantes que no regresan a Kanoon pueden conservar sus dispositivos. Por favor, cuídalos bien ya que los necesitaremos cuando regreses. Seguiré enviándote correos electrónicos durante el verano para compartir actualizaciones y compartir contigo noticias sobre la familia Kanoon. Por favor, manténgase en forma con nosotros por correo electrónico y manténganos informados sobre su salud y seguridad.Te queremos y te extra?amos un gran verano. Por cierto, los maestros organizarán un desfile el 18 de junio después de las 11:00- búsquenos desde su casa, estaremos pasando por la calles y por pitidos y felicitando a los estudiantes de octavo grado que se graduarán esa ma?ana. Sincerely, SinceramenteDr. Gonzalez / Ms. PinedaPRESCHOOL - Applications for 2020-2021 will still be launched on April 15th…. Go to or call the the Chicago Early Learning Hotline at (312) 229-1690 to find out more information about programs that best meet their family's needs. Please Note: Returning and new students must complete a registration packet for next school year. Returning students do not need to complete the Home Language Survey (HLS) if there is already one on file.PREESCOLAR - Las aplicaciones para 2020-2021 se van hacer lanzado 2l 15 de abril... Visite o llame a la línea directa de Chicago Early Learning al (312) 229-1690 para obtener más información sobre los programas que mejor satisfacen las necesidades de su familia.Nota: Los estudiantes nuevos y los que regresan deben completar un paquete de inscripción para el próximo a?o escolar. Los estudiantes que regresan no necesitan completar la Encuesta del idioma del hogar (HLS) si ya hay una en el archivo.Specials Mr. Erickson4762657150mserickson@cps.edu All Students – Father’s Day is Sunday, June 21. It is a day in which we can not only celebrate fathers, but any man who has been an influence on your life. For your art activity this week, make something special for this person. It could be a drawing, painting, or card. Think about what they like and what they mean to you and use that information to personalize your project. If you choose to make a card, there are some websites that have some examples below. Click on the link to see more. El Día del Padre es el domingo 21 de junio. Es un día en el que no solo podemos celebrar a los padres, sino a cualquier hombre que haya influido en su vida. Para su actividad artística de esta semana, haga algo especial para esta persona. Puede ser un dibujo, pintura o tarjeta. Piensa en lo que les gusta y lo que significan para ti y usa esa información para personalizar tu proyecto. Si elige hacer una tarjeta, hay algunos sitios web que tienen algunos ejemplos a continuación. Haga clic en el enlace para ver más. Click the link below for help with writing a message inside your card.Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener ayuda para escribir un mensaje dentro de su tarjeta. Have a great summer! ?Que tengas un excelente verano!Mr. Hernandez/Mr. Zavalajmhernandez74@cps.edu egzavala@cps.edu on the link or if you can’t open it, copy and paste the link on your search bar and it will guide you to youtube where there will be a video playlist of workout videos. Complete any workouts you want from the playlist each day. On a piece of paper, write down which workouts you did each day, have your parents sign it, take a picture of it, and email it to me or Mr. Hernandez.Pre - Kinder Grade - Caref Reading and WritingMathSciencePre Kinder Grade - CruzLectura y EscrituralunesVamos a tener una sesión remota de “show and tell”Usa Seesaw o Remind: dibuja y grábate diciendo el nombre de tu juguete favorito y cómo lo usas.martes Repasar las letras y sus sonidos. Usando éste enlace: Escuchar y bailar las canciones favoritas de los estudiante en Gonoodle: miércolesEscuchar la historia de La Srita. Bindergarten se prepara para kindergarten en el siguiente enlace: Seesaw o Remind: dibuja y grábate diciendo una de las cosas que hizo uno de los estudiantes.jueves Los estudiantes compartirán sus recuerdos favoritos de preescolar.Usa Seesaw o Remind dibuja y grábate diciendo que recuerdas de preescolarMatemáticaslunes· - Los estudiantes deben ir a ésta página de internet y usar su contrase?a para poder tener acceso a sus actividades.· Repasar los números del 1-10. Emparejar números con objetos correspondientes.martes· - Los estudiantes deben de ir a ésta página de internet y usar su contrase?a para poder tener acceso a sus actividades.· Repasar los números del 1-10. Emparejar números con objetos correspondientes.miércoles· - Los estudiantes deben de ir a ésta página de internet y usar su contrase?a para poder tener acceso a sus actividades.· Repasar los números del 1-10. Emparejar números con objetos correspondientes.jueves· - Los estudiantes deben de ir a ésta página de internet y usar su contrase?a para poder tener acceso a sus actividades.· Repasar los números del 1-10. Emparejar números con objetos correspondientes.Kinder Grade - Amaro 10:00-2:00Reading and WritingGood Morning Parents and Students, Dear Parents, I hope you are doing well. If you need to contact me do so using the REMIND APP since that has been the form of communication we have used this school year. Please reach out if you have any questions. CPS is recommending 90 minutes for Kindergarten. Please use a single subject notebook to complete the Reading, Writing and Math assignments. It will be easier to keep all the assignments together in a single notebook. PLEASE USE A SPIRAL NOTEBOOK (stay organized andkeep the notebook in a safe place when completing your assignments.) You can contact me using REMIND APP or call me at 1-708-971-0351. Thank you for your cooperation.For Reading (20 minutes) Students will be using the raz-kids or any book they have accessible at home. The first 20 minutes should be spent on reading. After the 20 minutes of reading on raz-kids or a book please use the following link to read (login: kanoon120) For Writing (25 minutes) Students will be using the link below or a book they have accessible at home. The 25 minutes should be spent on reading the following book on the scholastic website. The title of the book is which can be found if you click on the link below: will read and re-read the same book for the week Emily’s First 100 Days of School (and) 100th Day of School and complete the following writing activities for the week:MONDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write My favorite part of the story was…...don’t forget to write the title of the book at the top of the notebook paper Emily’s First 100 Days of Schoolreview your sight words and zoom cardsLog into raz-kids using your password (next to student’s name click on the ICON rabbit) (login: kanoon120) TUESDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write the main character in the story was…...don’t forget to write the title of the book at the top of the notebook paper Emily’s First 100 Days of Schoolreview your sight words and zoom cardsLog into raz-kids using your password (next to student’s name click on the ICON rabbit) (login: kanoon120) WEDNESDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write the setting of the story was…...don’t forget to write the title of the book at the top of the notebook paper Emily’s First 100 Days of Schoolreview your sight words and zoom cardsLog into raz-kids using your password (next to student’s name click on the ICON rabbit) (login: kanoon120) THURSDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write the problem in the story was…...don’t forget to write the title of the book at the top of the notebook paper Emily’s First 100 Days of Schoolreview your sight words and zoom cardsLog into raz-kids using your password (next to student’s name click on the ICON rabbit) (login: kanoon120) FRIDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will draw your favorite part of the book…...don’t forget to write the title of the book at the top of the notebook paper Emily’s First 100 Days of School review your sight words and zoom cardsLog into raz-kids using your password (next to student’s name click on the ICON rabbit) (login: kanoon120)USING FLASH CARDS (using index cards) to review, and practice sight words and the ABC’sDear Parents, please remember to continue reviewing the sight words students received in Kindergarten. Recognizing the sight words is important because they cannot be “sounded out”. Please use index cards to make it engaging. Sight words must be memorised and recognized by sight. This will increase motivation to learn to read. You can also use index cards to create flash cards for the ABC’s. Cut the index cards in half and use write the upper case letters on one half of an index card and the lower case letters on the other half of an index card. Reviewing the sight words and ABC’s during the summer break will help your child stay engaged. You can always contact me during the summer @ 1-708-971-0351. MathFor Mathematics (45 minutes) MONDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write your number from 1 - 100.Students should work on for enrichment and review.TUESDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write your numbers by 5’s, 10’s and 2’sStudents should work on for enrichment and review.WEDNESDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will create 5 addition problems using pictures to illustrate your addition problem for example (I had 2 candies and Ms. Amaro gave me 2 more, how many do I have all together) draw the 2 candies + the other 2 candies) 2+2 = 4 Students should work on for enrichment and review.THURSDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will create 5 subtraction problems using pictures to illustrate your addition problem for example (I had 4 candies and Ms. Amaro took away 2, how many do I have left) draw the 4 candies and take away 2 by crossing them off ) 4-2=2Students should work on for enrichment and review.FRIDAY-Review your math skills on the math applications of your choice on your IPAD or use the following link to review math skills USING FLASH CARDS (using index cards) to review, and practice sight words and the ABC’s and numbers 1-100Dear Parents, please remember to continue reviewing the sight words students received in Kindergarten. Recognizing the sight words is important because they cannot be “sounded out”. Please use index cards to make it engaging. Sight words must be memorised and recognized by sight. This will increase motivation to learn to read. You can also use index cards to create flash cards for the ABC’s. Cut the index cards in half and use write the upper case letters on one half of an index card and the lower case letters on the other half of an index card. Reviewing the sight words and ABC’s during the summer break will help your child stay engaged. You can always contact me during the summer @ 1-708-971-0351. Kindergarten - Miss Arenas Disponible - 9:00-1:00Semana#14 15 - 18 de junio ??Buenos días ni?os, madres y padres de familia!! ?Hemos llegado al final del a?o escolar! Les deseo un verano divertido, manteniéndose sanos y salvos. Pongan en práctica todo lo aprendido. Ni?os, recuerden que las puertas de mi salón y mi corazón siempre estarán abiertas para ustedes.Clases Virtuales en ZOOM el lunes y miércoles a las 11:00am ó 2:30pm ID: 670 444 6508 Password: 7yrjnF Les recuerdo que es muy importante establecer una rutina diaria con los ni?os/as aún cuando no hay clases. Les recomiendo establecer y seguir una rutina en la cual sus hijos puedan practicar la lectura, la escritura y los números todos dias. Siempre hablen con sus hijos/as sobre sus sentimientos y todos compartan unos halagos y piropos. Lectura y Escritura (45 mins) LECTURA - Cada día lee por 20 minutos en Raz-kids. Lee de 2 a 3 libros y contesta las preguntas de comprensión al final de los cuentos. Recuerda de usar tus poderes de Super Lector.Si no tienes internet, usa cualquier libro fácil de leer.Si no tienes la tableta: (login: kanoon122) ESCRITURA - (25 mins) Durante toda la semana enfócate solamente en este cuento de Harry el perrito sucio (bajo Animals and Nature en Bookflix) y haz las siguientes actividades en tu cuaderno. Puedes escuchar el cuento cada día. Presiona abajo ? - Escribe tu nombre y la fecha. Dibuja y/o escribe cuál fué tu parte favorita. Escribe el título del libro y Mi parte favorita.martes - Escribe tu nombre y la fecha. Dibuja y/o escribe quiénes son los personajes. Escribe el título del libro y Personajes. miércoles - Escribe tu nombre y la fecha. Dibuja y/o escribe dónde ocurre el cuento. Escribe el título del libro y Ambiente.jueves - Escribe tu nombre y la fecha. Dibuja y/o escribe cuál es el problema que ocurre en el cuento y cómo se resuelve o arregla. Escribe el título del libro y Problema y Solución.viernes - Haz el Proyecto Familiar descrito abajo. (Después de matemáticas)Después de terminar tu trabajo puedes abrir actividades como abc Espa?ol en tu tableta de la escuela o cualquier app que sea de lectura o práctica de letras. O en tu cartel laminado, escribe Los Sonidos Iniciales y el Abecedario. Matematicas (45 mins)Esta semana vamos a repasar las sumas y las restas.lunes - En tu cuaderno escribe tu nombre y la fecha. Luego haz un dibujo y crea 2 ecuaciones de suma y 2 ecuaciones de resta del mismo dibujo. Ejemplo: OOOO OO 4 + 2 = 6 , 2 + 4 = 6 , 6 - 2 = 4 , 6 - 4 = 2 martes - En tu cuaderno escribe tu nombre y la fecha. Luego repite los mismos pasos de arriba con otro dibujo.miércoles - En tu cuaderno escribe tu nombre y la fecha. Luego repite los mismos pasos de arriba con otro dibujo.jueves - En tu cuaderno escribe tu nombre y la fecha. Luego repite los mismos pasos de arriba con otro dibujo.viernes - Disfruta tu primer día de vacaciones!! Después de terminar tu trabajo puedes abrir juegos de números en tu tableta. Proyecto Familiar En tu bolsita Ziplock tienes 60 tarjetas con las Palabras Estelares. Crea 3 nuevas oraciones completas usando las tarjetas que hiciste. Luego toma una foto de las oraciones y mandalas por Remind. Por ejemplo…yoveoamimami oeldijovamosporaquí Al final escríbelas en tu cuaderno. No te olvides de empezar la oración con letra mayúscula y terminar la oración con un punto. Aquí están todas las palabras(en grupos de 10). Palabras Estelaresyo la mi mis un una ese esa mami papies este esta veo voy a el ella de del los la con sin gusta mira miro si no mepuedo más todo para tí va vamos por aquí allíhoy tiene tengo dijo qué quién cómo cuándo dónde porqueayudo abajo afuera adentro arriba juego viene llama hace fuí Durante las vacaciones lee y escribe estas palabras para no olvidarlas. Haz lo mismo con los números. Escribe los números de 1 a 100 en tarjetitas. Agarra una, dí el nombre del número y escríbelo.____________________________________________________________________Recursos adicionales Grade -NixonDear Parents,On Tuesday/Thursdays we will do a Zoom meet at 1pm. You can contact me through at or my email mdnixon@cps.edu for any questions. For MobyMax: and WritingMonday6/15Tuesday6/16Wednesday6/17Thursday6/18Friday6/19 Read 20 minutes on RazKids or Mobymax Show and Tell on Zoom Writing: What do you think 2nd grade will be like in September? Last Day of Class:Class Talent Show Be Safe! Enjoy the summer!MathMonday6/15Tuesday6/16Wednesday6/17Thursday6/18Friday6/19 Practice Fact Fluency on Mobymax Show and Tell on Zoom Practice Fact Fluency on Mobymax Last Day of Class:Class Talent Show Hope to See you in the Fall! SciencePrimer Grado - CamposLectura y Escritura Semana del 15 al 19 de junio del 202010:00 -11:00 Arte de lenguaje. De 11:00 a 12:00 Matemática y de 12:00 a 2:00 office hoursRemind: @f6ddkh Ms Campos Usen Vaya a youtube y oigan esta historia: ? [SPANISH] Libro: EL JUEGO DE LA LOTER?A | Read aloud, read along Lectura Infantil Reunion en ZOOM de 10:00 a 11:00 ID: 910 6263 4945 password 2vznYOLunesMartesMiercolesJuevesViernesEscucha la historia: El juego de la loteriaEscribe que vas a hacer o jugar durante el veranoCuentanos sobre algo que tu mama te haya ensenado a jugar.Habla sobre el proximo ciclo escolar y su nueva maestra.Que pasen un feliz verano!!!MatematicasPractica sumas en LunesMartesMiercolesJuevesViernesPractica los numeros de 1 en 1 hasta el 100Practica los numeros de 10 en 10 hasta el 100.Practica los numeros de 5 en 5 hasta el 100.Practica sumas de 1 digito. 2+4=___ 9+9=__7+9= ___ 7+8=__6+6=___ 5+5=__1+9=___ 4+6= __Ten un feliz Verano!!!CienciasJUEVES:Ver en youtube:TOP 10: Things To Do In Chicago/ 4Segundo Grado - OrtegaLectura y Escritura Google Meet: 9:30Lectura y Escritura: Google ClassroomWeek 14 - June 15-22Reading/Lectura9:30-10:00Writing/Escritura10:00-10:20Math/Matemáticas10:20-11:00Google Meet: 9:30Lectura Monday: Readaloud: Raz-Kids “Vivimos en Argentina”Lección: Colectando información sobre ColombiaExit Ticket: Google Doc.Escritura: EscrituraMartes:Readaloud: Raz-Kids “Vivimos en Argentina”Lección: Comparando y contrastando Argentina y ColombiaExit Ticket: Google Doc.Escritura: Escribiendo opinones.Miércoles:Readaloud: Raz-Kids “Vivimos en Argentina”Lección: Comida típica and y lugares famososExit Ticket: Google Doc.Exit Ticket: JamboardEscritura: Escribiendo opinones.Jueves:Fiesta de despedida- JamboardMatemáticasMatemáticas- Google ClassroomLunesesson: Sumas y restas de tres dígitos con reagroupaciónUna Lección en Khan MappersPráctica en Quick FluencyMartesLesson: Sumas y restas de tres dígitos con reagrupaciónUna Lección en Khan MappersPráctica en Quick FluencyMiércolesLesson: Restas de tres dígitos con reagrupaciónUna Lección en Khan MappersPráctica en Quick FluencyJuevesLesson: Sumas y restas de tres dígitos con reagrupaciónTerminar todos los trabajos asignados de la semanaVirtual Field TripSocial Studies and ScienceBrain PopBrain Pop JuniorBrain Pop Second Grade - TobarGoogle Meet everyday at 930. Link available on Google Classroom. Students can work on the packet if there is no tech available. Reading Read Aloud about ArgentinaMonday:Reading: Gathering information on ColombiaExit Ticket: available on JamboardTuesday: Reading: Compare and Contrast- Colombia and United StatesExit Ticket: available on JamboardWednesday:Reading: Gather information on food, traditions and important placesExit Ticket: available on JamboardThursday:End of the year party.On JamboardMathMondayOne lesson of Khan MappersAdding and subtracting three digit with three digit (regrouping)TuesdayOne lesson of Khan MappersAdding and subtracting three digit with three digit (regrouping) WednesdayOne lesson of Khan MappersAdding and subtracting three digit with three digit (regrouping) ThursdayEnd of the year party.-On JamboardWritingCreate an opinion piece on a book they read. Science and Social StudiesBrainPop Jr- Choose a video and complete the quizThird/ Tercero Grade - Garcia EspinosaReading and Writing/ Lectura / EscrituraMs. Espinosa-Office Hours M-F 11:00 a.m-1:00 p.mMonday/Lunes:Lesson (25-30 mins): Animal Research presentationsIndependent Reading(15 mins): Raz Kids or Epic Books Writing Prompt (15 mins): #34. What do you think about online classes/doing work only on the chromebook?Tuesday/Martes: Lesson (25-30 mins): Animal Research presentationsIndependent Reading(15 mins): IXL ,Headsprout or Capstone Library Writing Prompt (15 mins): #35. What do you think about 2020 so far?Wednesday/Miercoles: Lesson (25-30 mins): Animal Research presentationsIndependent Reading(15 mins): Raz-Kids or Epic Books Writing Prompt (15 mins): Finish any missing writing prompts. Thursday/Jueves: Lesson (25-30 mins): LAST DAY OF CLASS-Animal slideshow presentations/Virtual Field tripMath /MatematicasMr. Garcia-Office Hours M-F 11:00 a.m-1:00 p.m Math E-Learning Session Schedule 228: Monday through Friday- 9:00-9:45 am Math E-Learning Session Schedule 232: Monday through Friday-10:00-10:45 amHello everyone, We will be meeting Monday-Friday on Google Meet. In order to join you must log into your CPS gmail account and go to google classroom. The link you need to join in on our session will be in google classroom. During our math sessions we will be using Pearson Realize.Prodigy math and khan mappers will also be used to help review skills and strategies. Students have to log into their Gmail to access the Pearson math work and to access their Google Classroom. Students should know their usernames and passwords I can be reached daily on the Remind app, CPS email account jlgarcia@cps.edu ?Hola a todos!Nos reuniremos de lunes a viernes en Google Meet. Para unirse, debe iniciar sesión en su cuenta de Gmail de CPS y en Google Classroom. En el Google Classroom vera el enlace que necesita para unirse a nuestra sesión. Durante nuestras sesiones de matematicas usaremos Pearson Realize. Tambien vamos usar Khan mappers y Prodigy math para ayudar a revisar habilidades y estrategias. Los estudiantes deben iniciar sesión en su cuenta de Gmail para tener acceso a las tareas de matemáticas de Pearson y para tener acceso a Google Classroom. Los estudiantes deben saber su nombre de usuario y contrase?aSe pueden comunicar conmigo usando el aplicación Remind, y con mi correo electronico jlgarcia@cps.edu.Daily Assignments/trabajos MondayGoogle meets lesson:13-3: Practice Buddy: Independent Practice posted in gmail and Google Classroom.TuesdayGoogle meets lesson:13-3 Practice buddy: Homework Practice posted in gmail and Google Classroom WednesdayGoogle meets lesson:Virtual field Trip. Australia Zoo.ThursdayGoogle meets lesson: Last Day of school13-4: Practice Buddy: Independent Practice posted in gmail and Google Classroom.Friday*Please contact me using Remind if students forgot login information for websites. * Comuníquese conmigo utilizando Remind si se olvidaron la información de login Links to join Remind for Math: Enlaces para Remind Math: Room 232- Room 228 - /CienciasSPED K-3 and 6th grade Math - LevarioReading and Writing/ Lectura y Escritura 1st-3rd OFFICE HOURS: 12:00-2:00 CLASSES BILINGUES (BILINGUAL CLASS)QUERIDOS PADRES, GRACIAS POR SU ARDUO TRABAJO, SU APOYO, Y COMPRENSI?N. GRACIAS POR PERMANECER CONMIGO HASTA EL FINAL.EL JUEVES 18 ES EL ULTIMO DIA DE ESCUELA.QUE TENGAN UNAS BONITAS VACACIONES y CUIDENSE MUCHO.MS. LEVARIO.Esta es mi información para que se comuniquen conmigo: por texto (remind app). por correo electrónico CSanchez-levario@cps.edu TRABAJO DE LA SEMANA Fonetica: Palabras de la Semana: Diptongos: ue, au, ei, ai, ie.Vocabulary: huelo, miedo, auto, peina, aire. aceite, fuego. Lunes-Jueves: Fonética Palabras de la Semana: Diptongos: ue, au, ei, ai, ie. Diego escribe las palabras de la semana 5 veces cada una. Diego escribe una oración por cada palabra, usando palabras de uso frecuente. 2) Lunes-Jueves: Lectura:Diego va a / kanoon116.Diego lee un libro por día, a nivel de letra H 1er grado con 4 meses. Dime de que se trató la historia (idea principal), y dame 3 detalles. Que pasó? Cómo pasó ? Por Qué pasó? INTERVENTIONS/ ENGLISH:MONOLINGUAL CLASSES: BRENDA, JUAN, JACOB, ALBERTO,YVETTE, GUSTAVO, ALEJANDRO.DEAR PARENTS, THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK, SUPPORT, AND UNDERSTANDING. THANK YOU FOR STAYING WITH ME UNTIL THE END. THURSDAY 18 IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. HAVE A GREAT AND SAFE SUMMER BREAK.MS. LEVARIO.This is my contact information: By Text, using the remind app. Just click on this link (install it on your phone if you don't have it). the code is @mslevar By my email CSanchez-levario@cps.edu This is our virtual classroom link, to take your reading and writing lessons.At 10:00, students need to click on this link. Meeting ID meet.zto-nwou-jme ASSIGNMENTS: PRESENTING WRITING PAPERS:STUDENTS WILL READ THEIR OPINION PAPERS, AND NARRATIVES.WE WILL DISCUSS THE CONTENT AND THE STYLE. Monday-Thursday: .The presenter reads aloud his/her own Opinion, and Narrative papers. The students ask questions about the paper.We review the rubric.The students give suggestions about the content and the style of the writing.The presenter goes back to Google Classroom and edits his/her own work. 2) Monday-Friday: Reading:Students go to Raz Kids to read a book, click on the following link 1) Login with kanoon and your room number,example: kanoon112.2) Read one book a day at your level (letter). 3) Students identify the main Idea of the story: What is the book about?Then add 3 details:What happened in the story?How did it happen? Why did it happen? coMathematics/ Matematicas 2nd grade and 3rd gradeOFFICE HOURS: 12:00-2:00ALBERTO, BRENDA, YVETTE We have a virtual classroom to take your math lessons of the week: Just click at the link:At 11:00 go to this link Meeting IDmeet.mbn-jkir-cdc Then, Go to Google Classroom to do your assignment: Your class code is: w6wfze5 ss code ASSIGNMENTS: Monday- Thursday: Word Problems and Math Games.Alberto Y Brenda Y Yvette: Students will solve word problems, applying what they know about clue words, and addition and subtraction strategies.Students will play a game “guess a number”.Student will play “skip count contest” ss code Mathematics 6th grade room OFFICE HOURS: 12:00-2:00DEAR PARENTS AND STUDENTS, THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK, SUPPORT, AND UNDERSTANDING. THANK YOU FOR STAYING WITH ME UNTIL THE END. THURSDAY 18 IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. HAVE A GREAT AND SAFE SUMMER BREAK.MS. LEVARIO.This is my contact information:Text using the remind app. Just click on this link the code is @mslevar email CSanchez-levario@cps.edu We have a virtual classroom where you can take your math lessons. To go to your virtual classroom, Just click the linkAt 11:30 go to this link oin Hangouts Meet meet.jtx-rutb-rrz To do your assignments on Google Classroom, Just click the link: Your class code is: Class codeClass codepvotwdy ASSIGNMENTSMonday- Thursday. Evelyn, Juan, Daniel: Students will Evaluate Algebraic Expressions with multiplications: (Multiplications and divisions)Students will play number names, for instance “guess a number”, and “skip count contest” If you can’t access the site, please contact me Fourth Grade / Cuarto Grado - Lopez, Olvera, AbejaReading and Writing/ Lectura y EscrituraMrs. Olvera - aholvera@cps.eduOffice Hours: 8am-noon M-FMath /MatematicasMath /Matematicas-Abeja and FixCheck Google Classroom everyday for updates and announcementsLive class Monday-Friday 9:15-9:55 ( Check Google Classroom for link to log in)Monday- Review multiplicationTuesday- Review divisionWednesday: Review FractionsThursday: Review Decimals Hwk: 2o minutes on IXL practicing the skill of the day Science /CienciasMrs. Lopez llopez2@cps.edu Check Google Classroom everyday for announcements and assignments. Live sessions will be announced on a daily basis with links to join. I will also send a Remind message to your parents to alert you before any live session.Google Classroom Codes:Science 2146t4s33vScience 212Class code2nzahowScience 226Class coderxd5mntTopic of the week:Mrs. Lopez office hours 10:30-2pmemail: llopez2@cps.edu. Lopez@h94b34Lopez/Science 212@c9fga3Lopez/Science 226@39f96k2Reading 4th Grade DL Group /Ms. Izaguirre (miizaguirre@cps.edu)Office hours: 8:20 - 9:10, 9:30 - 10:10, 10:30 - 11:004th Grade Reading assignmentsMonday 6/15 Writing: Show character emotions and traits XY2Tuesday 6/16 Vocabulary: Determine the meaning of idioms from context: set 1 JMDWednesday 6/17 Grammar: Capitalizing the names of people and pets and titles of respect HNYThursday 6/18 Reading: Draw inferences from a text UB2Math 4th Grade DL Group /Ms. Izaguirre (miizaguirre@cps.edu)Office hours: 8:20 - 9:10, 9:30 - 10:10, 10:30 - 11:004th Grade Math Multiplication AssignmentsMonday 6/15 – Multiply with 3 and Add & Multi with 3 and Multi with 3Tuesday 6/16 - Multiply by 4 and Add & Multi with 4 and Multi with 4Wednesday 6/17 - Multiply by 5 and Add & Multi with 5 and Multi with 5Thursday 6/18 - Multiply by 6 and Add & Multi with 6 and Multi with 6 4th Grade Math Multiplication IXL assignmentsMonday 6/15 - Multiply by 3 38KTuesday 6/16 - Multiply by 4 5U6Wednesday 6/17 - Multiply by 5 Y9EThursday 6/18 - Multiply by 6 SX6 4th Grade Math Subtraction assignments Monday 6/15 - Subtracting the number 1 Tuesday 6/16 - Subtracting the number 2Wednesday 6/17 - Subtracting the number 3Thursday 6/18 - Subtracting the number 4 4th Grade Math Subtract IXL assignmentsMonday 6/15 - Take away cubes - numbers up to 5 RZATuesday 6/16 - Subtract with cubes - numbers up to 5 CSAWednesday 6/17 - Subtract with pictures - numbers up to 5 FSMThursday 6/18 - Subtraction sentences up to 5: which model matches? B555th- Fifth - Quinto - Wolf, Ortiz, VargasReading and Writing/ Lectura / EscrituraMr. Wolf bewolf@cps.edu 220, 222, and 224Google Classroom:Kanoon220 Reading if6e7jjKanoon222 Reading vgijoafKanoon224 Reading sizcdsdThis week’s activities:Monday 6/15/200Tuesday 6/16/20Wednesday 6/17/20Thursday - 6/18/20Friday 6/19/20Read Aloud - Pre- Recorded - Finish Number the StarsAssignment: Continue reading and taking notes5th Grade Celebration12:00 12:40 - Social StudiesRead Aloud about California, Mexico and various activities1Kanoon GraduationNo Class5th Grade Math /Matematicas Ms. Ortiz aortiz1@cps.edu 220, 222, and 224Office Hours/Hora de Oficina 8:15-8:30 and 9:10-12:15Google Classroom:Kanoon220 evdvkvvKanoon222Math ctdwnjnKanoon224Math znvrml2Semana/Week 6/15/20-6/18/20? Todos los dias/Everyday: Check Google Classroom/Revisa Google ClassroomPor favor, consulta Google Classroom. Publicaré problemas de práctica diaria (DPPs), charlas de matemáticas, y otras actividades de matemáticas S?PER DESAFIANTES. Please check Google classroom. I will be posting Daily Practice Problems (DPPs), Math Talks, and other VERY CHALLENGING math activities.También, haremos clases de matematicas por video en Google Meet de 8:30-9:10AM lunes, martes, jueves. Recibirás invitación por tu correo electrónico de CPS con un nickname . We will also do Math classes on video through Google Meet from 8:30-9:10AM Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. You will receive an email invitation to your CPS email with the NICKNAME. El miercoles a las 8:45 hare un Google Meet para la clase de estudios sociales y escritura con el salon 220 solamente. On Wednesday, I will host a Google Meet for social studies and writing with 220, my homeroom only. Science /Ciencias Mrs. Vargas-Mendez lmvargez-men@cps.eduScience Class is Live at Google Meet M-F at 12:00 -12:40 Use link: Hours: 12:40 - 4:00 p.m.Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: ScienceJoin in for Wrap Up Science Games using Kahoot. Virtual Field Trips Back to San Diego Zoo, Eagle Cam. and more.Wednesday: Social StudiesHomeroom FarewellWriting/Poetry Sharing PartyTuesday: Final Farewell Party with ALL FifthGraders (TBD TIME)Math 5th Grade DL Group /Ms. Izaguirre (miizaguirre@cps.edu)Office hours: 8:20 - 9:10, 9:30 - 10:10, 10:30 - 11:005th Grade Math Multiplication AssignmentsMonday 6/15 - Addition and Multiplication with 8 and Multiply with 8Tuesday 6/16 - Addition and Multiplication with 9 and Multiply with 9Wednesday 6/17 - Addition and Multiplication with 10 and Multiply with 10 and Multiply with 11Thursday 6/18 - Multiply with 12 5th Grade Math Multiplication IXL assignmentsMonday 6/15 - Multiply by 8 SMRTuesday 6/16 - Multiply by 9 SUHWednesday 6/17 - Multiply by 10 6YD and Multiply by 11 AZJThursday 6/18 - Multiply by 12 8NV6th - Sexto Reading and Writing/ Lectura / EscrituraMath /MatematicasGoogle Meet Monday-Friday @ 10:15 Science /Ciencias-BuenrostroSocial Science /Ciencias Sociales- SS/Writing 6th Grade DL Group /Ms. Izaguirre (miizaguirre@cps.edu)Office hours: 8:20 - 9:10, 9:30 - 10:10, 10:30 - 11:006th SS/Writing AssignmentsDiscuss and support Mr. Mac’s Assignments and QuestionsPrepositions ReviewAdverbsInterjections7th - Septimo - GradeReading and Writing/ Lectura / EscrituraMath /MatematicasGoogle Meets code 2021 at 11:00 Science /Ciencias - Acosta *Social Studies/ Writing - Mr. Carrillo-Analyze news article about Little Village Crawford Power Plant Demolition found in Google ClassroomSS/Writing 7th Grade DL Group /Ms. Izaguirre (miizaguirre@cps.edu)Office hours: 8:20 - 9:10, 9:30 - 10:10, 10:30 - 11:007th SS/Writing Discussion & AssignmentsConjunctions ReviewAdjectives ReviewAdverb ReviewPrepositions Review8th - Eighth OctavoReading and Writing/ Lectura / EscrituraMath /Matematicas Google Meets code 2020 at 10:00Graduation gown pick-up on Tuesday June 16th Graduation video release date Thursday June 18thScience /Ciencias - AcostaSocial Science /Ciencias SocialesAnalyze news article about Little Village Crawford Power Plant Demolition found in Google Classroom - Mr. CarrilloSpecials Technology Mr. Valdezgvaldez-romero@cps.edu Remember we have Typesy. If you like to practice your keyboarding skills. Use your CPS credentials to log in. There is a video on how to log in in your google classroom. Mr. Erickson4762657150mserickson@cps.edu Mr. Hernandez/Mr. Zavalajmhernandez74@cps.edu egzavala@cps.edu Counseling / Consejeria - Messages A. HernandezGeneral: This link is to be shared with families requesting support: 2 High School ResultsThe results for Round 2 for ninth grade will be visible in the GoCPS accounts by the end of the day today, June 12th. Families have until June 29th to accept or decline offers. Remember, if a student accepted a first-round offer and receives an offer in Round 2, they will automatically lose the first-round offer.Principal Discretion ResultsStudents who applied for Principal Discretion will be notified by robocall and email by the end of the day today. All applicants will be contacted, whether they receive an offer, do not receive an offer, or are an alternate. If a student receives an offer, it will be visible in their GoCPS account. Students who receive an offer have until June 19th to accept or decline them.Speech-Language/Habla y Lenguaje - Ms. Zacarias- HollinsEmail: ezacarias-h@cps.eduVirtual Office Hours/Horario de oficina Virtual: Monday/lunes & Wednesday/miercoles 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.ODLSS línea de ayuda-Espa?olODLSS help line-EnglishHabla y Audiología Boletín informativo #4Speech & Audiology Newsletter #4Habla y Audiología Boletín informativo #3Speech & Audiology Newsletter #3Habla y Audiología Boletín informativo #2Speech & Audiology Newsletter #2Habla y Audiología Boletín informativo #1Speech & Audiology Newsletter #1Tarea_y_Sugerencias_del_Habla_y_Lenguaje-Espa?olSpeech Therapy_Suggestions_HW-EnglishKanoon Carta a los Padres/Letter to ParentsFor students who are experiencing anxiety, stress, or grief Ms. Silva / Ms. MojarroRemember that you can reach us via email at msilva46@cps.edu and gmojarro@cps.eduMs. Silva’s students please check-in on our google classroom. Ms. Mojarro’s students please check-in on our google classroom.PBIS LEARNING MEDIAThese resources in social and emotional development encourage children to develop positive peer and adult interactions and to manage self-expression and inner feelings. Activities include favorite PBIS characters such as Daniel Tiger, Super Why, and Caillou to teach lessons on confronting our fears, working together as a team, and welcoming a new member to a family.? Videos, Interactive Lessons, Interactives, Gallaries, Documents CALM CLASSROOMCalm Classroom is a simple and accessible way to integrate mindfulness into the classroom or home culture.? Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to our present moment experience with a kind and open attitude. The daily practice of mindful breathing, stretching, focusing and relaxation exercises cultivates a greater sense of self-awareness, mental focus and emotional resilience within educational spaces. Calm Classroom is available for free at this time.Calm Classroom Booklets scripted techniques & audio recordings for preschool-12th grade students and adults, as well as Calm On the Spot techniques that can be practiced in just a few moments any time, anywhere.SECOND STEPSecond Step is research-based, teacher-informed, and classroom-tested curriculum to promote the social-emotional development, safety, and well-being of children from Early Learning through Grade 8. In addition, Second Step has developed resources to help teachers, students and families to navigate school closure and other COVID-19 challenges that are included below.?For ParentsParent portal directions to access free lessonsParent COVID-19 information: resources and activities for talking with children?SEL related literacy texts that align with Second Step lessonsPracticing Self-Calm/Belly Breathing: Sesame Street videoFamily Resources / Recursos para PadresThe Resource Center for Autism and Developmental Delays (RCADD) provides support for those who care for, teach and serve children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder or other developmental delays. RCADD is taking phone consultations - phone consultations can discuss different activity ideas in the home, creation of social stories, strategies to address challenging behaviors in the home and referrals For English: (312) 379-9579 Llame para consulta en Espanol: (312) 508-3490 - RCADD | Center for Literacy | University of Illinois at Chicago The RCADD website has been updated to include a variety of printables and resources for families: : Rainbows is offering free 20-30 minute video calls every Tuesday and Saturday at 10am until May 2nd. The calls focus on mindfulness activities, meditation and ways to reduce stress/anxiety. Children, teens and adults are all welcome but is limited to the first 100 participants. To attend a video call go to:. For recordings of previous zoom meetings: Peace Amidst the PandemicSupplemental MaterialsFlores and Zuniga El Supports and or Reading Resources Reading and Writing/ Lectura y Escritura Wilson Reading Program room 221 Ms. Sirbubalo also known as “Ms. Gutierrez”Online Classes Google Classroom & Meets (10:30-12:00)- Conferencing (1:00-3:00)Contact using email cggutierrez@cps.edu google#773-234-2217 Or join/csirbGoogle Classroom & Online Meets- Students are excited to participate in learning through the internet by being able to present various materials using google meets. Wilson Reading Program is happening from Google Classroom and Online Meets. Students and parents can access weekly materials posted on the Google Classroom. Please check your google classroom and access all the resources; rubric, controlled narrative texts and enriched passages and so much more. Check-in on a daily or weekly basis for new assignments to complete from your home. Please Follow the Schedule Below:-)~Parents and Students once you are given an invitation or use the class code below you’ll have access from your home computer or phone, enjoy... Online Google Classroom Meets Monday 7th Graders 10:30-12:00 Focus- Celebrate and Shout Outs!… Class Code gieql3pOnline Google Classroom Meets Tuesdays 8th Graders 10:30-12:00 Focus- Celebrate and Shout Outs!… Class Code ru76awiOnline Google Classroom Meets Wednesday 6th Graders: start at noon 12:00-1:30 Focus- Celebrate and Shout Outs!… Class Code wjc6fzkOnline Google Classroom Meets Thursdays 5th Graders- 10:30-1:00. Focus- Celebrate and Shout Outs!… Class Code lfmq6wu Mathematics/ Matematicas 7th grade Continue- Ms. Sirbubalo aka Ms. Gutierrez Math 7th room 221OnlineMeets Math Fridays 7th Graders 12-1:30Google Class Code ifjeafb Fun!Focus- Celebrate and Shout Outs!… ................

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