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-13525523812500 Canyon Springs STEM Academy 6th Grade Supply List 2020-2021Arizona Law requires that public schools provide supplies required for academic success. This list represents optional, supplementary items, which you may supply at your discretion. Due to school budget restraints, we highly recommend that parents purchase these supplies for their children. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the school.Items needed for ALL classes (All materials are for student use and must be taken to each class daily in a supply case/box)Pencils- Red, blue, and black pensScissors - 4-8 glue sticksHighlighters- Crayons/Colored pencils/fine tipped markersWater bottle with name on itMaskMath 1 or 1 ? inch binder with clear plastic coverTwo-4 pack expo markersPost it notesGraph paperRulerScienceOne two pocket, three pronged folderSocial StudiesOne two pocket, three pronged folderFine tipped markersEnglish Language Arts3 subject notebook2-Pocket Folder?1 Novel per semester is requested, but not required:Semester 1: The Giver?by Lois Lowry Semester 2: to be announced?DonationsLined paperComputer/printer paperCrayons, colored pencils, markers***Hand sanitizer***Clorox/Lysol wipes***Tissues*** Items we run out of quickly and use regularly (especially this year)! ................

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