
Mr. John Loro - jloro@denville .org2018 - 2019 (973) 983-6535 ext. 11316th Grade Social Studies- World CivilizationsDear Students and Families,Welcome to 6th grade Social Studies, World Civilizations. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and talking about all of the exciting things that are happening in our community and in the world. World History has shaped the times that we are now living in, and together we will explore the evolution of world cultures, current events and global issues. We are living at a time that has a lot of historically important changes taking place and this class will help you to understand how these events relate to each other, to the past, and to your own lives. Textbook Resources: HMH Social Studies. World Civilizations. This is an interactive online and in class text divided into modules. Students will be provided and online access code and in class text.Online Resources used in class-Google classroom- students will be provided a class code, username and password. I will post assignments and resources such as videos and interactive lessons here on a daily basis. Students will become familiar with using google based products like google docs, and google slideshows - used for videos and interactive games, quizzes and -an interactive and game based site used for civics educationSheppard software- game based site used to help with map identification and geography skillsNews Ela and - current event and world news sites for kidsTopics we will examine in class include:Geography and Current Events- ongoingUnit I- Introduction: Uncovering the Past and Making Connections to our Modern World -Module 1 of Textbook: Uncovering the Past - studying history, geography (5 themes), economics, and civics (450 BC – present)Unit II- Civilization in India and China- Module 5 of Textbook: Ancient India (2500 BC – AD 500) Module 6 in Textbook: Ancient China (1600 BC – AD 1)Unit III- Foundations of Western Ideas -Module 7: Hebrews and Judaism (2000 BC – AD 70) Module 8: Ancient Greece (2000 – 330 BC) Module 9: The Hellenistic World (330-30 BC)Unit IV- The Roman World- Module 10: Ancient Rome (753 BC – AD 476) Module 11: The Growth of Christianity (AD 1 – 400) Module 12: Civilizations of Eastern Europe (AD 300 – 1480)Unit V- Islamic and African Civilizations -Module 13: The Rise of Islam (AD 550-900) Module 14: Early African Civilizations (500 BC – AD 1600) Presentation- Problems of the Modern African ContinentUnit VI- Empires of Asia and the Americas -Module 15: Later Chinese Dynasties (589 – 1644) Module 16: Japan (550 -1868) Module 17: Cultures of South and Southwest Asia (1299 – 1857) Module 18: The Early Americas (12,000 BC – AD 1537)Unit VII- Renewal in Europe- Module 19: The Middle Ages (500 – 1500) Module 20: The Renaissance (1271 – 1600) Module 21: The Reformation (1492 – 1650)Here is how the class will be organized:Do Now/Exit Tickets/Essential Questions- Each day when you arrive, you will be asked to answer essential questions in your journal/chrome book that relates what we have been discussing in class to your lives. This will give us all a chance to talk about what’s on our minds, as well as to work out some answers to the questions we might have and develop writing and technology skills. At the end of class you will be asked at times to reflect on what you have learned and complete an exit ticket in the google classroom. Both of these assignments are graded for completion. Current Events – Each month on the google classroom you will be presented with an article on a global or national issue that you will respond to and share your opinions and your stance on the issue as well as the impact the event has on our country and the world. This will be interactive and students will be asked to post articles and topics as well as comment in the online forum about the topic covered.MapsA country’s location has a lot to do with its history. Each week you will be given a map to help you identify countries from our focus region so you can learn a few at a time and understand how that country’s location relates to its history. We will also use the Smart board and online games to help you with your world map skills. The maps will be graded for completion and you will also receive a quiz at the end of each unit. Each unit will focus on a particular part of the world and students will be quizzed on the modern coutnries, capitals and major geographical features of the area of study.ProjectsProjects will be interactive and a combination of group and individual work. You will have about one per marking period and will be given a detailed rubric in advance that will explain the assignment and how it will be graded. Here we will incorporate various types of technology to communicate about history, create meaningful connections, and explore local and world issues that interest us. Projects will be posted on the google classroom.HomeworkHomework will not be assigned on a regular basis. Most homework will be enrichment and will be optional to the students who would like to expand their knowledge and have the opportunity to add an opportunity for an extra grade. Classwork that is not completed may be assigned for homework if students are off task or having difficulty completing classwork. Students will be responsible for studying at home for tests and quizzes.Quizzes and TestsYou will have a series of short quizzes throughout each unit that will help prepare you for the final unit tests. Each module of the text book has a short quiz that will be graded for completion. Quizzes and tests will utilize various types of assessments, including multiple choice, short answer, essay, and map identification. Some will be open book & open notes, others will not. Regardless of the format, I am always available for extra study time and encourage students to study for assessments with each other outside of school as well. Student will always be provided a study guide and those who complete the study guide on their own and hand in prior to the test will receive a grade of 10 pts. This is an optional grade but I encourage you to use this as an opportunity to better yourself.GradingThe class will be graded using a total points system. Each assignment will be given a point value. The students grade will be calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total possible points attempted. Students won’t be penalized if they do not attempt an assignment such as optional assignments for homework or current events that they did not have to present for the marking period, extra credit assignments etc. Students will be penalized if they do not attempt required in class assignments or do not attempt to make up a missed class assignments, tests or quizzes missed during the marking period.How assignments are typically graded: Homework assignments (most will be optional enrichment).You may also receive homework if you do not complete the days activity. = 5-10 pointsIn class assignments such as map activities, study guides and guided reading= 10-50 pointsLong term projects (1-4 weeks) = 50-100Map Quizzes (1 for each unit) = 15-35Online video activities () and text review activities = 10 ptsUnit Tests = 40-100Current Events (one per month) Teacher and individual students will post articles on recent topics. Student are required to answer guided questions and post comments in the google classroom and will have till the end of the month to complete the assingment= 10-15 ptsAny assignments not listed above that occur will be provided in advance with a grading rubric outlining the points possible and how it will be evaluated. Due dates will also be provided and a minimum of 5 points will be taken off for every day that an assignment is past due. See student handbook for policy on absences and submitting late work due to illness. Materials needed for class:Pencils and a pencil caseA method to record important dates and assignments (Agenda) may be done in binder or on the google chrome book.Chrome book for completing the do now and any other class work. Will be provided by the school. We will use Google classroom on a daily basis in class. You are responsible for knowing your passwords and charging your chrome book.A small pack of colored pencils for coloring in maps and projects. These are available in class but you may want your own set for convenience. A google document for do nows and for reflections (can be kept on your chromebook)Color coded class folder for keeping in class assignments (provided by teacher and kept in class.Parents and guardians, I want to invite you to become an integral part in your child’s education and to come to me with any questions or concerns that you may have about our class. In addition I will be posting a website that will be linked to the Denville District site that will be a great resource for both you and your children. I will be using it for different purposes throughout the year but mainly for a way to keep students up to date on scheduled assignments and expectations for the course. Students, I want to welcome you to 6th grade Social Studies. I hope you have a great time here at Valleyview. I am looking forward to learning a lot with all of you this year. Sincerely,Mr. Loro Please fill out the information below and return to class by Monday Sept 10, 2018---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Name: _____________________Student Period: _____Parent/Guardian #1 Signature:I prefer to be contacted by ____email ___________________@________________________phone #___________________________________Parent/Guardian #2 Signature:I prefer to be contacted by ____email ___________________@________________________phone #___________________________________ ................

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