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3409950top12 250012 2550482504670425Devan Kline00Devan Kline34575751439545Healthy Habits That Can Transform Your Body in 30 Days 00Healthy Habits That Can Transform Your Body in 30 Days 342900282575004229100688784500-5905506553200Devan Kline Fitness, LLC - By00Devan Kline Fitness, LLC - ByCongratulations! You are about to change your life forever with 12 simple habits that you can create for yourself today! My mission is to give you the tools to be the best, most happy version of yourself. There is no better way to feel good about yourself than to be healthy, fit, mentally sharp, and feeling good!I am going to take you through 12 habits that I teach all of my Burn Boot Camp clients. There is years of research and real life situations that go into this e-book. Pay attention to the details and make each one a habit! It takes roughly 21 days to create a new habit so this will be hard initially, but when you hang in there you will be glad you did. Sit back, relax, grab a Shaklee 180 protein bar and soak up the habits that will change your life forever!Instantly Boost SElf-confidenceThe first thing I want to teach you is that mindset is the most important aspect to achieving your goals. Everyone and their brother understands that eating clean and exercising often is equation to get fit. So if it is so easy to comprehend, why doesn’t everyone do it? There are two most trainers leave out of the equation, visualization and self-discipline. A lack of confidence is often the reason why positive visualization never occurs. If we think negative thoughts about ourselves because we are unconfident, by human nature we will we only see what the mind thinks. Change the way you view yourself, and you can change your life forever.Try this…and it might sound corny but I promise it works.Take a large bright red piece of construction paper and grab a sharpie. You are going to write down the following three things on the paper nice and big. Then grab some scotch tape and hang it on your bathroom mirror. The paper should read the following…A, I am awesome at life and I cannot wait to live healthy today.B. I am stronger than I was yesterday and I will be stronger tomorrow.C. I love me first so I can be the best version of myself for my family.Repeat this to yourself day in and day out until the steam from your shower ruins the red paper. If you already have a very positive attitude then write down three things you would like to achieve with your health and fitness and hang ‘em up!Positive SElf-Talk.The above example is a form of building confidence through positive reinforcement and self-talk. I understand that you will not be in front of the mirror all day long to see that constant red reminder, so what do you do then when negative thoughts creep in?You have to be able to recognize when you are bashing yourself. This type of language is so common amongst society that it has almost become natural in every day conversations. So I have laid out some examples of what TO SAY and what NOT TO SAY to yourself so you can recognize and back track you when you talking negatively about yourself.What NOT TO SAY to yourself:Nothing ever goes right for me, can I get a break?I'm no good at (fill in the blank).Why should I try?? It won't work out anyway.I can't get caught up, I don't have enough time, there is too much work.I tried that once already, I can’t do it.What is wrong with me today?Nothing is going right for me today.I'm so tired.What TO SAY to yourself:I'm making progress.I feel good about myself today.I can handle this.I'm willing to try and I will get it soon.I am in control of this.I am an AWESOME person. I have fantastic family and friends.I’ll try until I do.There is nothing that can stop me from my goals.So start to notice when you are talking negatively to yourself. As human’s we have 60,000 thoughts per day, some of them are bound to be negative. But success comes when you can learn to crush your negative self-thoughts with powerful positive one. Never sell yourself short on the things you can accomplish if you put your mind to work for you and not against you. We all have the same 24 hours in the day and how we live that 24 hours 100% controlled by the thoughts that race through our head.SElf-Discpline This is my favorite topic to write about. I am a personal trainer and I LOVE fitness and nutrition, but my passion lies deeper. I have always been a person with relatively poor self-discipline until I started to learn the power of my own mind. I listened to an e-book by Brian Tracey called, “The Miracle of Self-Discipline” and it put things into perspective for me within the week.(I would highly recommend you read all of his books, especially that one) He talks how goal setting is one of the most important aspects to self-discipline. Setting a goal for yourself everyday will revolutionize your life. Whether your life’s goals are personal or professional I am going to take you through a little exercise that will help you develop a laser-like focus in achieving them.First ask yourself, “What would I do professionally and personally if I had 10 million dollars and just 10 years to live?”After spending about 5 minutes thinking about it, then close your eyes and imagine your life in 5 years. Think long, hard, and vividly about exactly what kind of house you are living in, what your body looks like, what your relationship with your husband/wife looks like. What are your children doing? What career do you have? Based on your vision, what kinds of things would you get into? And what activities, relationships, habits or hobbies would you get out of? Would you exercise more? Would you spend less money? Would you create a new relationship or mend an old one?What habits would you form today that would get you to where you wanted before you passed? Would you have a different career? Would you be kinder to people?Sometimes life seems like a “grind” because we are preoccupied on our current limitations and fail to realize the full potential of what we are truly capable of. Now I want you to get out a piece of paper and write down 10 goals that align with your “10 million dollar and 10 years to live” vision and going to work over the next 21 days on these tasks.Each goal needs to have a single-minded and laser-like focus that is in line with what your vision is. Constantly reverting back to this vision will allow you to give your subconscious mind the ability to execute and write down goals contrary to your current situation.Every 21 days revisit your vision and come up with 10 new goals that compound upon the old ones! Get Your Daily calorie Allotment For Your GoalCalculating your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)Current body weight x 12 = BMR150 pounds x 12 = 1,800 calories (BMR) YOUR BMR=__________________Find Your TDEE to Figure Your Calorie Allotment For Each DayTDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure of your body. Use your BMR + the calories burned from your workout to find TDEE. (BBC Average 600 calories). Subtract 500 or 1000 from your TDEE to find out how many calories you need to lose 1 or 2 LBS/WK.BMR ___________ + BBC ____________ = TDEE ________________TDEE______________ - 500 = _____________________ calories per day (1 LB/WK)TDEE______________ - 1000 = ____________________ calories per day (2 LB/WK)Sunday Night Meal PrepThis step is easy! We have a Sunday Meal Prep video that my wife Morgan did that explains everything for you. When it comes to being efficient with your time, Morgan really knows how to knock meal prepping out of the park. Watch the How to Meal Prep for the Week in Under One Hour Video HereNow start your meal prepping and put it on your schedule to do every single week!Know your “Macros”Short for macronutrients which consists of proteins, fats, and carbs.The word “calorie” means unit of energy. To humans, our food is measured in cals and how many cals each food has determines how much energy it gives our body. Each calorie is made of 3 macronutrients and they are labeled as proteins, fats and carbs.The way you manipulate these three nutrients heavily depends on what type of tissue your body will create. You must provide your body with an environment with adequate protein for building muscle, carbs for energy, and fat for metabolic processes. This breakdown can be placed into a ratio called…PFC Ratio Daily GoalsExact Macros Rough Estimate of MacrosProtein – 45% of daily calories – OR – 1 x body weight = grams of protein per dayFat – 20% of daily calories – OR - .2 x body weight = grams of protein per dayCarb – 35% of daily calories – OR - .8 x body weight = grams of carbs per dayThis may be a bit confusing if you are new to all of this stuff! Make sure you read step #8 because the “Lose It” App will make it easy to mindlessly follow your PFC ratios without doing all that mathematics.TRack macroS on “Lose It” for 30 daysMy philosophy on calorie counting is pretty simple and effective. I do not want to force you to count calories every single day for the rest of your life to make sure you are eating properly. I have done my fair share of calorie counting and it gets old quick!-162877569532500But I do want you to track for 30 days so you can learn to eyeball the proper amounts of food. You HAVE to be in learning mode during this 30 day period so that you can soak up everything the experience has to offer. I have tracked for 30 days several times and now am practically an expert on eyeballing my foods.Step 1 – Download “Lose It” in the app store. Step 2 – Scan in all of the foods you eat in your house.Step 3 – Do NOT log your exercise. Simply set your goal according to the caloric intake you have set up using this ebook (step #4 – whoever made this app clearly isn’t a P.T.)445770026860500Step 4 – Track all foods with the touch of a button. (You may need a food scale for this)Step 5 – Shoot for 45/20/35 macronutrient ratios by checking the “my day” Step 6 – Always keep your calories at your allotment, adjust your PFC ratio as needed.Detoxing Your BodyThe first 7 days of your new program will begin with my 7 Day Fat Flush. This detox is 100% natural and safe with ingredients that will help rid your body of excess water, bloat, and expel toxins. The ingredients below are all combined in a gallon of distilled water and drank throughout the entire day. Click the link to watch a video explaining how to make the 7 day detox drink:7 DAY DETOX VIDEO ON YOUTUBE“The Ingredients” - Drink 1 gallon of this each day for 7 days1 Gallon of distilled water2 tablespoons of cranberry juice (no sugar added)2 dandelion root tea bag1 tablespoons of pure squeezed lemon juiceEliminate “Zombie Calories”Night munching can be a serious problem! Some people call it a “myth” that eating after dinner will cause your metabolism to slow down and your food to store as pure body fat. Well, they are RIGHT!Body fat loss is a simple science. Calories in vs. calories out.If you indulge in late night eating, guess what? Chances are you are added excess calories into your diet and THAT is what causes the body fat gains. The act of eating at 9:30 pm at night in itself will not harm you. But when your calorie allotment to lose weight is set at 1,400 and your late night snack takes you to 2,000 for the day. You will remain stagnant with weight loss.Try not eating after 7-8 pm for 7 days in a row and you will see how much your body responds. You will wake up each day with less body fat ONLY because you refrained from adding “zombie calories” to your diet.Drink your body weight in Ounces of WaterEach day you should aim to drink your body weight in ounces of water. This may be a challenge if you do not drink a lot of water already. You will have to go to the bathroom a lot in the first couple days. Your body will get used to your elevated water intake after roughly seven days. Don’t mistake going to the bathroom often an “annoying” or “distracting” action that you place negative thoughts on.Your body will love the hydration and immediately start expelling toxins, speed up your metabolism, and elevate your oxygen consumption. Exercise 4-6 times per weekExercise in general is great! I know that you are most likely super busy and may not be able to get to the gym every day, so I am going to teach you how to ALWAYS make time for yourself. This unique style of training is called Burst Training and burns up to x9 more calories over a 24 hour period than traditional cardio would in half the time!When you have Burst Training videos you can do right in your living room it is easy to workout. You do not need anything but your own body weight and one of my burst training sessions. Try this Plyometric Leg Bursting session I made for you. Bursting is short and intense. All you need is 15 minutes per day and everyone can make 15 minutes per day for themselves. If you say you do not have time it’s because health isn’t one of your top priorities! Make the time!You can also download my 16 Week H.I.I.T. Training Guide which combines Burst Training along with strength training. The two most effective body shredding training styles. Both my Burst Training and H.I.I.T. Training programs are done-for-you. All you have to do is follow along. Happy training!If it doesn’t come from the earth, Don’t eat it!Real food is really good! Fitness buffs give healthy eating a bad reputation because they like to brag about how “clean” they are eating. They leave out the fact that real, whole foods can be really satisfying and keep you full. Filling your diet with whole foods is a tough task given the temptations around every corner. Given that every grocery store, fast food joint, and even healthy markets contain products with toxic ingredients. Whole foods consist of all vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, tubers, meats, poultries, dairy, and legumes that are naturally derived and unprocessed in a factory or lab. Get back to the basics with my Best 25 Healthy Whole Foods on my blog!Get in the habit!Incorporating these 12 habits into your life will allow your body to regulate. Any moodiness, lack of energy, weight gain, or lack of sleep can only be positively affected by my recommendations. I urge you to apply the contents of this e-book to your life. I have worked with 1,000’s of clients whom I teach the same philosophy to and great results are proven. Take your mental, physical, and emotional health to the next! If this e-book has helped you please pay it forward! It is my mission to help moms and other women from all over the world get better every day. Send your very best friend or family member the link to 12 Nutrition Habits That Can Change Your Life Forever.Thanks for reading, check the blog often as I write a post 1-2 times per week! ................

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