
Online PortfolioStudent No: 51043084 Semester: First Semester Assignment: 07Unique No: 583796 Course Code: BPT1501 Page 1 of: 9Table of Content:Observing the young learner…................. 3Confirmation letter..................................... 4Real-time discussions .……………………. 5Effective teaching …………………………. 6The Aims and Values for a teacher .......... 8Observing the young learnerIn doing my observation assignment at Maragon Pre-school and whilst observing the teachers and learners I have learned some interesting techniques. Most noticeable was the sheer volume of preparation that preceded each day’s activities. Teaching does not begin when the student enters the classroom nor finish when they leave.Of particular interest to me was the various techniques used by the professional teachers to keep the learners attention. Academic research has proven that children younger than eleven need to work with concrete objects in order to retain knowledge (the reception year Dr. Davin). It is stark to see this in practical application within the ordinary daily classroom routine. Especially enjoyable was relating the theories we have learned to my humble observations.For the most part Maragon uses themes to broadly outline their studies. Once the theme is selected and as far as is reasonably and practically possible all elements of the students activities whether it be art, music, literature or mathematics is tied, in some way to the central theme. By way of example the theme that I observed was Easter time and the students were required to roll the dice and place the correct amount of dots onto the ladybugs body for mathematics hour.Through my own observations and from the discussions I had with the already qualified teachers it became obvious and was in fact stated categorically that control of the classroom was of utmost importance. Subtle techniques such as dividing the class into smaller groups and rotating tasks allowed the teachers and their assistants to focus on specific areas with very little disruption.They spend approximately the same amount of time lecturing as they do receiving ideas and suggestions from the students. If a teacher simply talks too much the children become bored. They strive to get the children to engage in as orderly manner as can be expected from children of that age thus maximising the available time in the child’s limited attention span.Maragon has an extremely high set of standards and the teachers are expected to maintain those principles at all times. The absolutely professional manner they have, tireless dedication and relentless preparation were some of the key concepts I was fortunate enough to observe and do dearly wish to be trained like them and approach my future career with that flair. I have seen good teachers in my school days, the people at Maragon were outstanding. It is blatant that the separating line between ordinary and terrific teachers is manners, ethics, motivation and dedication.Insofar as this module goes and despite my struggle to master it the essential things I can take away from it is a conscience awareness of good versus great concept. It is something that one could perhaps take for granted except with actively studying the underlying principles.I was also encouraged to see that technology was given some attention. In a modern world this aspect will be of increasing relevance.Confirmation LetterReal-time discussionsCentral to the theme of this particular module was the online chat room wherein fellow students could discuss, debate or blog their own material over the internet.There were various topics such as distinguishing a good and outstanding teacher and Use of technology in the classroom.First up on the point of my opinions of the discussion forum.Reading other students answers and responses was interesting. That said one had to struggle to find unique and original content within the swarm of copying and pasting making its rounds on the blog. Secondly, and this is a big positive, I enjoyed searching for information and finding out more about the subject via the internet. Interactions with other students showed me there was a lot more that could be added to the topic. It is blatant, given the enthusiasm and vigour with which future teachers were doing this assignment that internet and its associated technologies will be used ever increasingly in the future.As a personal aside I would like to have had some feedback on how the assignments were marked and what I could have added or done differently which I think could maybe have helped me as well in my portfolio and to help improve my marks. There were no comments left or explanations given which I think could have been helpful not just in my portfolio but also in my classroom one day with some guidelines on where I can improve or where I went wrong. On the whole I rate this as an excellent course with moderate need for minor improvements here and there. I sense that subjects such as these are perhaps slightly underplayed in favour of more orthodox academia involving textbooks that said technology is here to stay and cannot be in the least bit overlooked.Effective teaching18288073025Teaching Learners EffectivelyKnow the learnerIndependenceInterestRespectGoals and challengesAssessment and feedbackConcrete experiencesTeaching Learners EffectivelyKnow the learnerIndependenceInterestRespectGoals and challengesAssessment and feedbackConcrete experiencesInterestWhen teaching any topic it is paramount to make it interesting. When learners appreciate a topic they will pay attention and strive to do their best work. Information relayed must be at the students’ comprehension level so that they do not struggle to understand what is being conveyed. In doing so will create curiosity and willingness to learn.RespectA teacher who demands to be respected by their students must first and foremost treat those students with similar respect. Respect can be earned through virtues such as caring, honesty and courage. Learning is bi directional insofar as the teacher should learn and constantly strive to improve at the same rate as their students. Especially in a country like South Africa it certainly benefits a teacher to maintain an open mind.Goals and challengesIt is essential to set realistic goals and expectation for learners. It is routine to explain to the learner beforehand what is expected of them before the lesson starts so not to have any disappointments or miscommunication between the teacher and student.Goals as part of ordinary day to day activities should be reasonably attainable. Challenges on the other hand should be difficult to do. A challenge should force the learner to push the envelope even at the risk of failure.Assessment and feedbackIn order for a teacher to measure student progress one of the appropriate tools is to make use of the students own feedback. Allowing the learner the opportunity to express themselves and speak their mind will assist the teacher to assess the learner. Giving feedback and doing assessments will direct the student and teacher to better understand the students’ strengths and weakness Concrete experiencesLearners learn through their senses by using either visual, auditory, tactile or kinaesthetic ways. Up until the age of eleven children still learn through concrete experiences and it is the most effective way of learning.IndependenceAllow the learner to experience and explore for themselves through discovery. Each learner is unique and different no one is the same and no one learns with the same methods. It is important to create opportunities that are appropriate to the student’s level of understanding.Know the learnerIt is important for the teacher to know the background of the learner and the home conditions. This will help the teacher understand the learner better and know how to accommodate that learner in the classroom. The Aims and Values for a teacherBeing a professionalAs an educator I will conduct myself as a professional. To be specific I will dress professionally, always being punctual, follow procedures, and earn trust from my co-workers, students and parents. Being prepared in the classroom will build confidence as will always staying positive and motivated. Each child is unique, showing the students respect, being a mentor to them and showing interest in every child will demonstrate that I am a top notch teacher and that I do care for my students. I intend to embrace change that will occur in my Country, Classroom or School.Being a community workerI want to encourage students to be active in the community. Teachers are community workers that help students learn. A teacher should be part of a few volunteer groups such as recycling awareness program, helping out at a shelter or taking food to people in need. Visiting hospitals or elderly can also be part of helping out in the community. The teacher can talk to the students about all the projects she might be involved in and how they can also help. The central idea is that it is of no benefit to simply tell students to participate in charitable deeds. It is essential to lead the way via demonstrationBeing a knowledge workerI am adamant that a teacher should have a love for the subject and a passion and curiosity to learn more about the subject. The teacher needs to be flexible and a team player. She should create opportunities for the children to think for themselves by asking question and challenging and encouraging the learners to think and to solve problems on their own. A teacher should be able to communicate and give clear instructions to her students and parents. Teachers are professionals that continuously learn and adapt to new situations.Being a resourceful innovatorAs an extraordinary teacher you need to have the ability to overcome any difficulties you might face when teaching the students. You should have a good knowledge of the subject, be prepared and ready to present your lesson and be able to answer any questions the students might present you. A professional teacher can teach without looking at her lesson plan. She can create a dynamic learning environment.Making a differenceI will be an inspiring teacher to my students. Making a difference in the community and help fight poverty allows me as a teacher to be a role model to all my students. I will provide a safe haven for all my students and encourage, motivate and guide them where needed. By being involved with the students the teacher learns each child’s potential and can help them grow into socially acceptable humans.Other Aims and Values that are important Each child has a right to learn and be taught in a safe, caring, well organised and stimulating environment. A teacher should show that she cares by being involved in the community, school and towards the parents and their children. To be determined and persevere can help anyone succeed and go a long way. The aim is to have a positive social and emotional development for each learner. ................

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