
Directions: You will research the 7 major world religions Sikhism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Animism, Judaism Research Contents:Clear definition in your own words of what the religion is.Include pictures related directly to the religion/topics.Explain 3 major customs/holidays/festivals that are part of the religion.Include maps of major locations (including the location of the religion’s origin) in which 50% or more of the population is affiliated with the religion.Include information and maps/visuals of locations of where this religion has diffused and why.Make sure you have the symbols of the religion drawn, the sacred text they use if any, any special dress they use or have for their religion.Make sure you complete the world map detailing the layout of the world and where each religion is practicedResearch OrganizerReligionOrigin (who/where) and descriptionSymbol and sacred textDescription of Holidays/festivalReligious dress/foodsmajor areas it is practicedReligious Mapping exerciseYou will be mapping the 7 major world religions. On your blank map shade in the areas the 7 major religions are practiced in. 7 different colors for each include a map key. Make sure you star the area of the religion’s origin. You will need to look up cultural diffusion and then draw arrows in the religion’s colors to show where the religion has spread to. Write 1 paragraph about how you believe cultural diffusion has influenced religions in the world. ................

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