John Bowne High School

Dr. H. Kwait Principal John Bowne High School Mr. J. Zelkind A.P. Sci.

Objective: Analyze and synthesize the characteristics that all living things share.

Do Now: Read the statement below and develop questions based on what you read. After you have written your questions share your responses with your group.



All living things or organisms share these 7 properties of life at one time or another.





The concept map of the properties of life:

Using the terms below, complete the concept map showing the importance of science.


Important Vocabulary to know:

The cell(s) of living things is called organism that carry on certain process that are necessary for life.

Biology is the scientific study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment.

Biotic are living things.

Abiotic are non-living things.

An organism or living thing is anything that has or once had all these 7 common properties of life:

Characteristics Description

1. Cells Organisms are made of one (unicellular) or more cells (multi-cellular). A cell is a tiny

(microscopic), organized structure that is surrounded by a thin covering called a membrane. A cell is the smallest unit that can perform all life functions.

Example: How is a one-celled organism different from a multi-cellular organism?

2. Homeostasis Homeostasis is the process that keeps conditions inside the bodies of all organisms

Stable or constant, even when conditions outside their bodies change.

Example: Humans perspire when hot to lower body temperature.

3. Metabolism Organisms carry out many chemical reactions to obtain energy. Organisms use energy

to grow, to move, and to process information. Metabolism is the sum (total) of all the

chemical reactions carried out in an organism.

4. Responsiveness Reactions to stimuli from inside and outside the body are called responses.

A stimulus (plural, stimuli) is anything that causes some reaction by the organism.

For example, a houseplant responds to the sunlight coming through a window by

growing toward it. The ability to respond to stimuli is important for survival.

5. Reproduction Organisms can reproduce, so that the species continues to exist.

Reproduction is the process by which organisms make more of their own kind.

A species is a group of organisms that can breed with one another and produce fertile

offspring. Without reproduction, a species will become extinct.

6. Heredity When an organism reproduces, it passes genetic information for its characteristics, or

traits, to its offspring. This is called heredity. Inherited characteristics change over

generations. This process is called evolution that is the process of change by which new

species develop from preexisting species over time.

7. Growth & develops All living organisms grow. As organisms grow it result in an increase in mass.

Many organisms form new cells and new structures as they grow.

Development results in different changes of abilities. Development differs from

evolution because development refers to change in a single individual during that

individual’s life. Example, after baby birds hatch they cannot fly for weeks.

As they grow, they develop structures that give them the ability to fly.


Directions: Using the vocabulary list provided, re-write your concept map with the correct answers. For numbers 5-11 include the definition (you can write the definition on the side of each oval).

The concept map of the properties of life:

Using the terms below, complete the concept map showing the importance of science.


Do Now: Read the statement below and develop questions based on what you read. After you have written your questions share your responses with your group.



1- What is the smallest unit that can perform all life functions?

2- Why must an organism maintain homeostasis?

3- What happens if homeostasis is broken?

4- How might you help your body maintain homeostasis on a cold day?

5- Infer: Give one example of an internal condition in your body that remains fairly constant over time.

Homework questions 6,7.

6- What mechanism or process does an organism create energy?

7-Explain when is the metabolism increased & when it is decreased.

Read the statement and develop one question from it.


Give students the reading comprehension worksheet and have them take annotation from it. Underline key concept or idea and key vocabulary words (annotation).

Active Reading

Section: What Is Biology?

Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow.

All organisms show the seven properties of living things at one or more stages of their lives. The seven properties of living things are cellular organization, homeostasis, metabolism, responsiveness, reproduction, heredity, and growth. Nonliving things sometimes seem to show some of these properties. For example, some chemical substances change color when exposed to heat or light. They seem to be responsive. But these substances do not show all seven properties of living things. The seven properties give a clear method for determining what is living and what is nonliving.

Living things can reproduce. Reproduction is the process living organisms use to produce offspring. All living things are able to pass on their characteristics to their offspring. The process of passing of traits from parents to offspring is called heredity. Children tend to resemble their parents because of heredity.

skill: Reading Effectively : Group work- turn & talk with accountable talk strategies.


1. List the seven properties of living things.

2. Does every living thing always show each one of these properties? Explain your answer.

3. Do nonliving things ever show properties of living things? Explain your answer.

4. What is reproduction?

5. What is heredity?

6. How are reproduction and heredity similar? How are they different?

In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best answers the question.

7. Which of these is an example of reproduction?

a. A bacterium splits into two bacteria.

b. A cell in your cheek makes a copy of the genetic information in its nucleus.

c. The bud on a tree branch swells in the spring.

d. A salamander has its tail cut off and grows a new tail.

Read the statement and develop one question from it.


1- Why is reproduction important to a species?

2- Why is the ability to respond to stimuli critical?

3- How does development differ from growth?

[pic] [pic]

Look at the pictures above of the cheetahs and the paramecium, which is a single-celled organism. In the space provided, write T if the statement is true or F if it is false.

1. ____ These organisms respond to their environment.

2. ____ The cells of these organisms have the same basic structure.

3. ____ Homeostasis and

4. metabolism are important for a cheetah but not for a paramecium.

5. ____ Reproduction means that the organisms will be able to produce more of their own kind.

In the space provided, write the letter of the definition for the term.

1. evolution

2. heredity

3. homeostasis

4. metabolism

5. reproduction

In the space provided, explain how the terms in each pair differ in meaning

1. Reproduction, heredity

2. Heredity, evolution

In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes each statement or best answers each question.

1. What is homeostasis?

a. the process of maintaining a stable, internal environment

b. the process of interacting with the environment

c. the process of making offspring identical to parents

d. the process of making offspring different from parents

2. What is metabolism?

a. the study of the chemistry of life

b. the process of carrying out chemical reactions

c. the sum of all chemical reactions in an organism

d. the ability to capture and store energy

3. What is the difference between reproduction and heredity?

a. Reproduction is the process of passing on traits, whereas heredity is the process of producing offspring.

b. Reproduction is the process of producing offspring, whereas heredity is the process of passing on traits.

c. Reproduction always involves changes in inherited characteristics, whereas heredity does not.

d. Heredity always involves changes in inherited characteristics, whereas reproduction does not.

4. Which of the following is not one of the seven properties of life?

a. growth c. movement

b. heredity d. responsiveness

______ 5. Does an organism need to show the seven properties of life at every stage of its development?

a. Yes, otherwise it is no longer alive.

b. No, but it has to show all of them at some stage of its life.

c. Yes, it needs to be able to pass them along to its offspring.

d. No, but it has to show them in the correct order from birth to death.


Biology Heredity Reproduction Cellular organization Homeostasis Responsiveness Evolve

Metabolism Scientific methods Growth Properties of life

Biology Heredity Reproduction Cellular organization Homeostasis Responsiveness Evolve

Metabolism Scientific methods Growth Properties of life

a. the process by which traits passed from parents to offspring change over generations

b. the sum of all chemical reactions carried out in an organism

c. the process by which organisms make more of their own kind

d. the maintenance of stable internal conditions despite changing external conditions

e. the process by which parents pass traits to their offspring


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