Jordan Denison5 Hour December 11, 2013Branches of the MilitaryThere is not a reason why, there but to do or die. The Branches of the Military have been protecting the United States for along time. They have been at our every need from the very beginning. The Branches of military have very specific training for their people to help ensure they are capable of their duties. The history of our military is very touching to our nation and it makes us stronger when we look back on it. Three very important parts of the branches of military are: the Marines, the Black Ops, and The Air Force. To begin with, the Marines have a very impressive training system they do every day. The weapons they train with are very powerful and very expensive. They are modified by the best weapon experts money can buy. Some of their weapons are the 777 Howitzer, Ma Beretta, and the M11 (sass), a .50 caliber machine gun, and the M32. They train with these weapons by taking them out to the firing range to test their mobility in action, and their accuracy when they’re on the move and staying stable. In order to be recruited, you have to go to Parris Island or San Diego, or if you’re a woman you can only go to Parris Island to be recruited for training. The daily basic training they go through is camouflage and gas chambers. They also do physical training so they can always be at the peak of their abilities. This is how one is recruited for training and how they train everyday. The history of the Marines is a big part of the United States history so they are history with in history. The Marines started with in the years of (1775-1783). During WW II women were nicknamed “lady marines”. They were able to fight along side the men in 1948. In the 2000s, female marines were able to have more dangerous responsibilities. Today in the marines, women are still not able to be foot soldiers or firing heavy artillery. The Marines were a big help in the world wars by helping fight back the invading countries. World War II started and ended in the years (1939-1945) and the reason why it started was because Germany invaded many of its neighboring countries in Europe. The main reason, why America joined in that War was because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. During WWII, our troops raised our flag during the attack on Mount Suribachi. The history of the Marines aiding in fighting battles is a very big part of the United States of America. In addition to the marines, the United States Black Ops is very important to the United States. The training the black ops do is very impressive because they do it every day all day, maybe more then once if they don’t finish the first time they do it. For training, they do two 25-meter underwater swims with 3 minutes between trials, 1 500 - meter swim with in 11 minutes 42 seconds, one 1.5 mile run with in 10 minutes and10 seconds, 8 pull ups 2 minutes, 48 sit ups with in 2 minutes and the same but they do push ups instead. They use technology to help them with any mission they need in order to accomplish their mission. Their training is a big reason why they are a very strong part of our military. The History of the United States Black Ops is important to us because they took out the old most hated man in the U.S. The Black Ops is run by the C.I.A. It was started in 1947. They were a big help in finding Osama Bin laden. They will do whatever it takes to eradicate anyone who brings harm or threatens the United States and that was proven with the search for Bin Laden. They used they’re best spies and agents to find out his location and go in for extraction. As a symbol to many countries that America means business when it come to our country, we dropped him in the ocean.Next, the Unites States Air Force has a very interesting history. The Air force began in1907 (Donovan 4-5). For many years women were not allowed to be air force pilots because they were not allowed to serve in COM bat (Donovan 12). In the 1900s rules changed, women can now serve and protect then be formed into some of the best A.F. pilots (Donovan 12). In 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright made the world’s first airplane. Their fights in N. Carolina interested the United States Army on how much planes could help us in War (Donovan 4-5). In 1947, U.S. leaders decided the air force should be a separate part of the U.S. military- U.S. Air Force (USAF) was created. In 1945-1991, the cold war was going on between Russia and the United states. The Air Force played a very important role in this War (Donovan 9). In this War, they bombed a ton of the forts that the Russians had built around their main base. The fighter planes were a big help in making sure that our ground War didn’t get too large and to ensure back up for our men. Due to the Cold War, the U.S.AF created the strategic air command (SAC). The main focus for the (S.A.C) was to protect the U.S.A from air attack. Their first deployment was to circle the Soviet Union with nuclear-armed bombers in the air at all times (Donovan 9). Due to all the threats that the air force has dealt with in the past, they built new and improved assault calibers and missiles (Donovan 12-13). On September 11, 2001- terrorist attached and United States and doctors from the Air force treated many wounded people (Donovan 17). After 9-11 U.S. fighter planes patrolled the skies to keep the skies safe (Donovan 17). The history of the United States Air Force is so amazing and important to our history as American citizens. Training is so important to many parts of the military, but the Air Forces training is quite impressive. On a daily basis, they do a training of a 5 min. stretch with warm up workouts. First they start with sit up and push up intervals, and a 3 min. jog. Then a 17 min. run, and a cool down walk of 3-5 min. Then they finish with a 2 min. stretch. The best way to get into training is by going to school and passing with good grades and high expectations from all your teachers, and you will nee a masters in flying. To be recruited for training is that you must be over 17 years of age to come and enlist personally. You must be a high school graduate between the ages of 17 through 28 (Donovan 20-21). During their training men must get their hair cut to a buzz and women must get I cut to a respectable length (Donovan 32). To be accepted into the Air Force academy students must excel in math, science, and language courses (Donovan 24). When recruits are cadets they live in their own dorm rooms with roommates. Their first two years of training at the academy are studying all the courses they will need to know for combat. In conclusion, three very important parts of the branches of military are: the Marines, the Black Ops, and The Air Force. The military has its branches that protect us from any evil that comes our way. The Military has been there for this country since the beginning and they will be there until the end. The military has proven that no matter what happens here in the United States, they will still be protecting us with their life, even during a government shut down. The United States has been protected our county by providing a strong military for a very long time and they have always proven that they can’t and won’t be defeated. The military has been here for us sense the beginning and we are thankful for that, and everything you just read is a thanks our troops. ................

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