
7th Grade Go Math - Advanced Pacing Guide 2016-2017 Teacher Name ________________ Pd ______This Pacing Guide is a suggestion for you to use “as a guide”. Each class should progress at its’ own pace. Although there are a few quizzes listed in the pacing guide, teachers SHOULD quiz students as needed to check for understanding.1st 9-weeks - There are 47 teaching days 8/15/16 – 10/20/16See individual lessons in the Lesson Plan BankLabor Day Holiday9/5/16Fall Holiday10/12/16First Day / Week ProceduresRemember that you may have a fire drill and assemblies this week.Baseline – Progress Monitoring Test This Baseline should ONLY be 1 day.1The Baseline will be paper and pencil but the answer bubble sheets will be scanned through Data Director for scoring. Unit 1 – The Number System ---- General Math 2 textbook to cover the topics NOT in the advanced bookLessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesModule 1 – Adding and Subtracting Integers7.NS.1.17.NS.1.31.1 Adding Integers with the Same SignEQ – How do you add integers with the same sign?7.NS.1.17.NS.1.1bMP 5.1 Using Tools1Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers.1.2 Adding Integers with Different SignsEQ – How do you add integers with different signs?NOTE: 1st day – hands on activities with 2 color counters 7.NS.1.17.NS.1.1bMP 5.1 Using Tools2(including quiz)Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers.1.3 Subtracting IntegersEQ – How do you subtract integers?7.NS.1.1cMP 2.1 Reasoning2Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers. 1.4 Applying Addition and Subtraction of Integers (Real World Problems)EQ – How do you solve multi-step problems involving addition and subtraction of integers?7.NS.1.37.NS.1.17.NS.1.1d7.EE.2.3MP 1.1 Problem Solving2Solve real world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers.Module 1 Review - Ready to go on? 1 Module 1 Assessment1Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesModule 2 – Multiplying and Dividing Integers7.NS.1.27.NS.1.32.1 Multiplying IntegersEQ – How do you multiply integers?7.NS.1.2MP 2.1 Reasoning1Multiply rational numbers given real world situations.2.2 Dividing IntegersEQ – How do you divide integers?7.NS.1.2MP 7.1 Using Structure1Divide rational numbers given real world situations.2.3 Applying Integer Operations (Real World Problems) Time for Quiz?EQ – How can you use integers operations to solve real-world problems?7.NS.1.3MP 4.1 Modeling1 Solve real world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers.Module 2 Review - Ready to go on? 1Module 2 Assessment1Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesModule 3 – Rational Numbers7.NS.1.17.NS.1.27.EE.2.33.1 Rational Numbers and DecimalsEQ – How can you convert a rational number to a decimal?7.NS.1.2dMP 3.1 Logic1Convert a rational number to a decimal using long division.3.2 Adding Rational NumbersEQ – How can you add rational numbers?7.NS.1.1d7.NS.1.3MP 2.1 Reasoning1Apply properties operations as strategies to add rational numbers given real world situations.3.3 Subtracting Rational NumbersTime for Quiz?EQ – How do you subtract rational numbers?7.NS.1.17.NS.1.1cMP 2.1 Reasoning2(including quiz)Understand subtraction of rational numbers as adding the inverse. 3.4 Multiplying Rational NumbersEQ – How do you multiply rational numbers?7.NS.1.27.NS.1.2a7.NS.1.2cMP 2.1 Reasoning1Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply rational numbers. 3.5 Dividing Rational NumbersEQ – How do you divide rational numbers?7.NS.1.27.NS.1.2b7.NS.1.2c MP 4.1 Modeling1Apply properties of operations as strategies to divide rational numbers. 3.6 Applying Rational Number Operations (Real World Problems) EQ – How do you use different forms of rational numbers and strategically choose tools to solve problems?7.EE.2.37.NS.1.3MP 1.1 Problem Solving1Solve multi step real world problems involving positive and negative rational numbers. Module 3 Review - Ready to go on? 1Module 3 Assessment1UNIT 1 Review & AssessmentOPTIONALLessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesUnit 2 – Ratios and Proportional RelationshipsModule 4 – Rates and Proportionality7.RP.1.17.RP.1.24.1 Unit RatesEQ – How do you find and use unit rates?7.RP.1.1MP 4.1 Modeling1Compute unit rates associated with ratios of fractions, lengths, areas and other quantities. 4.2 Constant Rates of ChangeEQ – How can you identify and represent proportional relationships?7.RP.1.27.RP.1.2a7.RP.1.2b7.RP.1.2cMP 2.1 Reasoning1Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities. 4.3 Proportional Relationships and GraphsEQ – How can you use graphs to represent and analyze proportional relationships?7.RP.1.2a7.RP.1.2b7.RP.1.2c7.RP.1.2dMP 4.1 Modeling1Decide whether two quantities are in a proportional relationship by graphing Module Review - Ready to go on? 1Module 4 Assessment1Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesModule 5 – Proportions and Percent7.RP.1.27.RP.1.35.1 Percent Increase and DecreaseEQ – How do you use Percents to describe change?7.RP.1.3MP.2.1 - Reason abstractly and quantitatively.1Use percent and proportions to find the amount by which real-world quantities have increased or decreased.5.2 Rewriting Percent ExpressionsEQ – How can you rewrite expressions to help you solve markup and markdown problems?7.EE.1.2MP.5.1 - Using appropriate tools.2Understand that rewriting an expression in different forms in a problem context can shed light on the problem and how the quantities in it are related. 5. 3 Applications of Percent EQ – How do you use Percents to solve problems?7.RP.1.3MP.4.1 - Model with mathematics.Use percent and proportions to find the amount by which real-world quantities have increased or decreased.Module Review - Ready to go on? p. 1591Module 5 Assessment1You are NOW working in the Advanced Math 2 textbook!Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesUnit 1 – Expressions, Equations and InequalitiesModule 1 – Expressions and Equations7.EE.1.17.EE.1.27.EE.2.47.EE.2.4a1.1 Algebraic ExpressionsEQ – How do you add, subtract, factor, and multiply algebraic expressions?“Clue Words”Includes Distributive Property7.EE.1.17.EE.1.2MP.4.1 - Model with mathematics2Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients.Understand that rewriting an expression in different forms in a problem context can shed light on the problem and how the quantities in it are related.1.2 One-Step EquationsEQ – How do you use one-step equations with rational coefficients to solve problems?Time for Quiz?Hands On EquationsIncludes all 4 operations and rational coefficients7.EE.2.4MP.7.1 - Look for and make use of structure.3(including quiz)Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construction simple equations…to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.1.3 Writing Two-Step EquationsEQ – How do you write a two-step equation?7.EE.2.4MP.1.1 - Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.2Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construction simple equations…to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.1.4 Solving Two-Step Equations EQ – How do you solve a two-step equation?Hands On Equations Ready to go on?7.EE.2.4aMP.4.1 - Model with MathematicsUse variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construction simple equations…to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.Module 1 Review1Module 1 Assessment1Teachers should be here by October 20, 2016Teacher Planning Day10/21/162nd 9-weeks -- There are 33 teaching days and 3 exam days / Early Release Days10/24/16 – 12/16/16Veteran’s Day11/11/16Thanksgiving Holiday11/23/16 – 11/25/16Middle School Exams – Mid-Year Progress Monitoring Test - (Early Release Days)12/14/16 12/15/16 & 12/16/16Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesModule 2 – Inequalities7.EE.2.4b2.1 Writing and Solving One-Step InequalitiesEQ – How do you write and solve one-step inequalities?7.EE.2.4bMP.1.1 - Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.1Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construct simple … inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.2.2 Writing Two-Step InequalitiesEQ – How do you write a two-step inequality?7.EE.2.4MP.2.1 - Reason abstractly & quantitatively2Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construction simple equations…to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.2.3 Solving Two-Step InequalitiesEQ – How do you solve a two-step inequality?7.EE.2.4bMP 5.1 Using ToolsUse variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construction simple equations…to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.Module Review - Ready to go on? 1Module 2 Assessment1Unit 1 Review & AssessmentOPTIONALLessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesUnit 2 – GeometryModule 3 – Modeling Geometric Figures 7.G.1.17.G.1.27.G.1.37.G.2.53.1 Similar Shapes and Scale DrawingsTime for Quiz?EQ – How can you use scale drawings to solve problems?7.G.1.1MP.4.1 - Model with mathematics.2-3(including quiz)Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths & areas from a scale drawing & reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.3.2 Geometric DrawingsEQ – How can you draw shapes that satisfy given conditions?7.G.1.2MP.5.1 - Using appropriate tools.1Draw…geometric shapes, with given conditions. Focus on constructing triangles. 3.3 Cross SectionsEQ – How can you identify cross sections of three-dimensional figures?7.G.1.3MP.4.1 - Model with mathematics1Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three-dimensional figures…3.4 Angle RelationshipsEQ – How can you use angle relationships to solve problems?7.G.2.5MP.2.1 - Reason abstractly and quantitatively.2Use facts about supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles in a multi-step problem to write & solve simple equations for an unknown angle in a figure.Module Review - Ready to go on? 1Module 3 Assessment1Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesModule 4 – Circumference, Area, and Volume7.G.2.47.G.2.64.1 CircumferenceEQ: How do you find and use the circumference of a circle?7.G.2.4MP7.1 Using Structure1Find the circumference of a circle. 4.2 Area of CirclesEQ: How do you find the area of a circle?7.G.2.4MP.4.1 Modeling1Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve problems.4.3 Area of Composite FiguresEQ: How do you find the area of composite figures?7.G.2.6MP.5.1 Using Tools2Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume, and surface area of two- and three- dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms.4.4 Solving Surface Area ProblemsTime for Quiz?EQ: How can you find the surface area of a figure made up of cubes and prisms?7.G.2.6MP.4.1 Modeling3(including quiz)Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume, and surface area of two- and three- dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms4.5 Solving Volume ProblemsEQ: How can you find the volume of a figure made of cubes and prisms?7.G.2.6MP.7.1 Using Structure2Solve real world and mathematical problems involving area, volume, and surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms.Module 4 Review - Ready to go on? 1Module 4 Assessment1Semester Exams – Early Release DaysMid-Year Progress Monitoring Test12/14/16 & 12/15/1612/16/16Winter Holidays12/17/16 – 1/2/173rd 9-weeks -- There are 47 teaching days. 1/4/17 – 3/10/17Teacher Planning Day1/3/17Martin Luther King Day1/16/17Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesUnit 3 – Statistics and SamplingModule 5 – Random Samples and Populations7.SP.1.17.SP.1.25.1 - Populations and SamplesEQ: How can you use a sample to fain information about a population?7.SP.1.1MP.6.1 Precision1Understand that random sampling tends to produce representative samples & support valid inferences.5.2 - Making Inferences from a Random SampleEQ: How can you use a sample to gain information about a population?NOTE: Students will create and make inferences from dot plots and box plots.7.SP.1.17.SP.1.27.SP.1.2cMP.4.1 - Model with mathematics1Use data from a random sample to draw inferences about a population with an unknown characteristic of interest.5.3 Generating Random SamplesEQ – How can you generate and use random samples to represent a population?7.SP.1.2MP.5.1 Using Tools1Use data from a random sample to draw inferences about a population.Module 5 Review – Ready to Go On? p1631 Module 5 Assessment1Teachers should be here by 12/9/16 Mid-Year Progress Monitoring ends here…Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesMODULE 6 - ANALYZING & COMPARING DATA7.SP.2.37.SP.2.4Lesson 6.1 - Comparing Data Displayed in Dot PlotsEQ: How can you compare two sets of data displayed in dot plots?NOTE: Pull a worksheet from 6th grade lesson 16.47.SP.2.37.SP.2.4MP.7.1 - Look for & make use of structure.1Use measures of center and measures of variability…to draw informal comparative inferences about two populations.Lesson 6.2 - Comparing Data Displayed in Box PlotsEQ: How can you compare data displayed in box plots?NOTE: Pull a worksheet from 6th grade lesson 16.37.SP.2.37.SP.2.4MP.2.1- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.1Informally assess the degree of visual overlap of two numerical data distributions with similar variabilities.Lesson 6.3 - Using Statistical Measures to Compare PopulationsEQ: How can you use statistical measures to compare populations?MAD – Mean Absolute DeviationNOTE: Pull a worksheet from 6th grade lesson 16.2.7.SP.2.37.SP.2.4MP.6.1 - Attend to Precision.2Informally assess…two numerical data distributions…measuring the difference between the centers by expressing it as a multiple of a measure of variability. Module 6 Review –Ready to Go On? pg. 1631Module 6 Assessment1Unit 3 Review & AssessmentOPTIONALLessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesModule 7 – Experimental ProbabilityModule 8 – Theoretical Probability and SimulationsTEACHERS: We have combined these 2 modules. We felt that experimental and theoretical probability should be taught together … not as two separate modules.You will have to prepare the lessons together ahead of time.Use “REAL WORLD PROBLEMS” as often as possible because that is how the students will be tested!**Check with Denise Williams if you need to check out sets of regular dice and/or Polyhedra dice for your students to preform experiments.She also has worksheets for the experiments (including frequency tables) and graphs to represent those experiments if you wish to use them.Experiments with dice, coins, and marbles would be helpful in showing the different in theoretical probability (what “should” happen) with the experimental probability (what happens in “real life”). 7.1 - ProbabilityEQ: How can you describe the likelihood of an event?7.SP.3.57.SP3.7aMP.6.1 - Attend to Precision.1Understand that the probability of a chance event is a number between 0 & 1 that expresses the likelihood of the event occurring. Larger numbers indicate greater likelihood.Dice Experiment(use the data from the experiments to illustrate theoretical vs experimental probabilities)18.1 Theoretical Probability of Simple EventsEQ: How can you find the theoretical probability of a simple event?7.SP.3.77.SP.3.7aMP7.1 Using Structure2(including quiz)Develop a probability model and use the model to determine probabilities of events.Approximate the probability of an event by collecting data, observing its frequency, and predict the relative frequency.7.2 - Experimental Probability of Simple EventsTime for Quiz?EQ: How do you find the experimental probability of a simple event?7.SP.3.67.SP.3.7bMP.4.1 - Model with mathematicsApproximate the probability of a chance event by collecting data on the chance process that produces it & observing its long-run relative frequency.8.2 Theoretical Probability of Compound EventsEQ: How do you find the theoretical probability of a compound event?7.SP.3.87.SP.3.8a7.SP.3.8bMP.2.1 Reasoning1Find probabilities of compound events using organized lists, tables, tree diagrams, and simulations.Lesson 7.3 - Experimental Probability of Compound EventsTime for Quiz?EQ: How do you find the experimental probability of a compound event?7.SP.3.87.SP.3.8a7.SP.3.8b7.SP.3.8cMP.2.1 - Reason abstractly and quantitatively2(including quiz)Find probabilities of compound events using tables and simulations.Lesson 7.4 - Making Predictions with Experimental ProbabilityEQ: How do you make predictions using experimental probability?7.SP.3.6MP.4.1 - Model with mathematics1Approximate the probability of a chance event by collecting data on the chance process that produces it…, and predict the approximate relative frequency given the probability.8.3 Predictions with Theoretical ProbabilityEQ: How do you make predictions using theoretical probability?7.SP.3.67.SP.3.7aMP.4.1 - Modeling1Approximate the probability of a chance by collecting data, observing its relative frequency, and predicting the relative frequency given the probability.Probability Review1Probability Test1Unit 4 Review & AssessmentOPTIONALLessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesUnit 5 – Real Numbers, Exponents, and Scientific NotationModule 9 - Real Numbers8.NS.1.18.NS.1.29.1 Rational and Irrational NumbersEQ: How do you rewrite rational numbers and decimals, take square roots and cube roots? NOTE: NO calculator Students should “know” perfect square numbers and perfect cube numbers up through 12? and 6?8.NS.1.18.NS.1.28.EE.1.22Know and understand characteristics of rational and irrational numbers. Understand that every number has a decimal expansion.Use rational approximations of irrational numbers to compare size of irrational numbers, locate them on a number line (approx.) and estimate the value of expressions (e.g. squared)Use square and cube root symbols to represent solutions to equations. Know that √2 is irrational.9.2 Sets of Real NumbersEQ: How can you describe relationships between sets of real numbers?8.NS.1.1MP.7.1 Using Structure1Know and understand characteristics of rational and irrational numbers. Understand that every number has a decimal expansion.9.3 Ordering Real NumbersEQ: How do you order a set of real numbers?8.NS1.2MP.4.1 Modeling1Compare size of irrational numbers, locate them approximately on a number line diagram, and estimate the value of expressions (e.g.π2)Module 9 Review - Ready to Go On?1Module 9 Test1Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesModule 10 Exponents and Scientific Notation8.EE.1.18.EE.1.38.EE.1.410.1 Integer ExponentsEQ: How can you develop and use the properties of integer exponents?Positive and Negative Exponents8.EE.1.1MP.8.1 Patterns2Know and apply the properties of integer exponents to generate equivalent numerical expressions.10.2 Scientific Notation with Positive Powers of 10EQ: How can you use scientific notation to express very large numbers?8.EE.1.3MP.4.1 Modeling1Use numbers expressed in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10 to estimate very large or very small numbers, and to express how many times as much one is than the other.10.3 Scientific Notation with Negative Powers of 10EQ: How can you use scientific notation to express very small numbers?8.EE.1.3 MP.2.1 Reasoning1Use numbers expressed in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10 to estimate very large or very small numbers, and to express how many times as much one is than the other.10.4 Operations with Scientific NotationEQ: How do you add, subtract, multiply, and divide using scientific notation?8.EE.1.4MP.1.1 Problem Solving2Perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation, including problems where both decimal and scientific notation are used.Module 10 ReviewReady to Go On?1Module 10 Assessment1Unit 5 Review & AssessmentOPTIONALLessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesReview Modules before FSA Testing in AprilReview Module 1These Modules are all in the 7th Grade General Book.Review Module 2Review Module 3Review Module 4Review Module 5 Review Module 6 Review Module 1These Modules are all in the 7th Grade Advanced Book.Review Module 2 Review Module 3Review Module 4Review Module 5Review Module 6Review Module 7Review Module 8Teachers – Use the time both during and after the FSA to either dig deeper into an area from during the year, or move on to the next grade level of lessons. Below is s suggested option which begins in Module 9 of the Advanced 2, 7th.Spring Break3/13/17 – 3/17/17Teacher Planning Day3/20/174th 9-weeks Dates - There are 47 teaching days and 3 Exam / Early Release Days3/21/17 – 5/30/17Middle School Exams (Early Release Days)5/25/17 & 5/26/17 & 5/30/17Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesUnit 6 – Proportional and Nonproportional Relationships and FunctionsModule 11 – Proportional Relationships8.EE.2.58.EE.2.68.F.1.28.F.2.411.1 Representing Proportional RelationsEQ – How can you use tables, graphs, and equations to represent proportional relationships?y = kx8.EE.2.68.F.2.4MP 4.1 Modeling1Use tables, graphs, and equations to represent proportional situations.11.2 Rate of Change and SlopeEQ – How do you find a rate of change or a slope?NOTE: Discuss that rate of change and slope are the SAME thing… 8.F.2.4211.3 Interpreting the Unit Rate and SlopeEQ – How do you interpret the unit rate as slope?8.EE.2.58.F.1.28.F.2.4MP 4.1 Modeling2Interpret the unit rate as slope.Module Review - Ready to Go On?1Module 11 Assessment1Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesModule 12 – Nonproportional Relationships8.EE.2.68.F.1.28.F.1.38.F.2.412.1 Representing Linear Nonproportional RelationshipsEQ – How can you use tables, graphs, and equations to represent linear nonproportional situations?NOTE: Model writing equations both from tables and from graphs.y = kx and y = mx + b8.F.1.3MP 4.1 Modeling2Interpret the equation y=mx+b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line: give examples of nonlinear functions.12.2 Determining Slope and y-interceptEQ - How do you find a rate of change or a slope?Time for Quiz?8.NS.1.18.NS.1.28.EE.1.2MP 7.1 Structure2(including quiz)Derive the equation y=mx for a line through the origin and the equation y=mx+b for a line intercepting the vertical axis at b.12.3 Graphing Linear Non-Proportional Relationships using slope and y-intercept?EQ – How can you graph a line using the slope and y-intercept?8.NS.1.1MP 6.1 Precision1Use measures of center and measures of variability for numerical data from random samples to draw informal comparative inferences about two populations.Determine the rate of change and initial value of the function from a description of a relationship or from two (x,y) values, including reading these from a table or from a graph. Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear function in terms of the situation it models, and in terms of its graph or a table of values.12.4 Proportional and Nonproportional SituationsEQ – How can you distinguish between proportional and nonproportional situations?8.NS.1.18.NS.1.28.EE.1.2MP 6.1 Precision1Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions).Interpret the equation y=mx+b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line: give examples of nonlinear functions.Determine the rate of change and initial value of the function from a description of a relationship or from two (x,y) values, including reading these from a table or from a graph. Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear function in terms of the situation it models, and in terms of its graph or a table of values.Module Review - Ready to Go On?1Module 12 Assessment1Great Opportunity for an Activity or Project to Assess Student LearningThese lessons can be taught after the FSA…Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesModule 19 – Angle Relationships in Parallel Lines and TrianglesE.Q.- How can you use angle relationships in parallel likes and triangles to solve real-world problems?8.EE.2.68.EE.3.78.EE.3.7b8.G.1.5Lesson 19.1- Parallel Lines cut by Transversal(include complementary, supplementary, vertical and adjacent)E.Q.- What can you conclude about the angles formed by parallel lines that are cut by a transversal?8.G.1.5 MP.6.1- Precision2Use informal arguments to establish facts about the angle sum and exterior angle of triangles, about the angles created when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, and the angle-angle criterion for similarity of triangles.Lesson 19.2- Angle Theorems for TrianglesE.Q.- What can you conclude about the measures of the angles of a triangle?8.EE.3.78.EE.3.7b8.G.1.5MP.5.1- Using Tools2Solve linear equations in one variable.Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like terms.Use informal arguments to establish facts about the angle sum and exterior angle of triangles, about the angles created when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, and the angle-angle criterion for similarity of triangles.Lesson 19.3- Angle –Angle SimilarityE.Q.- How can you determine when two triangles are similar?8.EE.2.68.EE.3.78.G.1.5 MP.4.1- Modeling2Use similar triangles to explain why the slope m is the same between any two distinct points on a non-vertical line in the coordinate plane; derive the equation y=mx for a line through the origin and the equation y=mx+b for a line intercepting the vertical axis at b.Solve linear equations in one variable.Use informal arguments to establish facts about the angle sum and exterior angle of triangles, about the angles created when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, and the angle-angle criterion for similarity of triangles.Module 19 Review1Great Opportunity for an Activity or Project to Assess Student LearningModule 19 Assessment1Lessons – HMH Go Math –7th Grade Advanced MathFlorida StandardsBenchmarks& Math PracticesMAFSDays/ DatesLearning Goal:“Students will be able to:”Homework Assignment andTeacher NotesModule 20 The Pythagorean TheoremE.Q. - How can you use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve real-world problems?8.G.2.68.G.2.78.G.2.8Lesson 20.1- The Pythagorean TheoremE.Q. - How can you prove the Pythagorean Theorem and use it to solve problems?8.G.2.68.G.2.7MP.5.1- Using Tools1-2Explain a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse.Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to determine unknown side lengths in right triangles in real-world and mathematical problems in two and three dimensions.Lesson 20.2- Converse of the Pythagorean TheoremE.Q. - How can you test the converse of the Pythagorean Theorem and use it to solve problems?8.G.2.6MP.7.1- Structure1Explain a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse.Lesson 20.3- Distance Between Two PointsE.Q. - How can you use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance between two points on a coordinate plane?8.G.2.8MP.2.1- Reasoning1Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance between two points in a coordinate system.Module 20 Review1Module 20 Assessment1Great Opportunity for an Activity or Project to Assess Student LearningFinal Exam Days – (Early Release Days)5/25/175/26/175/30/17 ................

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