Tutt Middle School495 Boy Scout Road Augusta, GA 30909 706-737-7288 7th Grade Math Syllabus2018-2019Course Title: Mathematics Teacher: Mr. Johnson Our Mission is to provide a balanced, varied school curriculum designed to?meet the academic, cultural, and social needs of individuals from the diverse background of our community.Course Description:In Grade 7, instructional time will focus on four critical areas: (1) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; (2) developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; (3) solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume, and (4) drawing inferences about populations based on samples.Grading Criteria: Formative Assessment Included but not limited to:QuizzesWarm-up/Class work45%Summative AssessmentsIncluded but not limited to:Unit Post TestsBenchmarks30%Daily AssessmentIncluded but not limited to:Class Participation Extra Credit25%Grading Policy:A90-100B80- 89C75- 79D70- 74F69 and belowParents are encouraged to monitor their child’s grades using the districts Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Please contact the front office for more information 706-737-7288.(This bottom section needs to be completed by a parent/guardian)Parent Name (print and signature) _______________________________________________________________________________________________Contact Information (cell and email)_______________________________________________________________________________________________Child Name (print)________________________________________________________________________________________________495 Boy Scout Road Augusta, GA 30909 706-737-7288 syllabus should be kept in student’s binder all year7th Grade Math Syllabus p.1Absent/TardyStudents that come to school tardy must get a tardy slip in front office and then report to their homeroom Teacher before going to class. If absent, students are required to bring in a doctor’s or parent note.Extra Credit:Students will receive a monthly calendar during the first week of every month and they can earn extra credit based on assignments completed. Extra credit is optional.Make-Up Work: A student who is absent from class is responsible for all missed work. All make-up work needs to be completed within five school days after returning to school. I will usually grade at least two assignments per week, so it’s very important to make-up all missing work.Rework Students will be allowed to rework certain assignments if score is less than 70% but may only earn up to 89% on the retake. A parent or student can make arrangements for a retake.Homework: Any parent requesting a monthly homework calendar will need to send in parent note or email. Homework is recommended for a student struggling to pass the quizzes and tests. Homework is optional.Course Binder: I suggest students use the same 3-ring binder for both Science and Math. Students need to keep their notes, assignments, and graded papers organized and up-to-date.Student Agenda: Students are encouraged to get a student agenda to help organize their assignments. Textbook:Every student will receive a consumable workbook (Go Math) which will be kept at school. The teacher will periodically instruct students to tear-out certain pages from their workbook and put them into their math binder.CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS 1. Students are expected to be ready to learn when they come to class. This means being on time, prepared with materials and assignments.2. Students are expected to be respectful of other students, all adults, and their environment.3. Students are expected to be responsible for their own actions, attitudes, and behavior. Discipline Policy: Students are expected to follow the classroom and school behavioral guidelines. In the event that disciplinary action is administered, the discipline policy outlined in the Student Handbook will be followed. Discipline ChecklistThese are some of the strategies a teacher will use to deal with minor discipline issues.Time-out3. In-School Suspension5. Guidance ReferralSilent Lunch4. Detention6. Parent-Teacher ConferenceStudents will not be allowed to use cell phones in class and cell phones must be turned off and stored in backpack. Students will not wear headphones, hats, hoods, or slides in class (refer to Student Handbook).Conferences In order to schedule a conference, please contact the office at 706-737-7288 or visit our school website This syllabus should be kept in the student’s binder all year7th Grade Math Syllabus p.2 ................

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