Languare Arts Core

7th Grade Language Arts with Mr. Hobbs

Stay up to date at hobbsohms.

Welcome to a new year and a new school. I’m excited to start off this new year with a new batch of students. This letter will give you a little more information and a few resources to make this year a little easier.

|Language: | |

|Grammar |We will have daily grammar exercises that will prepare us for our grammar and usage tests. |

|Vocabulary |We will also be working and studying spelling and vocabulary lists in preparation for quizzes. |

|Spelling | |

|Reading | |

| |Part of the reason 7th grade Language Arts takes up two class periods is to give us more time |

| |reading. |

| | |

| |Students will be required to bring a book to class EVERY single day. We will be reading silently |

| |and on our own for at least 15 minutes. Books should be on grade level or higher. Students will |

| |also be required to do quarterly book reports (or some type of book project). In addition to |

| |reading in class, students will be required to read outside of class. |

|Oral Presentation |Formal and impromptu speaking activities. |

|Writing |Argumentative writing |

| |Informational/Explanatory writing |

| |Narrative writing |

| |My Access writing |

| |Creative writing |

|Preparation and Participation |Students are asked to participate and add to the classroom atmosphere. This means students need |

| |to be prepared each and every day with the required materials (see list below). |

Materials Needed: You must have these items with you every day in class in order to receive participation points.

___Pencils and Pens (blue or black ink only)

___5-Tab Dividers

___2 Highlighters/Colored Pencils

___1 inch (no larger) 3 Ring Binder

___Lined Paper

___Home Reading Book

Class Rules

School rules will be enforced in the classroom. I know that students who follow the school rules can succeed. The standards include:

1. Raise your hand to be called on

2. Be respectful—towards teachers, classmates, the building, and materials.

3. Be prepared—with books, assignments, planners, pencils, etc.

4. Follow directions

5. No food, drinks, iPods, cell phones, or electronics in class

If a student’s misbehavior is minor, the student will be given two warnings before I email or call home. If behavior persists then administration will get involved and student will lose valuable class time. If a student’s misbehavior is serious or dangerous to self or others, no such warning will be given before a phone call home and appropriate action is taken.

Grade Breakdown


• Includes classwork and writing


• Vocabulary, grammar, book reports

Reading (in class)—15%

• Points for bringing your book and points for reading.


• Daily starters and at home reading.

Contact Information

One of the best places to check for current events is my website (hobbsohms.). All weekly starters, assignments, and activities will be posted as a PowerPoint that can be downloaded. If you’re absent, please check there first. You may contact me at the following email address: jeris.hobbs@ Email is the best way to communicate with me and I will reply within 24 hours. If you need to lea

Grades can be accessed through a link on the OHMS website () titled “Skyward.”

I will strive diligently to maintain a safe, friendly, and hopefully fun learning environment for the students and hope students will do the same.


Mr. Jeris Hobbs


Admin Approval: ______________________________

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __

Please sign below signifying you have read this with your child. Students must return this to Mr. Hobbs no later than FRIDAY, August 30st for full credit. Thank you!

_________________________________ _________________________________

Student Name (Print) Student Signature

_________________________________ _________________________________

Parent Name (Print) Parent Signature

_________________________________ _________________________________

Parent Email Parent Phone


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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