7TH Grade Life Science Syllabus - Mrs. McCloud

Teacher Name: Ms. Erhunmwunsee School Yr: 2012-213

Email Address: enosa.erhunmwunsee@ Classroom: 4.007

Blog: Class: 7th Grade Life Science

The 7th grade Life Science curriculum adheres to the required Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). These standards are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills for proficiency in science at the seventh grade level. They are listed below.

S7CS1. Students will explore the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science and will exhibit these traits in their own efforts to understand how the world works.

S7CS2. Students will use standard safety practices for all classroom laboratory and field investigations.

S7CS3. Students will have the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and following scientific explanations.

S7CS4. Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating equipment and materials in scientific activities.

S7CS5. Students will use the ideas of system, model, change, and scale in exploring scientific and technological matters.

S7CS6. Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly.

S7CS7. Students will question scientific claims and arguments effectively.

S7CS8. Students will investigate the characteristics of scientific knowledge and how that knowledge is achieved.

S7CS9. Students will investigate the features of the process of scientific inquiry.

S7L1. Students will investigate the diversity of living organisms and how they can be compared scientifically.

S7L2. Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.

S7L3. Students will recognize how biological traits are passed on to successive generations.

S7L4. Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environments.

S7L5. Students will examine the evolution of living organisms through inherited characteristics that promote survival of organisms and the survival of successive generations of their offspring.

The curriculum for each of the nine weeks will consist of the following units:

1st 9 Weeks:

❑ Scientific Method (integrated throughout the entire school year)

❑ SI Measurement System (integrated throughout entire school year)

❑ Interdependence of Life: Ecology

2nd 9 Weeks:

❑ Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycling

❑ Structure and Function of Cells

3rd 9 Weeks:

❑ Organization of Life

4th 9 Weeks:

❑ Biological Traits and Heredity

❑ Evidence of Evolution

These units will be taught through various teaching strategies such as, but not limited to, labs, experiments, observations, cooperative groups, reading in the content area, guided practice and independent practice. The above nine weeks schedule is an estimate and can fluctuate depending on student progress and mastery. Teacher discretion will be utilized to ultimately determine the pace of each unit.

Grading Procedures

Graded work will focus on a variety of activities giving your child many opportunities to excel. Students will receive grades based primarily on independent work; however, cooperative group assignments may also be graded. Students are expected to contribute to a positive learning environment on a daily basis. This includes coming to class prepared with their science notebook, paper, pen/pencil, and other needed materials.

WRITE YOUR NAME, DATE, and PERIOD on EVERY page of work you produce. Always focus on producing neat work. Points will be taken off for work that is excessively messy or illegible.

Notebook: Students must keep a 1 subject spiral notebook (4 for the year) to keep worksheets, notes, grades, and other various materials. The outline for notebook guidelines will be given to each student. Please advise your child of the importance of organization and keeping work together.

Class Work: Students will be assigned class work to do in class on a daily basis. Students will receive ample time to finish any assignment assigned during class. Students must complete all class work and turn in all class work to the designated place at the designated time. Class work will also consist of all laboratory experiments, which cannot be repeated if a student is absent. However, if an absence is excused, an alternate assignment worth the same value will be given to the student in place of the missed lab. See County policy for a list of excepted excuses for an absence.

Homework/Quizzes: Science books will be issued this year; therefore, homework will consist of worksheets, handouts, or written information given to the student. Throughout the year, students will be assigned projects to be completed outside of the school setting. Students will have ample time to complete projects. Quizzes and unannounced pop quizzes can be given at any time on information already taught and reviewed.

Assessments/Projects: Assessments will be given once objectives have been covered. Students will be notified of an assessment in ample time. Assessments are usually announced at least one week before being administered. If the student is absent frequently, the student will have to make up the assessment on his/her time. See county policy for information regarding absences.


We will adding an on-line component of the course this year via . You will be completing assignments, reviewing state standards and interacting in an on-line community of your peers. If internet access is an issue for you, you can submit hard-copies of these assignments or work on them at school.

Late Assignments: Students are given a 1day deadline after the original due date to turn in an assignment and will receive 50 percent off the assignment. After the 1 day window, the assignment will no longer be accepted for a grade. Students are responsible for making up assignments missed due to an absence as per county policy.


It is the student’s responsibility to acquire missed assignments upon returning from an absence. These assignments are located in the Make-Up Work/Absent notebook found in my classroom. . Upon returning from an absence, the student will have the number of days he/she was absent to turn in the assignment(s).

Science Tutoring: Tuesday –Thursday from 8:15 – 8:45 a.m., a science teacher will be available to provide additional help for students. Students must make an appointment the day before and provide his/her own transportation in the morning of the tutorial session.

Students will be graded according to the following categories:

❑ Homework – 10%

❑ Class work/Labs/Experiments/Notebook 40%

❑ Quizzes – 20%

❑ Tests/Projects -30%

Textbook: Holt Science and Technology: Life Science (cost: $70.75)

THERE WILL BE NO EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENTS. If a student completes all required work throughout each nine weeks, there will not be a need for extra credit.

Teacher Planning

The planning time for 7th grade is 10:15am – 11:05am. We encourage communication between parents and teachers. Communication may be established in the following ways: Agenda books, Email, Telephone calls, and Conferences by appointment only. Please feel free to visit at anytime by checking in with the front office first.

To the Parents of Excited Scientists:

We will learn a great deal of information throughout the year. Please inquire about new concepts learned and encourage your child to experiment and to demonstrate labs whenever possible. However, when doing science at home please stress the importance of lab safety.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send a note, call us at Floyd Middle School (770 819-2453), or email at the address below.

Email: enosa.erhunmwunsee@

Thank you in advance for your support!


Student Name: ____________________________________ Period: _______

Student Signature_______________________________________Date:____________

Teacher:________________________________ Subject: ________________

I understand that my student is required to copy the daily assignments in the agenda. I will see and sign the agenda each night.

Parent/Guardian Name (print): ____________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________

Email address (if available) _______________________________________

Phone Number: _________________________________________________



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