7th Grade

7th Grade

Comprehensive Science-Gifted

Course Syllabus 2017-2018

Instructor: Mrs. Lynda Marin

Textbook: Florida Course 2 Interactive Science by Pearson. These textbooks will be consumable, which means each student will have their own book that they may highlight in, take notes in, and will not have to return at the end of the year. It is their book to keep. The book is also available online through the Student Portal.

Comprehensive Science Course Description: This comprehensive science course will include the study of the Nature of Science, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, and Life Science. Students will participate in the development of investigations, and the use of appropriate tools and techniques will allow them to gather, analyze and interpret data relative to diverse branches of science. Since lab investigations are an integral part of this course, the Science Department will collect a lab fee from each student to help purchase lab materials. Please look forward to information regarding the lab fee amount and collection dates.

Course Projects/Requirements

1) Materials/supplies

2) Inquiry-Based investigations

3) SECME Project

4) Florida Ecosystem Book Project

5) Home Learning

6) Obtaining make-up work

Assignments: Assignments are designed to accommodate numerous learning styles. This will be accomplished by providing the students with a variety of assignments and learning experiences. Grades will be derived from assignments generated through home learning, classwork, investigations, projects, and class participation. Home learning will be assigned to complement objectives learned in class. Students should be proactive with regards to home learning and practice time management. All projects will be assigned as home learning. Reviewing for tests, researching a concept found in a class discussion, reviewing and rewriting class notes, and reading the chapter are all examples of home learning experiences that may not be considered as a graded assignment. Students not completing assignments or turning in assignments late will receive zeros averaged into their grades. Zeros seriously affect a student’s overall grade. All assignments are important! No late assignments will be accepted. Exceptions- students marked permissibly tardy or absent from school. Student work turned in with no name will be lowered by one letter grade. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the necessary make-up work in a timely manner.

Grading Policy: The grading scale is consistent throughout Miami-Dade County Public Schools

90-100 = A

80- 89 = B

70- 79 = C

60- 69 = D

0 - 59 = F

Students/parents are encouraged to use the Portal to keep up on their progress in all classes.

Class Materials:

1 Ream of Copy Paper (Donation-Not Required but greatly appreciated 😊 )

Composition Book

3 Ring Binder OR a notebook with paper OR spiral notebook ( to take notes, do class work & home learning)


Colored Pencils

Glue Sticks or Small Stapler


Class Policies:

1. Show respect to everyone.

2. Students are to be prepared for class daily, having required materials and assignments.

3. Students are to follow directions as given. If in doubt, ask your teacher.

4. Students are to remain quiet during instruction.

5. Profanity will not be tolerated. Detentions will be given!!!

6. Students are to assist in keeping the classroom clean. If you mess it up, clean it up. If you take it down, put it back in its proper place.

7. Keep all body parts and negative comments to yourself. Do not touch items that are not yours, such as lab materials, until given permission by the teacher.

8. Students are NOT permitted to use a cell phone or electronic device without permission. Failure to do so will result in the confiscation of phones and parents will need to come and pick up the phones.

In addition, all school wide rules will be enforced such as no hall passes during the first and last ten minutes of class, no electronic devices, and the dress code. A complete list of SMMCS rules can be found in the student agenda.

Rewards Consequences

1. Verbal Praise 1. Verbal Warning

2. Positive calls home 2. Removal of lab (alternate assignment given)

3. Homework passes *3. Detention (30 min) & Parent Contact

4. Referral to Administrator

*If student does not serve detention, 2 more detentions will be given. If student still fails to serve the detentions, a referral to administration will be made.

I am available to discuss the progress of your child and to assist you in any reasonable manner. Please feel free to contact me at LMarin@ Please make sure to check the school website for information regarding upcoming class projects/home learning.

Classroom Cell Phone Use Policy

1. Students will have their phones placed in their bookbags or handbag and turned off prior to entering the classroom. (Not on the desk or in their pocket)

2. When instructed by the teacher, students may use their cell phone to complete assignments that are related to the instructional lesson only.

3. Students will not send or answer text messages or make or answer calls to others outside of class.

4. Students will not record any image, video, or audio of other students or the teacher without permission.

5. Students will not post any recordings or images to online websites without permission.

6. Students will follow the Internet Acceptable Use Policy as signed at the beginning of the school year.

Violation of any of the above mentioned, rules may result in the confiscation of the student’s phone. Confiscated phones will require a parent to come and pick up the phone at the office. Students will be held accountable for actions according to the disciplinary guidelines signed at the beginning of the school year.

Please sign and return to Mrs. Marin

I have read and will comply with the general procedures, classroom cell phone use policy, and requirements for this course.

Student Name and Date ( Please Print )

I have read and will assist my child in following the general procedures and requirements for this course.

Parent/Guardian Signature and Date

****In the event I would need to contact you, please provide me with your contact information.

Phone number

Email address ( Please Print )

Does the student have access to a computer with internet capability at home? _______________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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