Louis Pasteur MS 67 Science Department Resources

|Louis Pasteur Middle School 67 |

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|7th Grade General Science Curriculum Map |

|Unit # 1 |Unit Name: Introduction to Science/ Geology |Time Frame: September- December |

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|NYS Standards: S1.2a, S12c, S2.1d, S3.1a, PS 2,1a,c,d,e-I, PS2.2b,h,g, LE 3.2b, c |CCSS in Science: |

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|Science is a specific process by which we try|How do we as scientists gather and interpret evidence |How do we measure matter? |Scientific equipment and safety |

|to understand the world. |that Earth is continually changing? |How are the mass and volume of an object related |Steps in the Scientific Method |

|This process, the Scientific Method, requires| |(density) and how does density shape the world? |Estimation and measurement of the length, volume and |

|observation, measurement and precision. | |Why are proper units important? |mass of objects |

| | |How do we use the Scientific Method in everyday life? |Density: a relationship between mass and volume |

| | |How is Earth divided? |Earth as a system |

| | |How can we identify different types of rocks and |Weathering |

| | |minerals? |Soil Erosion |

| | |How do fossils and plate tectonics help us understand |Rocks and Minerals |

| | |Earth’s history and events? |Fossils and Earth’s history |

| | | |Plate Tectonics |

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|Observation, Experiment, Problem, Hypothesis,|Use a metric ruler and convert units | | |

|Procedure, Conclusion, Inference |Use a graduated cylinder to find volume |Rock Project; writing piece |Glencoe Grade 7 NYS Science Textbook |

|Meter, Liter, Gram |Use a triple beam balance to find mass. |Students will trace the journey of a rock through the |Differentiated Student Exercises |

|Length, Volume, Mass |Use the density formula to calculate the density of |rock cycle by writing about the processes involved in |Classroom Libraries |

|Divergent, convergent, transform plate |objects |changing from one type of rock to another |Internet research |

|boundaries |Follow safety procedures in the classroom and |Tests and quizzes |Internet and classroom videos |

|Mineral and properties |laboratory. |Student generated charts showing the mass, volume and | |

|Igneous rock types |Sequence events |density of everyday objects | |

|Sedimentary rock types |Using identification charts | | |

|Metamorphic rock types |Use a diagram of the rock cycle to determine geological| | |

|Fossil |processes | | |

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|Louis Pasteur Middle School 67 |

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|7th Grade General Science Curriculum Map |

|Unit # 2 |Unit Name: MATTER and ENERGY |Time Frame: Class Periods |

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|NYS Standards: PS 3.1 a,b,g,h 3.3 a-g 4.1 d 4.4 a-c, f,g |CCSS in Science: |

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|Interactions between matter and energy |How do the properties and interactions of matter and |What is energy? What is matter? |Law of conservation of energy |

| |energy explain physical and chemical change. |What are waves? |Electromagnetic energy |

| | |How does energy hold together, break apart and move |Light and sound |

| | |matter? |Mixtures and solutions |

| | |What are the properties of matter? |Density, conductivity, magnetism, solubility |

| | |How are mixtures and compounds different? |Periodic Table |

| | |What is the structure of the atom? |Structure of the atom |

| | |What are elements and compounds? |How the structure of the atom allows it to form |

| | |How are elements formed? |compounds |

| | |How do we read the periodic table to find out |Chemical formulas: how to write and read them |

| | |information about each element? | |

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|Element |Determine the density of liquids and regular and |Periodic Table Project |Textbook (Glencoe Grade 7) |

|Compound |irregular shaped solids |Research an Element Project |Classroom library |

|Mixture |Using the periodic table, identify an element as a |Find elements on product labels |Internet research |

|Electron |metal, nonmetal or noble gas |Tests and quizzes |Videos |

|Neutron |Determine the identity of an unknown element using | | |

|Proton |physical and chemical properties | | |

|Quark |Separate the parts of a mixture | | |

|Bond |Determine the electrical conductivity of a material | | |

|Molecule |using a simple circuit | | |

|Ionic compound | | | |

|Chemical reaction | | | |

|Physical reaction | | | |

|Solution | | | |

|Louis Pasteur Middle School 67 |

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|7th Grade General Science Curriculum Map |

|Unit # 3 |Unit Name: Dynamic Equilibrium: The Human Animal |Time Frame: 1 month |

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|NYS Standards: LE 1.1a-g, LE1.2a-g, LE5.1b-g, LE5.2a-f |CCSS in Science: |

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|The human body and how it functions. |How do human body systems function to maintain |What is the structure and function of cells? |Cells |

| |homeostasis? |How does the human body maintain homeostasis? |Tissues; organs;systems;organism |

| | |Explain how human body systems interact with each other.|The human body; digestive, respiratory, circulatory, |

| | |How is energy obtained? |excretory, skeletal and muscular |

| | |How can we use a compound microscope? |Obtaining energy |

| | | |Obtaining nutrients |

| | | |Regulation of the internal environment |

| | | |Metabolism |

| | | |Compound microscope |

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|Cell |Sequence events | | |

|Tissue |Identify cause and effect relationships |Organism Project: Students choose an organism to |Glencoe Grade 7 NYS Science Textbook |

|Digestive System |Manipulate a compound microscope to view microscopic |research and discuss the function of the body systems of|Differentiated Student Exercises |

|Respiratory System |objects |their organism and how they interact |Classroom Libraries |

|Circulatory System |Determine the size of a microscopic object using a |Tests and quizzes |Internet research |

|Excretory System |compound microscope | |Internet and classroom videos |

|Skeletal System |Interpret and/or illustrate the energy flow in a food | | |

|Muscular System |chain, energy pyramid, or food web with regard to | | |

|Metabolism |nutrients and calories | | |

|Nervous System |Identify structure and function relationships in | | |

|Compound microscope |organisms | | |

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|Louis Pasteur Middle School 67 |

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|7th Grade General Science Curriculum Map |

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|Unit # 4 |Unit Name: EQUILIBRIUM OTHER ORGANISMS |Time Frame: Class Periods |

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|NYS Standards: PS 1.1 d, f, g 5.1 a-f 5.2 a-e 6.2 a |CCSS in Science: |

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|How homeostasis is maintained by organisms|How do organisms other than humans maintain homeostasis|What qualifies something to be considered alive? |Animal structures and systems |

|other than humans |and carry out the functions of life |How is life on earth categorized? |Plant structures and systems |

| | |Theories on how life started on earth |Bacteria/Archaea structures and systems |

| | |How do animals, plants, protists and bacteria get |Protists structures and systems |

| | |energy and respond to their environment? |Fungi structures and systems |

| | |How are structures in all organisms related? How are |Viruses |

| | |they different? | |

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|Animal |Manipulate a compound microscope to view objects |Organism Project / Presentation |Textbook (Glencoe Grade 7) |

|Plant |Determine the size of a microscopic |Tests and quizzes |Classroom library |

|Bacteria |object using a microscope | |Internet research |

|Protist |Prepare a wet mount slide | |Videos |

|Archaea |Use staining techniques | | |

|Fungi |Identify structures and functional relationships in | | |

|Virus |organisms | | |

|DNA / RNA | | | |

|Homeostasis | | | |

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