7th Grade Life Science

4785360-15621000565785-108585007th Grade Accelerated MathMs. Cynthia GoodsonCourse Syllabus 2016-2017Smitha Middle SchoolThe fundamental purpose of seventh grade mathematics is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the previous grades. The critical areas, organized into units, deepen and extend understanding of linear relationships, in part by contrasting them with exponential phenomena, and in part by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. The eighth grade standards are designed to prepare students to bridge from middle grades mathematics to high school courses that will ensure all students are college and career ready by the conclusion of their fourth high school course.Units of Study Topic/Standard TimelineGeometry (Unit 1): 3 - 4 Weeks MGSE7.G.2 thru - Students will draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and the relationships between them; and solve MGSE7.G.6 real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume. Inferences (Unit 2) 3 - 4 weeks MGSE7.SP.1 thru - Students will use random sampling to draw inferences about a population, and informal comparative inferences about MGSE7.SP4 two populations; and draw informal comparative inferences about two populations. Probability (Unit 3) 2 - 3 weeks MGSE7.SP.5 thru - Students will investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models. MGSE7.SP.8cTransformations, Congruence and Similarity (Unit 4) 3 - 4 weeks MGSE8.G.1 thru - Students will understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software. MGSE8.G.5 Exponents (Unit 5) 3 - 4 weeks MGSE8.EE.1 thru - Students will work with radicals and integer exponents; analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous MGSE8.EE.4, EE.7, linear equations; and know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers. MGSE8.NS.1, and MGSE8.NS.2Geometric Applications of Exponents (Unit 6) 3 - 4 weeks MGSE8.G.6 thru - Students will understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem; solve real-world and mathematical problems involving MGSE8.G.9, EE.2 volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres; and work with radicals and integer exponents.Functions (Unit 7) 2 - 3 weeks MGSE8.F.1 thru - Students will define, evaluate, and compare functions. MGSE8.F.2 Linear Functions (Unit 8) 3 - 4 weeks MGSE8.EE.5, - Students will understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations; and define, MGSE8.EE.6, evaluate, and compare functions. and MGSE8.F.3Linear Models and Tables (Unit 9) 3 - 4 weeks MGSE8.F.4 - Students will use functions to model relationships between quantities; and investigate patterns of association in MGSE8.F.5 bivariate data. MGSE8.SP.1 thru MGSE8.SP.4Solving Systems of Equations (Unit 10) 3 - 4 weeks MGSE8.EE.8 - Students will analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations. Students are expected to know and understand all concepts within the curricular. All work is expected to be submitted on time.Math TextbookTextbook: McGraw Hill Consumable Workbook. Online- Username: ccsd (student ID) Ex: ccsd241608Password: cobbmath1A consumable Math textbook/workbook will be issued and used as a resource for the 2016-2017 school year. It will be the responsibility of the student to maintain possession of the textbook provided to him/her by the teacher. Lost textbooks will need to be replaced in order for your child to be successful in class. Replacement cost: $40.00Excused Absences and Late Work Assignments (tests, class work, & homework) that are given prior to the day the excused absence occurs will be due the day the student returns to school. Otherwise, the student will have one day for every day he/she is absent to make up the missing work. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain, complete, and turn in all make-up assignments. Late work submitted after one week is subject to a decrease of one letter grade. All assignments and homework will be posted on my WEEBLY BLOG beginning August 15, 2016. Grade ProfileHomework - 10% Classwork - 20% Formative (Quizzes) - 30% Summative (Tests/ Projects) - 40% ParentVUEParentVUE is a wonderful tool to monitor the progress of your child’s education. It will provide you with the latest information about your child’s schedule, attendance and grades. To logon to the web portal for the first time:1. Please go to . Hover the mouse over Parents and click on Grades & Attendance. We support either Internet Explorer or Firefox as a browser.2. On the log-on page, click on the link that states “I am a parent”. 3. On the following page, click on the “Activate My Account” link. 4. On the next screen, enter the first name, last name and activation key exactly as it displays below. 5. Click on “Go to Step 2” button. 6. The system will prompt you to create your own username and password. The password must have a minimum of six characters, and can consist of numbers and letters. 7. Enter your primary email address. This address will be used to recover your password if you lose it.8. Click on “Complete Account Activation” to finish setting up the account. Notes: 1. Support: Please contact your schools ParentVUE Coordinator for additional support needs. 2. Security: The login ID and password confidentiality is crucial. DO NOT share this information with any other persons. Any misuse or abuse of this account will result in denial of access.Grade Reporting ProceduresReport Cards & Progress Reports: 9/16, 10/17-21 (conference week), 11/4, 1/6, 3/3, 4/14, 5/31Deficiencies will be sent home every 4? weeks if the student’s grade drops below a 73. Report cards will be sent home every 9 weeks. Both the deficiency and the report card are to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned the next day to the classroom teacher.Tutorial: The before and after school tutoring program will begin later this fall. Details will be sent at a later date. Students and Parents are encouraged to log on to for a variety of math support resources, like games, helpful websites, videos and downloads that are targeted to the student’s mathematical ability level.?Teacher/Student/Parent CommunicationStudents with questions or concerns are encouraged to contact their teacher after class or during homeroom. Parents with questions or concerns are encouraged to contact us in one of the following ways: Phone: Email: 678-594-8267 Ms. Goodson - Rm 725 Cynthia.Goodson@ Blog: : msgoodsonsblog. *See sign-up instructions providedImportant dates:Testing: CogAT 9/15, ITBS 9/16 – 9/21, GA MILESTONES 4/19 -28This syllabus is a guide and is subject to change to suit the needs of the class and individual students. Students will be notified when and if any changes occur._____________________________________ _______________________________________ ______________ Student’s Signature Parent or Guardian’s Signature Date ................

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